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What has happened to the UFOs?

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posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Osiris1953
Because if it has, that fact coupled with the decrease of sightings could imply that most abductions really are nothing more than products of sleep paralysis, and sub-conscious hallucinogenic manifestations.

There is a massive amount of well documented physical evidence that makes it pretty obvious that the phenomena is not an illusion, delusion or psychological phenomena.

Another aspect of the so called alien abduction phenomena is the implants that people claim to have left in their bodies after they have been abducted. This may be the smoking gun. We have physical evidence that the phenomena are not an illusion or delusion. This is hard-core evidence that can be studied in a lab and put through a regimen of scientific tests.

Dr. Roger Leir has had the objects tested by some of the most prestigious labs in the USA. I asked Dr. Leir what he thought the purpose of the implants were and he informed me that his best guess was that they were changing the DNA of the person in whom they were inserted. He doesn’t believe that they are tracking devices. LINK ~ L.A. Marzulli's Blog

Amazingly, on analysis with a scanning electron microscope at NMT Laboratory, it was found that the implant WAS CONNECTED TO THE PATIENT’S NERVE ENDINGS! It was also covered by unidentifiable biological material that prevented ‘rejection’ by the patient’s immune system. LINK

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

I'm well aware. I just personally have not made up my mind definitely one way or another regarding that phenomenon. I have been fascinated with all things UFO/EBE related since I was about eight years old, and have studied as much information as possible since that time, but that does not mean that my mind is even remotely made up concerning the validity of abductions. Sorry.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Osiris1953
I'm well aware. I just personally have not made up my mind definitely one way or another regarding that phenomenon. I have been fascinated with all things UFO/EBE related since I was about eight years old, and have studied as much information as possible since that time, but that does not mean that my mind is even remotely made up concerning the validity of abductions. Sorry.

Many times what appears to be information is in reality dis-information.

"We got a coverup among the researchers themselves that people are relying on for the truth" ~ Joe Jordan

"We will know that we have succeeded when everything the public believes is false" - William J. Casey (OSS/CIA operative & Director)

“Nothing is as it appears to be.” ~ Robert Booth Nichols

"And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables ~ GOD"

"Oh Mortal Man, is there nothing you cannot be made to believe?" ~ Jesuit Priest Adam Weishaupt

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Murgatroid

For starters because you actually don't HAVE any evidence...

Very easy to take only the first half of my sentence out of context, if you had read the whole thing, you would have seen what I was saying: There are lots of documents, I don't need to post them because they are in all well document threads, on page 1 of this forum, just look around. But your ignorance doesn't allow you to see anything that's off your belief of demons, right?

The only "evidence" you have given so far is hate, ridicule, and personal attacks.

Well, unlike your belief of demons, I am not believing anything with the current poor evidence, I am on only evaluating the existing data and material MYSELF which means I make the conclusions MYSELF and I do not need anyone to follow blindly or to believe something because someone tells me so, because I have a MIND OF MY OWN, which seems many lack here.

This is typical with most cults that brainwash members so that they then see everyone else as being brainwashed.

Priests of ufology - I suppose the scammer researchers as Greer, sure however I know who not to listen, so I don't follow any of the priests you speak, it's all personal observation.Also you fail like many to distinguish such like me who think objectively from the masses of believers.

I am arguing if we are dealing with alien beings or military secrets, you are certain there are beings (based on what?) and to you these beings are demons. Look around you, many laugh at the statement 'Aliens are demons' only religious whackos can say something like that.

Your statements must be coming from PERSONAL stories of beings visiting people while they sleep - well let me tell you - to me these are bogus story or the person can't distinguish sleeping/dreaming from reality. While, the reasons I speak of non-human beings, is the DOCUMENTS, Photos, testomonies (no many people over the world are not priests or paid to make lies), who see TECHNOLOGY beyond even any military (that is technology not 15 yeaRS ahead but hundreds!!!)

You fail, don't argue about things that you have no solid ground. P.S Rosewell had more than one crash and yes, the metal they had found had non-Earth - unidentified chemical elements, it was not just project 'Mogul - that was the other crash to get the attention.
edit on 18-3-2013 by ImpactoR because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

Got that as well. Still a fence sitter on this subject. Just the way it is.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 04:27 PM
Knock of the bickering and rude comments. Everyone is allowed to post their opinions. If it continues, stronger actions will follow. Both sides knock it off now.

Forum Moderator

ENOUGH! Please review this thread.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 05:08 PM
It seems there are less credible sightings since the internet has become more mainstreem. Seems like the more credible sightings dropped off after the 90's. Did the number of sightings go down when HAARP went online?

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by TamtammyMacx
It seems there are less credible sightings since the internet has become more mainstreem. Seems like the more credible sightings dropped off after the 90's. Did the number of sightings go down when HAARP went online?

I think it can be boiled down to:
* Real UFO sightings and encounters were always rare to begin with.
* Too much noise from bad images and hoaxes with no researchers and pulp magazine editors to filter out the garbage before it gets to us.
* Fewer people with real UFO sightings coming forward because they don't want to face the circus.
* Better, more sophisticated analysis by ordinary folks like us here.
* (this one is subtle) A slow change in the way we think of these things that makes it more difficult for them to be real these days. To "manifest," or whatever.

Of course, it could all change tomorrow with a clear, large-scale mass sighting with multiple images and witnesses. It hasn't happened yet, but there's nothing to stop it from happening. Except maybe a fundamental problem with the existence of these things that we're too dumb to understand.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 07:46 PM
I agree its much more likely we would encounter self-replicating probes before any distant civilisation. I started a thread on that topic some time ago but the idea didn't seem so popular.

I assume different groups have shot them down and tried to back-engineer these probes, with various levels of success, which could explain why ufos seem to improve over the decades, and don't seem to follow any coherent agenda.

Still don't understand why they can't tell the people though. And what are these greys - probe robot peripherals or a man-made worker race..

Originally posted by yourmaker
Well, I would assume it's used as part of the giant social experiment and it's use has run out for the time being.

Probably it's not marketable at the moment or they are waiting to unleash it all at once like usual.

Personally I don't think they've EVER been here and what we are seeing are probes from multiple races.
Sometimes they shoot through Sol's system and carry on their way,
other times they get caught up around Nuclear facilities.

Either way, they aren't organic imo, they are drones piloted presumably by programming.
mapping our galaxy.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 08:02 PM
Very interesting thread! I think that we all agree that the hayday of the UFO sighting is in the past. Another poster mentioned that you can walk down any street and people are generally looking down at their cell phones or talking on them and not paying much attention to their surroundings, let alone looking up in the sky.

Another factor may be light pollution. I used to live in a location where the skies were fairly dark the they just invited us to look up and wonder and notice. Now there are so many of the orange sodium lights everywhere that I can't even see the big dipper or the north star.

Just a couple of observations.

eta. On the other hand, look at the vids of the Russian meteorite impact. With all of the cell phone around these days, almost everyone has a camera and camcorder. Seems like we might expect even more videos to be made. hmmm
edit on 18/3/13 by AidanK because: to add final thought

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 04:52 PM
I've often thought that maybe it's the frame rate per second that the human eye can perceive. If indeed there was a UFO wave in the 50's and on through the 60's which Project Blue Book and other government programs would suggest, something has changed. If they realised that humans see in a range of 10-12 frames per second, maybe the spin or strobe of the crafts were adjusted so that in most instances most people would see nothing. I've often wondered if people scanned the sky with other equipment that recorded in slower or super fast frame rates, that maybe these crafts would be seen. Maybe today's cameras and camcorders are built not to pick up anything, unless of course if the crafts malfunction and are unknowingly in our visual frame rate.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 05:07 PM
Transhumanism and tech obsession killed the UFO.

If there are aliens, they would do well keeping themselves cloaked or just staying away. We're likely to view them as a food source/delicacy or cheap labor. Dont underestimate the mind and intention of the human being when we discover a new species...

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 05:29 PM
My feelings are...that the AIDS crisis, has at least caused some otherworlders to veer away from our planet.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 12:17 PM
I agree with the thread starter. With all the camera cell phones people have now, one would expect more footage and sightings.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 03:15 PM
It's not that the sightings have's more that it simply isn't being pushed in the media...

Everything is in cycles.... Right now, vampires are fading out a little bit, zombies are coming more and more into style (with Walking Dead, and especially after World War Z hits theaters)...Aliens' time will come again, always does.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 03:46 PM
I suppose there have been 3 ages of Ufology.

The immediate, more innocent, Post War era of Flying saucers, humanoids, contactees.This was a time when many a spurious tale was mixed in with a few cases of genuine intrigue. Very human looking aliens from the nearby planets would often warn people of the doom we faced if we continued down the path of exploiting the power of the atom and ruining the earth. This age started to change in the early 1960s when the Hill Abduction story appeared and perhaps ended around 1975. This was when the Travis Walton case featured his accounts of human looking aliens working alongside something similar to the now familiar "grey" alien.

Then came the 80s and a more conspiratorial era of alien abductions, large black triangular UFOs, MJ12, Area 51 and government cover-ups. That drew to a close with the old century.

Now we have the internet where pictures and videos can be easily shared with the whole world in minutes. The aliens don't seem to land much anymore to talk to random people in lonely areas. There are UFO stories but most of them involve objects in the sky these days. All those abductess who have bought cheap webcams and trained them on themselves as they slept seemed to have warded off alien predators. And of course there is so much CGI trickery going on to confuse the subject even more.

Where did the aliens go, not just the UFOs?

Has the Earth become some kind of galactic North Korea in the last couple of decades? Are we only told what the powers that be want us to believe in and live in an isolated, quarantined corner of the Universe for some reason? Could it be that, just like our trips to the moon, the aliens found no value in coming back anymore?

Or is it more likely that UFOs controlled by ET are actually extremely rare or even non-existent in this current time and place we occupy in this Universe?

edit on 20/3/13 by mirageman because: Re-wording

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 04:26 PM
Yep they're gone alright. I don't see them all the time out here in the desert. And I didn't see a group of them making a military jet look silly the other night. You know how they can be...

Invisible one minute and gone the next.

Wink wink

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 06:00 PM
I have spent more time looking at the skies over the past several years and I have witnessed several unusual sightings, so no, I would disagree to think they are gone.

I believe they are still here but like a poster said, a lot of people are spending less time reporting incidences, people are not looking at the skies as they used and I believe we are in a cycle where it is "quiet", for the time being.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by htapath
Yep they're gone alright. I don't see them all the time out here in the desert. And I didn't see a group of them making a military jet look silly the other night. You know how they can be...

Invisible one minute and gone the next. Wink wink

I don't understand the sarcasm. So you see UFOs all the time. So what? Do you have any real clue as to what they are? Can you be sure they're not trainer drones giving pilots a workout? Do you have anything of interest to add?

Nope. Apparently not. That's what we're talking about. It's not so much that UFOs went away. It's just that they've become a dead end. Even you can't add anything to the subject, and you claim to see them all the time. What does that say about them? Or us?

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by Blue Shift

Originally posted by htapath
Yep they're gone alright. I don't see them all the time out here in the desert. And I didn't see a group of them making a military jet look silly the other night. You know how they can be...

Invisible one minute and gone the next. Wink wink

I don't understand the sarcasm. So you see UFOs all the time. So what? Do you have any real clue as to what they are? Can you be sure they're not trainer drones giving pilots a workout? Do you have anything of interest to add?

Nope. Apparently not. That's what we're talking about. It's not so much that UFOs went away. It's just that they've become a dead end. Even you can't add anything to the subject, and you claim to see them all the time. What does that say about them? Or us?

Sure I know what they are and why they're here. They're the caretakers of this giant lesson in corruption and bad choices that we're enjoying. They step in when they need to and they're always lurking. Why all the hate? Don't take yourself so seriously brother. You know nothing about me or them apparently.
edit on 20/3/2013 by htapath because: (no reason given)

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