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Corporations are a bigger threat to you than the gov...

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posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by okyouwin

What you ignore is how much more corporations and the super rich get out of government than they pay into government.

You ignore the middle class, all the people who succeed at life, but do not horde massive amounts of wealth, because their goals are not exclusively the pursuit of massive wealth.

It is the middle class, people who make good enough money to live good lives, who create the lions share of our nations wealth, who are the innovators who drive our economy.

The ancient giant corporations are nothing but parasites who buy up innovative companies and then screw over the people who developed the tech in the first place. It is really ugly what they are doing.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 07:13 AM
Decades ago, corporations had "Personnel Departments" (root word-person.) The administrative section of the corporation that dealt with employees; persons; the people that made their corporations function.

Then, seemingly en masse, they changed the title of those departments to "Human Resources".

Why did they do that? What was the reason that they changed the name of "Personnel" to "Human Resources"?

"Personnel" was just fine. We, the employees, were persons. We were people. We made the corporations function.

"Human Resources" took on a nefarious meaning. (Perhaps a case of Neuro Linguistic Programming?)

We all know what corporations do with "natural resources". They exploit them. A defintion of exploit in Webster's II Dictionary is: "to make use of unethically or selfishly".

As "Human Resources", the corporations can exploit us at will; use, abuse and dispose of; after all, we're no longer people, we're "resources".

Never forget what national and multi-national corporations are doing to "Mother Earth's Natural Resources."

Never forget what the corporations impact is on the people and the environment around the world.

Yes, many of us work for them.

Yes, we buy their products.

But at what cost?

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 07:47 AM
Too many people in this country have 'battered wife syndrome'. It's never the abusers fault, the victim got out of line and asked their needs be met.

Corporations are the government now, have been for quite a while... they just have less and less need to hide it.

24 of 37 Exxon lobbyists have held government posiotions.

16 of 22 Monsanto lobbyists have held government positions.

I can go on if anyone likes...

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by MildBill

I point out that term "Human Resources" here off and on all the time when discussing this "Legalese" stuff.

Thank you for realizing the sinister implications of this term also, I am not the only one.

I see people being reduced down to mere resources all around me, how is it that they cannot sense it, is all it takes to forget being treated like a mere beast of burden trinkets?, a TV?, a half assed dwelling in a crappy neighborhood?, .

Or is it just my imagination that people really don't aspire to be any more than wage slaves?.

When I find a job I enjoy, I become fearful of complacency, getting too used to being in one place, doing the same things for year after year, paying a mortgage, committing to other BS contracts, and then getting laid off or getting hurt or sick and let go.

I have had all of this happen, and dread getting comfortable anywhere now.

Add what I have learned on my way, and I am difficult to exploit after the # I have been through, which would make me an undesirable "Human Resource".

Desirable Human Resources are those people who are in need of those jobs out there, out of FEAR, who are locked into unfair contracts, who are in debt from falling for the hollow promise of education guaranteeing "gainful" employment.

A lot of these terms in current use point out the peril we are all in, if only we were taught how to understand more fully what is being said to us.


posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 11:03 AM
I don't particularly like being referred to as a consumer either, since it is through the toil of myself, and people like me that the things people need to survive are produced.

If I am a "consumer", who then is the "provider"?, when I and people like me are the ones toiling to produce these consumer goods for no fair trade in FRN's most times.

It's like the old time company store, where people were paid just enough to eat and cover their rent, but everything earned went back to the company (corporation), or landowner (plantation owner).

Basically nothing more than treading water......

Most times when one can earn enough money to get by, they have to pay someone else to do what they don't have time to do themselves because of the hours they work take all of their time, once again, back to the company or plantation owner.

Funny how when so many are unemployed, so many others are working 80 hours per week.

Everyone could work part time, but you can't get by on part time pay, and people would have time to think about things, enjoy their lives, realize some do nothing at all for their money.

Funny how things never really change.

Corporations arose at a time when Kings ruled conspicuously, and they served the King, now they are modern day royalty hidden in plain view.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by stormson



the leaders of drum roll . . .

both . . . have been revolving in and out of government and in and out of heading the leading corporations


with the same goals as they discuss very candidly here:

[color=CC6699]and ARE THE SAME individuals in both government and corporate roles

[color=CC9966]how is it that anyone would think there's a gnat's fart's worth of difference in how the corporations and the government are going about establishing the world tyrannical government dedicated to exterminating all but 200-500 or so million global citizens as UN Agenda 21 and the Georgia Guidestones articulate.

Is anyone paying attention any more?

Witness the more or less yawns over the NSA revelations.

Is anyone awake any more un-Somatized?

Is anyone walking around non-brainwashed any more?

The GOOD-COP/BAD-COP game is one of the oldest in the book. It's two sides of the same coin.

TYRANNY IS TYRANNY, FOLKS. Mushing everything together into a mishmash of bastardized communism with monopolistic pseudo-capitalism is still TYRANNY--deliberately designed-in-hell tyranny.

Wake-up and smell the brimstone.
Wake-up and smell the blood letting.

Prepare to smell the death camps.


edit on 22/6/2013 by BO XIAN because: fix tags

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

The solution is simple.

Stop voting for politicians who call for de-regulation and tax cuts for the super rich and corporations.

Elect politicians who call for tax cuts for the middle class, and tax increases on corporations and the super rich.

Vote for politicians who call for cracking down on white collar crime, and the schemes banks use to steal money from people's bank accounts.

Vote for politicians who call for a crack down on those who hire illegal aliens.

While we are at it, stop voting for politicians who call for special interest privileges.

Look for people running for office that want to demand fair trade policies that require our trading partners to stop fixing their currency for trade advantage, and start meeting our labor and environmental requirements.

Wake up and smell the coffee, and stop supporting the free market scam.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Corporations are the backbone of capitalism.


Where did you here that nonsense? Do some research,

Corporations are a construct of aristocracy, created by Kings and other aristocrats to undermine the market, and subvert markets and capitalism. A corporation is a form of government, and always has been.

The ancient leviathans at the top of the corporate pyramids are far more communistic than capitalistic. They do not promote innovation or competition, but just the opposite.

The only purpose of the corporate entity is to control the markets, and everyone else.

People talk about government regulations, but insurance companies create more regulations than government.

You are overgeneralising and that is not good. Corporations exist in all kinds of sizes and various types. Corporations are the backbone of capitalism. Just because the government gives carte blanche to big corporations and screws the small ones does not mean corporatism is evil by nature.

Unions serve their purpose if functioning properly, corporations produce something or provide a service in exchange for profit, government is supposed to overlook national affairs. Everyone is tased with something, but the problem develops when someone becomes too big and decides to spread their influence unlawfully or unethically. This is what is happening in america. Why are anti-trust laws not applied more often? Why not engage in national protectionism?

The stock market investors who expect more and more dividends at the expense of various other entities have most of the blame. And the government itself which is rumored to be involved in insider trading schemes.

Laws already exist. I would say too many exist! Unbalanced enforcement IS the problem! Some people are too big to fail and "need" bailouts and need government protection.
edit on 22/6/13 by EarthCitizen07 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Corporations are the backbone of capitalism.

I disagree.

First of all, Capitalism is a function of a Market Economy, but most corporations are publicly owned. The corporation is the governing body of a collective ownership.

Privately owned business is the backbone of capitalism. This would include S type corporations.

The laws against monopolies and corporate dominance of the markets have been undermined and distorted for the benefit of the giant corporate entities by people who believe that this was a good thing.

Promoting corporatism is as foolish of an idea as communism IMO, if not worse. I think it is time to set the record straight, and start seeing big corporations as what they are, parasitic constructs that drain the economy, not promote the economy.

We do seem to agree that an evenly enforced fair set of rules is what is needed. Breaking corporate control over our government is the first step, IMO.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by poet1b

My problem is with the multinational corporations that feel the "need" to expand constantly to give shareholders more dividends, stock splits and overall keeping the stock price as attractive as possible. The agenda is greed driven and transcends national borders thus giving us this "too big to fail" mentality. The management feels as though they can be as aggressive and sometimes as wreckful as they want because they are too big to stop effectively.

Both big parties in america get 99% of their campaign money from these multinational corporations and from rich people, I guess we could call them bilderbergers(including royal families). The smaller parties do not get the necessary help or anything reasonable. Both big parties are sold out to these "special interest" groups such as the military, big pharma, big banks, big business in general. They are elitist parties that have contempt for the average citizen.

The economy should not have to expand constantly. Supply and demand, and the availablity of resources is more important. Labor is also a resource and that is were unions come into play to keep compensation fair as well as providing for various benefits. Collective bargaining has the tendency to overprice labor, and that is why companies head to china or india to take advantage of cheap labor. The fact there are no tariffs encourages this behavior! That is why I repeatedly say we have to decide if we want a global marketplace where companies move freely or a nationalised marketplace. I am sure everyone who plays wall street with big money prefers the global marketplace.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Why did milliions of americans DIE overseas fighting to stop the spread of communism?

They beeeleeeeved what their government and media told them, that their way of life was being threatened with extinction. Obviously they weren't told that they must fight and die to protect the money masters or they'd have turned their guns on the money masters. Too many still haven't figured it out.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Good post.

I agree, solid points.

posted on Jun, 22 2013 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Corporations are the backbone of capitalism.


Where did you here that nonsense? Do some research,

Corporations are a construct of aristocracy, created by Kings and other aristocrats to undermine the market, and subvert markets and capitalism. A corporation is a form of government, and always has been.

The ancient leviathans at the top of the corporate pyramids are far more communistic than capitalistic. They do not promote innovation or competition, but just the opposite.

The only purpose of the corporate entity is to control the markets, and everyone else.

People talk about government regulations, but insurance companies create more regulations than government.

Good Post.
What we have right now is not capitalism but corporate fascism.

Is it Free Market Capitalism when the big dogs "collude" in their annual meetings at Bilderberger, Club of Rome, CFR etc?

They are not competing among each other but sharing their agenda with each other and taking notes

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by okyouwin

What you ignore is how much more corporations and the super rich get out of government than they pay into government.

You ignore the middle class, all the people who succeed at life, but do not horde massive amounts of wealth, because their goals are not exclusively the pursuit of massive wealth.

It is the middle class, people who make good enough money to live good lives, who create the lions share of our nations wealth, who are the innovators who drive our economy.

The ancient giant corporations are nothing but parasites who buy up innovative companies and then screw over the people who developed the tech in the first place. It is really ugly what they are doing.

Poet1b, I'm glad you read my post. I want to be sure and thank you for this. So thank you.

You are right to say that I didn't address the point that corporations and the super wealthy also receive from the government. . I wouldn't say I ignored it. It is undoubtedly true that corporations, companies, and even prosperous tax paying individuals receive big benefits from government spending. A corporation dependent on any level of transportation is able to exist only because government provides and maintains a working system of transportation. thus benefiting from that government spending the same as a hungry person benefits from government spending that provides food coupons.

The middle class. Their place in this discussion is hard to ignore.The fact that they are under attack is the groundswell for the vilification of corporations. You are right to say the middle class drove our economy The wide spread wealth they controlled was the engine of economic activity. I do like your idea of them being hard working, industrious, altruistic and visionary. They sound like nice folks.

Corporations as parasites is a nice visual and has more than one element of truth in it. often their success is the result of eliminating competitors and absorbing markets of smaller but successful operations.

As I mentioned in my original post my main concerns are two, the parasitic job they have done on the environment and their thoughtless tinkering with the social structure in pursuit of profit.

Corporations have achieved many things that we all can truly say we are thankful for. But these came as a result of the power inherent in a corporation. It is this power that needs to addressed and controlled. Which brings us back to what is the main thrust of the thread.

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by jacobe001

Basically those that frequent the bilderberger meetings and frequent bohemian grove are at least suspect of participating in illegal trusts. Illegal trusts infers racketering at the highest level. With racketering comes extortion, illegal spying, usury, embezzlement, price gouging, controlled media, war profitering, false flag events that can lead to mass murder, etc.

Nothing to laugh about or downplay at all. Most people lack immagination among other things. The first clues should come from hollywood movies that often portray humanities darkest desires for absolute control of everything. As they say truth can be stranger than fiction, and sometimes(or often) it is.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by poet1b

I think it is time to set the record straight, and start seeing big corporations as what they are, parasitic constructs that drain the economy, not promote the economy.

We do seem to agree that an evenly enforced fair set of rules is what is needed. Breaking corporate control over our government is the first step, IMO.

I agree with you that big, monopolistic multi-national corporations are parasites. And breaking corporate control over our government is an excellent goal to shoot for. But IMO it is the third step, not the first one. Most people who are anti-capitalist (I don't know if you consider yourself one of them) believe that the corporations and/or capitalism are the root to all evil.

Corporations do not exist in a vaccuum. They are subject to government rules and enforcement.

If the government was really representing the people's interest, then the only possible conclusion is that they are doing an extremely poor job. But as many have pointed out, they are really doing a good job in advancing the goals of the corporate (and foreign) lobbies.

If 99% of all campaign contributions for Democrats and Republicans are coming from those evil corporations - then why are we still voting for those Democrats and Republicans?

To put it bluntly: We Americans are voting for those evil corporations, their lobbies and their stooges - and we have nobody to blame but ourselves. The evil is ourselves!

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 05:25 PM
No worries...

If they killed us off they wouldn't have any more suckers to sell # they don't need to.

The only conspiracy here is how to trick people into thinking they have a choice when they are literally forced to do business.

Technically, anything that goes against the original law of the land is unlawful, Corporations were not allowed to exist in the U.S. until 1819, why do you figure that was?.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by MyHappyDogShiner
No worries...

The only conspiracy here is how to trick people into ...
So how do they do that?
You really cannot think of any other?

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by ThinkingHuman

The evil is ourselves!

Isn't it funny? We all like to work for the Big corporations and the Big goverment. We complain about it but then we don't do anything about it. Risk our benefit or retirement? Heck No. Just complain to make everybody else fix it for us. Of course, nobody else does it either. We add to the deficit to get our luxuries and then force our children to pay. Who can disagree with that as long as WE are happy and enjoy? That's all that counts.

edit on 25-6-2013 by ThinkingHuman because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-6-2013 by ThinkingHuman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2013 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by ThinkingHuman

Contracts, contracts people are too illiterate to understand, unconscionable contracts people don't even know they are fumbling into, unfair contracts that only guarantee you will owe money whether or not the service you are paying for is provided in a satisfactory manner (early termination penalties).

Contracts that make you responsible for the mistakes of others (insurance).

Laws that make it illegal for you to not purchase a contract from....Like having to stay hooked into the grid because of certain codes in effect regarding the max and minimum temperature maintained in a certain amount of space in a house with alternate energy sources.

Contracts by employers, before you are even hired you are frequently agreeing that they can fire you for no reason, whenever they want, change the contract on a whim, even sign a non-disclosure, non-compete agreement before you are even considered for hire...never mind the amount of info some require on a resume or contract or application, which is frequently sold to third parties.

Do you actually believe that you having a driver's license somehow makes anyone safer?,.........or insurance for that matter?.

How is it when you find yourself in a legal bind, it is very hard to find adequate legal representation without going into debt ? (another contract), and there is no guarantee your lawyer will do anything other than take your money, however the case goes.

You are forced to business with people from the day you are born till the day you die, geez, a lot of times you even have to pledge a percentage of your income to the church if you wanna belong.

The corporations which have the funds to write the laws and bribe/lobby congress to pass those laws, disregarding who gets elected since they are not, hold a lot of interest in you being forced to do business with them, even if you are not conscious of it.

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