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What are we working for?!?!

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posted on May, 13 2013 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by glen200376
reply to post by ObservingYou

First rant I've seen you have in a while.
I know the feeling.My answer to your question is to get blind drunk at the weekend.
Maybe that's just me.

You know that's ironic, I posted one earlier today bitchin about ATS adds hijacking my work comp - got moved to 'complaint', then 'trash' aha...It's annoying not being able to control them with limited privileges.

And they request you view it like that alllll the time

But yea, raised my ugly head again
systems really grindin me lately and I'm struggling to suppress/express it..

Makes me mad to think 'we' spend Trillions on murder and Devil worshippin leaders - when you average Joe has to fight a system : -

-Made for the elect,
To possibly judge correct?
Properly serve and protect?
Materially corrupt,
Spiritually amuck!
Oblivious to the cause,
Prosperously bankrupt!
Blind leading the blind,
Guilty never defined,
Filthy as swine,
A generation purin it's own mind!
Legal extortion,
Blown out of proportion,
In vein deceit,
The truth is obsolete,
Only two positions:
Victimizer or Victim,
Both end up in destruction trusting this crooked system.
Mafia with diplomas,
keeping us in a coma,
trying to own a piece of the "American Corona",
The Revolving Door,
Insanity every floor !
paper chasing,
What are we working for?!

Isn't it just mind blowing to think that if the 'Good' people were in charge, life on Earth would be completely different..for the better.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 07:10 PM
We work for the government. To keep the government employees well fed. So, that they can pass laws, to take away our freedoms. And they can enforce those laws against us.

At least, that's why we work, for the first half of the year. Jan to Jun.

The next half of the year, we work to keep ourselves alive, to put food in our stomachs, so that we remain strong enough to work for the government again next year, for the first six months of that year also, and similarly for every year afterwords.

The best job is being a government employee, because then you know you've got the whole nation working for you.

When you're a government employee, you not only work for yourself, but everyone out there chips in their part, to put food on your table.

Government employee is the best job on the planet, the most stable job, with the best benefits, and the most relaxing work environment. You see, there's no competition. If anyone tried to compete with the government business model, the legislators simply pass a law, removing their competitiveness completely. So, it's a risk free business enterprise.

Government employees get to sleep nights. Nice relaxing deep sleep, like babies.

Whatever you might think of Wall Street, those guys there get very little sleep. They work late hours, far into the night, and have to be at work by 7:00 am, or earlier in many cases. As the scriptures say, there's no rest for the wicked. And so it is. They toil every day of their life. Just to get that big cash, to pay us government employees, so we can sleep nights, like babies.

Well, that's why we work.

It is no wonder the government keeps growing and growing, while the private sector keeps shrinking and shrinking.

Everyone wants to be where the best jobs are.


edit on 13-5-2013 by SQUEALER because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by SQUEALER

That's a scary thought O_o

The Socialist Manifesto has emerged

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 07:25 PM

... is what most people work for.

Other people find something they are really good at or passionate about and derive their satisfaction from that.

For those of us who are not naturally talented, this is what "character building" was supposed to take care of during our formative years. If parents, schooling, etc. dropped the ball along the way, well, what have you been doing with yourself up to this point? Aesop has this fable which may be a good read if you have not done so already.

No better time to start than now - another sentiment from a great band:

See you on the dark side of the moon!

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by ObservingYou
I turn 22 in September, I've been working since 17 as I dropped out of college due to noit recieving any finacial help..

5 jobs and two vocational qualifications later (two apprenticeships later) The Birmingham Chamber Of Commerce offer me the full time position on £13, 840 per annum..


Disgusted doesn't describe how robbed I feel right now.

After living on friends setee's for the last 5 years, i was looking forward to being able to afford my own small little place. Looks like I got my hopes up for no reason.

Call it £1000 per month after tax.

A small flat will cost me £450 per month.
Mandatory exspences and bills cost me a futher £100.

That leaves £450 to cover utility bills, food, clothing, medical bills and err.... Well I guess i won't be driving any time soon, or hitting a sunny beach anywhere.

Er.... Is this just me, or is anyone else thinking "What the # am I working for?!?!".

To add salt to the wounds, I've been training a new member of staff who works on the side and was officially unemployed for two years prior to gaining this current position.

I have more brain cells than him, so to speak, why the hell is he picking up £22,000 per annum, on top of his ILLEGAL part time work?!

More age discrimination.

This country, England, makes me sick!!
edit on 13-5-2013 by ObservingYou because: (no reason given)

In general, pay per unit of effort sucks more the lower you are on the totem pole, in a geometric curve. Think the Rothschilds put in much effort, short of having to stand while their servants dress them and crouch a bit to get in the back seat of the Rolls on their way to a dinner party? Because on the way to said dinner party, they're making millions upon millions, worrying all the while about how poor Bill Gates is holding up - stagnating among the 'untouchables'' at far below even a single trillion dollars.

And Bill Gates doesn't spend dozens of sleepless hours popping ADD meds, trying to make a breakthrough on a new bit of code to make the new operating system slow down computers further by functioning more like a cell phone. If the mouth-breathing public wants their PC functionality to take a 10-year step backward, then doggone it, those programmers best get cracking on some Windows 8 code while I tell my assistant to tell my attorneys to meet with my other attorneys to figure out how to save more on my taxes!

It all juat flows down the line that way, until the guy at the bottom is lifting 55-gallon drums of human excrement into trucks he'll later unload, all for damn near enough money to pay for the gas to get to work.

Its a simple fact of how things work - worse for you because you're early in your working years during a down economy. Its definitely not age discrimination, unless people in England don't really care about the value of experience. As to dropping out of college at 17 (i'm guessing that means you signed up and basically didn't even go) because you couldn't get financial aid, well, that's one choice to make I guess, but certainly not one I would make. Actually, not one I did make. I worked my (glutes) off, typically working 60-70 hours a week, amd took 7 years to earn a 4-year degree, at times living on nothing but pasta noodles with oil, salt, and pepper, for weeks at a time, while sleeping on a couple of blankets on the floor. No cell phone, no TV, no internet at home, and a sum total furniture of one (1) plastic patio chair.

In the process, I got my degree, experience, and plenty of great material for my resume. When I finally graduated at 24, I traded a hefty pay cut for the pleasure of working normal hours, seated at a desk. Over the next 5 years, I built that and grabbed a few promotions before my big break, when I got a 250% pay increase. None of it came because of my age - and none of it was given as a reward for graduating high school. At every level, I proved my worth as being significantly beyond my peers, and demonstrated skills which each successive manager felt woukd benefit him/her and their department.

Maybe i'm wrong, but I didn't see anything in the OP about being denied a good-paying job despite having done something to deserve one, at least not more than anyone who may have been competing for said job. I do wish you well, but I hope you realize, you always have to pay your dues before you get anywhere in your career path. These past 5 years simply moreso than previous years - and also, that the massive, massive economic expansion of the 80-00's isn't typical. You may never see truly easy economic times in your working years. You're going to have to fight for it, and its not likely to be quick and easy.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by SQUEALER

If everyone chips in their part to pay the government employees, who pays the private-sector employees? Customers. Its not the government employees who are the problem, espe ially when it comes to government spending habits. Those people get paid to perform work. The politicians in government are the ones who decide how to poorly spend our money.

And 50% to the government? For me, sure, but for most of the population, a much, much lower share, and for the richest among us, even less than that.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by schuyler

Obviously you are the dribble of a rotting neocon phallus. After thirty years of a grossly uneducated population who are clueless of the reality of contemporary living and the crimes waged upon them, a old hold out like you feels the need to spew the ole "pull up your bootstraps" mantra and diss those who question. It was boring then...and is boring now.

posted on May, 13 2013 @ 10:55 PM
Economic slavery is what I like to call it.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by Abstruse
Economic slavery is what I like to call it.

A man can only be made a slave, to the extent that he is hungry.

When he is no longer hungry, he cannot be enslaved to anything.

Woe to the hungry, for they are the bearer of chains.

Blessed are the satisfied, for they have become truly free.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by ObservingYou

I know what you mean about the ad's,try using ATS on an android phone,every second or third click redirects to ad sites.
Take my approach with work-do as little as you can get away with.
Just away to start my slave shift now,luckily there are three hundred other slaves on site so it makes it hard for the boss to keep tabs on us all.Time to find a good hiding place.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 02:55 AM
It's called slavery. There is no alternative, if you stop for a moment, you end in the streets unless you aren't paying for your place of residence.

The whole concept of "earning a living" is extremely stupid and backwards in this age.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 05:10 AM
Welcome to socialism.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 06:24 AM
I hear you...all of you...except for those whose response is, "suck it up".
What I would like to WHO decided that we humans do not all deserve the basic necessities of life?
We require food, clean water, shelter and clothing (protection from the elements). Yet a huge portion of the earth's population go without, or struggle just to survive.
The overwhelming gap between the 'haves' and the 'have nots' makes me sick on a daily basis.
I'd really like to know who is in charge here.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by jacygirl

We have nothing without working as a slave.

As someone here called it our rights have become privileges.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by SQUEALER

Originally posted by Abstruse
Economic slavery is what I like to call it.

A man can only be made a slave, to the extent that he is hungry.

When he is no longer hungry, he cannot be enslaved to anything.

Woe to the hungry, for they are the bearer of chains.

Blessed are the satisfied, for they have become truly free.

So you're basically talking about....the dead?

Anyways, companies provide wealth for the higher management and the shareholders. The rest of us are the working bees and spenders. The economy is not fueled by the millionaires and their spending, but the zillions of worker bees that spend little each but together a lot.

And of sermon.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 10:26 AM
I work for the three hours of family time at night, and for the weekends.

At night, I get home, have a home-cooked meal (or do the cooking), and relax with my wife, stepson, and our ranch gal, and our animals (usually a cat and/or dog in my lap, and my cockatoo on the back of the chair), and watch some good TV or a movie (like last night, we watched the recent Game of Thrones episode).

On the weekends, fun time. Last weekend, we went to Disney's Hollywood Studios on Saturday, and then Animal Kingdom on Sunday. Most other weekends are a combination of doing some chores around the ranch (which I actually enjoy doing), riding the horses, or playing games with friends. These are the things I work for.

To a young person trying to eke out a living on a small wage, I'll give this advice.

GET A ROOMMATE. Seriously. With two (or more) people pooling towards bills, it is MUCH easier to have a better quality of life, with less money. For transport, get a scooter or motorcycle. MUCH cheaper. Put aside 10% of your earnings towards savings. Increase your skillset, look for opportunities to advance, and take them.

I'd really like to know who is in charge here.

The "have a lots"....they are the ones in charge.

edit on 14-5-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by ObservingYou

Work for yourself. It's tough. Lots of people don't have the desire, heart, or intelligence to manage it, but some do. You might be one of them.

Hold steady at your "real job" that is currently paying you crap. Consider it training and work on improving your professionalism. (No offense but at 22, you probably need LOTS of training. It took me til about 27 to even be fairly good.)

On your off-hours, work for YOURSELF ONLY. It doesn't matter what you do. You could create a website, or mow lawns, I can't stress enough that it makes no difference what you choose.

And one glorious day, you will escape this grind. You are young enough. Start now. Otherwise think how frustrated you will be at 42 when you are already unsatisfied with your lot in life at 22.

If perhaps you take my post the way it was meant, I am available for U2U conversations if you have a question or want to be pointed in the right direction for resources.

Either way, best of luck to you.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by ObservingYou

You got it wrong.

We have been tought over the decades that working HARD will get you results and time again this has proven true.
But those times are over, they have been for over a decade and most of us still hold on to it because we don't know any better.

Working hard is over and following that path only leads to being exploited.

Today you need to work SMART like your colleague. You don't have to be smart but you have to work smart to get money. This means being efficient with your time and energy.

College is not the answer anymore so you can count yourself lucky for dropping out early because most people who do have a degree end up doing the same work as you while paying of a huge debt.

Working smart means thinking out of the box, like someone already replied you can get a van and start a business to help people move. Even smarter would be to find someone who will do the labour for you and you work on scoring the contracts. As said before people will do #ty jobs for a low wage just to support their children. I'm not encouraging to rip people off but this is one example of thinking out the box and being efficient with your time and energy.

At the moment I'm working on my webshop during the hours I make at my deskjob. Not sure if it will be a succes but it's an efficient use of my time and energy.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by ObservingYou
I turn 22 in September, I've been working since 17 as I dropped out of college due to noit recieving any finacial help..

5 jobs and two vocational qualifications later (two apprenticeships later) The Birmingham Chamber Of Commerce offer me the full time position on £13, 840 per annum..


Disgusted doesn't describe how robbed I feel right now.

After living on friends setee's for the last 5 years, i was looking forward to being able to afford my own small little place. Looks like I got my hopes up for no reason.

Call it £1000 per month after tax.

A small flat will cost me £450 per month.
Mandatory exspences and bills cost me a futher £100.

That leaves £450 to cover utility bills, food, clothing, medical bills and err.... Well I guess i won't be driving any time soon, or hitting a sunny beach anywhere.

Er.... Is this just me, or is anyone else thinking "What the # am I working for?!?!".

To add salt to the wounds, I've been training a new member of staff who works on the side and was officially unemployed for two years prior to gaining this current position.

I have more brain cells than him, so to speak, why the hell is he picking up £22,000 per annum, on top of his ILLEGAL part time work?!

More age discrimination.

This country, England, makes me sick!!
edit on 13-5-2013 by ObservingYou because: (no reason given)

Simple, a large portion of the leftist establishment want the under 40 crowd as poor as possible in the hopes that we support communism/increased collectivist programs. The corporatist's support this plan as it creates a large pool of domestic cheap labor, and he military industrial complexes support this plan because it creates fertile ground for future recruits. People who join the military for the sake of getting out of poverty.

Those who don't go along with the plan have one last supporter of current policies: The prison industry. Private or Public, prison guards benefit from more prisoners behind bars.

The reason this happens so often and easily:

Young people don't vote. I have tried so often to get siblings, friends and acquaintances to vote, that I effectively have given up on them. It would be easier to ask them to part with a single tooth then it would be to get them to vote. Even if the elections are rigged, voting still maters as it tells those who are rigging the votes who they can get away with treating like garbage and who they have to pretend to care about.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 12:58 PM

Use any excuse you want for why that didn't happen,
reply to post by schuyler

Yes, starting with the theoretical one, you didn't work hard enough in education for it!

Of course, the job suddenly no longer existing is no excuse.

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