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"This is for Trayvon" .. black youths target hispanic man and beat him.

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posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by WormwoodSquirm
that is just plain dumb if true. The young blacks nationwide would be quick work for the ruthless Mexican and Central American gangs all across the country. Hope this doesn't get out of hand.

Is that what you want?

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

This is why trials should not be televised, nor discussed in the news. Is it really anyone's business other than those involved and their families? I submit no.

The longer we put up with this stuff being televised and put up as entertainment, the longer this race crap will continue.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
I love how this all became an issue overnight because of a scenario that had nothing whatsoever to do with race.

Meanwhile black and hispanic gangs have been shooting and hacking each other up with machetes for decades now holding entire neighborhoods hostage in what amounts to an all out race war and that's just ignored or cast aside as some anomaly nothing can be done about.

Stacking bodies by the hundreds over skin color is no big deal obviously. But some guy gets assaulted and shoots his assaulter who looks different and now we all have to pay out the 40 acres, castrate every "white hispanic" (WTH is that anyway?) oh, and we have to get rid of the second amendment.

Meanwhile another half dozen black people were just hacked into bits by a group of Surenos for being black.

If this is going to be some asinine race issue then at least use a proper catalyst as an excuse.
edit on 16-7-2013 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

Yes, what is a "White Hispanic".. just the same as saying a mixed race black is a "White Black". Who in their right mind would say that? My father is a dark skinned Italian - maybe he will be a "Brown Caucasian" by the end of the week.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by Nephalim

Originally posted by WormwoodSquirm
that is just plain dumb if true. The young blacks nationwide would be quick work for the ruthless Mexican and Central American gangs all across the country. Hope this doesn't get out of hand.

Is that what you want?

NO, what kind of question is that? Notice I said HOPE THIS DOESN'T GET OUT OF HAND. The blacks best be careful randomly beating up Hispanics as they don't mess around. They chop off heads and stuff.
edit on 16-7-2013 by WormwoodSquirm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by FlyersFan

Nope, sorry, not playing the "blame society" crap. Those kids are to blame, them and them alone. They CHOSE to attack the man, they did, not the media, not Obama, not even Holder.


eta: while i agree that the media and other aspects tried to turn this into a racial issue to stoke the fires and create a problem to hand out their solution, I refuse to put the blame of actions by someone on anyone other than the person who committed those actions.
edit on 16-7-2013 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

Yes. I agree.
Everything is completely black and white, and only the obvious things matter.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

Nope, sorry, not playing the "blame society" crap. Those kids are to blame, them and them alone. They CHOSE to attack the man, they did, not the media, not Obama, not even Holder.

yes, they did choose to attack, but why? could it be that they were egged on by the media or obama?

if i convince someone to murder another for me, can i just say "it was their action, not mine. i am not to blame for their choice"?

no, that's absurd.
edit on 16-7-2013 by Bob Sholtz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 11:46 PM
Some people dont get it.

edit on 17-7-2013 by Nephalim because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by minkmouse
What eludes me is how this story ever got on the tips of so many American tongues? To my way of thinking, in order for it to reach this status, someone, somewhere had to have been fanning the flames! Should this not have been a local story to The citizens of the area and perhaps state? I can't put my finger on it but ever since the batman shootings My little voice deep down has been raging about patterns and how someone, somewhere, is trying to get some kind of bad ball into play and so far it's not gone according to plan. Or maybe it has...Maybe the idea is to get the pot of oil boiling before dropping in the ice block.

Don't ignore that little voice! In this case, you are on the right track. I have been saying for a couple of years that a lot of these cases stink. Conflicting stories, far too much attention, and come on, shooters that, more often than not, shoot themselves??? Someone is playing games, alright. Check the latest statement from someone that wasn't supposed to be making one, and the agenda is clear. People are stirred up about guns. Guns are seen by many as evil. Now self defense is being seen by some as evil, too. Yes, there is a pattern!

Disarm people, and make it criminal to defend yourself. Promote violence from some, and make it criminal to even suggest one of those did anything wrong. These days, too many people fall for it, too.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 01:12 AM
The kids are to blame for their own actions.

However, on a wider scale relating to the Zimmerman trial, Americans, black, white, whatever, are to blame for allowing this to become as subjective and emotive as it has.
The government is to blame for lack of investment and good education in these places where kids and adults alike can hardly read, let alone think objectively and so sit and take in 100% what is said on TV or told to them by so called community leaders with their own agenda to maintain division. The government is also to blame for the division right now, even if its division that EVERY government needs in order to maintain control over a large population.
The media is to blame for being the Government's puppet that stokes the flames.

The bottom line, you take responsibility for your actions, regardless of external influence, but it would be naive to say that external influence has not played a major role in how many people, especially black Americans, are feeling right now that is leading to these incidents.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 01:25 AM
Well I'm going to As usual be I'm white. two I find a majority of Posts on this thread to be Racist as hell, talk about Snotty ass White Privilege,

Yea You heard me, Snotty ass White Privilege.

Do I agree with this whole black gangsta let's kill white devils, etc? NO. Thuggery is thuggery be it in our cities or in the Congo.

DO I think there was justice for Trayon? NO. Do I think Zimmerman should have been charged with murder? No, Manslaughter yes, but, alas...

BOTH were in the wrong in My opinion. NOW, That aside, Florida is HORRENDOUS in their yes RACIST JUDICIAL SYSTEM. Let's not kid ourselves here...there is Racism alright, against non whites ALL over this country and geo political racism as well...Just as much as there is sexism. That Hieararchy exists, any who say it doesn't say so Because they LIKE the Seat of Privilege it affords them. The KKK is still VERY strong and operates many of our Courts, police and prisons, FACT. Any who think not are deluded or are a part of them.

Does the Media and Poli agendas stir up the hornets nest? Damn straight they do...BUT, and get this loud and clear, they do NOT stir this hornets nest alone, oh no...

They have Plenty of help from RACIST WHITES who are all to happy to go ho hum along and Ignore the Blatant Racist Programs against Blacks, Hispanics, Native Indians IN this Country NOW as well as the attacks on POOR WHITES, oh Hell yea,

Black kids shot in communities and Nothing is done, I'm talking about shot by White cops, etc. not just black n black crime...or how about all the Native Indian women raped with Impunity in many northern states yet whites just ignore or

MAKE EXCUSES. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE RACIST that's why. Oh they may not rally in white panther lion Grouos and chant kill blacked, oh no, THEY MUCH MORE SANITIZED IN THEIR METHODS

And lots of UPPITY WHITE WOMEN are Just fine with that as long as they didn't have to Walk around those Roaming black kids or those nasty homeless or those dirty harlots Huh!

Yea don't give me this Innocent white crap and racists are only blacks, Hardly...Fact is, Whites have been FEEDING INTO THIS BEAST FOR EONS AND EONS AND EONS...

Something Could have been done YEARS ago, WHERE were YOU anti racist when those black mothers were Crying for Justice over their kids shot by cops? Huh Where we're you? DID you care? Or did you just Ssume it was just because they were ghetto trash? Because Hey that's the Stereotype now isn't it! A Stereotype that WHITES madeossible when they demanded segregation via REGENTRIFICATION, oh yea, in Numerous cities.

In that Sanitized Sterilized way that they do...of course.

Terms like Welfare Queen and those Mexicans having all those Babies and crap like that spewed and why That's not Racist?

no, as a White who lives in a mostly white neighborhood but did live in inner city I can VOUCH that majority of whites are yes, Racist to the Core. They just Hide it better...but it Stinks all the same. Comments like "oh they Roam around" Got news for you White Kids ROAM AROUND TOO, they Loot too, they Commit Violent Crimes too,

They just aren't Demonized for it. Texas a group of White kids beat an old couple to death, for #s and giggles...another town White girls torched a girls face then murdered her in forest, Why? They were jealous, Yea Great kids there huh! White Boys gang raping girls and the WHOLE DAMN WHITE WHITE WHITE COMMUNITY OF ADULTS PROTECTS THESE WHITE THUGS

So Don't give me this Crap about Black kids Roaming and looking for trouble...there are Plenty of WHITE KIDS that do the SAME. AND WILL DO LESS IF ANY



I do Not support nationalism that thrives on demonizing other to step up...but I Understand what can FEED that thuggery for decades. There are Thousands of Blacks, Browns and Reds who do NOT want a Race war or Any WAR for that matter...

When they ask for Help in their communities or about the System, where are YOU? Do you Act in support or risk risk oh those people, etc? Well?

Florida KILLS more YOUTH in Prison who Don't belong there, like One boy 12 years old who Accidently killed his sister, his mother left this boy to care for her day in day out, SHE should have been charged with Neglect, I stead the Prosecutor goes after this KID wO a vengeance...a KID, charged as an adult....and He's not the Only one. THAT folks is Systematic Genocide, aka GENDERCIDE,

These black/brown youths SEE this, well as the Apathy. And you Wonder how these militant thig gangsters get these angry kids and lead them Into gang warfare while YOU sit comfortable in our white middle class homes???

And then when something like this happens The. It's all those roaming animals and beasts etc...well What do you expect? Kind of self fulfilling prophecy isn't it? You support a Penal system that GROOMS THESE KIDS FROM YOUNG AGE then Wonder why they violent?

Don't just blame the media or militant black Groups.
edit on 17-7-2013 by ThreeBears because: Typos

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by ValentineWiggin

Originally posted by kdyam
reply to post by jhn7537

Yeah.. so much for the melting pot society we live in. I think that slavery was an abomination but I believe our country would be much better off right now if it had never happened we would have many less of the angry and lazy " I am going to use slavery and oppression as a crutch" black people who have raised their children in an angry "hate whitey environment because they owe us for what they did to our people a few hundred years ago" and would have the ones who want to be here and be productive. I personally think it a ridiculous crutch for black folks to still use slavery as an excuse for oppression, or segregation.

140 years ago.
edit on 16-7-2013 by ValentineWiggin because: (no reason given)

Actually the enslavement of Africans began in North America under the Brits around 1619. I was using the reference of 200 years ago loosely but it has definitely been much longer than the 140 years you put in big bold red print.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by ThreeBears

Why are your posts always filled with Feminist anti-White propaganda?
edit on 17/7/2013 by Dark Ghost because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Gotta love the USA. All the people that have stoked the flames of racism in the Zimmerman trial are indirectly responsible for these types of actions. They go through a form of words for the public; please do not cause violence and protest peacefully. In truth they are encouraging events likes these. People are not stupid. They can see through the facade the race instigators use to protect themselves from scrutiny. They allow themselves to be moved by the unspoken message, by the meaning grasped through the unspoken word: Unleash Hell on the light skinned! Make them suffer for what happened to poor widdle Trayvon! Get your Revenge!

It is really quite pathetic. Sadly, the race instigators have won another victory and have grown bolder. The next time there is an obvious way to exploit a questionable situation into another race vs. race issue they will do so. They will do so with greater haste knowing that they are unopposed.

I wish more white folk would have the balls to stand up to the likes Al & Jesse. Racism is only going to get worse in the USA until there exists a counterweight to those folk. Make it understood that they are the racists. They have proven themselves racist because they do not speak out against violent, reprehensible acts against anyone who is not of their skin color.

I wish more people of any "color" had the guts to stand against PC, current popular trends, or whatever it is that makes them afraid to speak out. This nonsense would stop if these retaliatory attackers got the book thrown at them for "hate crimes". I bet, if the offenders get arrested and it is proven they spoke those words, they won't be charged with anything related to hate.

reply to post by buster2010

Yeah, right. I think the fact that the attackers were yelling "This is for Trayvon" blows your little theory out of the water.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

In Senatobia, Mississippi, a jogger was forced into a car by Black youths and was beaten. This behavior is not acceptable!

Let me ask a question ... Why didn't Trayvon Martin ignore Zimmerman and go straight home? When you suspect you're being followed, you get to a safe place. Both of these people made stupid mistakes. Learn from them!

This violence needs to stop. What good does it do?

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 05:23 AM
Zimmerman wasn't arrested initially because his daddy was a judge, Martin was black and the system did a favor for one of its own which continued with the farce of trial. His uncle was some kind of sheriff's bailiff too. Now you sure didn't hear much of the media ever reporting about his family ties to the system with the exception of his uncle testifying. Favors were pulled and the police purposefully dropped the ball initially, Zimmerman was coached and probably created his own wounds to save his butt. Think about it, if you killed somebody unexpectedly and knew you might be facing prison time, how hard would you be willing to smack your own head on the concrete to nullify 20 years in prison?

Zimmerman was treated better than a cop becase he had ties to the system without as much scrutiny or knowledge of inside connections. That's how they cheated and we all know the drill having watched cops commit felonies with nothing more than paid leave again and again.

I blame Florida and the corrupt system that has helped enrage the black community. Florida is one of many states where the courts have historically treated black folks unfairly, probably the same is true for the entire gulf coast.

The system is corrupt, so a certain segment of the population is pissed. Best stay the hell out of their way and hope somebody gets Zimmy, otherwise we'll be dealing with this for awhile.
edit on 7/17/13 by verylowfrequency because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 05:32 AM
I'm afraid we're finding out just how truly "dumbed down" the American populace is. There were 2 brothers shot and killed in a Florida Golden Corral parking lot over the same thing purportedly. The media can try to hide the motivations for these crimes but I was witness to the mass stupidity of the Rodney King riots in '92. I was standing in my yard talking to my black neighbor when a carload of young black guys drove by yelling "I'm gonna *snip* up somebody for Rodney King!".
Never mind the fact they didn't know Mr. King or have any relation to him whatsoever, the not guilty verdict of the police was enough of an excuse for them to go ruin someone else's life. We're seeing the same thing all over again.

I was hoping we wouldn't see this kind of reaction but I'm afraid that's not a realistic expectation right now. The black population is riled up and many seem ready to step full in to stupid mode. I'm sure they're po'd about much more than the Zimmerman verdict; perhaps the lack of jobs, opportunity and losing the ability to dream are more realistic excuses. Some people are out for blood I hate to say but I think it's just sad reality until some kind of real change comes around.

Be safe people, keep aware of your surroundings and if anything looks suspicious leave. Better safe than sorry.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by optimus primal

I've got to agree with you. Attention is Al Sharptons drug. If you take away all the attention he gets for his race baiting, the guy would go through withdrawl fits and then fade into nothing. No matter what Sharpton gets into, he always makes it worse, not better.

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by ThreeBears
Yea You heard me, Snotty ass White Privilege.

No such thing. Yes, you heard me. No such thing as white privilege. Maybe there used to be a long while back. But not now. If anything, it's just the opposite. Educated white males in this country are trashed by small minded racists and routinely put aside for less educated and less capable 'people of color'. 'white privilege'.... pffft ...

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by HairlessApe

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by FlyersFan

Nope, sorry, not playing the "blame society" crap. Those kids are to blame, them and them alone. They CHOSE to attack the man, they did, not the media, not Obama, not even Holder.


eta: while i agree that the media and other aspects tried to turn this into a racial issue to stoke the fires and create a problem to hand out their solution, I refuse to put the blame of actions by someone on anyone other than the person who committed those actions.
edit on 16-7-2013 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

Yes. I agree.
Everything is completely black and white, and only the obvious things matter.

Well, you either accept that these individuals made the choice to use their brains inefficiently, when committing this and the other alleged racially motivated crimes, indicating that these people are not intelligent enough to understand the situation and are simply motivated by basic instincts, Or they're racist scumbags who know that bashing innocent people does not help the situation that they feel is an unjust outcome and who go out of their way to engage in such activities because they fully want to.

Which is it? They're racists who simply want to beat non-blacks up? Or too ignorant to use their brain and swallow the media slant?

Either way, the picture painted of these individuals is pretty deplorable. Almost offensive to claim it without knowing them. But... well, as the days roll on, well see more of it, and I wonder how the justification (blame the media, not the perpetrator) will play out...

edit on 17-7-2013 by winofiend because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by ThreeBears

i'm going to go ahead and debunk your rant really quick:

i'm white, and i'm quite poor. so much for white privilege.

i think your definition of racism is off. just because white cops shoot a black teen (whether it was the right OR wrong thing to do) does not make it racist.

people are shot by police often, and most of it isn't racially motivated. police cover things up, and most of it is done to save the cop's skin, NOT out of racism.

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