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The Tea Party...Why are they so Dangerous?

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posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:43 PM

I am not a Tea Party member. I am just asking what is so wrong with them?

They are the far right in a far right country.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 12:45 PM

reply to post by whyamIhere

To answer your question from the title...they are dangerous because they are stupid. Blunt, yes, but it is the truth. They don't understand economics, they think big numbers are bad and will attempt to burn the whole damn thing down due to their lack of knowledge.

I see a group that has systematically been denied Rights others enjoy.

Which rights have they been denied?

I am posting a link to their Platform website. Name something you disagree with.

Sure, just about everything in their "Platform" I disagree with. Here are the ones I disagree with.

1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes: We are not excessively where near it. Plus, if you really listen to the Tea Party, they are mostly concerned about the Rich not being taxed anymore...and they actually think the very poor who currently don't pay taxes should at least pay something. I disagree 100% with their mentality on this. Tax the rich who can afford it (that includes corporations), and leave the little guy alone.

2. Eliminate the National Debt: This is just dumb and comes from a complete misunderstanding of modern economics and the World economy. They repeatedly try to talk about the economy being like a household budget, and it simply is not. What they don't understand is that our Debt gives us power and allows us to grow...trying to pay off the debt would lose us power and cause us to shrink domestically and globally.

3. Eliminate Deficit Spending: Same as above. If you eliminate deficit spending, we contract our economy. If your economy is not growing, it's dying...simple as that.

4. Protect Free Markets: There is no such thing as a fair "Free Market". I'm a big proponent of fairness...and to ensure fairness, you need strict regulations. We never have had true free markets, but in the past when we had much less regulation we abused our environment and our labor force. Do you really want factories in this country like they have in China? Where people commit suicide on the factory floors?

7. Reduce the Overall Size of Government: They only want this to promote more corporate control over our country. I just philosophically disagree with them on this point. Some people think of "big government" as a bad word...I don't. And besides, they only want a reduced size of government for the things they dislike...but they want government directly involved in abortion and the point that they want the government to actually control and define who can and can not be married. This is one topic where they show their true hypocrisy.

8. Believe in the People: People are stupid and need to be governed...enough said.

10. Maintain Local Independence: We are a UNITED country...not a collection of independent local municipalities.

Is that clear enough for you?

Um, maybe you are the one who is stupid? My brother-in-law has a Master's Degree in Economics and works in a very large corporation, so uhm, yeah...he doesn't know anything about economics, does he? He's in the Tea Party in Virginia, so yeah, uh huh, it is clearly YOU who does not know who is in the Tea Party, you just follow BS spewed out by....let's see....the same people who told you there were no minorities in the Tea Party and they were all racist? How well did that lie turn out when it was proven there were blacks, Asians and Hispanics in the Tea Party.

The Tea Party has professionals as well as average working people. So yeah, uh huh, keep spreading that lie around a little more.

Is that clear enough for you?

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:04 PM

reply to post by XPLodER

So because we are being duped further and further into debt, it is all good because it grows the economy? But we shouldn't fix this deception because it will break the economy? Armageddon is a pretty strong word for what would happen if the economy had a contraction, especially since you have no idea what will happen if it does. I do know one thing though, the economy that would grow out of the result of our economy crashing would be much stronger and healthier than the one we have now.

You speak with forked tongue. You do not want to fix it.

Fixing it would mean abolishing ALL banking (like outright slavery was) and mass affirmative action by way of a huge redistribution of wealth downwards, from the top 20% to the rest of the population.

Spreading the wealth, as it were.

See? I told you you don't want to fix it.
edit on 2013/10/21 by Pejeu because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:07 PM


reply to post by XPLodER

Please tell me how having a "rich country" full of poor individuals is a good thing? Because that is the end result.....

instead of fixating on the "debt amount"
look at the debt system,

your entire system is predicated on expansion,
if it stops = collapse

i dont like debt based money, it is the root cause of your deficit spending,
and THE CAUSE of your debt.

please watch the video

ever wonder why there was no talk of the fed closing down with the rest of government?


Dude, they don't understand. They are incapable of understanding.

They drank too much Brawndo.
edit on 2013/10/21 by Pejeu because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:13 PM


That's one of their more scary positions. The internet is a great place for free speech. Net neutrality guarantees that individuals can access all legal sites regardless of the topic. The Koch brothers stand would allow corporate run internet provides to block sites that they don't wish the public to see. Similar to the internet censorship you see in China, but done at the corporate level instead of the government level.

I'm not following you. You can setup Corporate only Internet/intranet sites now that are not available to the public. Why would the need a law to do it when it already happens.

And if you are worried about Internet Freedom & Privacy (which you should be), take a look at our own current Government and what they are doing.

Internet Freedom IS under attack, I would say it comes from both sides of the aisle.......That's why you need someone else there......The Tea Party is the only potential option at current.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:25 PM


The TP people themselves are not dangerous. The reason why some people think they are dangerous is because of the nutcases they vote into office.


That is the nicest reply from you that I have ever read.

These nut cases are doing exactly what their constituents elected them to do.

Right or wrong, they are only accountable to the voters in their Districts.

Do you take issue with their Platform?

I take issue with almost every part of the TP platform, it's vague, open to interpretation, and not economically feasible for the massive size of our nation. this has the look and the smell of a fascist plutocracy type of government. our type of government, on the other hand, with it's laws and regulations, was set up to protect individual commoners from the boot heels of wealth and power, no matter what political "hat" one wears.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by Pejeu


However, that is certainly the genocidal gloablists' propaganda line.

It's sad to see ATSers carrying the NWO's water.

Tea Party folks are the salt of the earth hard working patriots we've always been. We've been the backbone of America for the whole of her life. We've been called the silent majority and a lot of explicatives not deleted.

We've gone on about primarily our business . . . evidently tooo much so . . . while the country was rushed down the chute toward Armageddon and hell by the globalist oligarchy in control of so much on the planet for several centuries.

Cheer them on if you wish.

The Tea Party folks--the authentic ones--will not be joining in the cheers.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:41 PM


reply to post by XPLodER

So because we are being duped further and further into debt, it is all good because it grows the economy? But we shouldn't fix this deception because it will break the economy? Armageddon is a pretty strong word for what would happen if the economy had a contraction, especially since you have no idea what will happen if it does. I do know one thing though, the economy that would grow out of the result of our economy crashing would be much stronger and healthier than the one we have now.

You speak with forked tongue. You do not want to fix it.

Fixing it would mean abolishing ALL banking (like outright slavery was) and mass affirmative action by way of a huge redistribution of wealth downwards, from the top 20% to the rest of the population.

Spreading the wealth, as it were.

See? I told you you don't want to fix it.
edit on 2013/10/21 by Pejeu because: (no reason given)

Because that wouldn't be a fix, it would destroy economies and remove freedom from people. Not everyone wants to live in your statist utopia being controlled by your "elite" and forced to do things "for their own good."

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:43 PM

reply to post by Pejeu


However, that is certainly the genocidal gloablists' propaganda line.

It's sad to see ATSers carrying the NWO's water.

Tea Party folks are the salt of the earth hard working patriots we've always been. We've been the backbone of America for the whole of her life. We've been called the silent majority and a lot of explicatives not deleted.

We've gone on about primarily our business . . . evidently tooo much so . . . while the country was rushed down the chute toward Armageddon and hell by the globalist oligarchy in control of so much on the planet for several centuries.

Cheer them on if you wish.

The Tea Party folks--the authentic ones--will not be joining in the cheers.

"Genocidal globalist" exactly. This guy has repeatedly said he would throw people into camps "for their own good," "is a self described statist," and thinks that people are too stupid to make their own decisions and should be ruled by the elite intellectuals (of which he considers himself one.) LOL. Wannabe tyrants always consider themselves as one of the ruling class of course.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:50 PM


"Genocidal globalist" exactly. This guy has repeatedly said he would throw people into camps "for their own good," "is a self described statist," and thinks that people are too stupid to make their own decisions and should be ruled by the elite intellectuals (of which he considers himself one.) LOL. Wannabe tyrants always consider themselves as one of the ruling class of course.


I hadn't kept track. I tend not to.

Such folks are foolish beyond measure. And they are poor students of history.

Tyrannies ALWAYS take their early supporters to the execution walls & death chambers first . . . they can't afford to have such clueless traitors threaten THEIR NEW REGIME!

May God have mercy on such . . . lack of awareness . . . to put it politely.

edit on 21/10/2013 by BO XIAN because: typo & tags

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:53 PM

Net neutrality is just a way for the government to do what china is doing. Just like they've upheld discrimination based on race/sex (affirmative action). If a service provider is not allowing certain sites and those sites are wanted by the consumer, the consumer can change ISP's. The freedom of the ISP is upheld, the freedom of the individual is upheld, property rights are upheld, and censorship is denied.

With net neutrality, the government can (and will) pick and choose what is considered 'censorship'.

Much of the country only has one ISP in the area, my local area is lucky enough to have two, one of which is cable, and one of which is DSL. The place we lived before only had one that wasn't dial-up. I have a friend right now on the west coast, near a major city, who only has two choices. What do you do when both of your choices decide to charge websites a small fee to be carried on their services? This literally wipes out all non-corporate interests, and would severely limit your engagement with the world. That's the situation that's being debated right now, and what Net Neutrality wants to outlaw.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 01:55 PM

this has the look and the smell of a fascist plutocracy type of government. our type of government, on the other hand, with it's laws and regulations, was set up to protect individual commoners from the boot heels of wealth and power, no matter what political "hat" one wears.

Have your Liberties been increased or decreased by our Government? I could point to the IRS's witch hunts of the TP and religious groups on the ACA but that would be too easy. Of course you will say the didn't really happen, even though there is telling evidence that the IRS at the very least was informing the White House of what it was doing. Good Politicians know how to keep clean hands.

Plutocracy??? It's not like Our Government handed out BILLIONS of dollars to the Banks and Financial Giants that caused the real estate and stock market bubbles now, did they? Oh wait, they did.

Well..... It's not like we gave the Drug Companies and Health Insurance Companies Built in profits and growth every year with Legislation they wrote with assistance from those same companies, did they? Oh Wait, they did. Medicare Part D and ACA.

Wellll..... It's not Like they Bailed out most of our Largest Auto Companies or Insurance Companies because they were "too Big to Fail" now did they? Oh, Snap...

Before you start, I blame both parties for those failures.

Laws and Regulations protect "Commoners"???? You may be a Commoner, not most of us are. No, Our Constitution protects "The People" from our Government and the abuses our Founding Fathers knew could happen if Government were left unchecked. Tricky thing those FF did, setting up a system of Government AND protecting The People from any potential abuses of that same Government. Gotta hand it to them.

Now we live in a World where people who are Constitutionalists are looked upon with suspicion and are even semi-classified as possible domestic terrorists. Sometimes I wish I would wake up and this were all a very bad dream. That's how messed up things have become.
edit on 21-10-2013 by pavil because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 02:24 PM

Now we live in a World where people who are Constitutionalists are looked upon with suspicion and are even semi-classified as possible domestic terrorists. Sometimes I wish I would wake up and this were all a very bad dream. That's how messed up things have become.


The heart, soul, backbone & muscles of this once Great Land have been redefined as evil . . . while the true evil doer leaders worship satan and sacrifice children to him in order to gain more occult powers over the masses etc.


God alone is our refuge. He alone can deal with such evil. IN & WITH HIM IN US is the only hope.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 03:17 PM

Much of the country only has one ISP in the area, my local area is lucky enough to have two, one of which is cable, and one of which is DSL. The place we lived before only had one that wasn't dial-up. I have a friend right now on the west coast, near a major city, who only has two choices. What do you do when both of your choices decide to charge websites a small fee to be carried on their services? This literally wipes out all non-corporate interests, and would severely limit your engagement with the world. That's the situation that's being debated right now, and what Net Neutrality wants to outlaw.

Yes, temporary monopolies can exist in the free market. But so long as government doesn't grant them monopoly power (utilities) there will be competition.

The free market has not failed in providing the consumer with what they want. It has taken some time, for sure, but it hasn't failed. If the majority of people want every site on the internet, then providers will give them every site on the internet. If they don't, whoever starts a company that will give consumers that, will get a lot of money.

You're advocating the creation of a government monopoly out of fear of a private monopoly. It's absurd imo.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 03:31 PM

reply to post by Pejeu


However, that is certainly the genocidal gloablists' propaganda line.

It's sad to see ATSers carrying the NWO's water.

Tea Party folks are the salt of the earth hard working patriots we've always been. We've been the backbone of America for the whole of her life. We've been called the silent majority and a lot of explicatives not deleted.

We've gone on about primarily our business . . . evidently tooo much so . . . while the country was rushed down the chute toward Armageddon and hell by the globalist oligarchy in control of so much on the planet for several centuries.

Cheer them on if you wish.

The Tea Party folks--the authentic ones--will not be joining in the cheers.

Dude, what are you on about?

You are the bottom 80%. Most of the people cheering the "tea party" (what a stupid name...) stand only to lose from the policies it advocates.

If the new world order is socialist you're God damned right I'll cheer them on.

What's the alternative?

Astroturfing for the Koch bros and the banking and financial sectors?

The money changers?

You have ZERO CLUE how the world really works.

The top 20% do not work for a living.

They just conjure money up out of thin air and/or speculate with it, driving asset prices up and making themselves rich in the process.

Get a clue, will you?

There must be some for sale somewhere.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 03:34 PM

Because that wouldn't be a fix, it would destroy economies and remove freedom from people. Not everyone wants to live in your statist utopia being controlled by your "elite" and forced to do things "for their own good."

You are either a bold faced liar or are as clueless as the other guy.

I'm leaning towards bold faced liar.

The banks conjure money up out of thin air to loan at interest.


All banks do this.

It's what banks do and are, for pete's sake. And it's all they do.

That's why banks need to be chartered in order to operate, unlike other businesses.

They are chartered to issue money out of thin air to loan at interest into circulation.
edit on 2013/10/21 by Pejeu because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by AlienScience

and do you fall into this self proclaimed category.

" Believe in the People: People are stupid and need to be governed...enough said. "

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 04:39 PM


If the new world order is socialist you're God damned right I'll cheer them on.

What's the alternative?

So sayeth the Socialist from that Great economic example of Romania????

.....You have ZERO CLUE how the world really works.

You are correct.... Unfortunately for you, you were looking into a mirror when you were saying that to the other person.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 05:48 PM

reply to post by buster2010

The reason why some people think they are dangerous is because of the nutcases they vote into office.

A lot of us feel that Democrats "are dangerous" for the same reason.

See ya,

How about the two party system itself? They've shown time and time again on how dangerous and reckless they are.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 06:53 PM



The heart, soul, backbone & muscles of this once Great Land have been redefined as evil . . . while the true evil doer leaders worship satan and sacrifice children to him in order to gain more occult powers over the masses etc.


God alone is our refuge. He alone can deal with such evil. IN & WITH HIM IN US is the only hope.

Have you got God's phone number? There are some potholes in the road outside that need patching.
Oh and please cite some evidence for your.... fascinating reference to children being sacrificed. Because I massively doubt it.

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