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The “Tea Party” is NOT the Enemy

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posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 10:55 PM



It wasn't the TEA Party that "decided to close shop"

They were bragging about how they were going to shut down the government before, now they had nothing to do with it?

Well I for one was hoping for some comments about the banking system.

How do you feel about the Federal Reserve being *Steered* by an international committee ?

And how will you *justify* your beliefs ?

I don't think the progressive mind wants to or can think about things like banking manipulation or things that require a non-emotional response. Tax the productive and spend, sell our children and grandchildren to the black hole of debt is the progressive and (middle of the road) conservative point of view.

That perspective has bit us in the a$$ over the last 13 years, especially the last 5 years. I think the only groups that actually get this are the TP, Libertarians and maybe some of the Independents.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:05 PM
I'm laughing at this thread. This post stands as proof that TPTB have succeeded in further dividing the American people. Worse yet, they've got people in other countries dividing us along lines as well.

I'm chalking one up for TPTB at this very moment.

edit on 18102013 by Snarl because: Wording ... this is better

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by links234

This is listed on their website. Does this sound extremist to u?

15 Non-negotiable Core Beliefs

1. Illegal aliens are here illegally.
2. Pro-domestic employment is indispensable.
3. A strong military is essential.
4. Special interests must be eliminated.
5. Gun ownership is sacred.
6. Government must be downsized.
7. The national budget must be balanced.
8. Deficit spending must end.
9. Bailout and stimulus plans are illegal.
10. Reducing personal income taxes is a must.
11. Reducing business income taxes is mandatory.
12. Political offices must be available to average citizens.
13. Intrusive government must be stopped.
14. English as our core language is required.
15. Traditional family values are encouraged.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:41 PM
I love how everybody is saying the minority and majority wants this and that. Obama won a second term by less than 5 million votes in a country with a 300 million population. That's nearly a split down the middle so both sides are valid. And yes I know only 120 million voted, still a close election.
When bush won his second term the left certainly didn't stop bitching about anything he was doing so why should the right roll over and play dead now? The fact is we have a huge debt that is going to bury us and all we did was kick the can down the road till next time. The tea party made a stand and the GOP folded like sheets this time. Maybe this will get somebody's attention to address the real problem we are facing. According to this website Fukushima is going to kill us all before the debt goes to default anyway, so why so serious?

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by links234

Most of the debt is not hold by the Americans u moron. The debt is held by the Federal Reserve which shareholders are foreign banks, like the House of Rothchilds.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:45 PM
I like the Tea Party in principle...I like that Ted Cruz tried to stick it to the NSA. No one else had the balls to do that. However, the problem Is that they get stuck in their little ruts and groups and all of that...

example...trying to bring Christianity into it like Michelle Bachmann...focusing to much on Obamacare and missing the big picture. If they were really trying to cut spending they would target the military and our 700-800 bases that we have around the world ( Imperialism anyone? The new british empire anyone?) the NSA, our black budget, the Fed and on and on and on. but no...they pick attacking homosexuals, having a fight about Christianity, Obama Care, etc etc. See the problem?

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Have any of them put a bill forward to impose term limits on themselves, reduce their pay, or stop the redistricting nonsense?

If they haven't then yes they are the enemy the same as all the rest of them.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 12:04 AM

reply to post by xuenchen

Have any of them put a bill forward to impose term limits on themselves, reduce their pay, or stop the redistricting nonsense?

If they haven't then yes they are the enemy the same as all the rest of them.

Apparently term limits are a Constitutional issue.

Some Republican congressman from Arizona has introduced an amendment.

Don't know if he's Tea Party though.

April 24, 2013

Rep. Matt Salmon, R-Ariz., has just proposed a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress. Salmon himself is in his fourth term. There are currently no term limits in Congress.

[POLL: Nancy Pelosi Most Unpopular Congressional Leader]

The issue of term limits has trailed Salmon throughout his career. Back in the 1990s, he pledged to serve only three terms and actually followed through on that promise, retiring from Congress in 2001. But when his replacement, then-Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., opted to run for the Senate in 2012, Salmon came back, saying term limits only worked if they applied to everyone.

Four-Te rm Congressman Introduces Constitutional Amendment for Term Limits

there may be more

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

Maybe he will try again for term limits. I just read my state lost a congressman last night at the ripe age of 83. There is something wrong when 83 year olds stay in their job till they keel over. I remember it wasn’t that long ago there was one they would wheel in on a bed to vote. There needs to be age limits retirement age set. A lot of those guys probably can’t even stay awake or remember what is going on. The younger ones well they live it up.

Those guys live the life of luxury they have chuffers, security, townhouses in DC and mistresses on the side the even send out for $10,000 hookers. If you drug tested them a good percent would fail.

I was just talking to my cousin tonight that lives up there her husband has worked in more than a few security positions he used to be a detective as well. She was telling me the guy a few houses down works security for Pelosi nights. The secret service knows how to keep secrets all of them know enough to put them all away for a long time. The Tea party isn’t any different.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 01:15 AM

reply to post by xuenchen

Have any of them put a bill forward to impose term limits on themselves, reduce their pay, or stop the redistricting nonsense?

If they haven't then yes they are the enemy the same as all the rest of them.

jim demint put forth a bill that was added to, iirc the stock act that would have limited the members of congress to on insiders info, it lost 75 to 24

here are the co sponsors

Sen Ayotte, Kelly [NH] - 4/14/2011
Sen Coburn, Tom [OK] - 4/14/2011
Sen Ensign, John [NV] - 4/14/2011
Sen Hutchison, Kay Bailey [TX] - 4/14/2011
Sen Johnson, Ron [WI] - 4/14/2011
Sen Lee, Mike [UT] - 4/14/2011
Sen Paul, Rand [KY] - 4/14/2011
Sen Rubio, Marco [FL] - 4/14/2011
Sen Toomey, Pat [PA] - 4/14/2011
Sen Vitter, David [LA] - 4/14/2011

link to the bill sumary. Bill Summary & Status 112th Congress (2011 - 2012) S.J.RES.11 Cosponsors

i see at least four that were or are tea party members, that sponsored it i haven't checked the vote.

edit on 19-10-2013 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 07:28 AM


While I agree that our debt is out of control, I think the tea party proved one thing and one thing only with this latest debacle - holding the nation's (and the world's) economy hostage to try to instill change is a really bad idea. Hopefully they've learned a lesson.

And ?

What *Lesson* would THAT be ?

Do you actually support the international banking influence ?

The lesson is - like it or not, we rely on a two party system, and any progress is only made with compromise. If you treat the job of running the country like a war, you will only get outcomes like we recently got where nobody wins, and there are a lot of losers. That's what we have right now - a lot of losers, with many of them being on the right.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

Oh please, what BS. The Tea Party are deranged, swindling, lying morons. Anyone who can't see through the hate and lies that the Tea Party spread is a fool. Plain and simple. They are not about the blue collar people of America, they are about trickery, hidden (only just hidden) far-right agendas and diverting attention away from their own embezzling money-hungry fraud antics.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

Oh yes, the teaparty is quite the abomination. But it's time is limited, associations are growing fewer, and it will go in the history books as a temporary and failed extremist group's attempt to dominate American politics.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 08:04 AM


4. Special interests must be eliminated.

They can give up on that one. The congressional Tea Party members are basically controlled by the Heritage Action for America organization. Sure it might be a conservative group, but it is a special interest nevertheless. Corruption breeds even among the Tea Party politicians

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

There are no actual Tea Party members in Congress, though.

The Tea Party was becoming a threat, so a group of Republicans with actual power began calling themselves "Tea Party members," so the competition could be smeared.

The Left/Right paradigm hates competition.

And I would say they have done a fair job of smearing the Tea Party.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by angeldoll


I smell hyperbole.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 10:39 AM
The Federal government is becoming reckless and both parties should never be allowed to threaten other parties with government shutdowns to get bills passed through.This country is way way way out of control.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by Scope and a Beam

The Tea Party are deranged
lying morons
the hate and lies that the Tea Party spread
they are about trickery,
far-right agendas
diverting attention away from their own embezzling money-hungry fraud antics.

I rest my case on the progressive total reliance on emotion. In all that name calling you did not bother to address a single question the OP brought up.

Well done! Not.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 10:56 AM
The Tea Party isn't your enemy. Nor is Obama. Nor are Republicans. Nor are the Democrats.

But none of these groups are your friends either.

TPTB want us to to take sides in these meaningless battles. They want us to think they're important. So we stay asleep. And never realize who our real enemies are.

The OP has part of it. The rest is in that general area. But it will take a couple of decades for most Americans to accept these facts. Maybe as long as fifty years.

Until then most people, as we've seen in this thread, will just pick a side. And have arguments about issues that will never be resolved. And even if they were would still have zero impact on their lives.

Remember this old maxim from the world of advertising: If you can't figure out what the product is. You are the product.

edit on 19-10-2013 by Moresby because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

I don't agree much on what the Tea Party stands for, but i do admire them for sticking to their guns and not wavering from their ideals. The rest of the parties, you can't be sure for what they stand for as their words belay their actions.

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