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Police Taser 11-Year-Old Autistic Girl Found Wandering Naked on Highway

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posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Foxy1
reply to post by OneManArmy

when he looked down and realized hes not wearing a coat due to it being summer, he probably freaked out and his arm naturally jerked out his taser and tased the air in front of him. Unfortunately she was standing there.

This is a natural reaction if cops ingest to many donuts and coffee.

Even so, how many police officers in your world go around abducting naked vulnerable 11yr olds, in uniform in broad daylight?

They have tazers and guns but no blanket in the car?
What sort of police force is that?
The police will employ any nutter nowadays. And heres the proof. Nothing else to say.

What you said is more ironic than it is sarcastic i think.
He realised he couldnt help the girl, because in a car full of kit there is no blanket. So the automatic response was to go for the tazer and shock the poor girl. Subtle.

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by pez1975
reply to post by Jay Electronica

the news is not allowed to give out specific info out on a child hence why they tip toe around the age and dont give a name.

You notice, however, that the anchor people and the on site reporter used the term "young woman" several times before the on site reporter added that the young woman was a juvenile almost as an afterthought.

They should have said that she was a child but the media is on board with a police state where 11 year old autistic girls get tazered instead of being walked to a squad car and having their parents called.

This is disgusting, she's lucky he didn't empty his pistol into her.

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by pez1975

Extremely bizarre behavior on both parts, yet only one would have a good excuse for it, that one being the 11yr old girl. The normal thing to do would been to just walk up and grabbed her calmly talking to her if she was walking or going on the highway or into traffic, approach her in a casual non threatening manner so she does not get spooked and run. If she does get spooked and runs, it can turn ugly especially if there is traffic which should be stooped, but if she runs you run and grab her.

I think a grown man can outrun a child if need be, if not they should make them hit the treadmill a bit, tazers need not be involved in such a situation at all. Even in the most hardened criminal or deranged persons there primary fear would be for there own safety, things would only escalate if you come into the situation only looking to make it more tense then it already is. The whole point in such scenarios would be to defuse the situation, but if you come into it with a ready to fire mentality that is not going to happen. Besides I do not think a 11yr old little naked girl would be what you would call a high and dangerous risk persons.

But even in the vid the witness says she was in no immediate danger from traffic, like I said the whole thing is just bizarre. Extremely bad judgment on the cops part, irrational behavior is prone to irrational situations, many can sit behind the desk or computer and say that they would do different. But in effects that's like sitting on a couch watching a boxing match and saying they could do better or know what to do better then the boxer in the fight. In the actual situation it does not work like that and more likely then not the irrational mind takes over.

As such but I do not think any here should be throwing the cop in this story out to the wolfs as that is not our jobs, installing more extreme conditions unto an already bizarre and extreme condition situation only serves to escalate it albeit from the other end, making this into a two camp crapfest were everybody is just looking to protect there interests and # slinging per usual. Besides last I checked I do not think it is anyone's job on this site to look at this case and see what to do or what punishment the cop in question deserves. I am sure they got people who's job that is, they should do it. And if not, or if it does not work, and such cases escalate then find somebody who would do a better job at it all across the board and or try different methods. All of which I am quite sure they know what is really the problem.
edit on 13-8-2013 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by Air0x

Originally posted by darkbake
This is terrible... poor girl... : (

I don't understand how all of this police brutality is coming out of the wood-works all of a sudden, though. And I don't know what is up with this... it seems entirely sketchy.

The police officers around here have just decided to completely forget about having a legitimate reason to pull people over and are doing search and seizures randomly. I've experienced it, and so has one of my friends, neither of us got a ticket or had anything to find, either.
edit on 12-8-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

Indeed it is =/

First the police don't know if the girl has any health problems which actually can cause death by the taser. Also we should be "glad" the police is still the police. Let's welcome martial law and a militarized police force in the near future.

That seems to be the direction we are going, also culturally, possibly to a more totalitarian collective state, which I don't like... but since I just moved, it is hard to tell.
edit on 14-8-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by eManym
An 11 year old girl wondering the highway, in the nude, is quite strange and the LEO probably suspected mental illness or drug intoxication. What is he to do to subdue her? Incapacitate her so he doesn't get bit or scratched. Although cruel, what other options are there, animal snare?

Subdue her from what? Giggling?

Once again Power given to someone with the IQ of a biscuit.

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by pez1975

This is sad - I am a former Australian Police Officer and we were university educated. We were trained to never use our guns unless there were strict circumstances - the firearms exam was an 80% pass and not the regular 50%. Tasers were only used by specifically trained officers when I was operational and I know that the use of them had to be justified.

A naked 11 yr old girl walking alone along the highway - the first thing I am going to do is assess - then offer her a coat or a spare shirt or something to cover her and protect her - then ask her to come for a ride in the Police car. I know why the Taxi driver called it in and didn't touch her - he could have been implicated and possibly charged - that would be standard procedure until it was verified that he was in actual fact a good conscientious citizen.

Tasering this Child - totally unjustified - criminal - abusive behaviour to a Child - unethical and unprofessional. How do people in America cope with these type of incidents?????

Much all vulnerable people - pray the good samaritans get to you before the American Police...

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 04:27 AM
The cops name and picture should be posted and let god deal with it.
edit on 8/14/13 by verylowfrequency because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 04:30 AM
Sorry I haven't read all the replies, but let's get the positives out of the way. Importantly the child's safe and with her family
, she didn't walk onto the road and get hit by a truck, or worse get picked up by a pedo.

It's ok to become an expert after the event without seeing exactly what happened. I'd like to think that most if put into the situation of the police would have just thrown their coat round her and lifted her?? Then maybe they felt she was about to dart onto the road?

I'd think any family would be happy to have their child home safe. Of course anger might come later that your child got tasered in the back.

If this was just an unfortunate child with no family and on drugs, I'm wondering would it have made the news at all? It would be a shame if that was the case

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 05:10 PM
Cops are handed a higher level of power and responsibility than the "common man", therefore should be held to a higher standard of accountability and punishment. The problem IMO is there seems to be NO RECOURSE, usually it's two week paid vacation....errr....suspension.

You want a cop off the force for good for something he/she did that was legitimately very wrong. Sue that officer for his bond. They will no longer be able to work in law enforcement again.

To those of you saying cops need better education, training or better common sense; not going happen. Like the police instructor with tactical bacon said, funding goes, first thing to go is training classes. Couple that with the fact that the general trend of laws, policing, and public policy is towards that of an iron grip. It's already been mentioned many times on this thread alone the noticeably rising issue of police brutality. Yet you never hear of accountability or REAL punishment. On the other side look at the laws that keep getting put into effect, violations of the constitution running rampant. Patriot acts, the NSA scandal on n on. Whose job is it to keep that protected and promoted as the status quo? Whose the front line? You guessed It, the militarized police dept. No wonder this "Us against them" attitude is allowed to prevail in the PD, it helps!

As far as intelligence, morals, and possibly questioning bad orders, making better decision ( even though its all supported and backed in ACTION (although most go on camera now saying it was justified or we're "looking into it" so don't worry about it) by the judicial and police powers, therefore condoned) its not going to happen because the policy is not to allow smart cops. Here's just ONE example of proof I'm the MSM

Just because you have a badge, and/or think you have ideals and are the "good guys" doesn't automatically mean you are immune to being a scumbag. You are supposed to be EXEMPLARY, even more reason to play by the rules and be a squeaky clean Boy Scout. If you don't like it, work at the mall or find some other job. The process of weeding those out who don't fit that description is harsh punishment and job loss, in other words serious repercussions.

One last thing, many Americans HAVE woken up but what good is it w.out organization and solidarity. More needs to happen. So to the public and the private people's I say to you, it's not just the cops' fault get your # together, develop strong community and we just might police ourselves. If you haven't noticed the police aren't protecting or serving us.
edit on 14-8-2013 by Nanu13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2013 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

I do not even think suing these assholes Helps!!! Honestly, the way most cops are thinking, as long as they do not get their badge taken away... they do not CARE!!!! Listen!!! The CITY has attorneys and POLITICIANS and they do not CARE either

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by teachtaire
Really guys, lets be honest.

Most of these cops are good guys.

Only the dip#s make the news.

But when those dip#s make the news, they make it in a spectacular way :C

So the cops who stand by and allow these atrocities are still 'good guys'?

If they allow it they are NOT good guys.

The news is now FULL of police brutality. It's common practice now.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 09:59 PM
I think all police should be issued and trained to use the lasso poles like animal control has. But more tactical. .

I remember the story of a man who crashed his car which caght fire and he somehow escapes the wreckage only to be shot and killed by the police who responded. He was naked, injured, and unresponsive....

And then cops have a non or less violent option to keep people "safe"

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by verylowfrequency
The cops name and picture should be posted and let god deal with it.
edit on 8/14/13 by verylowfrequency because: (no reason given)

Welllllllllll . . . might be a start.

Has there been any new information on this case?

Horrific. I hope a huge fuss is made locally.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by Garkiniss
Can we take tasers away from the police? It's obvious they've become dependent on them to do all of their police work, which now, it seems, includes helping special needs children. I mean WTF?!

I don't think I'd be happy with anything less than this cop's badge being handed over.

Dont take them away, because that means they will start shooting more people, not like they ever stopped but you get what Im saying.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by Indigo5
reply to post by pez1975

Need more info. It's certainly possible that this cop effed up big time...

BUT...The Taxi Driver that reported the girl to the cops described the girl as appearing as if she was on "Bath Salts" or some other drug. Bath Salts are the drugs that have led to people eating one another.

If the officer tried to apprehend her and she darted into expressway traffic?

I don't think he handled it well at all...but it isn't as cut and dry as some of the cop haters around here would have you believe either.

It was stated severAl times from eyewitnesses that traffic was completely stopped, no danger. Nice try but next time actually try reading the available Info before jumping to the Gestapo's defense.
edit on 8/25/2013 by TheCrimsonGhost because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by illuminnaughty
Why would they need to taser an 11 yr old nude child? What threat was there? Surely the first thing you would do is cover her and comfort her. Asking who why and what she was doing out on a high way like that? The mind boggles....

From the Father of the child...She does not appear like a child, does not communicate or respond verbally and is apt to flee or run.

“From his report, she warned my daughter twice, who doesn’t respond verbally at all, and then tased her,” he said.

Hampson says his daughter has a severe case of autism. He says she cannot carry on a conversation and she tends to run away from home often.

“You can just tell you’re not dealing with a regular person who’s either on drugs or anything else,” explained Hampson. “Physically (she) does not look like an average 11-year-old. She’s kind of, you know, husky,” he added. Hampson believes this is why his pre-teen daughter was mistaken for a woman by authorities.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by TheCrimsonGhost

It was stated severAl times from eyewitnesses that traffic was completely stopped, no danger. Nice try but next time actually try reading the available Info before jumping to the Gestapo's defense.
edit on 8/25/2013 by TheCrimsonGhost because: (no reason given)

Police officers are not the "Gestapo"...Reductio Ad Hitlerum?...What makes you comfortable comparing US Police Offficers with the Nazi Gestapo?

Some traffic stopped....and if you know anything about highway accidents...that is no guarantee oncomming traffic will stop...It takes just one driver looking at thier phone at 80 miles an hour to slam into the scene.

She had been asked to stop twice and moved back into the highway when the officer used the taser.

Multiple car pile ups happen all the time where one or two vehicles stop, but the rest do not.

This female officer who used who taser could have very well saved this child's life.
edit on 26-8-2013 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Indigo5

Originally posted by TheCrimsonGhost

It was stated severAl times from eyewitnesses that traffic was completely stopped, no danger. Nice try but next time actually try reading the available Info before jumping to the Gestapo's defense.
edit on 8/25/2013 by TheCrimsonGhost because: (no reason given)

Police officers are not the "Gestapo"...Reductio Ad Hitlerum?...What makes you comfortable comparing US Police Offficers with the Nazi Gestapo?

Some traffic stopped....and if you know anything about highway accidents...that is no guarantee oncomming traffic will stop...It takes just one driver looking at thier phone at 80 miles an hour to slam into the scene.

She had been asked to stop twice and moved back into the highway when the officer used the taser.

Multiple car pile ups happen all the time where one or two vehicles stop, but the rest do not.

This female officer who used who taser could have very well saved this child's life.
edit on 26-8-2013 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

I have felt comfortable comparing the police to the Gestapo since they decided to turn themselves into a military force complete with tanks and high powered weapons, which they do not hesitate to use to kill you, your children or even your dog at the slightest hint they might be able to lie and explain it away, much like the taser happy cop in this case who comes up with the traffic thing even though multiple witnesses have now confirmed traffic was completely stopped. Oh wait, that's your argument too huh... sadly your one of the folks who still haven't woken up to the incredibly over powered "police" force you are enabling. When they violate the civil rights of you or your loved ones I bet you'll be singing a different tune.
edit on 8/26/2013 by TheCrimsonGhost because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 02:01 AM
Cops are not obligated to help civilians no matter what age they are. They are there to enforce laws and this has been the case since 2005 as police officers are not obligated to protect citizens but are required to enforce laws.

Yeah, you can't blame Obama this time around but the fact that this exists merely points out that we have no use for cops anymore but use them as IRS street agents.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 07:13 AM
There's a lot of miserable pansies in the world now. Places like the military and police ranks allow them to exact their revenge on the world. Anyone that's ever been in the service knows of the twerps that couldn't last a second in a real fight that used their rank to make others suffer. Now these people are getting out and becoming cops. And I still suspect roid rage in some of these cases. The bad cops are displaying highly impulsive behavior more and more.

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