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Egypt and Obama: 5 Stunning Pictures Banned by the Mainstream Media

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posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 04:53 PM
Oh goody, hmmmm, let's see, wasn't oslammer the great orator, the omnipotent communicator, the educated, clean, black man, destined to heal the world, unite the masses, soothe our enemies, calm the seas, ad nauseum.

Guaranteed oslammer didn't have anything to do with this mess, haha, wretched gut laughing with that one....another in a long line of novice epic failures of the one.

Funny as all get out.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by smurfy

Well at least the last administration actually fought people like Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood unlike the current one who was aiding, and abetting them as well as other places-,Egypt,Syria,Libya.

Morsi is Egypt, any way he's gone now. Syria, it's hard to know what is actually going on there when you have MSM reports with a guy blowing smoke in the background. The MB in Egypt is a political party now, so they are bound by whatever happens to turn up there.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 05:31 PM
You do realize anyone can make a sign, right?
and anyone can take a photo and post it online.

I expected more from this thread than people holding signs.

P.S. Those signs are the very definition of propaganda.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 05:38 PM
I remember one of the pictures being from an older protest.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Ghost375
You do realize anyone can make a sign, right?
and anyone can take a photo and post it online.

I expected more from this thread than people holding signs.

P.S. Those signs are the very definition of propaganda.

Thanks Ghost. We don't usually line up, but this time...
you forgot to notice that the sign isn't the message.

Protest + Regular looking guy + Nice lithography = STAGED PHOTO OP.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by smurfy

lol... You're right...and please forgive me at times. When I'm not on here or at school, I'm usually running around the net collecting and reading news or government reports on one thing or another. Homework and proactive school study.

So my reply on a thing like this may seem ...harsh ..but that's why I mention the above. It comes, not from this one story, but from a multitude of stories and events over the period time going back before Mubarak was removed.

If you recall, one of the top claims at the time Egypt fell the first time around was that a large % of the funding came from a private effort by a Google employee. Some of them are millionaires many many times over by their work and stock options there it's not shocking in it's own right.

Then...mix that with what we now know about Google and the NSA being almost bed buddies...and it takes on new light when a Google guy was instrumental in Egypt's internal political changes the first time, doesn't it? I can definitely see their hate for the US at the moment. I wish it wasn't there and I hope, in time, it can fade and pass.

Now you are being diplotmatic. I only ask to consider this, the internet or rather, what was the internet was the biggest threat to elitists from day one. That was not going to happen for very long was it?
As far as I'm concerned, all the groups, and perhaps more mentioned as cooperating with NSA 'requests' are one and the same as NSA, or perhaps more so now with NCTC. Otherwise, why are they cooperating? Journalists are not forced to do so.
Then there is the USA patriot act, which is totally unconstitutional and by existing, allows anybody to snared by the act, not just fecking terrorists. This is what Snowden is about, he knows that in the organsations he was in, I just wish he would spit it out.

posted on Jul, 3 2013 @ 09:24 PM
It is ridiculous that it is 2013 now with internet and free infomation everywhere and there are still some sheeples being so heavily brainwashed by the media that they are more willing to protect Obama than their own lives. This reminds me of a crazy story happenning not long ago in North Korea about a farmer chose to protect the picture of Kim Jong Un from being wet instead of saving his daughter from the death in a flood. And then North Korea media praised this farmer as the national hero and being completely faithful to the Party leader. Dictatorship, one-sided propaganda and brainwashing make people that stupid. I dont think someone here wants to become a hero like that man, right? There is also an undeniable fact that there are always some Obama paid shills here trying to prevent the truth from being exposed.

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