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Breaking Free from the Occult – For those with eyes that see

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posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by SubAce

Ok, so you really want a name for god, that´s fine.

Tell me about the other religions you have studied though. And I am not joking here or trying to provoke you.

I am honestly interested in your opinion why the bible is the one, and not one of the other texts.

Because that is the basic premise for you research right? If it happens to be that the hindu religion is correct then your work would be obsolete, wouldn´t it?

Or what about the numerous beliefs before christ? All test runs?

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by BlueMule

Originally posted by SubAce

To know God is to know his name. How can a person draw close to someone when they cannot even call that person by name?

How can a person drink water without knowing the word for water?

Will reading that word on a piece of paper quench your thirst?

edit on 17-4-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

One more thing about knowing God. As Jehovah's name means "he causes to become" in order to come to know God and have faith in him it goes without saying you would have to see that person answer your questions about him.

I'm sorry if this is going to get lengthy, I didn't want it to be, but I thought I'd take a little more time and try to answer your question, for it is worthy of one. The one I gave above perhaps isn't quite satisfactory.

In the Hebrew the word for knowledge in the intimate sense is yahdah. It means to know by experience. It is not just a passing knowledge. For example to say "I know President Obama." What does that mean? I really don't know him.

But I can say, "I know my wife." I know her because she is my best friend, I have lived with her many years and thus in an intimate way I know her.

Knowledge of Jehovah is the same, just to say his name is not knowledge of who he is. The Bible reveals his personality and his qualities. So yes, you can learn much about Jehovah God by reading his word. You can learn about his wisdom by looking at the book of creation around you, but that book of creation will never reveal key questions such as: What is God's name? What is the purpose to life? Why does God permit suffering and evil? among other things. All of these things he needs to communicate to mankind. And yes the written word is a very good means of communication.

But knowledge of the true God is more than mere reading. It is experiencing him in your life. Let me give you an example.

Remember in the OP when it talking about Jehovah appearing to Moses in the wilderness to equip him to confront Pharaoh? Well Moses asked Jehovah who should say sent him, Jehovah or is Jehovah going to be known by another name. This may sound weird to us, but in the Bible times many times a person was known by a different name if Jehovah's purpose for that person changed or was revealed. For example Jacob's name was changed to Israel, Abrahm's name to Abraham. Sarai's name to Sarah, and so fort.

What did Jehovah say about his name and the revealing it, the making it known to his people? Notice:

(Exodus 3:13-15) . . .“Suppose I am now come to the sons of Israel and I do say to them, ‘The God of YOUR forefathers has sent me to YOU,’ and they do say to me, ‘What is his name?’ What shall I say to them?” 14 At this God said to Moses: “I SHALL PROVE TO BE WHAT I SHALL PROVE TO BE.” And he added: “This is what you are to say to the sons of Israel, ‘I SHALL PROVE TO BE has sent me to YOU.’” 15 Then God said once more to Moses:. . .

Some translations of the Bible translate these words in all caps as "I AM THAT I AM." But Jehovah was not referring to self existence in this passage. As I shared in the previous post the name Jehovah means: "He causes to become." And Jehovah was reaffirming his name to Moses with that statement: "I shall prove to be what I shall prove to be." In effect he was going to become what he needed to be to complete his good will, in this case his purpose toward the nation of Israel. He was going to become a "Manly person of war" and a Savior to the Israelites.

Thus, while they already knew God's name was Jehovah, Jehovah was able to say to Moses:

(Exodus 6:3) . . .And I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty, but as respects my name Jehovah I did not make myself known to them.

If they knew God's name was Jehovah, which is evident in the fact they used his name, what did God mean by the fact that they did not know him as Jehovah? Well, in this respect, Jehovah did not reveal the meaning of his name by acting toward them as he was to act toward the nation of Israel.

The same is true for us today. We can learn much about Jehovah God. Just knowing he has a name is a big start. But he is a real God and to really get to know him you need to form a relationship with him, that can only be done by studying God's word the Bible and then by praying to him. And then as Jehovah reveals himself to you as he answers your prayers and he becomes in your personal life "the one who causes to become" by answering your prayers then your faith and love in him grows, and then you will know him.

I had all of this in mind, and many other things which I will not go into now when I wrote that statement that you quoted above.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by SubAce

But knowledge of the true God is more than mere reading. It is experiencing him in your life.

Just as knowledge of travel is more than staying home and studying maps. It is experiencing other places and all the little things that come with travel. Little things that a homebody can't imagine.

So what if you go to another place that has another language and so another word for 'travel'?

Do you say, "no, *I* have the one true word for that"

edit on 17-4-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by Nightaudit
reply to post by SubAce

Ok, so you really want a name for god, that´s fine.

Tell me about the other religions you have studied though. And I am not joking here or trying to provoke you.

I am honestly interested in your opinion why the bible is the one, and not one of the other texts.

Because that is the basic premise for you research right? If it happens to be that the hindu religion is correct then your work would be obsolete, wouldn´t it?

Or what about the numerous beliefs before christ? All test runs?

Fair enough. And you are true, if something else was the truth then the Bible is worthless. So if I have faith in the Bible it needs to stand on a solid foundation. Even the Bible tells us that faith needs to be confirmed by evident realities and the demonstration of proofs, though they are not seen (which is why it is faith):

(Hebrews 11:1) . . .Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.

I have studied Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, Shinto, Judaism, Islam, primitive Christianity, the reformation period, as well as modern-day atheism.

I have also put the Bible to the test as to whether it was true or not and have reasonably proved it as being the truth. All of the above religions with exception to Judiasm all stem from Babylon, and although they may appear different if you strip away the differences caused by culture and distance, they all teach basically the same fundamental themes: Immortality of the soul, most of them have trinities, their hell-fire doctrines among a few other things. None of these teachings are found in the Bible, although they are in Christendom, and even modern-day Judaism incorporates a lot of these pagan beliefs as well.

Also none of the other religions or teachings really give satisfying answers to the really pressing questions about life. And none of them have solved mankind's problems.

On the other hand the Bible has always been proven reliable by its accurate history proven by archaeology. Also prophecy in it has always been accurate. Ask if you want me to give you some examples, because really this is getting off the subject in a big way and can take up a lot more space than probably you want to read right now. And one other thing, the Bible's counsel is consistent of that being from an Almighty and loving Creator. It doesn't matter who you are, was age, what sex, what social status, whatever, if you apply its counsel in your life you are benefited by it.

True, many people today twist and misapply scriptures in the Bible for their own selfish ends, but that is not the fault of God or the Bible, that is the fault of the wicked people. Let me give you one example. Jesus said to love your enemy and pray for those that persecute you. Also he says to return evil for evil to no one, and to treat your neighbor the way you want to be treated. Really if everyone applied what Jesus really taught the world would be a much different and better place.

Jehovah's Witnesses put into practice what the Bible teaches. We have done away with warfare. All around the world wherever you find a witness to Jehovah they have learned to love each other, no matter what ethnic background, nation, or race they live in. Thus we do not fight each other. In many countries Jehovah's Witnesses have been sent to prison and sometimes killed for refusing to fight against each other or any other fellow human. We put into practice what the Bible teaches and thus we have done away with the problems, many the world has. If everyone on earth was a practicing Jehovah's Witness there would be no more terrorism, there would be no more warfare, there would be no more violence, there would be no more crime, there would be no more lawlessness. You see that is what really Bible fruit produces.

One day in the near future only meek people who love Jehovah will be left remaining on earth, and we will no longer have to teach our neighbors to know Jehovah:

(Jeremiah 31:34) . . .“And they will no more teach each one his companion and each one his brother, saying, ‘KNOW Jehovah!’ for they will all of them know me, from the least one of them even to the greatest one of them,” is the utterance of Jehovah. . . .

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by BlueMule

Originally posted by SubAce

But knowledge of the true God is more than mere reading. It is experiencing him in your life.

Just as knowledge of travel is more than staying home and studying maps. It is experiencing other places and all the little things that come with travel. Little things that a homebody can't imagine.

So what if you go to another place that has another language and so another word for 'travel'?

Do you say, "no, *I* have the one true word for that"

edit on 17-4-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

Is this what you mean?

Awabakal - Yehóa
Bugotu - Jihova
Cantonese - Yehwowah
Danish - Jehova
Dutch - Jehovah
Efik - Jehovah
English - Jehovah
Fijian - Jiova
Finnish - Jehova
French - Jéhovah
Futuna - Ihova
German - Jehova
Hungarian - Jehova
Igbo - Jehova
Italian - Geova
Japanese - Ehoba
Maori - Ihowa
Motu - Iehova
Mwala-Malu - Jihova
Narrinyeri - Jehovah
Nembe - Jihova
Petats - Jihouva
Polish - Jehowa
Portuguese - Jeová
Romanian - Iehova
Samoan - Ieova
Sotho - Jehova
Spanish - Jehová
Swahili - Yehova
Swedish - Jehova
Tahitian - Iehova
Tagalog - Jehova
Tongan - Jihova
Venda - Yehova
Xhosa - uYehova
Yoruba - Jehofah
Zulu - uJehova

It may be translated into different languages, but it is still his name. He is still Jehovah no matter what language you say his name in.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by SubAce

Originally posted by BlueMule

Originally posted by SubAce

But knowledge of the true God is more than mere reading. It is experiencing him in your life.

Just as knowledge of travel is more than staying home and studying maps. It is experiencing other places and all the little things that come with travel. Little things that a homebody can't imagine.

So what if you go to another place that has another language and so another word for 'travel'?

Do you say, "no, *I* have the one true word for that"

edit on 17-4-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

Is this what you mean?
It may be translated into different languages, but it is still his name. He is still Jehovah no matter what language you say his name in.

No that's not what I mean. So I guess the answer to my question is yes, you would indeed say you 'have the one true word for that, but feel free to translate it'.

As opposed to recognizing that God is beyond any one form or name, any one map, any one culture, any one religion, any one story. Rather than recognizing that the infinite deity utterly transcends form and language and thought and concept, it seems that you would impose your concepts on others as if they are the thing-ness itself. As if you could drink the word water. As if you could travel on a map. As if you could eat a menu.

edit on 17-4-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by SubAce

Thank you for answering so honestly and in detail.

I can understand that you picked the bible, and I do not criticize your choice. I do have a few more questions if you don´t mind. You seem to be one of the few rational believers with whom you can actually have a conversation, so I would like to get the most out of it.

1: Do you believe in genesis as a literal story of creation, and if so which version of it?

2: How do you cope with the obviously wrong and horrible laws and statements in the bible? (How to treat your slaves and that it´s ok to beat them, women´s "right´s", that we have to stone people that wear two different fabrics and all that jazz). In other words, do you pick the nice points out of the bible and ignore the bad ones? Or do you accept everything in it?

3: I personally would detest the god who pulled that stunt with Abraham and Isaac. Or the god who completely wipes out whole ecosystems including innocent animals, just because he doesn´t like the ways of men. I wouldn´t WANT that to be true.

Thank you for being so open about this. And if you have any questions for me (a believer in god and science) feel free to ask.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 09:40 AM
It seems OP that these human issues mnentioned by the different TAUGHT factions on and around EA*RTH [color=gold] (during different Contact periods, as they may of SELDOMLY been here @ same times UNLESS FATHER REQUESTED PERHAPS maybe different transports * *** *
) have relations that if more researched, the data may show the influences upon Egyptians/Hebrews AND OTHERS
back then during those Contact periods. And this may help some understand if possible the conflicts between the ANCIENTS -siblings and Wars that were said to of went on between these siblings and the humans THE were influencing during those periods of contact. 1 does find the SNAKE scene between the 2 factions interesting as they both demonstrated similar traits... Something more for some to consider, the similarities etc. as differences are considered must remember the FATHER connections of the mentioned deities/beings GOD(s).


posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by BlueMule

Originally posted by SubAce

Originally posted by BlueMule

Originally posted by SubAce

But knowledge of the true God is more than mere reading. It is experiencing him in your life.

Just as knowledge of travel is more than staying home and studying maps. It is experiencing other places and all the little things that come with travel. Little things that a homebody can't imagine.

So what if you go to another place that has another language and so another word for 'travel'?

Do you say, "no, *I* have the one true word for that"

edit on 17-4-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

Is this what you mean?
It may be translated into different languages, but it is still his name. He is still Jehovah no matter what language you say his name in.

No that's not what I mean. So I guess the answer to my question is yes, you would indeed say you 'have the one true word for that, but feel free to translate it'.

As opposed to recognizing that God is beyond any one form or name, any one map, any one culture, any one religion, any one story. Rather than recognizing that the infinite deity utterly transcends form and language and thought and concept, it seems that you would impose your concepts on others as if they are the thing-ness itself. As if you could drink the word water. As if you could travel on a map. As if you could eat a menu.

edit on 17-4-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

But that is the problem is it not. When you have proof of god/something more but only know the road you took to get there so your understanding is limited to what you really did and in what ballpark others can find the same thing and you are not even sure if there is more to understand and get an ever greater connection or if the connection is the max connection the current you can get.

You get to centered on the ego minds journey and make simplifications that are not true to explain it. The closer I get to the truth the less I really know for certain. It is weird that god seems to like it when you are in a state of flux where you do the ideal thing from your moral point without knowing the whole story and some days you feel like such a screw up when nothing goes the way you want it to.

Can't this specie raise it's consciousness faster so we can get the information directly from the source and not from books that are not as usable to guiding a soul on it's journey. I really am becoming impatient.
edit on 17-4-2013 by LittleByLittle because: SPe

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by LittleByLittle

Originally posted by BlueMule

Originally posted by SubAce

Originally posted by BlueMule

Originally posted by SubAce

But knowledge of the true God is more than mere reading. It is experiencing him in your life.

Just as knowledge of travel is more than staying home and studying maps. It is experiencing other places and all the little things that come with travel. Little things that a homebody can't imagine.

So what if you go to another place that has another language and so another word for 'travel'?

Do you say, "no, *I* have the one true word for that"

edit on 17-4-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

Is this what you mean?
It may be translated into different languages, but it is still his name. He is still Jehovah no matter what language you say his name in.

No that's not what I mean. So I guess the answer to my question is yes, you would indeed say you 'have the one true word for that, but feel free to translate it'.

As opposed to recognizing that God is beyond any one form or name, any one map, any one culture, any one religion, any one story. Rather than recognizing that the infinite deity utterly transcends form and language and thought and concept, it seems that you would impose your concepts on others as if they are the thing-ness itself. As if you could drink the word water. As if you could travel on a map. As if you could eat a menu.

edit on 17-4-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

But that is the problem is it not. When you have proof of god/something more but only know the road you took to get there so your understanding is limited to what you really did and in what ballpark others can find the same thing and you are not even sure if there is more to understand and get an ever greater connection or if the connection is the max connection the current you can get.

That's why we shouldn't judge anyone. We shouldn't because we just don't know anything. We can't see enough of what's going on backstage.

But this entire thread is about the OP judging because he thinks he knows the one-and-only name of God.

You get to centered on the ego minds journey and make simplifications that are not true to explain it. The closer I get to the truth the less I really know for certain. It is weird that god seems to like it when you are in a state of flux where you do the ideal thing from your moral point without knowing the whole story and some days you feel like such a screw up when nothing goes the way you want it to.

Yes I've been there Brother. God has a funny way of pulling rugs out from under our feet. Then we land on our butt and the conceptual house-of-cards we built comes tumbling down. Sooner or later we learn to let go of concepts or to see through them. Not an easy lesson. Maybe it takes a lifetime, or many lifetimes.

Can't this specie raise it's consciousness faster so we can get the information directly from the source and not from books that are not as usable to guiding a soul on it's journey.

Ah but that too is a simplification. I mean, you are reducing Gods purpose to raised consciousness and then judging the level of people. But what if that isn't Gods full purpose? What if the world is already perfect, given the playground that it may very well be?

Lila (Sanskrit: लीला, IAST līlā), or Leela is a concept within Hinduism literally meaning "pastime", "sport" or "play". It is common to both non-dualistic and dualistic philosophical schools, but has a markedly different significance in each. Within non-dualism, Lila is a way of describing all reality, including the cosmos, as the outcome of creative play by the divine absolute (Brahman).

I really am becoming impatient.

Yeah, I am too sometimes. God is always seeking out our weaknesses and using them against us, maybe your impatience means you aren't living in the moment?

edit on 17-4-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:52 PM
You probably didnt mean to be funny with your thread title but Occult actually means that which is hidden. Of course there are those that will insist that occult has to do with something evil like Satan or witchcraft or some other thing that Hollywood has taught us is evil. Occult is not evil and why would anyone need to break free from it? Its something hidden, unknown. I guess that makes is scary.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by SubAce

Your God will always love the same people you love and hate the same people you hate.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by karen61560
reply to post by SubAce

Your God will always love the same people you love and hate the same people you hate.

The true God loves everyone. In fact he lets the sun shine on good people as well as bad people:

(Matthew 5:44, 45) . . .Continue to love YOUR enemies and to pray for those persecuting YOU; 45 that YOU may prove yourselves sons of YOUR Father who is in the heavens, since he makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous.

When Jesus said that God loved the world, the word he used for world connotes people who do not know God and who do bad things.

But you are correct I am like Jehovah my God, and have no hatred in my heart for any man. In fact anyone hating his brother cannot know God:

(1 John 2:9) He that says he is in the light and yet hates his brother is in the darkness up to right now.

(1 John 3:15) . . .Everyone who hates his brother is a manslayer, and YOU know that no manslayer has everlasting life remaining in him.

edit on 18-4-2013 by SubAce because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by karen61560
You probably didnt mean to be funny with your thread title but Occult actually means that which is hidden. Of course there are those that will insist that occult has to do with something evil like Satan or witchcraft or some other thing that Hollywood has taught us is evil. Occult is not evil and why would anyone need to break free from it? Its something hidden, unknown. I guess that makes is scary.

True, something hidden has been occulted. And one of the occult secrets of the occult is that the occult gets its power of wicked spirit forces in heavenly places. The occult practices are occult because those who wish to practice wickedness do not come to the light. Because the light exposes each ones works:

(John 3:20, 21) . . .For he that practices vile things hates the light and does not come to the light, in order that his works may not be reproved. 21 But he that does what is true comes to the light, in order that his works may be made manifest as having been worked in harmony with God.”

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by SubAce

moon means ירח in Hebrew or yah-reh-akh. Yahweh (יהוה)

In popular ancient Israelite belief, too, the moon was thought to influence fertility; the women wore moon-shaped pendants, as discovered in archaeological finds and as mentioned by Isaiah in his admonition: "On that day, my Lord will strip off the finery of the anklets, the fillets, and the crescents."

Further, we learn from Ezekiel’s prophecy (46:3) that new moon days will be kept in the coming Kingdom: “The people of the land shall also worship at the doorway of that gate before Yahweh on the sabbaths and on the new moons.”

Yahweh uses the new moon to establish moedim, or commanded observances, Psalm 104:19. Special offerings were also given on the new moons, 2Chronicles 2:4; 8:13; 23:31.

All religions are based on the moon or the sun. Hallelujah praise the moon... amon ra, amen ra or amen at the end of prayers praise the sun god

also your easter or memorial thing passing bread and wine without drinking it is a watered down black mass

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by celticdog
reply to post by SubAce

moon means ירח in Hebrew or yah-reh-akh. Yahweh (יהוה)

In popular ancient Israelite belief, too, the moon was thought to influence fertility; the women wore moon-shaped pendants, as discovered in archaeological finds and as mentioned by Isaiah in his admonition: "On that day, my Lord will strip off the finery of the anklets, the fillets, and the crescents."

Further, we learn from Ezekiel’s prophecy (46:3) that new moon days will be kept in the coming Kingdom: “The people of the land shall also worship at the doorway of that gate before Yahweh on the sabbaths and on the new moons.”

Yahweh uses the new moon to establish moedim, or commanded observances, Psalm 104:19. Special offerings were also given on the new moons, 2Chronicles 2:4; 8:13; 23:31.

All religions are based on the moon or the sun. Hallelujah praise the moon... amon ra, amen ra or amen at the end of prayers praise the sun god

also your easter or memorial thing passing bread and wine without drinking it is a watered down black mass

The Hebrew word for Jehovah comes from a verb meaning "to cause to become" or hawah. It is not in relation to the new moon.

Hallelujah is a transliteration from Hebrew which means Praise Jah (Jehovah) you people.

Easter is a pagan holiday and Christians do not celebrate it.

The memorial of Christ's death is an observation of a pact that Jesus Christ has made with his servants to rule as kings and priests with him in heaven.

Everyone brought into the new covenant for a kingdom faithfully observe those commands by Jesus until the time he is revealed, or his manifestation in heaven and kingdom glory.

During that all hidden things will be brought to light, and everyone will be judged according to his own actions. Now you have time to change, at that time you will not. At that time you will be judged for who you are, not now or in the past, but when that time arrives, there is still time for any wicked person who wishes to take provisions of God's "year of goodwill" toward them:

(Isaiah 61:2) . . .to proclaim the year of goodwill on the part of Jehovah and the day of vengeance on the part of our God; to comfort all the mourning ones. . .

See: Jehovah

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by SubAce

Hovah according to strongs concordance means ruin and mischief. The city of jericho to this day is called the city of the moon. I know easter is pagan but passing around wine and bread was done to parody the catholic mass. Also your founder Russel believed in pyramids and all egyptian symbolism and numerology and god lived in andromeda, so basically things considered occult

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 10:02 PM
What I never understand...people that are SO SURE of how right their religious beliefs are, why can they not understand that others might feel the exact same way?

I don't want to worship a god that would say you must walk this one narrow path hopping on one foot while carrying the Bible or you will go to hell. I don't think that's the right "God" for me.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by hadriana
What I never understand...people that are SO SURE of how right their religious beliefs are, why can they not understand that others might feel the exact same way?

I don't want to worship a god that would say you must walk this one narrow path hopping on one foot while carrying the Bible or you will go to hell. I don't think that's the right "God" for me.

Those who have truth can understand.

For example, Paul at one time thought he had the truth, and with a zeal he persecuted and killed Christians. That teaches us, that someone can really think what they have is the truth, and they are totally wrong, anyone with any understanding of truth will have insight of this fact:

(1 Timothy 1:13) . . .. Nevertheless, I was shown mercy, because I was ignorant and acted with a lack of faith.

(Acts 3:17) 17 And now, brothers, I know that YOU acted in ignorance, just as YOUR rulers also did.

(Luke 23:34) [[But Jesus was saying: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”]]

Many people may have a zeal for what they think is the truth yet it is not in accord with "accurate knowledge" that is their knowledge is falsely called knowledge, even though they know it not:

(Romans 10:2) . . .For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God; but not according to accurate knowledge;

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by celticdog
reply to post by SubAce

Hovah according to strongs concordance means ruin and mischief. The city of jericho to this day is called the city of the moon. I know easter is pagan but passing around wine and bread was done to parody the catholic mass. Also your founder Russel believed in pyramids and all egyptian symbolism and numerology and god lived in andromeda, so basically things considered occult

Jehovah is from the Hebrew verb Hawah which means "to cause to become." And the name literally means, "He who causes to become." It is an apt name for the true God, for only Jehovah God can become whatever he needs to be to accomplish his purpose.

As for Charles Russell, Jehovah used him to begin to prepare the way for the anointed, and for the restoration to true Christianity. He had let Christianity apostizie in the second century. When it came time for the end to begin, he raised up for himself witnesses that would make the way for the cleansing of his people.

At that time he clearly understood the falsehood of the Trinity doctrine, that Jesus was God, he also did away with the pagan hellfire doctrine that stems from Babylon, and the Immortality of the soul, the backbone of all false religion that stems from her mother Babylon.

He was coming out of the darkness into the wonderful light. He did not make a full restoration of truth, that did not happen until after he died. In fact even after he died, for a short time, Jehovah's people who were being roused to spiritual understanding celebrated things that dishonored God, such as Christmas and birthdays, and even still used the pagan occultic sign of the cross.

You did not mention that we have rid ourselves completely off all these occultic and pagan traditions and teachings. And Satan is a powerful ruler who has the entire earth in his sway. So how is it that this group of Christians was able to free themselves from his influence completely! Only by the good spirit of Jehovah God who sheds light into the darkness and brings into captivity every thought. It was already foretold that it would be just that way:

(Zechariah 13:9) . . .And I shall certainly bring the third [part] through the fire; and I shall actually refine them as in the refining of silver, and examine them as in the examining of gold. It, for its part, will call upon my name, and I, for my part, will answer it. I will say, ‘It is my people,’ and it, in its turn, will say, ‘Jehovah is my God.’”

edit on 19-4-2013 by SubAce because: (no reason given)

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