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OBAMA to Bus In People for NRA Protest in Albany

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posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 06:49 PM
For those who say this isn't obama look at that banner and "ogranizing for action".

then go here and watch the mrs. now if they have to bus people to protest that shows everyone just how full of crap they are.

As a real "grass roots" movement would find their own way and be local.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by neo96
For those who say this isn't obama look at that banner and "ogranizing for action".

then go here and watch the mrs. now if they have to bus people to protest that shows everyone just how full of crap they are.

As a real "grass roots" movement would find their own way and be local.

Seems to match up, this is the real deal... What is new, from them actually paying people like Obama phone lady, or busing people in that may be on some type of government benefit system is actually pretty damn crude... As crude as the old politicians who would hand out bottles of booze to the hobo's for votes...

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

With all due respect.

You speak of being for gun control and then start complaining about constitutional rights of free speech.

This is exactly what is wrong with this country.

We need to go back to our original and umtampered with constitution. Our law is completely screwed up because everybody keeps interjecting their beliefs upon others and makes it a law.

Gun control infringes on the same kind of constitutional rights for which you are speaking of. Care to go through
a tsa security checkpoint. People already have let them get away with that. What's next a pat down and a cavity search for guns before we enter the supermarket.
edit on 25-2-2013 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by hangedman13
reply to post by seabag

Considering how quick Gov. Cuomo jumped on this I feel he did this to upstage Obama and get his name outside on NY. Do you really think Obama would allow someone else to steal his thunder by acting first?

Actually I do.

Obama likes to take the back seat and let everyone else do his dirty work. The man likes to look good!! Narcissists are like that. In his mind, he is above reproach.

edit on 25-2-2013 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by neo96
For those who say this isn't obama look at that banner and "ogranizing for action".

then go here and watch the mrs. now if they have to bus people to protest that shows everyone just how full of crap they are.

As a real "grass roots" movement would find their own way and be local.

And like I said if true then we all know why these people are being recruited and bused for one purpose only. And that is to do what they do best, cause mayhem and disrupt things. It is a very heated situation right now here in NYS. I don't think many out of staters realize this at all. One spark to ignite this powder keg is all it's gonna take. Us folks in NYS have been patient, we have been following the line of the law on this issue all the while getting attacked from all sides, I hope cooler heads prevail but if it keeps up it's gonna turn ugly quick. I know many many folks who are attending this and will be bringing their kids as well as their wife's.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 08:59 PM
Jaynkeel, I share your concerns. This has the potential to get quite ugly, one might say that it looks quite like an attempt to provoke something bad into happening. Also seems like having knowledge that you do not have local support and have a need to put up a false image of some.

@ darth As I mentioned in my own thread, I understand your anger but labeling everyone on government assistance as "moochers" is unfair. There are 2 kinds of people on assistance, those in a bad place who need it and those who abuse the system in a myriad of ways to take advantage of it. You have legitimate reasons to dislike the latter and the people that make it easy for them to abuse the system, but please don't lump the former in with them. If you could think about it some you might come to a different opinion. A person is only one accident away from being in the same boat. A simple slip off of a ladder with a fall of 15-20 feet would have the potential to put you or someone you care about in it.

edit on 25-2-2013 by Darkphoenix77 because: punctuation

edit on 25-2-2013 by Darkphoenix77 because: rephrase

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

What a great example Darkphoenix. In 2009 I was hurt on the job and have not worked since. I have had back surgery once and am waiting for "approval" for a revision on a failed fusion. And my work let me go after I was hurt, even though I was injured I never missed a day of work was just on light duty, had worked continuously for the past 23 yrs with never a lapse of employment. In that time period me and the wifey had 5 kids some of which are still young. I thought I was king of the world and burned the candle from both ends and we lived quite comfortably. I even found myself the same guy that had the "work harder millions on welfare depend on you" bumper sticker on my truck collecting food stamps for a short time period. So I can fully agree that you cannot lump all into one group just because of their current standing in life. But back on topic it's becoming a scary wold out there with the people who have lost most of everything and the others who want to take away the remnants those folks have left. The weather sucks here in NYS but we have a lot of great people here that have big hearts and guts of steel, will be keeping a close eye on the events as they unfold for sure. And thanks for stopping by and dropping a comment.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

"after checking out the article somehow I doubt Obama was involved in the thinking behind this, Just saying"

living through his administration has left me wondering if he is "INVOLVED" in any thinking at all, just saying ...

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by jaynkeel

No problem, just figured I would offer up my own thoughts. What you describe is exactly what I am talking about so I say thanks for telling your own story and backing me up some.

It definately bears watching, this administration is like a snake pit, I don't trust the motivations of a one of them. Since I was born the only presidents I even had a modicum of respect (use the term loosely) for is Carter (didn't do much but was kinda dealt a crappy hand to work with), Reagan and Clinton. Even those 3 examples I would not call good presidents by any stretch of the imagination, they were just meh.

The country is in dire need of a major fixing, I just hope it can be done without seeing how bad things can get.

Offtopic: I just saw a movie trailer for a movie called Olympus has Fallen. With the way things are it really makes you think about the belief that Hollywood likes to play on people's fears.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 11:41 PM
Obama loves to bus people, doesn't he? Like the time he bussed people form Chicago to WIsconsin to vote...

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 07:02 AM
Is SEIU on the side of gun control or freedom? It doesn't matter. There is an underlying problem that I haven't seen anyone mention.

SEIU is using its member's union dues for food and transportation to back a political rally that has nothing to do with labor. I really have to watch what I say, but I wonder how they justify that? In the past few years already several top "lieutenants and captains" of SEIU have been convicted, and/or are under investigation, for misusing union funds in different ways. Some of those charges were for throwing luncheons, golf parties, yearly tickets for sports games, etc, to influence politicians. Some just used the money to pay for personal expenses and other personal forms of fraud. It seems every year another one of them or a small tightknit group of them gets busted.

So, how is this funding for political rallies that have nothing to do with labor not come under closer legal scrutiny?? They are using union member's dues to prop up a political campaign of which their constituents may not align with politically. Is this a real union, or a front for criminals and corruption?
edit on 26-2-2013 by Flux8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by Tardacus
It sounds like they are joining the union protestors so is the SEIU 1199 union paying for the food and buses or is obama paying for them?

Yes, it would be interesting to know if the taxpayers are footing the bill directly...
or through a taxpayer subsidized group.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by Flux8

So, how is this funding for political rallies that have nothing to do with labor not come under closer legal scrutiny?? They are using union member's dues to prop up a political campaign of which their constituents may not align with politically. Is this a real union, or a front for criminals and corruption?

It is a real union.
And, being a union, it is a front for criminals and corruption.

Being tied in with politics is just another angle of the criminals and corruption. It has been that way for a long time.

The fact that they are showing up for a rally that has nothing to do with labor ( other than a gun ban will kill American jobs ) shows us that the unions have to pay back their political patrons.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by butcherguy
reply to post by Flux8

So, how is this funding for political rallies that have nothing to do with labor not come under closer legal scrutiny?? They are using union member's dues to prop up a political campaign of which their constituents may not align with politically. Is this a real union, or a front for criminals and corruption?

It is a real union.
And, being a union, it is a front for criminals and corruption.

Being tied in with politics is just another angle of the criminals and corruption. It has been that way for a long time.

The fact that they are showing up for a rally that has nothing to do with labor ( other than a gun ban will kill American jobs ) shows us that the unions have to pay back their political patrons.

To me personally it's really disgusting that these folks would sell out their fellow citizens for these unions, for what some insurance benefits, and higher wages? Like you and others have stated if they are using union dues to pay for this smh. And I have several family members that belong to seiu but they don't listen, they are younger and don't care. And like I said earlier in the thread, it seems to escape these folks that the jobs being killed by this law are union jobs, fellow union workers. Just goes to show the average person does not care about anyone but me, me, me. At this rate well we shall see.....

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 09:06 AM
can any of you people see that the title is a LIE!!...and yet, all comment as if it's true. and then you wonder why you are mocked and rediculed

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 09:17 AM
Regardless if the President is involved or not, the fact remains that 2 opposing sides will meet in the rally at the same time.

It is disingenious if not downright despicable of what those dreges of humanity Cuomo and Bloomberg had attempted as a response to americans who oppose the insane new law called 'Safe Act' which only makes it SAFE for TYRANTS and CRIMINALS to impose their will and slaughter upon citizens freely.

There is no need for both sides to hold such rally at the same place and same time, more so when that stupid unhonorable and broken oath law legislated is HIGHLY EMOTIVE over the destruction of a fundamental right that had kept americans safe for 200+ yeaers.

However, as americans do have the right to protest, may it go peacefully, and everyone on BOTH sides hold back anyone who attempts to break the peace, without fear or favor.

Good luck to all.
edit on 26-2-2013 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by jaynkeel
This makes sence, inherently the liberal base would not do anything without something free.They are way to ignorant to realize that this affects them eventually, most won't even know why they are there, just another day of "free stuff" from Obama's stash.

The seiu will have thugs on hand to start something and the MSM will spin it into the NRA people having started it. Sorry for the negativaty but this is what goes on everyday in this country.........same O same O.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 09:57 AM
I would bet that the NRA did the same thing - bought people in for their pro gun rallies last week.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff
Some of you may already know this but I lean a bit towards the anti gun side

The free bus thing I have no issue with as many organisations offer transport to various rallies and gatherings but the free breakfast and lunch!!!!!

Even I think this reeks of an attempt to get extra numbers to turn up.

Im definitely no Obama fan but the title seems a bit misleading, after checking out the article somehow I doubt Obama was involved in the thinking behind this, Just saying
edit on 25/2/2013 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

I am awfully glad to hear you put aside the debate points, as I hoped you would, for this topic and outrage. We may not see eye to eye on guns and I know we don't. In fact, we almost stood on opposite sides of a digital courtroom to try it, didn't we?

Having said that, this does carry well beyond any single issue or protest. Busing people in leaves me with mixed feelings as well. *IF* the busing is people already inside the jurisdiction the protest relates to (Recall...people for past protests have been bused from other STATES), then I don't see anything wrong with it either. The NRA should damn well kick off some of that money they are endlessly harassing paid members to give MORE of and pay their own buses from places like Buffalo and rural New York State. One good turn deserves another.

I also agree with the line on this. When things are offered in return, it's gone too far. Even meals, offered free, is an enticement to jump on the bus and go make it look like they really care about an issue they may just be hungry about....but know nothing more on than lunch is being served when the bus stops.

edit on 26-2-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by babybunnies
I would bet that the NRA did the same thing - bought people in for their pro gun rallies last week.

I bet the NRA didn't use tax dollars to pay for it.... or union dues.

Remember, when you malign the NRA, and their money that they spend to protect the Second Amendment...
You malign my friends, relatives, coworkers and me: all the NRA members that contribute money for the specific cause.

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