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Absolutely Shocking Syria War Bible Code

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posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 09:01 AM
Syria wont start a world war. Neither china nor Russia can project enough force to the middle east to confront america in naval or aerial warfare.

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 06:37 PM
Syria, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Ethiopia and Sudan all come against Israel in the Gog-Magog war. Call it WW3 if you like but it will hardly be a World War. It will only be a Apocalypse for the nations who come against Israel as stated very clearly in the Prophecy of Ezekiel and Revelation among others.

This is not the battle of Armageddon! The Final war is lead by the Anti-Christ where he brings all Nations on earth against Israel for killing so many in the Gog-Magog war even though Israel had no choice but to use nukes to defend itself from a certain Holocaust unlike any before.

The A/C is the one who stops the fighting in the Gog-Magog war. He then has the fighting nations, the ones still left fighting mainly Israel and Russia with some of the Arab nations who survived Israels wrath a 7 year peace deal. He then brings all nations to bare on Israel when he finally gets complete one world authority over the worlds military might. He then gets dealt with by God for trying to bring a certain destruction to Israel that would not survive otherwise.

Russia will lose 2/3rds of its whole fighting force as Israel puts its Ballistic missile systems in high gear for the first time all while it can strike out with ICBMs and tactical nukes, Syria will be utterly destroyed as its capital will be laid to a nuclear waste land. Iran will suffer the same fate with Lebanon and Syria, Egypt will take a heavy loses in the Sinai as Israel thumps all the African forces who attempt to invade from their southern boarder. None of these forces have ever trained with each other in battlefield maneuvers and the bible clearly states that they will get confused and fight each other in many cases of mass fratricide.

This is Obama's boss. Just look at how this guy fits every prophecy regarding the A/C. This guy is operating behind the scenes and has the full respect and support of EVERY Arab nation as well as the U.N. He has already been a guest of Obamas at our White House so they can work together.

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Merinda
Syria wont start a world war. Neither china nor Russia can project enough force to the middle east to confront america in naval or aerial warfare.

America wont be in it as Obama just wants to start the war. He wants to have Israel attacked and when Russia steps up to defend Syria Obama will find an excuse not to help them. That much should be obvious by now. Obama is a traitor as he supports AQ and the Muslim Brotherhood over our long time ally in Egypt. They had been peaceful with us and Israel right up till Obama cut off funding to the moderate democratically lead army who had to remove the Brotherhood extremist government by lawful order from their supreme court.

He just gave Egypt back to Russia for all their future influence and military partnerships. One of the dumbest moves anyone can do, it is flat traitorous to give up security of the Suez to another country like that. How Obama has not been assassinated yet is beyond me. Most in the U.S. military must be livid to say the least.

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 07:37 PM
While I don't buy the Bible code stuff at all, I always find it interesting to see what kind of nonsense pops up from it.

I wonder if anyone has ever pulled "Bible" "Code" "Is" "Foolishness" or something similar out of the program?

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Merinda
Syria wont start a world war. Neither china nor Russia can project enough force to the middle east to confront america in naval or aerial warfare.

Nonsense. The risk isn't that Syria will start a world war, because Syria doesn't have the military assets to be a threat globally. The risk is that a 3rd world war could erupt over Syria, between the U.S and Russia and their proxy states.

As for military capabilities, China and Russia are both capable of reaching out and touching the U.S individually, nevermind their combined forces. Both nations are right on the doorstep of the middle east geographically. Despite U.S forces having some degree of superiority from a technological point, China and Russia combined have the numbers. Both nations have aircraft carriers and highly advanced cruisers in their navies as well as nuclear subs, and both countries have large air forces with cutting edge capabilities. The U.S is no slouch, certainly, but could not win a war against Russia and China singlehandedly. I contend that there would be no winners of such a war (if anyone was even left to make a declaration after all was said and done).

You would think that nobody on the planet would want such an outcome, yet here we are playing a game of brinkmanship, facing what could be considered the cuban missile crisis of the new millenium.
edit on 7-9-2013 by DeadSeraph because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 08:09 PM
My take on things is that these plans have been developed for a long time, that its a common plan they use over and over again, like cookie cutter model and their motto is, if its not broke, why fix it. That this code was put in for the leaders to know their script and they're making revelations come true. Annanuki stuff.

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 08:30 PM
I'm certain if an honest bible code expert did a search on "Bible Code" they could link the words "Hooey" "bullcrap" and "nonsense". It's all a matter of odds when dealing with a large quantity of words in one book.

I'm still waiting for all the other past failed bible code predictions to come to fruition.

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 10:10 PM
Interesting . . .

lots of blather displaying little to no substantive, scholarly understanding of the

authentic codes with absolutely beyond astronomical probabilities against their occurring by chance


the so called codes which are demonstrably and absolutely no more likely than chance to occur.

Virtually all the posts, except for a few, have been blathering on about how nothing or preposterous or whatever "the codes" stuff is.

That's a bit like saying that cobra venom or some other horrific poison and rib-eye steak are equal in food value.

It's sad to see that on such a site as ATS, there's such ignorance about the authentic vs the chance "codes."

Anything with less than 30 characters in the Hebrew is likely to occur in large texts by chance. Drosnin's stuff has virtually always been too short to be of any significance.

Here's the FAQ page at the best site I frequent:

Here's some sample answers to some of the FAQ items:

BTW, I have written authorization to post their materials on the websites I frequent.

Are the skeptics right?
Definitely not. All the skeptics showed was that very simple clusters of short codes can be found in any book. The examples they provided from Moby Dick and War and Peace were fairly comparable to many of the simpler published examples, but they are seriously out of date. Some proponents� recently discovered clusters of Bible codes are so complex and extensive that they really couldn�t be a coincidence. The most extensive cluster of Bible codes found to date (the Isaiah 53 cluster) is vastly more complex and improbable than the most extensive cluster found in any book other than the Bible. There really is no comparison. Click here for details.


Couldn�t you find relevant ELSs about any topic if you looked long enough in any text?
It heavily depends on how long the ELSs are. If the ELS is eight or less letters long, it is almost certain we will find it somewhere within the Hebrew Bible at some skip. If it is 10 or more letters long, it is unlikely we will find it anywhere. And the longer it is, the more unlikely it is that we will find it anywhere. For example, if it is 15 letters long, the odds are 1 in 1.3 billion against finding it anywhere in the Hebrew Bible. If it is 20 letters long, the odds are 1 in 9,621 trillion against finding it anywhere. This is why the longest codes discovered are so exceedingly significant.

Is this distinction illustrated by comparing the Isaiah 53 and the Hanukah clusters?
Yes. Dramatically so, as detailed in our report, the Hanukah cluster only consists of seven ELSs and the longest one is seven letters long. The Isaiah 53 cluster includes over 1,200 ELSs and 19 of them are 10 or more letters long. The ten longest ELSs are 22, 21, 19, 19, 18, 17, 16, 16, 15, and 14 letters long, respectively. There is no comparison.

Couldn�t codes about Jesus have been embedded in the text after he lived?
No. The Hebrew Bible was completed between 100 and 400 years before Christ lived. The Dead Sea Scrolls provide copies of nearly all of the Hebrew Bible that date back to many decades before Jesus was born.
. . .

imho, folks who insist on blathering on about how silly or unreliable the Codes are . . . owe it to themselves and to their readers to do some extensive research on THE FACTS rather than spouting nonsense from their biases and opinions.

BTW, the two atheist mathematicians who purportedly 'proved' silliness about the codes were caught in rather brazen lies.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Perhaps you can tell us naysayers of some of the disaster predictions the bible code has warned us of in the past? Honest to goodness predictions that someone went into the bible, found the mystical hidden code and warned humanity that God had forewarned us of the upcoming calamity and that we should prepare. Lets keep it to disaster and war (as to avoid 50/50 chance luck) predictions and make sure there is documentation as to who predicted it and when (before the disaster, anyone can make a prediction after the fact). Lets not have easy war predictions that were found a day or two before, lets have a predictions that were made before it was even a thought on people's minds.
edit on 8-9-2013 by croweboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by silo13

I find the Bible/Torah codes fascinating. I don't necessarily believe in them, but they are fascinating. And there are quite a few things about them that make me go hmmmmm..., it seems they may be on to something.

A lot of work goes into to finding those codes. The math alone leaves me boggled.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by croweboy

As you can find at the

site . . . .

most professional scholars assert that the Codes are not suited for prediction. They leave a slight crack in the door for it rarely.

I forget all the logic and math that goes into that stance.

I believe they are somewhat but not totally wrong. I don't believe that they are designed primarily for prediction. I believe that like some of the Biblical surface text prophecies, they are designed to be a bit mystifying--particularly to the unstudied and undevoted.

However, AFTER THE FACT, THEY BECOME OBVIOUS. That is a kind of confirmation of the Biblical text itself--which most scholars assert is the PRIMARY PURPOSE of the Codes.

It's kind of like Rockefeller's telling TRADING PLACES Director Aaron Russo about a massive terror attack going to hit NYC and forever change the trumped up WAR ON TERROR--within a few months. Few would have guessed he was talking about 9/11. Yet within 2 or so months, 9/11 struck and Aaron Russo knew he'd been warned accurately.

There is purportedly--I haven't checked in years--a valid code predicting 2 terms in office for Netanyahu. And, IIRC a warning about an assassination attempt on his life. The Code folks got to Netanyahu and notified him of both. This was years and years ago.

Some assert that some codes are warnings to encourage prayer to prevent some disasters, wars etc. Some codes seem emphatic that some events are scheduled and no amount of prayer will change them.

Most codes are quite cryptic and mystifying as to specific meanings. Some are pretty clear. Even the mystifyingly cryptic can be quite clear after the fact.

And, as with UFOs the pharisees 2,000 years ago etc., I don't think most skeptics are the least bit bothered or informed by solid certain facts. Their dogma and biases are dead set against whatever they are dead set against and virtually nothing will change most of their minds.

in my experience.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by TDawgRex

I'm not very math skilled but my Dissertation was heavy in statistics so I have some understanding of probabilities.

The math is extremely extensive and meticulous. When asserts that the probabilities are astronomical and shockingly beyond, they are absolutely correct. There's no rational way valid codes could be the least bit by chance. Maybe this evening I'll try and track down such a code. IIRC, one code has a one in 10^78th power chance of happening due to chance.

That's a VERY LARGE number.

I forget how many atoms are calculated to be in the entire known multiverse. One code may be beyond that number.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by silo13
I’ve listened to a number of vids and read a bit about the ‘code’.

It’s a conundrum for sure. So much is there to sift through but all in all in my head - it's believable?

Here’s benign place to start if you’ve not heard much about it - and from our own Coast to Coast.


First of all, it would only be valid if applied to the original Hebrew bible scrolls. Those have been proven to be unchanged for 2000 years. The interesting thing about those Hebrew symbols is that letters can mean numbers as well as entire words. That's one part of the reason why so many words can be found using "skip codes", then entire names of cities, people and countries can be found.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Patriotsrevenge
Syria, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Ethiopia and Sudan all come against Israel in the Gog-Magog war. Call it WW3 if you like but it will hardly be a World War. It will only be a Apocalypse for the nations who come against Israel as stated very clearly in the Prophecy of Ezekiel and Revelation among others.

This is not the battle of Armageddon! The Final war is lead by the Anti-Christ where he brings all Nations on earth against Israel for killing so many in the Gog-Magog war even though Israel had no choice but to use nukes to defend itself from a certain Holocaust unlike any before.

The A/C is the one who stops the fighting in the Gog-Magog war. He then has the fighting nations, the ones still left fighting mainly Israel and Russia with some of the Arab nations who survived Israels wrath a 7 year peace deal. He then brings all nations to bare on Israel when he finally gets complete one world authority over the worlds military might. He then gets dealt with by God for trying to bring a certain destruction to Israel that would not survive otherwise.

Russia will lose 2/3rds of its whole fighting force as Israel puts its Ballistic missile systems in high gear for the first time all while it can strike out with ICBMs and tactical nukes, Syria will be utterly destroyed as its capital will be laid to a nuclear waste land. Iran will suffer the same fate with Lebanon and Syria, Egypt will take a heavy loses in the Sinai as Israel thumps all the African forces who attempt to invade from their southern boarder. None of these forces have ever trained with each other in battlefield maneuvers and the bible clearly states that they will get confused and fight each other in many cases of mass fratricide.

This is Obama's boss. Just look at how this guy fits every prophecy regarding the A/C. This guy is operating behind the scenes and has the full respect and support of EVERY Arab nation as well as the U.N. He has already been a guest of Obamas at our White House so they can work together. [/quote)

I am of the opinion that this war will be the Psalm 83 war referred to as the Great Middle East war that precedes Gog-Magog which ensues shortly after. I may be wrong because the Psalm 83 coalition includes Edom, S. Jordanians, Ishmaelites, Saudi Arabia, Moab, Central Jordanians, Hagarites, Egyptians, Gebal, N. Lebanese, Ammon, N. Jordanians, Amalek, Arabs S. of Israel, Philistines, Palestinians of Gaza, Tyre, Southern Lebanese, and Assyria, Syria. Turkey is not among this coalition, but is in the Gog-Magog coalition that goes against Israel with Russia, China, Iran, Sudan, Ethiopia, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, possibly Germany and Austria, Asia Minor and Central Asia. The Psalm 83 war will not be a protracted war which leads me to believe that it was not the Iraq war.

edit on 8-9-2013 by Erica1631 because: additional info added

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Erica1631


It does seem highly likely that the obliteration of Damascus that the Bible predicts is "at the door" or close to the door.

Will that be the Ezek 38 war? I'm not so sure about that, at all.

Will it be the war that springs the AC overtly onto the world stage? I'm not sure about that, either.

It does seem highly likely to me, that the Syria--->Iran--->WW3 scenario is virtually certain to transpire . . . at whatever pace. . . . far too rapid a pace, imho.

So, I pray and ask God to delay it all as much as possible. I know many who are praying similarly.

The short "codes" that Drosnin et al produce are almost always inconsequential IN TERMS OF STATISTICAL PROBABILITIES. i.e. they are no more likely to occur than any other chance occurrence.

However, it is CONCEIVABLE that even though SOME don't rise to the level of statistical probabilities of any significance, it is possible, that God is still giving a hint in SOME of them.

But to put any firm stock in those not rising to the proper statistical criteria would be foolish, imho.

There is a phenomenon which has been hard for the scholars to wrap their statistical probabilities around.

There are cases where the specific words in a specific "code" at a specific skip distance does NOT rise to the level of a 30 character length in and of itself. Most are more than 10 characters; maybe some right at 10 characters.

However, WHEN there are half a dozen of such "inconsequential" codes of shorter than ideal length VERY CLOSELY PACKED INTO A TIGHT AREA of the surface text . . .

And WHEN some of those key words cross the SAME KEY WORDS IN THE SURFACE TEXT

it is QUITE LOGICAL that SOMETHING extraordinary is going on in such cases.

IIRC, they did finally come up with a statistical way to calculate probabilities in such cases but I don't recall the details.

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 04:32 AM
The scriptures were written in Hebrew(OT) and Greek(NT) Hebrew and Greek are alphanumeric languages.That is the basis for the bible codes.That is the extent of the Truth in the Bible Code..There are no "predictions" in the scripture of future historical events.It is the same fallacy of trying to predict historical events from the Book of Revelation.

The ELS system and the myriad of coding is poor postulation.However the scriptures are an infinite and complex equation.Some of it is on the "outside" for instance... in the culmination of parable of the soils and the seed Yahoshua is describing the Fibonacci sequence in relationship to how a good tree produces good fruit.Anytime Yahoshua uses numbers to describe something it is an outside equation to something that is knowable an exist not a prediction.

In the book of Revelation the numbers John writes of are also outside type numbers.The most known number 666 and 144 are in verses that flow into each other and have an intimate connection through Phi(that is the key theorem of the equation).666 is far from the much maligned evil number it has grown to be because of the ignorance of the math equations in the scripture.

God has hidden them in plain site.The greatest math mind Issac Newton spent most of his time trying to decipher them and never did.The Bible coders are no closer than he was because their approach is all wrong.It is impossible to know the mind of God unless God reveals it.It's that simple yet the world has tried to fit God in a box for all of history by believing religion instead of knowing God.That is the product of the carnal religious mind..the adversary that is at enmity with God.Even when the coders/mathers are on the cusp of The Truth it won't be revealed.God just leads them farther down the trail of the foolishness of men causing a strong delusion that they would believe a lie.

Are the numbers of God Truth? ...absolutely.It is the only true language all else is confusion...babel...Babylon.God confused the languages a long time ago and has not unconfused it even though man thinks they have it figured out but they are not even close...yet it is so simple a child will understand it.

This is just one big step down the road of the unveiling of Yahoshua...God is salvation.There is nothing to decipher because there is no code.To know what the numbers and the equations mean will only come by revelation of the math.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 05:12 AM
I always thought that the Bible Code software was just one of those things where you type in "Assad" and "Armageddon" and it finds places in the bible where they appear, I think it does something like skip every x letters or something like that, I'm not entirely sure, but it seemed to me last time I checked on it like so...

You have a giagantic word search consisting of millions of letters, and then search it for Assad and Armageddon and find the two together.

I bet Jesus and Armageddon would appear next to each other as well.

On the other hand, I downloaded the Bible Code software to investigate myself, and haven't gotten it to work on my computer yet, so... I don't know for sure how it works.

Also, Syria could easily cause World War III depending on how it turns out.

I think that is why everyone is taking their time.
edit on 10-9-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-9-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by stormcell

Yeah, totally awesome thanks you two. I'm gonna check out that video.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 06:37 PM
Given the current situation I am bumping this the link has expired dont click on it
edit on 30-9-2015 by khnum because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2015 @ 03:47 PM


Absolutely Shocking Syria War Bible Code

Did you know that there is a Bible code matrix that contains the words “Armageddon”, “Asad”, “Military” and “Holocaust”?
Did you know that there is another Bible Code matrix that contains the words “Syria”, “World War”, “Russia”, “China” and “USA”?


from the link:

......what Drosnin found in his book regarding Syria is definitely noteworthy..

.“Armageddon” is encoded in the Bible with the name of Syria’s leader, Hafez Asad. In fact, the name of the actual site of the long-prophesied Final Battle appears with his name in a single skip sequence: “Armageddon, Asad holocaust.”..........
.“Syria” is encoded with “World War.” It is the country that stands out, because it is not expected. “Russia” and “China” and “USA” all also appear with “World War.” But they are the three superpowers most likely to be involved. “Syria” is the surprise.

One correction needs to be made to what Drosnin wrote. “Hafez” does not show up in this matrix. Only “Asad” does.
So could this be potentially referring to “Bashar Assad”?

show me/us the proof that the skip sequence actually denotes Syria, Russia, China, USA as the principal entities in World War
how is USA identified ? or is that distinction of identity just a jumbled series of conjecture/interpretation...Hebrew or Aramaic or even Greek language of written testament era could not have identified the USA as nowhere is the USA or even America ever spoken of in scripture...
I contend the words are stretched and twisted to fit the narrative rather than truthfully proclaiming a future prophecy
...a whole lot of Poetic License is being used to generate these skip codes imho

as far as the one correction

why the heck is there a needed correction needed ?? the Bible and hence the CODES found hidden in the texts are supposed to be UN-erring, forever TRUE and never misleading....
is the Author of the Book of Codes saying the Word of God is NOT 100% correct ALL-the-time ??

what a crock this whole web of deceit is..... until the Revelation, the Apocalypse, the lifting of the veil--- all eyes will be deceived AS IT is Written. !!

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