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Mainstream journalists expose 9/11 hoax

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posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:06 AM
I am ever hopeful that the heard has at least raised it's collective head.
The MSM is a kontrolled substance - visual and auditory bits and pieces carefully thrown out to create a fabric of belief that in any other era would be considered insanity and the stampede would have commenced.

and building 7 just - uhh - well uhh - the decision was made to 'pull it' - name withheld for pleading the 5th.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

So all those police, fire and ambulance officers were just exaggerating were they ? Since when do service elevators cause a blast with such force that it rips skin and flesh from the victims ?

How does the service elevators theory explain the remaining piers that had 45 degree cuts to them, just as they do in a demolition ? Or was that exaggerated too ?

The 9/11 Commission was supposed to be a Commission into what really happened that day. But the people on the Commission were hand picked, which further explains why these issues never became public knowledge. Deny it all you want !

Yet the Commission couldn't even find the time to mention Building 7. It made no mention of the 100's of eye-witness reports of explosions going off in the basement levels. Why would a Commission into a 'terrorist attack' not include a building that apparently fell do to damage sustained from the Twin Towers being hit ? You need to start looking more into what paper trails got damaged beyond repair when Building 7 fell, rather than the role of a Commission !

A commission done without bias would of lead to many of these things then being publicly revealed which would of then lead to public questioning, scrutiny and a push for a legal case. But when the Commission was hand picked to carry out an agenda, then the questioning and possible legal case goes no further if the Commission doesn't address the issues. Instead of answering and addressing these questions, the Commissions response was to ignore them and pretend they never happened. Good to see we have people on Commissions that have the mentality of a 10 year old where if they don't like a question, they just ignore it and pretend it was never asked. Let's not mention Larry Silversteins "pull it" comment. Let's not mention the media saying Building 7 had already fallen before it fell.

And why would the media lie about Mohammad Atta's photo and claim it was him going through the terminal to commit the attack, but then get caught out and have to admit it was an earlier photo of him taken from a different airport altogether ? Wouldn't they have footage of ALL 19 'terrorists' boarding the flights that day and be able to use those photos as proof. Yet no pics of ALL 19 on the day, and caught using an older photo and lying about it. Yet you still believe these people. What about how Mohammad Atta's body being perished beyond all recognition in the Twin Towers inferno, yet somehow the miracle passport connecting him to the scene, somehow gets out of his pocket [while flying a commercial airliner mind you], escapes all the heat, flames, debris etc that "melted" the plane, the bodies and all forms of evidence, but this miracle passport that then links Mohammad Atta to the scene turns up in a nice little pile of rubble for an alphabet agency goon to stumble across at a very appropriate time.

But apparently you would prefer to take the word of proven, consistent liars, and turn a blind eye to logical questions that any logical thinking person should ask. It's mentalities like this that cause the truth to remain as a taboo conspiracy.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:45 PM

reply to post by MarioOnTheFly

Please...don't make me search for the links. There are clear interviews where people claim explosions before the first plane struck. They were clear on that. But, I'm guessing there is a reasonable explanation for that ???

People have frustrating habit of assuming that eye whiteness reports and media reports at the time of any major incident are reliable. So sure you will find lots and lots of footage form that day of "OMG I HEARD A BOMB!!!" or "Ok get back there is another bomb" and news anchors saying "loots like a bomb" and so on. Its all rubbish, these were very very confused people who were very scared so they hear a bang and assume that its a bomb because of everything going on around them and the media who are just as confused as everyone else runs with it. Really next time there is a big breaking news event watch how the media reporting is all utter BS.

You are either a very poor shill, or you have a problem with facts. Instead of arguing with us, go and do some research into the footage available of the people on the scene, AT THE TIME, all reporting that explosions WERE going off and several of them were IN the basement AT THE TIME. Don't tell us we are wrong, watch the footage and then tell the people that helped dragged out survivors with their flesh hanging off them from the explosions that occurred BEFORE a plane hit that building.
Oh I'm sorry, we're supposed to take your opinions as gospel, despite your opinion being proven wrong by eye-witnesses, facts and evidence. Are you actually implying that 100's of police, fire and ambulance workers all got together and made up a story [that can be confirmed by the citizens they helped to save] even though they were first on the scene, have eye-witness accounts, went through things that would still haunt them over 10 years later. But your opinion over rules theirs, does it ?

I love how you can just sit there and dismiss it as 'exaggerating' and 'very confused people'. And no, no explosions were ever found, but have you actually stopped for one second to consider why ?
Have you ever wondered why there was such a rush to get as much of the debris [evidence] out of the area and out of the spot light as quick as possible ?
No explosions were found, but their scarring was left on the support beams with a 45 degree cut in them that is the classic scarring left when demolishing a building. Explosives may not of been found, but evidence of their use was found, and there goes you're whole stance. Not to yet again mention, the eye-witnesses who felt, heard and saw the explosions occur and then helped to carry survivors of the explosions to safety. So all these people are lying, but you and you're opinion are gospel ?

Maybe you're just exaggerating, or very confused ?

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:14 PM

reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

So service elevators crashing to the basement were enough to blow out the front lobby? or were first responders just confused?

Maybe the front lobby didn't blow out and the eye-witnesses were just 'exaggerating' ?

The skin that was hanging from victims from the explosion was just them imagining it in their 'very confused state'.

But believing the official story about Mohammad Atta's passport is logical behaviour is it ?

But that's the question here, when did an 'official story' replace logic ?

And please remember that an official story, is nothing but the story put forth by the officials !

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:15 PM


What about how Mohammad Atta's body being perished beyond all recognition in the Twin Towers inferno, yet somehow the miracle passport connecting him to the scene, somehow gets out of his pocket [while flying a commercial airliner mind you], escapes all the heat, flames, debris etc that "melted" the plane, the bodies and all forms of evidence, but this miracle passport that then links Mohammad Atta to the scene turns up in a nice little pile of rubble for an alphabet agency goon to stumble across at a very appropriate time.

It was Satam al Suqami's passport not Mohammed Atta's.

This is how the passport survived.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:29 PM

reply to post by AussieDingus

People that day claimed no plane hit the second tower because they didn't see it, well if you were at the wrong side you wouldn't.

And all the numerous pieces of footage would prove those people wrong. But whether the planes used were the planes suggested, or drones, is another topic altogether. Then take into account that one of the hijackers couldn't even pass a Cesna class but apparently pulled off a pin point banking sweep that the most experienced pilots in the world would be proud of.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:05 PM


What about the 100's of eye witnesses [mainly respected firemen/women, policemen/women, paramedics etc] that reported hearing, feeling and even seeing the basement level explosions, that didn't even get a mention in the 9/11 Commission.

There are no written statements in which persons testified seeing any explosions on the basement level. All that exists are interviews in which words are twisted and descriptions editorialized to suit there own manifestations.

The 4 year study of British researchers Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan included more than 400 interviews of persons in and around ground zero before and after the attacks. Not a single statement has any mention of basement level explosions.

Wait one second:

I promise I will not say anything derogatory about the British people. I would never, and let me reemphasize that statement, never say things like :At least when the Irish drink they have a plan-they sing pub songs, tell disgusting dirty limericks and proceed to the outside to beat the hell out of each other, while the Brits just wallow in their own drunken misery. I would never say anything like that...never.

This photo shows the North Tower Lobby just after flight 11 crashed some 90 story's up. The glass panes have been blown outward into the courtyard where most of the jumpers landed. The body parts of 3 litter the plaza however they were blurred before this was released. It's hard for me to get any bearings from this photo as I have only been to Battery Park and Chinatown and that was a long, long time ago. New yorkers tell me this points in the direction of the Marriott which is to the southeast. Also, escalators from the tubes go to this location and the banks of elevators are out of site to the right. The photographer( who remained unidentified), a smart move by the way, told Swain that the entire area reeked of jet fuel- a sweet smelling kerosene. This is the same area that fireman McCormick testified he saw the elevators " blown open and bodies being roasted by fire"

I have studied this photograph for years and have failed to get any bearing on which way I am looking.

No written statements. Yet footage after footage of seeing rescue personal covered in the dust and debris of the explosions all clearly using the word EXPLOSIONS. They didn't mention Building 7 in any statement in the Commission report, yet it still happened, so what's your point ?
There is no written statement, because their statement defies the official story, and the officials will not deviate from their official story regardless of how many holes keep appearing in it.
When you understand how false-flag attacks work, you won't have to have this pointed out to you.
16 of the 19 alleged terrorists coming from Saudi Arabia, Osama being a Saudi national, yet no action against Saudi Arabia, but Iraq that had nothing to do with 9/11, which Bush Jnr even admitted, gets invaded. Pakistan clearly harbouring Osama yet facing no punishment for "harbouring a terrorist". Saddam caught in a hole in a backyard within 3 weeks because they wanted him, but Osama on the run with kidney dialysis for 10 years then found at 'home' when it suited the US's interests. Then the body is dumped out to sea so no proof or DNA can ever be taken. But while removing all evidence, they can still always say that the official story is what happened. The only way to prove them wrong is the evidence, but the evidence goes to the bottom of the ocean, and so to does any case against them. But if they did really get him that day, wouldn't you parade to the world just as they did with Saddam and even Youtubed his hanging, but with Osama it seems they couldn't get rid of the 'evidence' quick enough.

Or does Saudi Arabia get excluded from the 'axis of evil' because they have a nice oil trade deal struck with the US and we wouldn't want to disrupt that. Remember what happened to Afghanistan when Osama was believed to be there, but what happened to Pakistan when apparently he WAS there ?

Why was Osama's family members allowed to be on one of the few flights allowed to leave the country straight after the attacks ? Why were they allowed safe passage out, when family members of victims were denied travel for several days with no information about their loved ones ?

Why was Osama's family dealing with the Presidents father, at the time that the President named Osama as public enemy No.1 ?

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:19 PM

reply to post by DeadSeraph

Why do so many people do this when they are presented with a view that challenges there own, rather than debating the issues they restort to these silly insults.

I guess the same could be asked of those that still promote the official story on a conspiracy site of all places. But here's the catch, when people believe the official story 100%, then there is no room for debate. People who believe that the official story is nothing but a cover for a false-flag attack and the ensuing invasions, have been insulted at every step of the way by people who believe the official story. Does that mean by them resorting to insults means they never had a point, which means the official story never made sense.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:21 PM



What about how Mohammad Atta's body being perished beyond all recognition in the Twin Towers inferno, yet somehow the miracle passport connecting him to the scene, somehow gets out of his pocket [while flying a commercial airliner mind you], escapes all the heat, flames, debris etc that "melted" the plane, the bodies and all forms of evidence, but this miracle passport that then links Mohammad Atta to the scene turns up in a nice little pile of rubble for an alphabet agency goon to stumble across at a very appropriate time.

It was Satam al Suqami's passport not Mohammed Atta's.

This is how the passport survived.

Well that's interesting considering the many media clips I saw stating it was Mohammad Atta's passport. I'll admit I was wrong but will the media admit they got it wrong as well ? But it still doesn't answer why the media used an older pic of Atta and claimed it was him going through the terminal that day, but it was from an earlier time at another airport. Just as the camera caught him going through another terminal, the cameras should be able to show ALL 19 alleged terrorists going through the terminal that day. Where is that footage which would only strengthen its case ?

But then again that same media says that an extremist Muslim about to commit a suicide act to prove his extremism, then goes to a strip bar the night before and drinks alcohol, which is the ultimate no-no for a Muslim, especially one about to commit the ultimate act of extremism. But despite all these contradictions, we are supposed to swallow it without question because its the 'official story' !

9/11 was a false-flag attack to then enact the agenda's that were written up long before any plane hit any building. They were just waiting for the right event, and this official story for of holes was the 'event' needed. Just look at what ahs come since and tell me I'm wrong.

But tell me this, how can they get this guys passport, yet not produce a picture of him going through the airport terminal that day which WILL be on camera. Unless of course someone was instructed to turn the cameras off that day. Also take into account the proven cases of stolen identity. A credible picture of Suqami going through the airport would prove he was at least there that day, but with proven cases of stolen identity then its just a matter of dropping the right piece of evidence in the right place to be found by the right person at the right time. That's something they left out of your Youtube clip that apparently proves all else wrong. The clip does NOT show what DID happen, it just shows what MAY of happened, no different to the theory I just suggested about planting the passport. Now consider the cases of stolen identity and suddenly my theory has a lot more credit than your Youtube clip which fails to even mention the stolen identity cases !

But by having Saudi royalty [also the family of the alleged 9/11 mastermind] in the US at the exact time of the attacks, while being with the Presidents father will go along way to explaining why Saudi Arabia faced no action for its role in 9/11. And what's that one thing tying the US and Saudi Arabia.............OIL !

But no, it wasn't an inside job, there was no false-flag. There are no cases of stolen identity. There are no holes in the official story. It had nothing to do with oil, invasion or greed. Nope, it was JUST 19 Muslims with the help of Osama in a cave in Afghanistan, and that's ALL there is too it. It's no wonder these false-flags keep happening when you consider how gullible and conditioned the majority of society are. I think there's a few in here need to take a good hard read at the Terrorist Act from front to back and look at the wording in that Act. It by definition does NOTHING to stop, prevent or deter a potential terrorist, but the Act DOES strip everyday citizens of many of their rights under the disguise of protecting the public. How does an Act on a piece of paper actually stop a potential terrorist from becoming one ? Yet read the Act in full and then come back and tell me who the US Government classes as a potential terrorist. The results might surprise you if you're willing to read it ? Yet going around the world invading countries at will, all under the banner of the 'war on terror', and killing innocent people is only ever going to potentially cause more terrorists who now have nothing to lose, and the 'war on terror' gets to go on and on and on, and those making money from the war on terror get to make more and more money and get more and more power.

And these officials know only one GOD......Gold, Oil, Drugs. Yet they will then use religion as a dividing line when it suits them. It has nothing to do with Islam or Christianity, it has to do with GOLD, OIL and DRUGS.
It would also explain why taxpayers are paying for US and Australian soldiers to protect the poppy fields so the CIA can continue to supply the worlds heroin, at a profit of course.
It would explain the lust for other nations oil supplies.
And as we all know with Gold, they who own the Gold, make the rules !

But lets ignore all this and just say that 19 Muslims did it with the help and funding of a man living in a cave with poor health. I guess that's easier, and then we can all switch back off and plug into Idol, or X Factor and everything is as it should be.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 02:53 AM


But it still doesn't answer why the media used an older pic of Atta and claimed it was him going through the terminal that day, but it was from an earlier time at another airport. Just as the camera caught him going through another terminal, the cameras should be able to show ALL 19 alleged terrorists going through the terminal that day. Where is that footage which would only strengthen its case ?

Atta went through security in Portland, flight 11 was a connecting flight he did not need to go through Dulles security. The security videos were released after the Moussaoui trial. This does not mean the FBI doesn't have the other hijackers on video. The KSM trial is coming up, they may be released after it.


But then again that same media says that an extremist Muslim about to commit a suicide act to prove his extremism, then goes to a strip bar the night before and drinks alcohol, which is the ultimate no-no for a Muslim, especially one about to commit the ultimate act of extremism. But despite all these contradictions, we are supposed to swallow it without question because its the 'official story' !

You don't know much about muslims do you ?

Also take into account the proven cases of stolen identity.

There are are no proven cases of stolen identity. Show us your evidence.


then its just a matter of dropping the right piece of evidence in the right place to be found by the right person at the right time.

The passport was found on Albany st by a man named Richard Wozniak

I was standing in the middle of what were the remains of a passenger aircraft. There were seats and engine parts smashed through car windows everywhere. What seemed to be an engine was embedded into the sidewalk and body parts were strewn all over the street. Then I looked down to my feet and picked up a passport. It was a Saudi passport. It was green with Arabic writing and as I opened it and saw the man’s face inside it I felt as if I were looking into the eyes of
someone that may have been part of the terror that I was witnessing around me and I later learned that I was right. I passed it off to an FBI agent that was standing a block away on West side Hwy who immediately took it from me. He then instructed me to leave the area but before he could notice, I had run back to the side of the Bankers Trust building determined to help find survivors that may have been hurt in the streets or in the cars. Then my life was changed forever.

Here is a photo of Richard

His email address is in the link if you would like to contact him.

Below is an image I came across it was taken by Chris Sorenson on Albany st the morning of 9/11 notice the top of the photo.

His email address is also easy to find.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by waypastvne

But why keep the pictures hidden, especially when the had no problem showing him in a picture at a different airport ?
So it's ok to almost overnight have the pictures of ALL 19 hijackers ready and shown around the world on a wanted list, but we better not show them actually at the airport because that would only prove the point further. And this doesn't seem to register any alarms with you ?

What legal repercussions could they face if they already had their faces and names plastered all over the world ?

I've seen many reports over the years showing that the picture of Atta was from before 9/11 at a different airport !

Yet still no picture Atta going through he airport where he boarded the plane, but he's 'dead' and not awaiting trial, so why not show his picture. Considering that they have publicly named him as the ringleader of the hijackers.

But these things still don't answer the money trail from those that made profits from 9/11 and how those people can about the knowledge that they must of had to of made the financial moves they did. They don't explain how some of the 'hijackers' have proven cases of stolen identity and still alive. People really need to start looking more into the stolen identity cases, and then how those identities were used before they think the official version is final.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by waypastvne

I wouldn't accuse me of not knowing much about Muslims if you believe the fantasy that an extremist terrorist about to commit suicide for an extremist cause that they apparently believe in, then goes to a bar with strippers and drink alcohol the night before.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by AussieDingus

Yet still no picture Atta going through he airport where he boarded the plane, but he's 'dead' and not awaiting trial, so why not show his picture. Considering that they have publicly named him as the ringleader of the hijackers.

That's not are trying to use logic and reason to attack the OS

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by AussieDingus

Read this sentence carefully

Atta ..... never .....went ..... through

Where is your evidence of proven identity theft and the hijackers are still alive.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by waypastvne

Atta ..... never .....went ..... through

whatever do you mean...?? Last I heard...he is named as one of the hijackers, right ? Than he must have gone through some some airport...or are you saying he boarded the plane in mid flight?

Where is your evidence of proven identity theft and the hijackers are still alive.

Well...the real and best evidence would be to produce these men's undoable. Even if somebody could...who would alow it or who would listen to these men...apart from conspiracy theorist. In the mean time...we have this...

Hijackers alive

edit on 25-10-2013 by MarioOnTheFly because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 05:30 AM
Here is some old article for those who are not sure...


FBI Director Robert Mueller has acknowledged that some of those behind last week's terror attacks may have stolen the identification of other people, and, according to at least one security expert, it may have been "relatively easy" based on their level of sophistication.


I just love me some MSM (accepted by the OS'rs) news and opinions.

New Yorker

Many of the investigators believe that some of the initial clues that were uncovered about the terrorists’ identities and preparations, such as flight manuals, were meant to be found. A former high-level intelligence official told me, “Whatever trail was left was left deliberately—for the F.B.I. to chase.”

In interviews over the past two weeks, a number of intelligence officials have raised questions about Osama bin Laden’s capabilities. “This guy sits in a cave in Afghanistan and he’s running this operation?” one C.I.A. official asked. “It’s so huge. He couldn’t have done it alone.” A senior military officer told me that because of the visas and other documentation needed to infiltrate team members into the United States a major foreign intelligence service might also have been involved. “To get somebody to fly an airplane—to kill himself,” the official added, further suggests that “somebody paid his family a hell of a lot of money.”

edit on 25-10-2013 by MarioOnTheFly because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 06:57 AM

But no, it wasn't an inside job, there was no false-flag. There are no cases of stolen identity. There are no holes in the official story. It had nothing to do with oil, invasion or greed. Nope, it was JUST 19 Muslims with the help of Osama in a cave in Afghanistan, and that's ALL there is too it.

No, there was more to it however you are on the right track.....finally. OBL was in Khost, in eastern Afghanistan on the morning/afternoon of 9/11. Actually, it was about 5:30 in the late afternoon that word reached the Khost compound. One of the more fascinating things about the operation was the brilliant amount of silence that disguised the plot. About 800 miles to the south, in the spiraling city of Karachi, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Ramzi bin al-Shibh and Mustafa al Hawsawi gathered together all the 20 top lieutenants in al-qedia for what they thought was another bull session.
Setting up a satellite television they watched stunned at what unfolded. Counting OBL, his 2 bodyguards, KSM and his crew plus operatives in Sudan and Yemen at total of 11 people, outside the operatives themselves, in the entire world, knew what was coming.
It's tough to find any other operation in history in which silence was so complete. Perhaps, the Doolittle Raid comes close, as the pilots did not know their mission until the were 800 miles into the flight. The overall silence could be compared to the Ardennes Offensive-Watch on the Rhine-however American overconfidence, incompetence and indifference-along with some masterful fake coded messages-really led to the total surprise more than anything else.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by AussieDingus

Not to mention the janitor - hearing an explosion in the basement.
Not to mention the fire fighters reporting hearing explosions on every floor.

and ohh - the "air is safe to breathe" - sure - so the first responders would get lung poisoning and end up a daisy - on account of daisies don't tell "lies".

Not to mention one fire fighter said to back away (from building 7) that it was coming down.

So many were confused - right.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by AussieDingus

you are starred and starred - I kaint send enough yer way - KUDOS

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by pheonix358

Building fall over, not straight down.

You are wrong. As long as the main inner structure beams are cut and the explosives are set to detonate from the top down it will fall into it's footprint. It's obvious 9/11 was a false flag my father and I watched the buildings go down on tv and the first words out his mouth was no Fing way. He was a iron worker on the trade centers he knew how it was built and what it took to bring it down. They needed these buildings to fall the way they did it was to cover up the theft of several hundred tons of gold.

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