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Earth's present, artificial moon - and her REAL, large-sized Hidden One

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posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by DestroyDestroyDestroy

Originally posted by Lone12

- i m aware of your objections , thank you for mentioning them DDD

yet i m so fascinated by the higher dimensions - which for myself i ve proof they exist, especially the Heavenly one - that " i start the other way aróund to make it fit "... see ?

because, its an iron law: *first* a soul "believes something ",
and thén he or she searches (and finds) proof to substanciate that belief. True ? it "your" science... or my thread topic

kind regards

I disagree, I think you need proof to solidify belief, otherwise it's baseless, and thus puts you in bad faith (perhaps better defined as conscious self deception). I have no objection to your desire to believe what you want, I just find it strange that you would knowingly deceive yourself to uphold far fetched and unsupportable beliefs.

Again, if you're fascinated by this stuff, I strongly suggest pursuing the academic side of it. Like I said, science isn't some guys sitting around hitting a bong and playing hacky sack then suddenly deciding that this thing called gravity exists. You could also look into theology since you seem to take an interest in that as well. To validate the strength of your beliefs, you must challenge and test them.

..thanks DDD you rightly conclude that this is , first, a "believe " perception.

see - i ve no problems putting the ' academic side ' to this. Because she wont be able to DISprove the assumption. And about gravity: so-called ' science ' has really *no idea* what that is. In fact - there are mány things that 'science ' does not know: they base their theories of Workings, básed onto "what their eyes can see ".
True ?

but thats my whole point !
our very eyes DECEIVE us !ý would i concoct "scientifical truths" to support things that are deceiving my own eyes ?

do you understand my point please ?

- what we see, is Spelled
or, perhaps, better, " the WAY we think we see, is Spelled "

..then what i care for " sciences equations" ?
because , first, science adapted a specific Kind Of Vieuw Of Looking At Things -
and only thén they concocted their ' equations ' as "proof ".

so tell me -
UFOS go fast, are Invisable, and make 90 degrees turns

...whére is "science " opinions about that ? hm ?

present ' science ' is a Hoax
and, in fact, deepening our ówn False Prison

if you knew, that Evil is the very Source of "science ",
enlightening 'science ' with Its ideas -
see how most scientific "inventions " came through dreams or guidance,
...then why you hold on to such Dubious Source ?

you see my point please ?

im questioning our present False Thinking !

best regards

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 07:09 AM
thats right: i m questioning " science ", itsélf.

Because it is " a Belief "
a way of Interpreting the things around us.

and i say, that it is Evil, who directs " science ",
= that it is Evil , who gives the correlation between " what we see " and " how to interpret them ".

Does that make sense please ?

remember nazi germany:
they invented many, many new types of warfare and technologies
yet the náture of that regime was outright Evil.

since then - fróm them - is derived *ALL* of present days " technology "
and " scientififical thinking ".

true ?

so - if you pose, that " the assumption of this thread is false - because "science " Disproves it " :

then i ask you:
disprove it with what: by a Hoax ?

- no, i do not say ' mathematics are wrong '
i only say " they are Wrongly APPLIED "- and therefore are a Slave of supporting the False Belief :

...its a Lie that " only Science understands, and knows how to apply geometrics "

they dó understand geometry: they just applý it wrong : hence their False results.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Very interesting thread. Not sure whether this interpretation is the correct one but starred and flagged for the work and for having an out of the box concept.

The moon is not the same size as the sun, but it does cover the sun perfectly during eclipses, so perhaps that is what was meant.

I believe that what Sleeper said was true, that there are many planets and objects that we don't see.

Ets have much higher technology of ours, we can't break their encryption, oops I mean cloaking.

As a side point, that painting looks a bit like Keanu Reeves.

edit on 23-6-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

you re kind thank you working on part II the egypt pantheon connection

that ancient pantheon is all about Spells, Magick, Spelling the human mind, to have us look at things a certain way

Trust me - i pondered these things a lot
and i ve no intention of leading anyone astray


posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 07:24 AM
btw Unity99,
the thing that got me thinking was exactly Henochs phrase, thrice,
that ' the moon IS the same size as the sun '

..thereby not directly státing - but surely INDICATING that this présent moon is a Fabrication
...confirmed by sumerian/early babylonian/egyptian writings.

yes perhaps there are more of these invisable [ because residing in other dimensions] planetary bodies -

but the réason i care about the Real Hidden Large Moon, only,
is because Evil has its HQ of Rule from there

hidden Rule

...remember the london 2012 olympics ?
a ' flaming eye came crashing upon this earth '

that is Evils Rule, the Eye meaning " consciousness "

and that eye of Rule, Evil has Hidden in the Real Large Moon we are searching.
As attribute.
If its exposed - then Evils Rule over this Earth is OVER !

such is the spiritual Law !!

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 07:38 AM
- i d like to add 2 channelings ;
i didnt include them in the OP because i didnt want to enclose 'questionable proofs ' ,
also because channelings are 1 large mixture of truths, halftruths and lies.
im sure you understand -
...i only put them here as " possible circumstancial proofs "....allright..

[ offside content OC] [ i really dont know how to do Bold or Offside content, mods ]

" “Kosmopharos: We would like to speak a bit.
You planet once had two moons. One of which has now gone dark, but its energy signature still circles you.
It is not the cause of chaos on your planet. Many things have caused that. But it amplifies, it is an amplifier. It is important for people to feel connected with your (he means present) moon, Luna, not simply because it controls the tides on your planet, which is value enough, but because in not valuing it, in ignoring it, they unconsciously amplify the amplifier of the chaos.

The moon ( he means Luna) is beautiful and filled with inspiration, but it is the reason that your existence on this planet, on the third dimension that you now live on, as well as the next three dimensions, are possible. It is, of course, just a satellite, but think of all things on your planet and in this universe that would not exist without a satellite. The satellite is not simply a worshiper of the Earth, though originally so. It guides the Earth. It keeps her in check, as best as its little body can. She stays on her axis and on her orbit, in large part, thanks to the guidance of the moon. They are sisters. And their dark sister, though technically gone, still has value and presence. "

[ end OC ]

another one:


" “ (…) This changed our Dimension from the 13 lunar months of 20 days each to 9 cycles of 9. This is a sine wave of ups and downs in breaths and exhalations which are in cycles of nine, undulating to a new rhythm in a new Dimension, a Higher Dimension and this new pulse cannot be turned off and cannot be stopped. The days will cycle a rhythm of nine and it is completely different then 13 x 20. It will take some time to get into the rhythm of the new dance on this New Dimension. In no time at all we will pulse right into Zero Point and then it will be easier to get used to the new undulant FORCE.

The rhythm of nine brings in another moon, which will be added to our Solar System. This helps us understand we are expanding each of the two moons lunar cycles, increasing the light. As event horizons pass, this will be easier understood. Things are not as they seem.”

source: archangel Metatron through Beth Truthwin
[end OC]

Just sayin'.

edit on 24-6-2013 by Lone12 because: spelling

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by StarsInDust

What you explained right there is cognitive dissonance at it's finest.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by Lone12

Great work OP; I for one deffiantely respect the effort and heart you put into all this, as well as the detail. Pat yourself on the back my friend

I think you and I are on a synchronistic level - I was going to make a thread simular this this - the artificial moon creating a false perception within the human consciousness - as that consciousness perceives the reality around them VIA 5 SENSES.

But I really enjoyed your thread so, you did me a favour
I feel you are deffiantely on the right track in terms of data regarding the TRUE MATRIX of this reality (matrix = MA's Tricks). The far out David Icke (I dont like him, but there is TRUTH in SOME (a tiny some) of what he says) talks about the holographic perception, the moon's artificial interference and the snakes/serpants (reptilians) who are behind it.

I know this is an athietic and scientific dominated website - but that does not stop me from sharing what I experienced - which opposes both.

I have seen a reptilian being in my third eye. This being "came" in my MENTAL-vision when I was in a LOW state of being.. Clearly wanted to take advantage of my situation, the serpant people are SNAKES for a reason. They trick and play games, lie, deceive and manipulate - its how they get ahead in THEIR "reality". Before their precense in our Solar system; Earth and the Human race I beleive were literally PERFECT. In all meanings of the word.

I have watched the moon travelling in the sky 30x its normal 'orbit velocity' - which showed me the moon deffinately is the liar and king of snakes in this 'reality' we are all perceiving. Before Moon worship came to be - everyone was aworshiping (naturally) the Sun! Who taught people to turn their backs to the sun and worship this moon?

We are in a LATE generation as of 2013 - so all of this ancient stuff seems bonkers to most who are scientifically and society conditioned. Its hard for them to see anything else then what they are told - most people sadly dont beleive they even have a SOUL ffs.. That says enough right there.

It would seem that the moon's "circuit hijacking" was the greatest plan Evil ever accomplished in this solar system (and other solar systems?). Just one look at the human race and how they 'live', behave, operate. . One has to shake their head, and give up hope.

When I travel via airplane - right after take off, looking down at that tiny part of earth - my perception of it all changes. Its when YOUR IN the circuit (so-to-speak) your perception is "locked" in the grid. But get away from it and you see everything differently.
All those cars, buildings, people, ideas, beleifs, ways of thinking and being - dont mean jack when your in an airplane. Now imagine being able to fly higher? Out of the atmosphere? What would the human's perception be of society and life then?

If anyone understands what im talking about here - im talking about perception and being stuck in the artifcial perception of reality.

Great thread, cant wait for part two

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

You seem to have ignored the giant impact theory which is discussed at length in your link.

Well I linked to a NASA page so maybe NASA doesn't think the Giant Impact theory is worthy of the top 3. Also, left out off the list, was the Hollow Moon theory and the Death Star theory. All of which are unprovable -including- NASA's top 3.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

Or the generally accepted impact theory which can be modeled with computers...and that we have an impact basin that matches those models.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 01:29 AM
Science really isn't a belief system at all. It is a method of discovery. A tool.

I will agree with the OP, however, in that science is often misunderstand, misused, and misrepresented probably more so than almost anything we know as humans.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by Lone12

OK, your a bit off...possibly in the head.

Science isn't a belief and there is no possible way to define it as such. It can lead to a belief, but that is usually based on a lot of observable fact...this is called a hypothesis. If a hypothesis can be backed up by physical observation then it becomes a theory. As we learn more theories can change or be scrapped entirely.
edit on 25-6-2013 by raifordko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by StarsInDust

I've read some speculations+theories about the moon being an alien ship/artificial construct-but I got an unusual comment on this from my son when he was 5yo.I have never discussed any theories about the moon with him,him only being a tiny kid,but one night as I was sitting outside looking up at the stars he joined me outside.We were just quietly sitting there when he suddenly said,and quite casually:"A grey ship came from the moon when we were all still in our mothers' tummies" Just like that-gave me goosebumps.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 02:25 AM
A very interesting thread. Good job.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 02:36 AM
Hi, this may seem weird but I'm wondering about how you came to learn and study all these things you know. I read one of your threads talking about Earth's artificial moon, you talk of the vedas, the sumerians, the bible, and alot of things that are no where near common knowledge. I'm just a young adult turning 19 and I want to understand your context, but what you speak of just blows my mind away. How did you come to learn all these things? In order to acquire an understanding of all this stuff, what resources did you use? I'm trying to learn as much as possible to understand the matrix we live in, I've read informaion pointing to earth being a prison planets and we are spiritually imprisoned. I wish to understand as you do, so I was hoping that you could supply me with resources, names of books, websites, etc.

Idk whether this a coincidence or not but the Cartoon/Anime "Naruto" has a plot that explains how the villains use their ocular magick powers to use the "Moon", it will amplify their abilities shrouding the entire ninja world(yes this cartoon is based in a ninja world) in a genjutsu(A genjutsu is pretty much an illusion). This operation or plan is called Infinite Tsukuyomi, an infinite genjutsu/Illusion on the ninja world. They wish to have a world of everlasting peace however its not real. The villains were once dreamers of a peaceful world. Could this mean the author of this anime knows something? Just a thought.

I also wanted your opinions on death and what happens after accordingly to your understanding. Perhaps what life on this planet at this time could represent as well.
I await your response Mr. Lone!

Also I apologize, I just made this account for the first time and I don't know how to message you or anything like that.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 06:14 AM
Firstly, to get the obligatory out there, this is actually my first post on ATS having just registered because of this thread (and of course interest in the topics discussed on this site). I've been checking this website somewhat frequently for a little under a year now, and to credit the OP, you got me to finally register and speak my mind.

Secondly, kudos to you OP for taking the time to flush out your thoughts, albeit a bit crude in presentation, but coherent enough to keep up with your thought process enough. I mean no disrespect but mean to convey that I am a bit uninformed on some of the terminology and the stitching you have done between so many concepts that makes this a tad bit harder to take in (mostly because of the quantity of info you're sharing). I believe to understand the overall theme of your thread regardless.

I came on here to defend you [the OP] against those calling you out to take science classes, the like, and/or outright insulting his mentality... I don't really feel like he was at all attacking science as some seem to believe or is delusional in a sense. There have been a lot of wild speculation in the science community as of recent about things like reality being a simulation (aka matrix), multiple dimensions, understandings in quantum mechanics, etc. Also how some believe that other universes (as a multiverse) or dimensions may exist that have completely different "rules" to them.

I'll be blunt to say that I am agnostic. I believe that science has plenty of credibility to believe what has been proven to date. However, I also find spirituality & ancient beliefs (religious ideology, astrology, etc) to be fascinating alongside many phenomena that point to a perhaps misunderstood history on this planet of ours. What I got from the OP is that the reality we perceive, where all our calculations and scientific facts seem to work (and almost creepily can all be mathematically explained), do so and shouldn't necessarily be discredited as false by what he is explaining.

We will most likely never know the precise history of our being, this planet, or the universe, but maybe just maybe we are in a reality with a reality. I love these types of threads because they are truly interesting to see an individual's takes on how they can best comprehend the grand scheme of things. Yes, certainly as someone with an open mind I rely on science to understand how things work because it is certainly the most plausible, and that the OP's submission certainly can't be proven, but I don't think some of you are truly thinking "outside of the box" (which is fine and not meant to be an insult of course). We can only go about on what we observe to be "true", and I trust science in that regard, but the thing I find strange is that so many that support the sciences so easily discredit spirituality? Especially in a universe that seems to exist with the notion of dualism, polarity and such why don't some see the possibility that spirituality & science are dualistic in nature? That there is something outside the framework of this existence that we may never understand (or maybe will) but can believe that there might be more to "reality" than what we presently understand yet still not discredit science and it's own revelations?

Lastly, I hope my point is understood here as it is 4am (rough night trying to sleep) but my mind was running a little while in bed reading this thread (as it tied into other threads on here I had previously found interest in). So more credit to the OP there for getting me off my phone, out of bed, to hop on the laptop in the living room to register to ATS for this thread lol.
edit on 25-6-2013 by SNX928 because: Typos & restructuring my wording, the context of my reply remains the same.

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

I like this thread its very interesting , it makes us think
now if the earth is in some form of illusory bubble and the moon is fake then this would require either magic or some for of technology that to us would seem like magic !

so where did it come from , also it would require a belief in god and evil !

@Sayonara , what about the theory where the moon was manufactured and placed in earths orbit to stabalise the planet to make it habitable ? thats a good one too

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 07:03 AM
S&F for the good read and thought provocation!

I can certainly entertain the idea of an artificial moon, in fact I likely lean in that direction. I know, I know, science be damned!

I don't necessarily believe all that was written and must confess i recently had an interaction, or had been touched by the Devine. If he/she is singular or be it several entities, one in particular was called upon and answered my prayers in a manner that "it's" existence is without question.

Stay Sacred

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 07:43 AM
allright i try phrase something

and the point is this "re-creation that Evil did, after the Fall ".

that Adam and Eve represented the very Creation -
even their physical [ and stunning ] being represented, Analogue, the very Template of earth and Heaven.

like adams feet were 'the earth '
adams hands 'the sky '
and his head was 'Heaven '
..... and Eve was his very heart.

What did Evil do ?
- it removed his heart [Eve] *so that* the entire Construction which Adam represented [ namely: Heaven on Earth ] , fell and Collapsed.

Then Evil had in his posession many Creational Attributes,
[ perhaps even as much as 144.000 ? thats why Revelation has 144000 aspects/souls ? ]
and Evil RE-created everything
- but the *false* way.

...the sumerian epics tell therefore ' marduk created the sky ' etc,
but also the egyptian pantheon is full of this "re-creation" ,
as in the Scarab - which "represents the heart " in that theology: but we all know that dungbeetles "create" a ball of DUNG. See ? that same false re-creation again

Eve was the centre of Adam, like Adam was the centre of God
...or, differently phrased: Nested Chakras

what did Evil do ?
- in this present physical frame which Evil gave to us,
the chakras are "seperated " from eachother [ instead of nested ]
so that Evil can rule each of them seperately - as well as the whole.

...the same thing he did with the creating of the sky [ above earth ] :
he , kind of like " pushed Heaven back ", by "inserting his ówn area of rule "

..the sáme thing, he did with the solarsystem :
he took posession of the planets [which rule Adam had lost ] , and pushed back Heaven even móre
That is the meaning of marduk saying "to prevent the waters [ = Heaven] coming down on earth again ".

therefore, and that seems to be the REAL reason of the heliocentric Lie,
that when souls beliéve in heliocentrism,
then Heaven is " blocked to come closer or again upón Earth "

now remember,
Adams very being represénted "Heavens rule upon Earth " by his feet, hands, head, etc,
in the egyptian Spells [ in part II i hope soon ] ,
we see how Evil has Spelled the ENTIRE BODY of Male,
só heavily Spelled - and every single part: head, eyes, feet, hands, ears, heart, etc,
Spelled, as to *not discover evils false Hologram*

moreover - he made this false luna-moon to be "the bolt of the Heavens ",
exactly the same tell the Pyramid Texts and Coffin texts over and over again:
" the bolt of the sky has opened the double doors of Heaven for you ".

this luna-moon is represented by the baboon Babi, in the Spells:
[ the deity Thoth is álso a baboon: as sometimes the whole Ennead: but then representing the réal Moon ]
and this Babi has a great phallus, as the mast of the boat of Re [ boat = false re-creation] ,
disclosing that this luna-moon is the Root [chakra] of male
do i make sense ?

because Evil rules male via his phallus,
since evil rules male through his head: because evil IS [ natural ] males head
Therefore, Evil rules the world via male

..remember how " osiris phallus was lost, after he got cut up by Set"?
[ Set = evils version of Adam, and that osiris was cut into 14 parts by Set, that story depicts how "Adam came to rule the world, for a short time, that is: in Paradise - but then Evil retook Rule again, and this depicts the "searching the 14 parts back by isis ]
but his plallus was Lost [ = the Real Moon ! ]
and "isis made a new phallus for him "
- that is: Luna

i think i ve to conclude,
that the phrase " and He [ God] will send them [ humanity] a Delusion [ = aliens] , because they believed the Lie ", that this Lie could very well be "Heliocentrism"... and, following out of that, the Cold Unpersonal Endless Universe Without God

.sorry if its a bit a mess above
hope its somewhat understandable

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by sapien82
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

I like this thread its very interesting , it makes us think
now if the earth is in some form of illusory bubble and the moon is fake then this would require either magic or some for of technology that to us would seem like magic !

so where did it come from , also it would require a belief in god and evil !

@Sayonara , what about the theory where the moon was manufactured and placed in earths orbit to stabalise the planet to make it habitable ? thats a good one too

thanks for the kind response !
yes it wóuld require a belief in God and evil. But is that difficult..?
besides - it appears to me, that Evil is very much trying to híde that there is anything as Higher Dimensions - if i see how this world is organized, with its focus onto money and materialism

i think that your sentence about 'requiring Magick ' is very true:
see previous post about the egyptian Spells
..which is akin to "strong Hypnotizm" upon us

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by Senjunion
Hi, this may seem weird but I'm wondering about how you came to learn and study all these things you know. I read one of your threads talking about Earth's artificial moon, you talk of the vedas, the sumerians, the bible, and alot of things that are no where near common knowledge. I'm just a young adult turning 19 and I want to understand your context, but what you speak of just blows my mind away. How did you come to learn all these things? In order to acquire an understanding of all this stuff, what resources did you use? I'm trying to learn as much as possible to understand the matrix we live in, I've read informaion pointing to earth being a prison planets and we are spiritually imprisoned. I wish to understand as you do, so I was hoping that you could supply me with resources, names of books, websites, etc.

Idk whether this a coincidence or not but the Cartoon/Anime "Naruto" has a plot that explains how the villains use their ocular magick powers to use the "Moon", it will amplify their abilities shrouding the entire ninja world(yes this cartoon is based in a ninja world) in a genjutsu(A genjutsu is pretty much an illusion). This operation or plan is called Infinite Tsukuyomi, an infinite genjutsu/Illusion on the ninja world. They wish to have a world of everlasting peace however its not real. The villains were once dreamers of a peaceful world. Could this mean the author of this anime knows something? Just a thought.

I also wanted your opinions on death and what happens after accordingly to your understanding. Perhaps what life on this planet at this time could represent as well.
I await your response Mr. Lone!

Also I apologize, I just made this account for the first time and I don't know how to message you or anything like that.

that was a sweet post
- look please; you are but 19 and then already on sites like ATS ? that tells you are special - because you was *created* to Find Answers on why you re here. Too many youth s snared into this society, and He [God] hurts much about that.

remember, how Evil has very much "seperated the different areas " like history, science, theology, etc; and Evil did that on purpose, so that " finding the Whóle picture" gets Obfuscated.
Because Evil is for nothing so afraid as for souls finding their way óut of his Spelled Hologram, and find óut its Lies, because by Exposure of the Lies, the very pówer of that Lie dissapears....does that make sense ?
because God is planning to *bring báck* Heaven on Earth: and that will mean Evils demise.

but He needs sóuls who would want to see through the Lies -
...and therefore, He is very pleased with your desire to find out - trust me.

no i havent heared about naruto im sorry
bless you

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