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Fallen Angels 2 - Enoch and the Wathcers

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posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 05:39 AM
In my last thread, Fallen Angels 1 - Rumi the Sufi, we learned many aspects of Angelic life that are not found in the Bible. From this, we can assume Rumi had access to some forms of knowledge that we do not possess today. It is well known that there are documents found in the Eastern Esoteric Tradition that we do no possess in the West. Even with Rumi, the majority of his writing is still untranslated. What sources did he draw from? It is obvious he knew the Bible and the truth of Christ. This much is clear by examining his knowledge of Adam.

For this thread, I will work my way through the Book of Enoch. You can also see a previous thread I did on this topic here: Decoding Enoch

First, it needs to be made clear that there are fallen angels and there are Elect Angels. Rumi may have covered aspects of Elect Angels and their fondness for mankind. Enoch definitely covers fallen angels and their effect on mankind. According to Rumi, the Angels were called back to heaven. According to Enoch, the fallen were locked in chains within the Earth.

1.1 These are the words of the blessing of Enoch; according to which he
blessed the chosen and righteous who must be present on the day of
distress, which is appointed, for the removal of all the wicked and impious.
1.2 And Enoch began his story and said: -

In the first chapter, Enoch points out that the righteous MUST be on Earth to see the judgment of the fallen. I won't cover this here, but the fallen beings were given 70 generations before God judges them. This was near the time that Enoch was taken by God. At some point, Enoch warned them of this coming judgment. It is my firm belief that the Mayan long count calenders were counting down from this revelation. Enoch was 950 after Adam. A generation is 72 years (Precession divided by 360). 70 X 72 is 5040. Mankind was given 6000 years before judgment. Since this is OUR judgment as well, we know that WE very well may be the fallen. One thing is for sure. There are both wicked and elect present in this place. We have the choice to repent in the water. This is the purpose for baptism (Immersion).

16.3 "You were in Heaven but its secrets had not yet been revealed to you;
and a worthless mystery you knew. This you made known to women, in
the hardness of your hearts. And through this mystery the women and the
men cause evil to increase on the Earth."
16.4 Say to them therefore: "You will not have peace."

Rumi also reveals this fact. There is a Mystery held by God that was fully taught to Adam. It was only partially taught to the Angels. Enoch calls it a worthless mystery.

Enoch also learned of this mystery.

For I know the mysteries of the Holy Ones,
for the Lord showed them to me and made them known to me, and I read
them in the Tablets of Heaven.

Compare this to Rumi saying that Adam was instructed from the same tablets of heaven.

102.9 And I say to you, you sinners: “You are content to eat and drink, and
strip men naked, and steal, and sin, and acquire possessions, and see good
102.10 But you saw the righteous, how their end was peace, for no wrong
was found in them until the day of their death.”
102.11 “But they were destroyed and became as though they had not been
and their souls went down to Sheol in distress.”
103.1 And now I swear to you, the righteous, by His Great Glory and His
Honour, and by His Magnificent Sovereignty, and by His Majesty: - I
swear to you that I understand this mystery.
103.2 And I have read the Tablets of Heaven and seen the writing of the
Holy Ones. And I found written and engraved in it, concerning them, that
all good, and joy, and honour, have been made ready, and written down, for
the spirits of those who died in righteousness.
103.3 And much good will be given to you in recompense for your toil and
that your lot will be more excellent than the lot of the living.
103.4 And the spirits of you who have died in righteousness will live, and
your spirits will rejoice and be glad, and the memory of them will remain in
front of the Great One for all the generations of eternity. Therefore do not
fear their abuse.

Examine the nature of the Elect and that of the fallen. Even the righteous went to hell in distress. Compare this to Rumi asking about the physical nature of Angels. He finds that they are made from fire. Enoch shows us that the fallen are locked in the center of the Earth. The mystery is that a redeemer comes to open the gates of hell and allow souls to once again rise. Follow this to the pages of the Bible where Jesus has the keys to the abyss. One thing is made clear by Enoch. The righteous and wicked will rise together on the last day. They will then be revealed as they are. One group will fall back to hell. The other will rise to peace and safety.

Again, we find the purpose of being in the water between heaven and hell. Water is our baptism into life. Immersion is our own involution into the material so we can rise to new life above in the Spirit. It is clear here that many will choose to sink further toward hell.

10.4 And further the Lord said to Raphael: "Bind Azazel by his hands and
his feet and throw him into the darkness. And split open the desert, which
is in Dudael, and throw him there.
10.5 And throw on him jagged and sharp stones and cover him with
darkness. And let him stay there forever. And cover his face so that he
may not see the light.
10.6 And so that, on the Great Day of Judgment, he may be hurled into the
10.7 And restore the Earth which the Angels have ruined. And announce
the restoration of the Earth. For I shall restore the Earth so that not all the
sons of men shall be destroyed because of the knowledge which the
Watchers made known and taught to their sons.
10.8 And the whole Earth has been ruined by the teaching of the works of
Azazel; and against him write: ALL SIN."

10.9 And the Lord said to Gabriel: “Proceed against the bastards, and the
reprobates, and against the sons of the fornicators. And destroy the sons of
the fornicators, and the sons of the Watchers, from amongst men. And
send them out, and send them against one another, and let them destroy
themselves in battle; for they will not have length of days.
10.10 And they will petition you, but the petitioners will gain nothing in
respect of them, for they hope for eternal life, and that each of them will
live life for five hundred years."
10.11 And the Lord said to Michael: "Go, inform Semyaza, and the others
with him, who have associated with the women to corrupt themselves with
them in all their uncleanness.
10.12 When all their sons kill each other, and when they see the destruction
of their loved ones, bind them for seventy generations, under the hills of the
earth, until the day of their judgment and of their consummation, until the
judgment, which is for all eternity, is accomplished

In total, there were 200 fallen Angels. Before this time, we know that Satan also fell to Earth. As Rumi suggests, Satan is desire. The Bible refers the the Sons of the fallen as a cloud of evil. The same word used for cloud is the same word we derive Nephilim into our language.

Within the pages of Enoch, we are also informed that this is the primary reason for the flood that destroyed the Earth. We also know that some of the sons remained after the flood. Numbers indicates that Nephilim were still present on the Earth during the days of David. Many people say that this is the reason David had to kill off so many nations in the land of Canaan.

I will cut this thread short at this point. For more, see the link at the top. Also, read the book of Enoch. There are many more clues to this mystery found there. Since I have already covered so much territory in previous threads, this is all i will include in this part of the series on fallen Angels. In threads to come, I will return to reference both Rumi and Enoch.

What can we see from both Rumi and Enoch? For certain, there is more going on here than we are told. There are mysteries to this that need to be investigated. As our own history draws to a close after these last 6000 years, the answers will be revealed. This much we can be sure of.

edit on 22-2-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 05:51 AM
Hm, good read. I thought I'd catch some jewels but I didn't get anything from this. What did you pull from it?

I like the bit about the water bodies, makes sense considering we're mostly water and water is shown to vibrate consistent with what is influencing it. Imagine you could see the water of evil people, they would look hideous, and they're usually hideous in the flesh as well. Here's a jewel, have you considered the two distinct bodies of water on earth, one fresh and the other salty? Can you explain the significance of that? Theres some knowledge there I haven't caught yet.

Satan is always functioning like some bogus ass fool, why would anyone listen to him, he never knew anything, the reason he was kicked out was for his petty logic and foolishness. He didn't deny ignorance, lol, and was ejected for this reason. The goof actually refused to bow down before God's creation, yet he is one of God's creation, how do you confront the being that gave you life about your authority; Wow, he is too much. He was correct that he would lead many people astray, doesn't say much about humans. I think he's so funny because God made him that way, yet, he's too stupid to even realize that, so he represents the absolute unintelligent illogical of all beings yet, he is still a slave to god. Another lol.
edit on 22-2-2013 by Kapablanka because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

According to Enoch, the fallen were locked in chains within the Earth.

Within the Earth could mean on Earth. It is us, in my opinion Enoch is speaking of. We are bound by the material.

There are both wicked and elect present in this place. We have the choice to repent in the water. This is the purpose for baptism (Immersion).

There are all kinds of souls living among us today. We, being the fallen are rising and ascending back to where we came from. Our choice is that of coming back in the womb to strive for the perfection of the soul and spirit. Each time, we get smarter.... and wiser.

For I know the mysteries of the Holy Ones, for the Lord showed them to me and made them known to me, and I read them in the Tablets of Heaven.

Is there a place called Tablets of Heaven? Sounds like a library, hall of records kind of thing. I hear we have access to this library any time we want.

If the Angels are made of fire then it makes sense for them to return to the fire, for cleansing. A purification so to speak.

They will then be revealed as they are. One group will fall back to hell. The other will rise to peace and safety.

This above makes me thing we will all be revealed as we are. One group will remain while the other ascends.

You say you think many may sink further. I disagree, respectfully. After many lessons learned there is no sinking... only rising.

And further the Lord said to Raphael: "Bind Azazel by his hands and his feet and throw him into the darkness. And split open the desert, which is in Dudael, and throw him there.

Sounds like the veil and immersion to me. We have freed ourselves of our previous lives, cast them behind our backs and removed them from us whereas we only ascend... only to go forward... not backwards. We are ascending my friend!

And the whole Earth has been ruined by the teaching of the works of Azazel; and against him write: ALL SIN."

Again, this is the teaching of ignorance. In my opinion Azazel is symbolic for ignorance which all sin derives from. The veil is also blinding us to ignorance which time and time again we have to overcome. With each choice being significant as each makes or breaks a situation not only for us but for the world.

The Bible refers the the Sons of the fallen as a cloud of evil

And what does a cloud do? It causes one to not be able to "see" in the wisdom of truth and reality.


Could the Nephilim not have been a cross between Angels and Man? A mix?

There are mysteries to this that need to be investigated. As our own history draws to a close after these last 6000 years, the answers will be revealed. This much we can be sure of.

Yes, and I am having fun doing so, thank you. In your opinion when is the 6000 years up?

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 07:43 AM
Continued from OP.

This next part has always been interesting to me.

15.2 And go say to the Watchers of Heaven, who sent you to petition on
their behalf: You ought to petition on behalf of men, not men on behalf of

--Here, Enoch was asked by the Watchers to deliver their petition to God. In response, God calls Enoch to a location in Heaven to discuss the matter. God then tells the Watcher that they should be petitioning on behalf of men instead. As always, God provides the correct answer by the laws of good and evil. Love can only think of others. The Watchers were entirely selfish and duplicitous. Before this, we find a group of Angels who WERE petitioning God on behalf of mankind. These are the Angels that RUMI may have been referring to in his poetry.

15.3 Why have you left the High, Holy and Eternal Heaven, and lain with
women, and become unclean with the daughters of men, and taken wives
for yourselves, and done as the sons of the earth, and begotten giant sons?
15.4 And you were spiritual, Holy, living an eternal life, but you became
unclean upon the women, and begot children through the blood of flesh,
and lusted after the blood of men, and produced flesh and blood, as they do,
who die and are destroyed.

---This is a parallel reference to both Genesis 6 and Jude 1.

15.5 And for this reason I give men wives; so that they might sow seed in
them, and so that children might be born by them, so that deeds might be
done on the Earth.

---Angels are not meant to sow seed in the material world. This is the reason man was given the ability, but for Angels, their dwelling was on high.

15.6 But you, formerly, were spiritual, living an eternal, immortal life, for
all the generations of the world.
15.7 For this reason I did not arrange wives for you; because the dwelling
of the spiritual ones is in Heaven.

Keep in mind that RUMI gave us the hierarchy of involution and evolution. The highest form of spiritual being is above the Angels. To get to this Spirit realm, we must pass water baptism first. The Angels are between the material and Eternal. Mankind started out as the Spirit Soul, then involved to the material through Adam. Rumi states that this condition of material and spiritual is superior to that of the Angelic realm. These Angels lowered their station to that of the refinement process of man. For doing this, they receive eternal punishment.

Within this is a great mystery. We find the revelation of this this mystery in the book of Ephesians. The purpose for all of it will become clear in the next few threads.

Enoch Chapter 9, from another thread on the same subjects.
edit on 22-2-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by MamaJ

The word clouds is nephelē. It also derives the word Nephilim, a cloud of evil spirits covering the people. It is clear that Spirit beings are not material. We cannot put a body on this thought with images for our mind to comprehend. This is the problem with our speculation. We simply do not know how to picture this with certainty. As for our own spiritual nature, we know it as our consciousness. This is what I think Angels are. All around us, there is another world that comprises the fabric of time/space. Angels were above the material world, yet never separated from it. The gateways of sense were opened to them. When God bound them and placed them in darkness, the gateways were closed to them. It begs a question. How did the Angels impregnate the women? How did the Holy Spirit impregnate Mary? We don't know. We do know that there are unholy spirits.

Did this stop their influence after the flood? No.


26 He destroyed everything. 'And we were left, I and you, my sons, and everything that entered with us into
the ark, and behold I see your works before me that ye do not walk in righteousness: for in the path of destruction ye have begun to walk, and ye are parting one from another, and are envious one of another, and (so it comes) that ye are not in harmony, my sons, each with his brother. 27 For I see, and behold the demons have begun (their) seductions against you and against your children and now I fear on your behalf, that after my death ye will shed the blood of men upon the earth,
28 and that ye, too, will be destroyed from the face of the earth. For whoso sheddeth man's blood, and whoso eateth the blood of any flesh, shall all be destroyed from the earth.

Like I noted above, Angels have a great deal of influence on Spirit and I think spirit is consciousness. They seduce mankind into division and bloodshed. This is a thought that has always bothered me about David in 1st and 2nd Samuel. After departing the ARC in Genesis, God told man NOT to shed blood. From this point, we see nothing but bloodshed. Who orders the bloodshed? The one that told them NOT to shed blood. There is something wrong with this picture, and although I agree there is a problem with this, I do not agree that the problem is with God. The error is the same one we see in Job 19 with Adam.

It is not entirely clear who is the true Lord and who is seducing mankind into division. The more I study these issues, the more it becomes clear we are still deceived from above. I also believe there is a reason for this state of affairs. God has a greater plan. Like I have said before, light reveals what it hits. This is true for us and true for those above. We are in their image.

edit on 22-2-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

I see.

Maybe they are bound to help or influence us until the Last Adam finishes, however why would Jesus have stated, "Its finished" if it weren't finished already?

There is a lot of speculation and dissecting needed, for sure.

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by MamaJ
reply to post by EnochWasRight

I see.

Maybe they are bound to help or influence us until the Last Adam finishes, however why would Jesus have stated, "Its finished" if it weren't finished already?

There is a lot of speculation and dissecting needed, for sure.

It was finished for him. Elijah is the one in charge of the water. Baptism is his job. Once Christ was the last soul to incarnate (The heel at the end of the loaf), the resurrections begin while Christ is in the belly of the fish. Two days to raise 7 billion souls at one time. Jonah is in Nineveh, but before this, he prays to come up from the fish. That is our day and age. Christ is entering the temple (Throws out the bankers and causes the peacemakers to have no rest). That is TODAY! I love scripture. It's so exciting to see this happen in our day and age. Dreadful at the same time. We are all sinners that will face judgment.

Hosea 6

2 After two days he will revive us;
on the third day he will restore us,
that we may live in his presence.

Remember, we were crying from the pit as fallen souls from the middle ground of Earth. God hears the lament and sends his Word to rescue mankind. This reminds me, I need to include the lost books of Adam and Eve in this mix. There are many clues in this account, including a parallel to Enoch's 70 generations of judgment and the Mayan long count years of 5125 years. The book of Adam and Eve tell of 5.5 days until the WORD comes to rescue mankind. We find the exact same story in this account as well. So far, Enoch, Rumi and many others relate the same story.

edit on 22-2-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 08:32 AM
Did you read the first thread on Rumi? I think you will get more from that first thread. Also, I am going to add more to this one all day long. Tomorrow and Sunday, I will make two new threads from differing sources. I have not put much into Enoch since my past threads cover some much of him already.

Originally posted by Kapablanka
Hm, good read. I thought I'd catch some jewels but I didn't get anything from this. What did you pull from it?

I like the bit about the water bodies, makes sense considering we're mostly water and water is shown to vibrate consistent with what is influencing it. Imagine you could see the water of evil people, they would look hideous, and they're usually hideous in the flesh as well. Here's a jewel, have you considered the two distinct bodies of water on earth, one fresh and the other salty? Can you explain the significance of that? Theres some knowledge there I haven't caught yet.

Satan is always functioning like some bogus ass fool, why would anyone listen to him, he never knew anything, the reason he was kicked out was for his petty logic and foolishness. He didn't deny ignorance, lol, and was ejected for this reason. The goof actually refused to bow down before God's creation, yet he is one of God's creation, how do you confront the being that gave you life about your authority; Wow, he is too much. He was correct that he would lead many people astray, doesn't say much about humans. I think he's so funny because God made him that way, yet, he's too stupid to even realize that, so he represents the absolute unintelligent illogical of all beings yet, he is still a slave to god. Another lol.
edit on 22-2-2013 by Kapablanka because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 08:43 AM
Continued from OP...

15.8 And now, the giants who were born from body and flesh will be called
Evil Spirits on the Earth, and on the Earth will be their dwelling.
15.9 And evil spirits came out from their flesh, because from above they
were created, from the Holy Watchers was their origin and first foundation.
Evil spirits they will be on Earth and ‘Spirits of the Evil Ones’ they will be
15.10 And the dwelling of the Spirits of Heaven is Heaven, but the
dwelling of the spirits of the Earth, who were born on the Earth, is Earth.
15.11 And the spirits of the giants do wrong, are corrupt, attack, fight,
break on the Earth, and cause sorrow. And they eat no food, do not thirst,
and are not observed.

This passage give us a picture of fallen spirits as Demons. Here are the characteristics. They do not eat or drink. The Bible states that they seek the water of a human body, but hide in dry places. They will dwell on Earth. From the book of Jubilees, we know they can seduce mankind. They have flesh, but as the end points out, they cannot be observed. Their origin is from Angels. Spirits of Earth will stay here in a fallen state. If we are born to the water, we stay in the water. According to John 3, we must be in this state first. We overcome Earth, Air, Water and Fire. Water puts out fire. Water is our baptism. Baptism is for the purpose of seeking God and repenting of our demons in life. How is it that they have flesh but are not observed?

I think the answer is in the wave function that human consciousness collapses. We collapse the wave function of the material particle. Spirit is the consciousness that collapses that wave function. How can two waves exist, yet appear invisible? If you are a musician, you know. Out of tune notes resonate as a muddled wave. When waves are in tune, they disappear in each other. We are covered by this wave function and this is how Satan mirrors God in every way. Satan hides in the image. Are we the fallen ones? Not quite. The illusion of the material world is the the wave function that collapses along side our own. Matter and antimatter collide to form the veil between. We are always at the event horizon of time/space, making it appear that we are the only ones in the image. If we could see around this moment of time we experience, we would see that there is an equal and opposite image on either side.

The image of God is like looking through a glass dimly. The light enters the cloud and the cloud is there to muzzle the calf, just as Rumi states. The veil keeps the strong light from blinding and withering the vine. The image shows us the truth. Ask any gardener how to grow plants. They need just the right amount of light, at just the right time, with just the right amount of water.

Two world collide to form the projection of the image, both matter and antimatter. Two become one and transpose the image.

An acorn has a 75 foot oak tree inside. It needs to be planted in the right environment to grow. As above, so below. We are images of God and our essence was planted in the dirt. From the dirt we get the fruit, just as Rumi stated.

edit on 22-2-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 08:54 AM
Continued from the OP...

15.12 And these spirits will rise against the sons of men, and against the
women, because they came out of them during the days of slaughter and
16.1 And the death of the giants, wherever the spirits have gone out from
their bodies, their flesh will be destroyed, before the Judgment. Thus they
will be destroyed until the Day of the Great Consummation is
accomplished, upon the Great Age, upon the Watchers and the impious
16.2 And now to the Watchers, who sent you to petition on their behalf,
who were formerly in Heaven:
16.3 "You were in Heaven but its secrets had not yet been revealed to you;
and a worthless mystery you knew. This you made known to women, in
the hardness of your hearts. And through this mystery the women and the
men cause evil to increase on the Earth."
16.4 Say to them therefore: "You will not have peace."

The consummation (Marriage) is what will take place when we are married to Christ as the bride of Christ. Currently, our union is to the fallen cloud. There is a purpose in this. The cloud is destroyed and the light is then able to enter in again. The gateways to heaven are then opened again. First, we must die to our old self. Pictures this as involution and evolution.

Involution is falling of the spirit into matter. This is Baptism. We are then tried in the refinery. After the trial, the former Spirit we occupy is destroyed and replaced by the union of Soul and Holy Spirit. This is the 1000 years of rest when the Satan of the world is bound. Like Christ, one soul makes all of mankind. Like Satan, one cloud of evil was used as a veil to teach us the difference. When we return, love brings us back to rise to new life from the water. We must be born again. The Spirit of Satan that fell then rises back as a transformed consummation of the ages. One age to the next, we rise back to the place we originate. God's education is complete.

We are children of God until we are no longer children.

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 09:09 AM
Continued from the OP..

If you consult the past thread on Rumi and fallen Angels, you note that Rumi desired to know what the Angels looked like. Enoch explains.

17.1 And they took me to a place where they were like burning fire, and,
when they wished, they made themselves look like men.
17.2 And they led me to a place of storm, and to a mountain, the tip of
whose summit reached to Heaven.

What is a man? Mankind is both divine and beast at the same time. We are made from a combination of Earth (Clay / Dust), Air (Breath), Fire (Divine) and Water (Immersion into matter / Energy / Information). The potter of the clay shapes what he makes. All of the elements are necessary, but the Angels occupy all domains. Because we are a reflection of this, we also can overcome all domains, but the restrictions of law keep us locked to the Earth as a guardian.

Galatians 3

Children of God

23 Before the coming of this faith,[j] we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. 24 So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. 25 Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian.

26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

There is a promise in this. The primordial soul (Adam) rises as redeemer. By his work, the many souls from the one soul can rise to new life. The law was our guardian. When the law is removed, love is the means to overcoming that law. Christ is there on either end moving us from the fallen Adam to the redeemed Adam. We first appear as the primordial fire, transition to the Earth, Air, Water and the Fire again. Spirit is the victory over the first four. Water can put out fire and transcend us beyond the state of Angelic being to that of ascension back to God.

It's a process. We are the lucky ones in the elements. Fallen Angels are in fire only. The fallen Angels were jealous of our opportunity. This caused the fall of divine being to that of man's abode.

Jude 1

5 Though you already know all this, I want to remind you that the Lord[c] at one time delivered his people out of Egypt (refinery of Earth), but later destroyed those who did not believe (sent back to the water). 6 And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day. 7 In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire (never to enter into pure Spirit from the process).

Are you reading with more understanding?

Let's consider yet another aspect of this:

1 Corinthians 10

10 For I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact, brothers and sisters, that our ancestors were all under the cloud and that they all passed through the sea.

---Now that you can see, translate this. Ancestors are the forefathers of Jesus, the last Adam. Adam the fallen was their Father. Between, we have the nations that we under the cloud of Egypt (Earth) and passing through the sea of the nations the were baptized into.

2 They were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea.

----Not just Israel. This is all of humanity.

3 They all ate the same spiritual food (Knowledge) 4 and drank the same spiritual drink (Water); for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ (Adam to Adam). 5 Nevertheless, God was not pleased with most of them; their bodies were scattered in the wilderness (You must be born again). The wilderness is Earth. God tells us to come out of Egypt. A promised land awaits.

6 Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did. 7 Do not be idolaters, as some of them were; as it is written: “The people sat down to eat and drink and got up to indulge in revelry.” 8 We should not commit sexual immorality, as some of them did—and in one day twenty-three thousand of them died. 9 We should not test Christ, as some of them did—and were killed by snakes. 10 And do not grumble, as some of them did—and were killed by the destroying angel.

---These archetypes are for our education. We look both backward and forward around the time we currently occupy. The answer is found in the story. Our origin is clear if you look with eyes to see.

edit on 22-2-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 09:34 AM
Continued from the OP...

There is a description of this next set of verses in another document. I will show this after you read this description of the Angels that transgressed God's command. Who were these Angels?

18.14 And like a spirit questioning me, the Angel said: “This is the place
of the end of Heaven and Earth; this is the prison for the Stars of Heaven
and the Host of Heaven.
18.15 And the stars which roll over the fire, these are the ones which
transgressed the command of the Lord, from the beginning of their rising,
because they did not come out at their proper times.
18.16 And He was angry with them, and bound them until the time of the
consummation of their sin, in the Year of Mystery.”

From the Virgin of the World Document:

Then, having summoned to these splendid regions of ether the souls of every
grade, He said to them: "O souls, beautiful children of my breath and of my care, you
whom I have produced with my hands, in order to consecrate you to my universe, hear
my words as a law: – Quit not the place assigned to you by my will. The abode which
awaits you is heaven, with its galaxy of stars and its thrones of virtue. If you attempt
any transgression against my decree, I swear by my sacred breath, by that elixir of
which I formed you, and by my creative hands, that I will speedily forge for you chains
and cast you into punishment."

It is my belief that one soul inhabits each domain. Like the sun, one soul resides over each system. Around each system is a galaxy. The central core of that galaxy is drawing the rest back to the source. As above, so below. We are mirrors of the macrocosm. The microcosm of this macrocosm is mirrored in our own domain of influence. Just like Adam and the command to stay away from the fruit, God gave the Archon Lords the same command. What does the word Archon mean? Archon means "ruler" or "lord," frequently used as the title of a specific public office. Our Lord is not seen, needs an Angel to deliver messages and influences us from beginning to end. Notice what the Virgin of the World document denotes.

Quit not the place assigned to you by my will. The abode which
awaits you is heaven, with its galaxy of stars and its thrones of virtue. If you attempt
any transgression against my decree, I swear by my sacred breath, by that elixir of
which I formed you, and by my creative hands, that I will speedily forge for you chains
and cast you into punishment."

Do we have a match with the fallen beings of Enoch and the description he gives? Additionally, consider what else is stated in the Virgin of the World document.

Forthwith, O my Son, proud of their work, they were not afraid to transgress the
Divine law, and, in spite of the prohibition, they receded from their appointed limits. Not
willing to remain longer in the same abode, they moved ceaselessly, and repose
seemed to them death.

What was the work of the Archons? Creation. Not satisfied, the transgressed the law to say put. As a result, the book of Enoch outlines how they are reserved for judgment. From our temporal perspective, this seems like vast amounts of time. To God, there is no beginning or end. He sees the entire story. We are collapsing the wave of this story as passerby travelers. We are here to learn. God has already been here, there, at the beginning and at the end. Time and space are one thing. Now is all that exists for us, but God is Eternal. What we experience is known.

Notice the description of Satan.

8 The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and yet will come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because it once was, now is not, and yet will come.

The Beast is from Old (Was), now is (Still here), and will come up to destruction (Never to be again). How is it yet to come? In Revelation 20, the beast will be locked up for 1000 years (now is not). First, he must rise out of the sea of nations. This is currently happening. After the 1000 years, a jubilee is announced. All are free and forgiven. Satan is included in this. When he tries to deceive the nations again, this is his defeat. He is rejected, never to rise again.

9 “This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits. 10 They are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; but when he does come, he must remain for only a little while. 11 The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction.

Rome will once again fall as Babylon is destroyed. Greed on Earth ends with this last kingdom we currently see on Earth. The fallen will be gone for 1000 years to come.

Habakkuk 2

2 I will stand at my watch
and station myself on the ramparts;
I will look to see what he will say to me,
and what answer I am to give to this complaint.[a]
The Lord’s Answer

2 Then the Lord replied:

“Write down the revelation
and make it plain on tablets
so that a herald may run with it.
3 For the revelation awaits an appointed time;
it speaks of the end
and will not prove false.
Though it linger, wait for it;
it[c] will certainly come
and will not delay.

edit on 22-2-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 09:46 AM
Continued from the OP...

22.7 And he answered me, and said to me, saying: "This spirit is the one
that came out of Abel, whom Cain, his brother, killed. And he will
complain about him until his offspring are destroyed from the face of the
Earth, and from amongst the offspring of men, his offspring perish."
22.8 Then I asked about him, and about judgment on all, and I said: "Why
is one separated from another?"

Indeed, why did God love Jacob but hate Esau? We can ask the same of ourselves. Do we love our sin or do we love God? Do we give or do we take. God said, "Jacob (Farmer) have I loved and Esau (Hunter) have I hated. God loves the giver. The one that works to dill the ground and bring new seed is the one that reflects the truth. there are no loopholes to this. Esau is the Angel of Darkness. The light is divided from the darkness.

Did the producers of Lost know this truth? Yes. The builders know the story. So do the high priests and moneychangers. We are overshadowed by the ones that lord over us.

Luke 11

"Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering."

The "experts in the law" are trying to keep the spirit suspended in matter. Involution and evolution is a process. If the Spirit can be kept in the dark, it never rises. Why are we immersed in materialism instead of feeding sheep and clothing lambs? Luke 21 knows the answer. Peter is nearly at his end.

See my thread on the 112th Pope and the coming destruction of Rome

See my thread on the Show Lost
edit on 22-2-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 10:02 AM
Continued from OP..

106.15 And there will be great destruction over the whole Earth, and there
will be a deluge, and there will be great destruction for one year.
106.16 But this child, who has been born to you, will be left on the Earth,
and his three sons will be saved with him. When all the men who are on
the Earth die he and his sons will be saved.
106.17 They will beget on the Earth giants, not of spirit, but of flesh, and
there will be great wrath on Earth, and the Earth will be cleansed of all
106.18 And now make known to your son Lamech that the one who has
been born is truly his son. And call his name Noah, for he will be a
remnant for you and he and his sons will be saved from the destruction
which is coming on the earth because of all the sin and all the iniquity,
which will be committed on the Earth in his days.

Let's ask a question. Noah, the child born to Lamech, will have children who are saved. Lamech was afraid that Noah, shining like the sun, was born of watchers. He is assured that Noah is his own son. Can we be assured that Jesus is the Son of God? Are we saved, the sons of Noah? Depending on how we see this, we need to be assured in our faith. With all of this distortion, can we be sure? This is where I leave you, with a question of our age. Can we trust the revelation of Angels? Who can we trust? These are hard questions and I am unsure myself of the answers.

Here is the part Lamech was worried about:

106.10 And now hear me, my father, for a child has been born to my son
Lamech, whose form and type are not like the type of a man. His colour is
whiter than snow, and redder than the flower of the rose, and the hair of his
head is whiter than white wool. And his eyes are like the rays of the Sun;
and he opened his eyes and made the whole house bright.

---Can you imagine this birth scene? I do not blame him for what he wondered.

106.11 And he was taken from the hand of the midwife, and he opened his
mouth, and blessed the Lord of Heaven.
106.12 And his father Lamech was afraid and fled to me. And he does not
believe he is sprung from him but thinks him to be from the Angels of
Heaven. And behold, I have come to you, so that you may make known to
me the truth."
106.13 And I, Enoch, answered and said to him: "The Lord will do new
things on Earth, and this I have already seen in a vision, and made known
to you. For in the generation of my father, Jared, some from the height of
Heaven transgressed the word of the Lord.
106.14 And behold, they commit sin and transgress the law, and have been
promiscuous with women, and commit sin with them, and have married
some of them, and have begotten children by them.
106.15 And there will be great destruction over the whole Earth, and there
will be a deluge, and there will be great destruction for one year.
106.16 But this child, who has been born to you, will be left on the Earth,
and his three sons will be saved with him. When all the men who are on
the Earth die he and his sons will be saved.

----Despite the correction of the Flood, God knew what would happen again.

106.19 But after this, there will be yet greater iniquity than that which was
committed on the earth before. For I know the mysteries of the Holy Ones,
for the Lord showed them to me and made them known to me, and I read
them in the Tablets of Heaven.
107.1 And I saw written on them, that generation upon generation will do
wrong, until a generation of righteousness shall arise, and wrongdoing shall
be destroyed, and sin shall depart from the earth, and everything good shall
come upon it.

---The first century was called the wicked generation. Revelation 1:7 makes it clear that they would return and be overthrown in the last days. That day is now. Here at the end of this thread, let me take you back to the beginning.

1.1 These are the words of the blessing of Enoch; according to which he
blessed the chosen and righteous who must be present on the day of
distress, which is appointed, for the removal of all the wicked and impious.

1.2 And Enoch began his story and said: -

There was a righteous man whose eyes were opened by the Lord, and he
saw a Holy vision in the Heavens, which the Angels showed to me. And I
heard everything from them, and I understood what I saw: but not for this
generation, but for a distant generation that will come.

Our generation is THAT generation. Within our generation, ALL of the righteous are here. As Enoch states, we MUST be here to see the wicked overthrown. With the coming of the new Pope, you will see this happen. Be assured, they will be removed. Lift you heads. It's almost time for them to come to an end. Pray that you will escape this coming wrath. Remember, water puts out fire and you are baptized into the water to repent. Get busy.

edit on 22-2-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

That is TODAY! I love scripture. It's so exciting to see this happen in our day and age. Dreadful at the same time. We are all sinners that will face judgment.

We need new words Enoch... we need new ones. Can we please forget the "sinners" and "judgement" and instead use ignorant and council. I let go of the dogma a long time ago. The Word is so powerful, we must choose wisely, with love and compassion. I feel as though I am back in my southern baptist church with sinners and judgement. lol I am not a sinner and will not need judgement. I have been washed clean and will evolve into spirit as I should, but I will have council. Per my belief...

Same when you use the word baptism as any reader will know what that is to convey but the meaning is different from that which we are taught from the church. There are multiple meanings and sometimes I am not sure which you are referring to.

I will think of my chosen words when you use them... how about that?

After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence.

So, two thousand years we will rise, another thousand we will be restored. It is finished, Thy will be done. There is the faith.

This reminds me, I need to include the lost books of Adam and Eve in this mix. There are many clues in this account, including a parallel to Enoch's 70 generations of judgment and the Mayan long count years of 5125 years. The book of Adam and Eve tell of 5.5 days until the WORD comes to rescue mankind. We find the exact same story in this account as well. So far, Enoch, Rumi and many others relate the same story.

Good thinking!
So, thats five and half - thousand years. The Word brings truth without confusion. Its powerful.

Are we the fallen ones? Not quite.

But you stated earlier we are. Which do you believe as I happen to think of us as a descendant into the material form but will rise in the spiritual.

There may be an illusion of the material world, however we are living the illusion quite well.

When it speaks in passages about destroying man or destroying any creation I am hesitant to believe as I do not think the creator destroys anything, everything is recycled.

Also, from Adam, to Adam is the embodiment of Christ which we possess as a collective, within.

Adam... Jesus... their story is our story.

It is my belief that one soul inhabits each domain. Like the sun, one soul resides over each system. Around each system is a galaxy. The central core of that galaxy is drawing the rest back to the source. As above, so below. We are mirrors of the macrocosm. The microcosm of this macrocosm is mirrored in our own domain of influence.

I love this above.... so true to my heart.

why did God love Jacob but hate Esau? We can ask the same of ourselves. Do we love our sin or do we love God? Do we give or do we take. God said, "Jacob (Farmer) have I loved and Esau (Hunter) have I hated. God loves the giver.

Exactly, as the image we shall do the same. We are to give.

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

"Are we the fallen ones? No quite.

But you stated earlier we are. Which do you believe as I happen to think of us as a descendant into the material form but will rise in the spiritual.

I think that we are fallen. This is a sure thing. We are out of context with truth. Here is all that was said:

"The illusion of the material world is the the wave function that collapses along side our own. Matter and antimatter collide to form the veil between. We are always at the event horizon of time/space, making it appear that we are the only ones in the image. If we could see around this moment of time we experience, we would see that there is an equal and opposite image on either side."

We are both fallen and divine. This is why it is not quite fallen. We are both.

edit on 22-2-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 08:32 AM
Thank you for making this thread. Your OP makes sense to me. I have eyes to see and ears to listen.

I was baptised as a muslim at birth.

Are the teachings of Islam the work of a deceiver or is this the word of God? I know that Islam relates to all the stories in the old and new testament. Jesus is a prophet and not God as some claim as per the Qu'ran. Angels are also mentioned, some good others bad. So where does Islam fit into all of this?
edit on 23-2-2013 by bitsforbytes because: I am human

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by EnochWasRight

Ok.... I had a hard time with the "collide" part, wasn't real sure the meaning you got from it.It makes sense to me and always has. My first time reading the Bible, I came away with just that. We are the fallen. I think when i first joined I messaged you and asked you if you thought the same. Its a real eye opener.

I've always been curious as to where the stars fit in. The Bible says the stars sang. We know they do not sing... or do they?

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by bitsforbytes

I am curious to see what Enochwasright says.

My opinion is that Islam, like other teachings have deceptions within and what matters is what is within your heart. Are you a giver? Do you love your brothers and sisters? Do you go with the good nature of the world or against it?

We are all the sons of God. We are the fallen ones who have descended into matter but will rise again in spirit. Your heart is what truly matters.
edit on 23-2-2013 by MamaJ because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by MamaJ

Islam teaches us that all humans are born selfish. Doesn't mean that it's okay though. So I was born a taker, but I am trying really hard to be a giver and the older I grow the more I can see that it is about giving.

Here is what wiki has to say about Islam and how I see it fits with the OP:

The Qur'an identifies books known as the Tawrat (Torah) given to Musa (Moses), the Zabur (Psalms) given to Daud (David), and the Injil (Gospel) given to Isa (Jesus) as genuine divine revelations brought by true messengers to the Jews and the followers of Ibrāhīm (Abraham). Together with the Qur'an itself, and the now unknown Suhuf Ibrahim ("Scrolls of Abraham"), these make up the kitab, the Islamic holy books. Belief in the divine inspiration of all of these books is one of the fundamental tenets of Islam. However, Islam holds that since all the Books prior to the Quran have been corrupted by human hands, Muslims are only to get their guidance from the Qur'an.

Islamic view of the Bible

So according to Islam, the Qu'ran is the true word of God untouched by man. It is the same message that was given in the past by God except this time it was not translated, diluted or distorted by humans. It is forbidden to translate it. If you do translate it and it has been, you cannot call it the Qu'ran, it must be called: "copy of" or "translation of"....the Qu'ran. This is the defense mechanism that God implemented with the renewal of His word.


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