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posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by ZetaRediculian

Who knows they are aliens! They can do anything they want for no reason! That's why they are called aliens.


We have aliens right here in the UK... they are called grey squirrels, the american signal crayfish are also considered aliens too.

I think you have your definition of alien wrong.

Most nations have aliens amongst them these days... just not extra-terrestrial aliens

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 06:00 PM
I think the main question that the otherworlder's that ocassionally visit our planet, ask themselves. Have Earthling's advanced themselves technologically, so as to have the ability too penetrate our [otherworlder] defenses? Not to mention viruses and the or biological.

The answer is unknown to us...but maybe too them? Who knows???

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 06:59 PM
The truth?

Nobody knows, and anyone who claims otherwise is a liar.

And that, right there, is the jist of it.

posted on Jun, 17 2013 @ 07:27 PM
there is a unlimited number of planets and a unlimited number of dimensions so of all that someone else out there
most have the same urge to explore as we do and be smarter then us so they can get here

edit on 17-6-2013 by truthontheloose because: left out a word

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 11:03 AM
I believe that mathematically, there must be, somewhere, alien intelligences equal to, or greater than our own. The question is, have they , or have they not, visited our planet.

Now, there IS an awful lot of eye witness testimony. There are paper reports, videos and radar logs going back several decades. But there is no public record of forensic testing performed on locations where UFO are alleged to have landed, nor on locations where abductions and contacts have been enacted. So right away we have two big elephantine problems to deal with.

First of all, there is the understandable suspicion of the military and the intelligence services, by those who are interested in the subject. Lets face it, they are about as helpful as an arse full of buckshot when it comes to finding out whats happening in a given area, and FIOA responses either swamp one in useless data, or come back extremely sparse/redacted all to hell.

Second of all, we have the lack of available evidence. Now, some people would say that eye witness reports and radar logs are enough to convince them. For those people I hope you never end up on a jury. Our civilisation, like it or lump it, works as it does because science finally managed to step from the darkened passages of alchemy and witchcraft, into the light of reason. This came at a price, many geniuses and thinkers were damned by thier churches and by thier communities, to lives of torment, merely for thinking about things in a logical manner.

So, you are DAMNED right I want physical evidence! I want to be able to look at trace from a location on which a UFO has landed, and confirm the trace material left behind as being not of this Earth. I want to be able to look at flesh samples, blood analogues, and hair under a slide, compare it to all known examples, and declare it totally unknown to forensics and to science in general. I do NOT want to stake my understanding of a subject on the word of random strangers, and the scientific method is the only way to be adequately sure of something.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 11:13 AM

◾Could some UFOs be from planet Earth, and if not from the literal present day, then could they have traveled here from our future?

Micah Hanks newest book "The UFO Singularity", is a pretty good take what might be going on. I like the "time travel" take on Aliens (us from the far far future) the book explains how this could be the case.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by jonnywhite

Originally posted by jvarga390
Well, what can we all say about aliens?...

Well, seem to be these kinds of people:
1) Aliens? What? Does this have to do with Jimmy Kimmel?
2) Black ops; Military secrets!
3) Some of the UFOs are likely piloted by otherworldly intelligence.
4) Demons! The devil...
5) Greys! They're abducting us!
6) You're so gullible. There's no proof aliens are visiting.
7) ...

People have seen these beings. They know what they look like. When a whole bunch of people keep saying something and another bunch of people say 'You are deluded' the first bunch usually turn out to be right. When people first saw flying saucers people said 'You are deluded' but they were proved right, so let's see how long this round of 'You're deluded' lasts...

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by jvarga390
Well, what can we all say about aliens? Do they exist or don't they?

No, they apparently don't. As far as anyone knows, we're the only life in the universe at our level of intelligence (depending on how we want to define it), and there is no indication that there is life of any kind anywhere other than on Earth.

There is a lot of speculation based on vague theories, and unusual reports of odd things flying and walking around, but no good, solid indication that they are in any way associated with "alien life" of any kind that we can identify or comprehend.

You can take comfort in that, or feel sad about it, depending on your personal opinion of what the consequences of actually interacting with aliens might entail.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by EnPassant

People have seen these beings. They know what they look like. When a whole bunch of people keep saying something and another bunch of people say 'You are deluded' the first bunch usually turn out to be right. When people first saw flying saucers people said 'You are deluded' but they were proved right, so let's see how long this round of 'You're deluded' lasts...

I'm confused. People were proved right about seeing flying saucers? I must have missed that thread. Delusions will be around as long as there are people around.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by jvarga390

I totally believe in aliens, or interdimensionals. I think what many have considered to be angels throughout history, have been interdimensionals. Same with spirits, ghosts, etc.

Each dimension is occupied with beings matching the frequency of said dimension. Because these beings reside on different dimensions and in different frequencies, we call them "alien". They're not. We just can't see them.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Blue Shift

Originally posted by jvarga390
Well, what can we all say about aliens? Do they exist or don't they?

No, they apparently don't. As far as anyone knows, we're the only life in the universe at our level of intelligence (depending on how we want to define it), and there is no indication that there is life of any kind anywhere other than on Earth.

There is a lot of speculation based on vague theories, and unusual reports of odd things flying and walking around, but no good, solid indication that they are in any way associated with "alien life" of any kind that we can identify or comprehend.

You can take comfort in that, or feel sad about it, depending on your personal opinion of what the consequences of actually interacting with aliens might entail.

History tells us that disease and competition comes after an encounter with an "alien" species so it could well be the same with an hypothetical extra-terrestrial species if we or anything else came in contact with them.

So contact with another alien species not originating from Earth could have dire consequences for us. Just like an alien species from Earth does.

Alien = bad times, always has and a most likely always will

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by RAY1990

Originally posted by Blue Shift

Originally posted by jvarga390
Well, what can we all say about aliens? Do they exist or don't they?

No, they apparently don't. As far as anyone knows, we're the only life in the universe at our level of intelligence (depending on how we want to define it), and there is no indication that there is life of any kind anywhere other than on Earth. [...]
You can take comfort in that, or feel sad about it, depending on your personal opinion of what the consequences of actually interacting with aliens might entail.

History tells us that disease and competition comes after an encounter with an "alien" species so it could well be the same with an hypothetical extra-terrestrial species if we or anything else came in contact with them.

So contact with another alien species not originating from Earth could have dire consequences for us. Just like an alien species from Earth does.

That being the case, that just might be a good bit of proof indicating that we have fortunately not been in contact with aliens. If we had, we would be in a lot worse shape than we are now.

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Blue Shift

"...we would be in worse shape than we are now." (If we had met aliens- paraphrased)

Would we? Just to take the contrary view, perhaps we have met with an alien race (perhaps one from higher "dimensions" we can't exactly perceive all the time) and the result is the neurotic, hapless mess we all know as the modern world.

Perhaps if this possible alien race hadn't come, we'd be orderly, full of foresight, concerned with economic justice and living in harmony with our environs... just saying.

Now, I don't believe what I wrote ...but it occurred to me as I read Blue's reply and had to open my big... fingers.
edit on 6/18/2013 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

edit on 6/18/2013 by Baddogma because: clarity

posted on Jun, 18 2013 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by Baddogma

Lets take yet another viewpoint. Perhaps it wouldn't make any difference at all. All of this hullabaloo over aliens and when we finally meet them, they are about as interesting as our next door neighbor. Kids would complain about going to school and having to learn about ancient alien culture and how they levitated thousands of giant stones into place. It would be the biggest non event in history besides 12/21/2012. We would just go on as if we just added another nothing into our lives.

Do you know what my kids do when they see my robot up and running? Nothing. "Cool dad can you show me latter, I'm playing X-Box." Yeah, the robots on X-Box are much cooler I know. I am certain the X-Box aliens would be too.

edit on 18-6-2013 by ZetaRediculian because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by ZetaRediculian

Good point. Most humans are boring... I know I need a few, or at least have to muster effort to be engaging.

Once they emerge from the glowing spaceship with the cool lights, will they impart cosmic knowledge about existence and this universe, or stand there being uncomfortable mumbling about the weather?

Perhaps we'll meet the equivalent of tech nerds with no self awareness or social graces... the possibilities are endlessly dull.

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by Blue Shift

That being the case, that just might be a good bit of proof indicating that we have fortunately not been in contact with aliens. If we had, we would be in a lot worse shape than we are now.

Yes indeed, based upon the idea they have found us and travelled here though I'm sure they would be capable of the level of intelligence to realise the dangers of cross contamination.

It's all science fiction though isn't it? after all we have no conclusive evidence of extra-terrestrials.

reply to post by ZetaRediculian

Lets take yet another viewpoint. Perhaps it wouldn't make any difference at all. All of this hullabaloo over aliens and when we finally meet them, they are about as interesting as our next door neighbor. Kids would complain about going to school and having to learn about ancient alien culture and how they levitated thousands of giant stones into place. It would be the biggest non event in history besides 12/21/2012. We would just go on as if we just added another nothing into our lives.

Do you know what my kids do when they see my robot up and running? Nothing. "Cool dad can you show me latter, I'm playing X-Box." Yeah, the robots on X-Box are much cooler I know. I am certain the X-Box aliens would be too.

Good point but I resent that very approach to life, people take the knowledge others have learned for granted in our fast paced life we live in the modern world.

Label me sad and boring but I love to observe nature/material things and work it out for myself, in this desensitized world if aliens ever showed up people might not give a flying spaceship and that is a good point.

A lot of people hardly know what is living in the back garden never mind anywhere else, I can easily imagine the novelty of a alien species wearing off pretty quickly in a modern day society unless they bring something that changes us fundementally... or a new gaming platform that tops xbox and playstation combined

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by ZetaRediculian
reply to post by EnPassant

People have seen these beings. They know what they look like. When a whole bunch of people keep saying something and another bunch of people say 'You are deluded' the first bunch usually turn out to be right. When people first saw flying saucers people said 'You are deluded' but they were proved right, so let's see how long this round of 'You're deluded' lasts...

I'm confused. People were proved right about seeing flying saucers? I must have missed that thread. Delusions will be around as long as there are people around.

There are medical records. In one case a women suffered 'sun' burn on one side of her face from electromagnetic radiation after being close to one. There are many such records.

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by Brigidshine
reply to post by jvarga390

I totally believe in aliens, or interdimensionals. I think what many have considered to be angels throughout history, have been interdimensionals. Same with spirits, ghosts, etc.

Each dimension is occupied with beings matching the frequency of said dimension. Because these beings reside on different dimensions and in different frequencies, we call them "alien". They're not. We just can't see them.

I think they are alien AND interdimensional - and physical, if they want to be...

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 02:05 PM
If aliens do exist, which I believe they do, the ones that have capability to travel space and to different planets, I assume they have a bigger understand of life and the universe since they can travel to different worlds. Think of them sorta like cataloging us, just like our scientists travel to the amazon or whatever remote place and every year make new discoveries of a new bug or monkey or whatever species, what if these aliens are simply cataloging planets/races.

We are nothing to them, we pose no threat, so all they come to do is just observe us.

They have no need for us since we cant really benefit them in any way, at least now. maybe they are waiting for us to "mature".

we are one of many many different species that they could be aware of existing...what if they travel unknown planets and when they find a suitable planet they put "seeds of life" basically germs or whatever microscopic organisms are needed to slowly evolve and populate the planets, and what if the ones we see are the ones that return after thousands of years just to see how well we are evolving...just to check up on us.

too many what ifs, just stuff im randomly throwing out

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by RUFFREADY

◾Could some UFOs be from planet Earth, and if not from the literal present day, then could they have traveled here from our future?

Micah Hanks newest book "The UFO Singularity", is a pretty good take what might be going on. I like the "time travel" take on Aliens (us from the far far future) the book explains how this could be the case.

They are vampires. They feed on people's life force. See: Dr. Karla Turner

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