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Christian prophecy reveals the antichrist beast of Revelation 13 and 17

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posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by Agree2Disagree

Having said that, now I will move forward to a few things that will help us, I hope, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

For it has been said of many of the Sunday churches that the beast will be a political leader, and... well, to be quite honest, there are so many different theories; but of the most common is the fiction that Israel, the country, will have a new temple rebuilt and then the beast will make a covenant with the jews, and then he will cause the sacrifice to stop after 3 1/2 years and then all hell will break loose.

That's what most Christians think.

And Christians are raptured before all of this, they say.

And then Saturday Christians say that the mark of the beast is Sunday, and that the sabbath day is the seal of the living God; and that the beast of the land will force the worship of the image of the beast, which is the sunday sabbath of protestants; and then when people refuse to work on saturdays, and refuse to worship on sundays, then those same will be killed, and that is the tribulation to them.

These are very vague generalizations of what the many different denominations believe.

There are those that think that revelations has already completely taken place. There are those that think it is currently in the process, and most of it is history. There are those that think it is currently in the process, and some of it is history. There are those that think that Revelation still has yet to even begin in the future for us.

Christians forgot the relationship of the Old Testament to the New Testament. (Or the Law and the Prophets as compared to the writings of the Apostles).

Christians forgot all of the foreshadowing. Christians talk of the foreshadowing all of the time. But for some reason the foreshadowing continues to elude Christians.

"There is nothing new under the sun."

Everything that has happened has happened before; in a TYPE.

A type is just a version of something. God shows us many things through types and metaphors and analogies, as we already know.

Here is an example of the way in which God reveals things to us.
Job 38:

12 Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days; and caused the dayspring to know his place; 13 That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it? 14 It is turned as clay to the seal; and they stand as a garment. 15 And from the wicked their light is withholden, and the high arm shall be broken.

Check this out for understanding:

The original bulla was a lump of clay molded around a cord and stamped with a seal. Once the clay has dried, the container (such as a vase or money bag) cannot be violated without visible damage to the bulla, thereby ensuring the contents remain tamper-proof until they reach their destination.

Clay to the seal

God is saying that the Sun rises in the morning, in its place, where He set it. And as the Sun comes up, it is like a seal is pressed upon the clay; the forms of the land appear as the Sun rises, just as the impressions of a seal cause the raised parts on the clay to be revealed. And so the light of the Sun, as it makes its way from the rising in the east to the setting in the west, is like pressing a seal, from right to left, on the clay; As the sun rises, the shadows are long to the west; and as it rises towards noon, the forms swallow up the shadows slowly until the darkness is gone; and then as the sun is setting, the shadow is set towards the east, and the forms release their form into the shadow, until the setting of the sun. And if you were to look at the sun as it is rising, or as it is setting, and say there were mountains, or hills, or whatever on the horizon; if there is a mountain on the horizon and the sun is rising behind it, you see the form of the mountain, but you cannot see the light of the mountain because the light is behind it. So the mountains are like the garments of the horizon whose light is withheld from the wicked. Why? Because as the sun rises, the wicked flee. The only thing they see of the mountain is the silhouette of the mountain, for when day breaks, they must not be seen. Therefore, because the wicked flee from the light, the "high arm will be broken". Meaning, the wicked do not have the power to wage their war against the world during the day.

This is pretty easy, right?

Jesus Christ gave us many clues, as simple as these, while He yet walked with us in the flesh before His death and His resurrection. And He gave us clues afterward, and so did the apostles and the disciples.

I am learning as we speak still, right now. So please bear with me, and I hope that the Lord will show you what He has shown me.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 04:09 PM
Another point that I disagree humbly with is in regards to the mark of the beast....

I've always took an interest in the Book of Revelation yet, I never understand where so many theories about the mark get their origins. It's clear that the mark of the beast will be a mark of worship...I don't see where the huge conspiracy or deception plays any part. If we have been diligent in our readings then we will know what we need to know in order to recognise the mark when it is revealed. We won't be "tricked" into getting it if we're properly prepared with the words of prophecy....

In conclusion, I dare say determining what the mark is before it's actual reveal is absolutely unnecessary. Simply be prepared and know the signs of the times....this is after all what Revelation was meant for....

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Jimjolnir

PS as a 'heretic', agnostic, I'm enjoying reading through this thread go figure

As a heretic, Adventist Christian, I am glad for your participation and considered response. I think you struct on some good points. What is it about the thread you are enjoy reading about the most?

When I do a thread on prophecy understanding, the most important message I try to convey to non-Christians is that in understanding prophecies and seeing how they have been fulfilled exactly, according to their intended description, that this is a good tool to show that the power behind the bible knows the future and thus we can have confidence that the intent of the Bible is to lead us down the right path. Another message would be that if the Bible clearly points out the Vatican as being this beast from the sea power in Rev. 13 and 17 and it is described as being given 'its power, throne and great authority from the dragon' (Rev. 13:2) then I would hope that non-Christians who have been turned away from the faith because of the example of the RCC would then isolate their prejudices and see that according to the Bible their inclinations against the RCC are perfectly justified

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by yourmaker
Why would god wait 2000 years for youtube to be invented?

Is your implication that God waited for the understanding about the beast power to be given only when technology such that we have today was available?

Anyone who knew what the Bible taught in the middle ages knew not to follow the RCC, during the protestant reformation every major protestant leader identified the papal system to be antichrist (name typically given to that identified as the little horn power of Daniel 7 or the beast from the sea in Rev. 13 or the beast the whore rides in Rev. 17). Most protestant churches continued to teach this up until about 50 years ago. While they might not have documented each scriptural characteristic as clearly with historical evidence back then, it didn't stop them from knowing who was who. Adventist teaching on these prophecies have been available for well over 120 years with books like The Great Controversy by Ellen White, or Uriah Smith's book 'Daniel and Revelation' (very easy to find both these books online for free). It is not a matter of God waiting, it is a matter of people being observant and well read enough.
edit on 18-3-2013 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Jimjolnir
Hey y'all.
I'm not religious, my family never really read the Bible or went to church, save one or two (punny or not
I went to a catholic school, however, and, I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but for the longest time now, about 10 years or so (I'm 27), I've been saying the same thing; the Vatican and it's supporters, are closer to the Devil than the 'heretics' of the world.

I've had many arguments about this... to me the answer is more metaphorical; the Devil is no more than control and greed in this instance... if Christ is a light that is within each of us, then the unveiling of this Evil will naturally cause our instinctual fight-or-flight mechanisms to act out at such adversity... how long can we bear witness the depravity of our own species; I believe that, yes the crossing of the ages is here, metaphorically, there is nothing greater here right now than our own given power to rise with hope and love. We'll unite for the common good, if not, then we are truly damned.

PS as a 'heretic', agnostic, I'm enjoying reading through this thread
go figure
edit on 2013/3/18 by Jimjolnir because: (no reason given)

as a Heretic agnostic your ears are much BETTER than some that claim THEY hear.This thread is proof of that.Mans intuition(The Kingdom of God is IN your midst...that is the light) is much more tuned into The Truth than religion.Religion has one purpose....fertilizer.Jesus laid the foundation in the parable of the seed and soil.The infertile soil even with THE SEED sown in it cannot produce a good tree that produces good fruit only the good fertile soil can.Paul further expounded on that when he gave his pedigree of being a religious Jew that was RIGHTEOUS perfected in the Law YET he said that was all dung,,crap..FERTILIZER.
The religious continue to plow there field with crap because there soil is infertile.The more infertile the more fertilizer is needs.from church to church doctrines of men to doctrines of men always seeking the truth and never finding it.

They will claim God loves you then in the next breath have you being sadistically tortured in hell FOREVER and EVER(that must be twice as long as forever) by their "loving" God of justice.Then say BUT you can be SAVED if you only beleive in the Lord Jesus Christ.This sounds suspiciously like a Mafia shakedown If Jesus says ..."I'll save you..FROM ME!!!!Believe in me and I'll make it ALL good forever..don't believe in me and I'll torture you for eternity.How this logic evades the religious mind is mind boggling.A child could figure out that GOD s not an extortionist.But the religious have a justification for EVERYTHING..just go read so and so book they tell you how it IS!! and be sure and study the "bible"...which is riddled by errors(around 50,000! in the 1st addition King James !) that any honest person would acknowledge...but listen to that won't could be perhaps SATAN!!!.

They say they believe in God but believe satan is his equal(or better) because SATAN is going to win this "war" and drag the majority of ALL humanity into the pit of HELL FIRE!!Jesus will weep as he HAS to send people to Hell because ..they don't believe in him ..after all didn't he use those "church people (who change church and beliefs every ten minutes ) TELL them the TRUTH!!..and Jesus wept...This is the true sadness of this all.The self righteous religious with their "I love you" you damnable sinner you..... just come to my church(or read these books) and get saved when in reality they are just making their "victims" into twice the son of hell they are.Lucky for them ..THERE is no "place of eternal hell..and regardless of their chicken little end of the world fantasy about the APOCALYPSE Great tribulation where the LOVING God will annihilate all his ENEMY'S!!!!!!

maybe ...just Maybe God..the REAL God the ONLY GOD is in 100% control of EVERYTHING.Satan is his whipping boy.He is not in a war with it(satan means adversary).Man in foolishness has been blinded by RELIGION (all is religion..worship..what we BELIEVE)..religion/religion is the most viral strain it is the STRONG #,crap dung ..fertilizer...It has a purpose....and God help those that are buried to the eyes in it.

There is absolutely 100% NOTHING to fear.God is not torturing anyone in hell.EVERYTHING is working according to GODS one elses...and it will ALL have a reason and perfect purpose and no one can do ONE thing about it.It is insane futility to think and try otherwise.This satan the some LOVE to worship as a powerful being has ZERO power over anyone ..unless they let it in their foolish imaginations....hmmm I wonder whom they might be...

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 06:24 PM
so is it the pope or obama ?

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by Rex282

For me I don't much appreciate someone talking bad about Christianity and lumping all Christian's into some particular category as you do when what you have said about the doctrine of hell is scripturally false and not what my church teaches.

This is not the place for you to have a rant

I will not let my threads be filled with BS posting by people who are under the allusion they have knowledge...the topic is prophetic descriptions of the beast power and how it is fulfilled in history...if you have nothing to say on this topic then say nothing

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
so is it the pope or obama ?

Scripturally, the beast from the sea in Revelation 13 and 17 and the little horn power of Daniel 7 is the Papal system (which encompasses the Pope)

Scripturally, the beast from the earth is America (although I have not covered this topic in much detail here) and is best understood and identified with identifying the beast from the sea first. Obama is merely one facet that makes up what is the beast from the earth power that forms an allegiance to the beast from the sea and the dragon. Don't get me wrong though, Obama is playing a prominent role but it is a role that recent previous US presidents have been playing as well and a role that is strongly backed up by forces perhaps best described as the shadow government too.

Both these powers are against Christ...against Jesus...they are types of antichrist but the literal embodiment of a being will be the dragon himself. Satan himself is going to impersonate the second coming of Jesus (along with his angels in toe to create an impressive procession and visual sight). When Christians talk about the antichrist though they are commonly referring to who the Revelation 13 beast from the sea is, in this context then (despite being a bit of a wrong mislabeling of terminology) the answer is the pope and has basically been every pope since 538AD.

posted on Mar, 18 2013 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
so is it the pope or obama ?

Know what, I think the Vatican could be behind something that would make Obama look like the Antichrist.. Whether he is or not is another question.. Rome plays a role and apparently falls in the prophecies so who knows.. Maybe after all is said and done, the Papacy moves to Jerusalem and then they announce themselves because you can bet your sweet dollar the pope wont be in Rome when it happens.
edit on 18-3-2013 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

Alright TarzanBeta, I am going to respond about the food and alcohol stuff first (I will talk on the Sabbath, the law, reformed Baptist church, prophecy in future replies)

Now I don't know anything about this Nick from the SDR church but I do have more than 2 decades of experience in the SDA church in Australia so that is the perspective I will speak from.

About half the SDAs I know are vegetarian or vegan, the other half eat the clean meats. I have never seen a dispute between anyone between vegetarian/vegan or clean meat eaters (lamb, beef, chicken, turkey, fish ect) and this being a stumbling block to anyone's faith. I have grown up in an Adventist home eating meat probably about 6 times per week and dairy products. A few years ago I watched an SDA health DVD series (for the 2nd time) that was talking about food and basically promoted the turning to a vegan diet. The series was done by an SDA preacher who was previously a professor in zoology and taught creation science at university level at a secular university in South Africa (which had one of the largest zoology departments in the southern hemisphere). From my previous high meat consumption diet I went to basically straight vegan and stayed pretty close to that for a couple of years, in the last year or so I have upped my meat eating to maybe 2-3 days a week mostly because I like the variety and the food is convenient for me to get. My dairy product intake is still very low though, soy, rice or almond milk substituting for dairy milk (and cheese). But I am not going to turn down the occasional pizza, ice-cream or chocolate!

I got no idea what this Nick was saying to eat, all I know is that when I eat vegetarian it is cheaper for me to leave on than when I eat meat...and there is no question that vegetarian and vegan are healthier for you than meat eating. Adventists are already the longest living global culture in the world. US Adventists live for almost a decade longer than their non-SDA US counterparts, with those extra years being basically free from chronic disease (they are free and productive years for people). You might want to look up some details about this by searching on blue zones for longevity.

From my own personal observations there seems to be only very minor correlation between the strength of an Adventist's faith and whether they are vegetarian/vegan or meat eaters. I know from a scientific perspective what diets are best for me and I know from the spiritual principle that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, that I should look after it as best I can so that I am ready and able to best do the role God intends for me to do with my life as part of His body. I do not concern myself all that much with what other Adventists are doing with their life for God, that is between them and God. I keep my diet and how I keep myself between me and God. God knows that I am not perfect but I try to do the best for Him that I can in reaching people about Him, even in my weakness.

In terms of alcohol though, many SDAs I know in their 20's that drink generally are the weakest in their faith, in speaking to others about Jesus and many stop going to church entirely and basically drop their faith. I never drink and feel no need to. Whenever my mates and I go out and half the SDA young people are drinking and the other half aren't then the people who aren't drinking are having just as much fun as those that do. Of those that do drink I would say that there is a very strong correlation between those that drink and those interested in promiscuous sex.

I enjoy having deep conversations with people about important issues. Talking to people who drink, the conversation bores me to tears. There is no attractive in it for me. I want to preserve my brain, look after myself and those around me by not engaging in stupid and risky behaviour that I might do if drunk. People who need to drink seem to have to do so as a social crutch and a tool to aid them in their desires for sex.

It really seems to be only a certain amount of young adult SDAs that drink and these amount varies from church to church depending on the culture or influence of certain individuals. By late 20's most SDAs who drink no longer do so, meaning most Adventists over 30 don't drink at all.

Now let's move on to the scripture reference on the wine at the wedding...

And [2532] when they wanted [5302] [5660] wine [3631], the mother [3384] of Jesus [2424] saith [3004] [5719] unto[4314] him [0846], They have [2192] [5719] no [3756] wine [3631].

Now according toWiki - alcohol in the Bible ...Greek NT section this strongs G3631 word for wine is the only one on the list of 5 alternatives that does not suggest it is fermented, all the other alternatives suggest it contains alcohol.

From the study notes in my Bible it says that the wedding took place about 50 days after the baptism of Jesus in chapter 1 and that the wine could be either fresh of fermented but as the wedding was held in Autumn then this suggests it was fresh. Now I am not 100% sure where they get this logic from in my study notes but I will try and figure this out with my own logic. According to the Daniel 9 prophecy of when the Messiah would be anointed by the Most High and then be cut off mid week (meaning 3.5 years after He was baptised) and Jesus was crucified on the day of Passover which is the northern hemisphere spring so subtract the 3.5 years from that time we get a northern hemisphere Autumn time period and after Jesus' baptism He then goes straight into the 40 days of testing in the wilderness before this wedding.

According to wiki

The harvest season typically falls between August & October in the Northern Hemisphere and February & April in the Southern Hemisphere.
wiki - harvest (wine)

This suggests, based on the timing, the juice was unfermented. Based on the choice of words used, it was unfermented. Based on the principles Jesus taught about drunkenness, it was unfermented.

Here is a detailed write up on the topic Wine in the Bible.

The wine which Christ provided for the feast, and that which He gave to the disciples as a symbol of His own blood, was the pure juice of the grape. To this the prophet Isaiah refers when he speaks of the new wine "in the cluster," and says, "Destroy it not; for a blessing is in it." Isa. 65:8.

It was Christ who in the Old Testament gave the warning to Israel, "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." Prov. 20:1. And He Himself provided no such beverage. Satan tempts men to indulgence that will becloud reason and benumb the spiritual perceptions, but Christ teaches us to bring the lower nature into subjection. His whole life was an example of self-denial. In order to break the power of appetite, He suffered in our behalf the severest test that humanity could endure. It was Christ who directed that John the Baptist should drink neither wine nor strong drink. It was He who enjoined similar abstinence upon the wife of Manoah. And He pronounced a curse upon the man who should put the bottle to his neighbor's lips. Christ did not contradict His own teaching. The unfermented wine which He provided for the wedding guests was a wholesome and refreshing drink. Its effect was to bring the taste into harmony with a healthful appetite.
Jesus reproved self-indulgence in all its forms, yet He was social in His nature. He accepted the hospitality of all classes, visiting the homes of the rich and the poor, the learned and the ignorant, and seeking to elevate their thoughts from questions of commonplace life to those things that are spiritual and eternal. He gave no license to dissipation, and no shadow of worldly levity marred His conduct; yet He found pleasure in scenes of innocent happiness, and by His presence sanctioned the social gathering.
The Desire of Ages, Chapter 15 - The Marraige Feast p.149

Jesus did not sanction a gathering that was drinking intoxicating wine for days on end nor did he perpetuate drunkenness by providing even more intoxicating wine. This would show God to be a complete hypocrite to all the other times in the OT and NT He speaks out against it, it would make God's Word worthless entirely. One wrong misinterpretation of a passage turns the whole gospel into an entire contradiction. Either God made no contradictions and is God and your understanding of the passage is wrong or He is not a God worthy to be followed because He cannot be trusted and is a hypocrite.

And the Seventh-day denominations which pride themselves so much in their intelligence and their "prophecies" won't even be honest with themselves concerning that thing.

I am honest with myself, upon analysis it doesn't appear to be intoxicating wine at all. If you were honest with yourself you would consider what the implications are if Jesus was a complete hypocrite with what He said about drunkenness, Christianity crumbles instantly at a wrong understanding which is the position you are advocating.
edit on 19-3-2013 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 08:13 AM
nope, it was real aged in the skin wine.....God knows that wine gladdens the hearts of men..... there's can have strong drink in addition to wine if he looks after orphans, widows and strangers.

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by GBP/JPY

nope, it was real aged in the skin wine

You may have noticed that when I make a claim I actually back it up with evidence. Expressing your opinion that my evidence is wrong means about jack squat if you back it up with nothing to show you are right and refute what I say as incorrect
edit on 23-3-2013 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by JesuitGarlic

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
so is it the pope or obama ?

Scripturally, the beast from the sea in

If it looks like a goldfish, smells like a goldfish....

Probably working miracles like making fire rain down from heaven during broad daylight.

posted on Mar, 26 2014 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by jeramie

It is a man named Nicolas and he runs a ministry called Presents of God Ministry. He also runs a website:

The actual denomination is one which not too many people have heard about. It is Seventh Day Remnant, which is actually the denomination which I am part of. The Seventh Day Adventist Church taught the correct doctrines, etc., but over time they have bowed down to the Popes, and are now part of Babylon. The remnant of the Seventh Day Adventist Church (the Seventh Day Remnant) are those of us who still follow the correct teaching of the Bible, but who will not stray, even when, in the future, it means losing our heads (literally).

According to this page at your your church's website, it is teaching 100% contrary to the Word of God:

"the Trinitarian doctrine is a Satanic invention of Rome"

Now I don't know a thing about this man named Nicolas.

But any "church" that is that far into heresy is going to get you into some serious trouble eventually.

He is teaching anything BUT correct doctrine as far as the Trinity goes.

The anti-Trinity heresy is one of the most dangerous teachings today which is why it was officially condemned by the church in the fourth century.

The Trinity is attacked mainly by cults so that they can also deny the deity of Jesus.

One of the biggest clues is to look at which groups reject the Trinity and which do not:

Faith Groups that Reject the Trinity

• Muslims
• Mormons
• Jehovah's Witnesses
• Christian Science
• Scientology
• Arians
• Armstrongism
• Christadelphians
• The Way International
• Unification Church

"Another characteristic of all non‑Christian cults is either an inadequate view or outright denial of the Holy Trinity. The biblical doctrine of the Trinity, one God in three Persons, is usually attacked as being pagan or satanic in origin.

The Characteristics of Cults

Plural pronouns used of God proving the trinity

A. Three plural pronouns, (We, Us, Our) used 6 different times in four different passages. Remember the word God (elohim) is also plural every time it is used in the Old Testament. Gen 11:7 also includes a plural verb (confuse) which even further, through grammar reinforces the plural "elohim" and the plural pronoun US.

"Our" Gen 1:26
"Us" Gen 1:26; 3:22; 11:7; Isa 6:8
"We" Isa 6:8

B. These are the four passages where God speaks for Himself and uses plural pronouns:

"Then God [plural elohim] said, "Let Us [plural pronoun] make man in Our [plural pronoun] image, according to Our [plural pronoun] likeness" Genesis 1:26

"Then Yahweh God [plural elohim] said, "Behold, the man has become like one of Us [plural pronoun], knowing good and evil" Genesis 3:22

"Come, let Us [plural pronoun] go down and there confuse [plural form of balal] their language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech." Genesis 11:7

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord [plural elohim], saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us [plural pronoun]?"" Isaiah 6:8

Trinity Proof Texts

The one thing that all cults and non-Christian religions have in common is, they all deny the deity of Christ. In John 8:24 Jesus said, “Unless you believe that I am (the name God said was His in Exodus 3:15) you will die in your sin.”

People reading this today (2,000 years later) might not understand this, but the people Jesus said it to understood Him perfectly! They wanted to stone Him for claiming to be God (John 10:30-33). In most cases the confusion is based on miss-understanding the Trinity.

The cults say the Trinity is a damnable heresy. For a mortal who has never seen God, to say that the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, immortal God cannot be God in heaven, come to earth as a man, and be everywhere at the same time by His Spirit (a statement beyond his pay-grade) is a greater mystery than the Trinity itself.

There is not a man on earth who can tell you how a brown cow can eat green grass and turn it into white milk!

Cults HATE The Trinity

The Characteristics of Cults

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 03:27 AM

reply to post by Rex282

For me I don't much appreciate someone talking bad about Christianity and lumping all Christian's into some particular category as you do when what you have said about the doctrine of hell is scripturally false and not what my church teaches.

What you don't "appreciate" doesn't matter at all.The only thing that matters is the Truth .I said nothing specific about "your"church the only church I know you "belong" to is your religion which is "your" belief system and if you believe the things you've wrote(and I'm sure you do but correct me if I'm wrong about that) you are very incorrect.

This is not the place for you to have a rant

I didn't rant I wrote the truth.Your writing is ranting because it is incorrect.

I will not let my threads be filled with BS posting by people who are under the allusion they have knowledge...

You have ZERO control over what is written in "your thread",.This is Above Top Secrets thread.It is "their website you are merely a guest just as I am with the exact same rights....It is "you" that are attacking me personally which is against ATS policy.

the topic is prophetic descriptions of the beast power and how it is fulfilled in history...if you have nothing to say on this topic then say nothing

I have much to write and that's what I was addressing with truth.Not fantasy lies of "Dungeons and Dragons" being wrote of in this thread.My suggestion is if you don't want lies exposed I suggest writing the truth.

edit on 27-3-2014 by Rex282 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 08:31 AM

Okay.. C'mon, even T&C says you have to give more for description but how about 'who done it', so to speak? Then we can all go learn about how they concluded it.
(hopeful look)

Just a name.....

I will give you a name, Wrabbit2000 - Jesus Christ. [Note: This is not from the above video.]

In a nutshell, the truth is that when you apostatise from the Christian faith, you can see that Jesus Christ, God the Son, second person of the Trinity, Christian deity, worshipped on Sunday and at Easter and Christmas stands 'in place' of Yeshua the Messiah, kosher Jewish High Priest, Son of God, who leads his followers in worshipping the one Creator God, [who is the LORD God of the OT and God the Father in the NT] on the Sabbath and on all the Biblical holy days.

Even foreigners who cleave to the LORD and obey His Covenant of the Ten Commandments, become 'naturalised' Israelites; and this fig tree is beginning to put out shoots only now. These men, women and children will come from all sorts of different, even opposing, religious backgrounds.

It will also be the cause of the division, amongst even the closest members of families, as to whom they choose to follow. It is the difference between the wheat and the tares, and between the sheep and the goats.

God's purpose is to create a nation/kingdom of priests, who will undergo the Tribulation to 'purge, refine and make white', thus taking up their crosses for refusing to worship or bend knee to Jesus, who will be present. Including the children - hence, "Suffer little children to come unto me." (Matthew 19:14, Mark 10:14, Luke 18:16)

As Yeshua said, 'They will hand you over to Tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all [religious] nations on account of my name" and "This gospel [sic] of the Kingdom, will be preached in the whole world as a witness to all the [religious] nations, and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:9 & 14)

All the Biblical promises are made only to Israel; which comprises of the House of Judah and the [united commonwealth] House of Israel [Joseph and his companions].

Only this generation has the opportunity to withstand the Antichrist, and go through the Tribulation, and only these are worthy to have their sins atoned for by the Blood of the Lamb, and only this generation will be those who undergo the first resurrection, will become priests, and do not face judgment or undergo the second death. All other generations will be judged purely on their works.

Ezekiel 37:28 "And the Gentiles shall know that I, the LORD, do sanctify Israel when My sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore."

edit on 9/4/2014 by Maigret because: Add point about the cause of the division.

edit on 9/4/2014 by Maigret because: To correct mis-quote in Matthew 24:9

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by Maigret

In a nutshell, the truth is that when you apostatize from the Christian faith, you can see that Jesus Christ, God the Son, second person of the Trinity, Christian deity, worshiped on Sunday and at Easter and Christmas stands 'in place' of Yeshua the Messiah, kosher Jewish High Priest, Son of God, who leads his followers in worshiping the one Creator God, [who is the LORD God of the OT and God the Father in the NT] on the Sabbath and on all the Biblical holy days.
It looks like you are saying that if you renounce Christianity, then you can see the "real" Jesus, one who doesn't even have that name, and you can see this hypothetical "Jesus" for what he is, somehow a High Priest giving himself as a sin sacrifice to a select few people for the sake of a coming tribulation, where once that passes, then it is like he never existed because his purpose has already been fulfilled.
The problem with all of that is that it is just a fantasy that can not be substantiated in any way but by some equally unsubstantiatable theories.

Ezekiel 37:28 "And the Gentiles shall know that I, the LORD, do sanctify Israel when My sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore."
Which is fulfilled, as described in Revelation, where the city of God comes to earth where Jesus lives with us.

edit on 9-4-2014 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 07:11 PM

reply to post by Maigret

In a nutshell, the truth is that when you apostatize from the Christian faith, you can see that Jesus Christ, God the Son, second person of the Trinity, Christian deity, worshiped on Sunday and at Easter and Christmas stands 'in place' of Yeshua the Messiah, kosher Jewish High Priest, Son of God, who leads his followers in worshiping the one Creator God, [who is the LORD God of the OT and God the Father in the NT] on the Sabbath and on all the Biblical holy days.
It looks like you are saying that if you renounce Christianity, then you can see the "real" Jesus, one who doesn't even have that name, and you can see this hypothetical "Jesus" for what he is, somehow a High Priest giving himself as a sin sacrifice to a select few people for the sake of a coming tribulation, where once that passes, then it is like he never existed because his purpose has already been fulfilled.
The problem with all of that is that it is just a fantasy that can not be substantiated in any way but by some equally unsubstantiatable theories.

Ezekiel 37:28 "And the Gentiles shall know that I, the LORD, do sanctify Israel when My sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore."
Which is fulfilled, as described in Revelation, where the city of God comes to earth where Jesus lives with us.

edit on 9-4-2014 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

An unsubstantiated fantasy, huh? We'll see...

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

Isn't the papal order a huge failure???
When it began... it was suppose to conglomerate the entire Europe.
Each country with a king or queen... Each country intermarrying other potentates from Europe til the whole friggin monarchy was one happy family under Christ with liberty and justice for the popes/Peters.
They were to ready themselves for the coming of the Muslim/arabic/jews destructocons.
Sad I may never live to see the Christ's version of Europe...

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