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the METEORS ARE REAL!! i just saw 2 miami fl

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posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by ooYODAoo

They are real I swear it but i didn't get a pic or vid cause who always have a camera on them in this digital age we live in.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by ooYODAoo

i experienced an unidentified craft back in new years day 2013.. so many crazy things to wrap your head around sometimes its overwhelming. what the hell is going on?

Just as blind as me, but I can tell you, that UFO you saw, was either going North or South.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 11:56 AM
Q5 Leap ...authorities ie: NSA etc running sonar and brain research tests (same trip, stealth tools out of control behind the scenes, sonar, neuroscience and more) could be hitting the asteroid belt causing them ....Open Stargate psychic 1st 5th trained by Military accessed by Pentagon silent talk continuously ...see free ebook Spectral Ops link top of homepage for the goods on that Meteorite hit in Russia and ongoing rat paper on the zombie tools
NOTE Feb 18 2013-
not the remote viewer who is off, it's the secret brain tools that were communication and friendly before but now twisted with slick cover up terms used so people think it's for the good of humanity what they are doing....the truth is their secret brain research is so horrific it makes an alien invasion of brain suckers more human friendly ....more cover up polite-ese in the article online at
MUTANTS ** ZOMBIES**IMMUNES** MIND FARM**(what? no Ninjas?) RAT PAPER by psychic trained by Military, on true crime by NASA NSA and a host of other opportunists. Secret abuse of stealth tools. Mad controllers with no control; gone off the deep end. Hey no time for silence. Shock and horror, it’s emanating out of the University pools of glowing quantum nano and brain NEUROSCIENCE and_______.... way up bleeped and gee you wouldn’t be IN with that corrupt DC in Washington home of Horror Central. Yeah, they crossed some power lines.... (free ebook read)

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by 33vibe

Yeah, I'm somewhat learned of alchemy, and I know how to make iron out of carbon.

What I'm saying is that it's not strong enough. Meaning, carbon in a solid but small form can't be lighter than H2O in gas form. Unless you want to include that dust, (which could be a myriad of elements in a tiny space.) cling to that H2O gas and rose with it.

But it inevitably either keeps going or falls by itself. Just going off on how clouds work.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by ooYODAoo

* planet earth entering a certain region in space where all these space rocks are more abundant?

I'd say if anything, it's likely because of this

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
I know one thing for certain. This is a statistical anomaly. Large meteors which are able to make it through the atmosphere and to the ground without burning up are quite rare. The one in Russia was one of the most powerful we've had in quite some time, and it sounds like the one described by the OP was quite large and powerful too. All these similar events packed together so tightly is certainly out of the norm. It could be a coincidence, but if we see any more like this I'll be fairly convinced we're entering an area of space which contains a large amount of debris.

I've been reading more and more scientific papers lately regarding the possibilty of the entire solar system moving into a new area of the heavens where things are indeed different. Just like our planet revolves around the sun, which in turn, passes through different areas of space where there are more meteorites and debris at certain seasons than at others. It is believed the sun with the entire solar system around it, has an orbit of its own. Meaning our solar system is not fixed in space and might move with what some refer to as an “expanding universe”. Which could be causing an energetic change all throughout the Solar System by it moving to an area of different energy—that is higher.
If this is the case, we would start to see a big change in our magnetic fields and environment.

For example, Michael Mandeville has done research that has shown that the overall volcanic activity on the Earth since 1875 has increased by roughly 500 percent. The overall earthquake activity has increased by 400 percent just since 1973. Also a man by the name Dr. Dmitriev did a very elaborate calculation of natural disasters. He showed that, if you compare the years 1963 through 1993, the overall amount of natural disasters of all different kinds—whether you are talking hurricanes, typhoons, mud slides, tidal waves, you name it—have increased by 410 percent. There’s a study by Dr. Mike Lockwood from Rutherford Appleton National Laboratories in California, who has been investigating the Sun. He has discovered that, since 1901, the overall magnetic field of the Sun has become 230 percent stronger than it was before.

The changes in the magnetic field might also be responsible for all the mass fish, insect and bird deaths... maybe the change is getting too great and is messing up their natural methods of navigation (earth's magnetic field).

I also read a paper by Russian scientists saying the plasma energy in the heliosphere used to be 10 astronomical units deep (an astronomical unit is the distance from the Earth to the Sun, 93,000,000 miles). So ten astronomical units represents the normal thickness of this glowing energy that we used to see at the front end of the Solar System. Today, that glowing plasma has gone to 100 astronomical units deep.
this means that the Solar System itself is moving into an area where the energy is more highly charged. That higher-charged energy is in turn exciting the plasma and causing more of it to form, so you see more luminosity, more brightness. This energy is then flowing into the Sun, which in turn emits the energy and spreads it out along its equatorial plane, the Ecliptic.
This in turn is saturating interplanetary space, which causes the solar emissions to travel more quickly and charge up the energy on the planets.
And this is conscious energy that is changing how the planet works, how it functions, and what kind of life it supports. The harmonics of the DNA spiral itself are altering. That’s the real, hidden cause of spontaneous mass evolutions in previous epochs. (planetary resonance)

I wouldn't be surpirsed either if our solar system was moving through the heavens...
edit on 18-2-2013 by ArchaicDesigns because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-2-2013 by ArchaicDesigns because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by gidwa

Yes. You are right. It was the Leonid meteor storm of 2001. It was predicted long in advance (2-3 years). What you saw would have been the build up to the storm itself. I traveled half way round the world to the Southern hemisphere to observe the peak of the storm, and it was mesmerizing! At the peak there were bursts of 5+ meteors visible in the sky in a second, and I saw an estimated 8000-9000 meteors (including many fireballs and earth grazers) during the course of the night.

If you liked the 2001 Leonids, you might be interested to know that researchers have been predicting another outburst from a previously unknown meteor shower that could well reach storm levels next year in May. I posted about it some time ago here.

Also in 2016 we are expecting a strong outburst from the Perseid meteor shower.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Hellas
This one is from Cuba, February 16

No. It's not the Cuban meteor.

The footage is actually from 2006 and filmed from Guadalajara, Mexico

It's also not a meteor, although it might appear meteor like to the untrained eye, but I have analyzed the footage and found that it can not be a meteor. You can read my reasons for this spread out over a couple of posts in this thread here.
edit on 18-2-2013 by FireballStorm because: formatting

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
I know one thing for certain. This is a statistical anomaly. Large meteors which are able to make it through the atmosphere and to the ground without burning up are quite rare. The one in Russia was one of the most powerful we've had in quite some time


Yes the one in Russia was the most powerful recorded event since 1908, but it did not make it down to the ground without "burning up". It broke up many km above the ground!

Have you not watched the videos? Perhaps you need to watch them again, as you can clearly see that the fireball ceases to be luminous well above the horizon!

Yes there are probably meteorites on the ground from the Russian event, but this happens every day somewhere in the world:

It has been estimated that 100,000 tonnes of extraterrestrial material reach the Earth's surface every year. It can be anything from fine dust to metallic masses weighing many tonnes.
Extraterrestrial material that falls towards the Earth is classified by size. The majority of this material is in the form of tiny particles called micrometeorites. They fall continuously, and arrive unnoticed.
Meteors or 'shooting stars' are often seen in a clear night sky. They are larger dust particles and small rocky fragments, many no more than a gram in weight, which are burnt up by friction as they fall through the Earth's atmosphere.
Meteorites are larger pieces of rock that reach the Earth's surface without getting burnt up in the atmosphere. A meteorite whose arrival has been witnessed is called a fall. Meteorites discovered without a known time of fall are called finds. All meteorites, falls and finds, are named after the place where they were picked up. They are broadly classified according to their composition into stones, stony-irons and irons.

Source: Oxford University

There are no statistical anomalies. Care to show me these "statistics"?

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 12:34 PM
No asteroid threat in 2013 - Ministry

The Russian Emergencies Ministry does not predict any heightened risk of large steroids getting dangerously close to Earth in 2013. “In 2013, not one of known asteroids will pass dangerously close to Earth,” Antistikhiya Center announced.

This article is from January 10. Regardless of whatever the reality may be, I think that the "Ministry" would not be as convincing at this juncture....

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by homeslice
I would say that there is nothing out of the ordinary, just people are on the look out more than the usually would be and then whenever someone has seen something everyone will hear about it.

I think you are wrong. I have been watching the sky my whole life but only the end of 2012 we saw two HUGE fireballs one blue and one pure bright white, two nights in a row, what are the odds? There are more!

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by FreedomCommander

I agree that moisture would need to carry the dust upwards... Maybe an electric anomale instantaneously brings a huge field of dust particles together and sends the water off as either a mist or an electrolytic hydrogen explosion condensing a meteorite? Such might account for the "burst" said to occur when entering the atmosphere? It would act as a cathode and would essentially super galvanize the atmosphere around it accumulating debris with atmospheric friction increasing the charge and increasing the draw as it fell. We could even go so far as suggesting that it has little to do with dust at all and is a complete atmospheric elemental transmutation. It'd have to be some kind of cold fusion reaction.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to suggest that nothing falls from space, but if the earth is strong enough to hold satalites and the moon in orbit should it not be strong enough to curve most anything into orbit rather than allow it to easily press into our atmosphere? I just think that an atmospheric origin of meteorites is worthy of discussion whether or not it seems immediately practical. The increase in activity seems to be tied with environmental issues in general which suggests an environmental source. It also gives way to prophetic prediction which is truly just savvant brilliance in mathematics and physics in my opinion.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by ArchaicDesigns

That was very interesting and enlightening. Thank you.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee
I think you are wrong. I have been watching the sky my whole life but only the end of 2012 we saw two HUGE fireballs one blue and one pure bright white, two nights in a row, what are the odds? There are more!

The odds are better than you might think, especially during a meteor shower - was it around December 13/14 (the peak of the Geminid meteor shower)? So you got lucky, so what?

I've also been observing the sky and meteor showers for over 15 years now, and know many other people who observe the sky for meteors, as well as having cameras pointing to the heavens specifically to record meteors. None of us have been seeing any exceptional unexpected increase in fireballs or meteors.

But of course, this is a conspiracy site, and no one wants to listen to those that have actual knowledge of a particular subject - much better to listen to part-timers who have no clue what they are talking about

edit on 18-2-2013 by FireballStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by mythots

Well considering meteors only last a few seconds and the average person doesn't walk around with their phone/camera in hand recording at all times it seems perfectly normal not to have photographic evidence. That's why people like me and many other will help research it further for the OP and come up with some proof not just cut him up for trying to share his story.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 01:10 PM
dont worry its just the new crew of mi-go here to run the underground bases. DARPA and the military industrial complex just drew up a new contract with them. weird cause humans havent had contract with the mi-go since the second world war......with the council of dolphins going down to R'lyeh we may have another heavenly war of the ancient and olde ones.........

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by FireballStorm

Originally posted by Char-Lee
I think you are wrong. I have been watching the sky my whole life but only the end of 2012 we saw two HUGE fireballs one blue and one pure bright white, two nights in a row, what are the odds? There are more!

The odds are better than you might think, especially during a meteor shower - was it around December 13/14 (the peak of the Geminid meteor shower)? So you got lucky, so what?

I've also been observing the sky and meteor showers for over 15 years now, and know many other people who observe the sky for meteors, as well as having cameras pointing to the heavens specifically to record meteors. None of us have been seeing any exceptional unexpected increase in fireballs or meteors.

But of course, this is a conspiracy site, and no one wants to listen to those that have actual knowledge of a particular subject - much better to listen to part-timers who have no clue what they are talking about

edit on 18-2-2013 by FireballStorm because: (no reason given)

I think we will see soon enough who is right. If the people saying they are on the increase are correct we will likely see more like the Russian one soon.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 01:20 PM

Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to suggest that nothing falls from space, but if the earth is strong enough to hold satalites and the moon in orbit should it not be strong enough to curve most anything into orbit rather than allow it to easily press into our atmosphere? I just think that an atmospheric origin of meteorites is worthy of discussion whether or not it seems immediately practical.
reply to post by 33vibe

I don't mean to be difficult, but this concept is fairly wrong as far as common: thought, math, Newtonian physics and our collective sense of sight, goes.

This is a curious worldview... vaguely evokes dark ages and witch drownings, but creative I suppose.

Do you suggest floating islands of rock up there with the 747's? Up there a little further, sure, there are floating islands of rock, named asteroids (after the popular video game from the 70's I'm told by your source) but hanging out within our atmosphere? I guess anything is possible, but I'm drawing a line in the relativistic worldview sand right there... right near the murderers, halitosis sufferers and dogmatically religious.

But as an on topic aside, I saw a faint point of light moving faster than the star-field does, yet way slower than an airplane a couple weeks ago in broad daylight. I thought it had to be Venus and forgot about it. It was 4:00 p.m. in Arizona and 45% up in the Northern sky... now I wonder.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by Feltrick
reply to post by ooYODAoo

Yep, meteors are real and are constantly zooming through the skies. It's cool that you witnessed it, I've never been lucky enough.

Remember when everyone was seeing missiles? How about the dreaded Nibiru? I guess this will be the new ATS fad until zombies become fashionable again.

Keep looking up to the heavens, you might see more!

This is such a troll post. Everyone was seeing missiles? What are you talking about? How does people believing in Sumerian lore have anything to do with an increase (statistically proven if you read the website posted) in meteors since 2005?

Go troll elsewhere. Or stop coming to ATS if our subject matter bothers you.

posted on Feb, 18 2013 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by Baddogma

Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to suggest that nothing falls from space, but if the earth is strong enough to hold satalites and the moon in orbit should it not be strong enough to curve most anything into orbit rather than allow it to easily press into our atmosphere? I just think that an atmospheric origin of meteorites is worthy of discussion whether or not it seems immediately practical.
reply to post by 33vibe

I don't mean to be difficult, but this concept is fairly wrong as far as common: thought, math, Newtonian physics and our collective sense of sight, goes.

This is a curious worldview... vaguely evokes dark ages and witch drownings, but creative I suppose.

Do you suggest floating islands of rock up there with the 747's? Up there a little further, sure, there are floating islands of rock, named asteroids (after the popular video game from the 70's I'm told by your source) but hanging out within our atmosphere? I guess anything is possible, but I'm drawing a line in the relativistic worldview sand right there... right near the murderers, halitosis sufferers and dogmatically religious.

But as an on topic aside, I saw a faint point of light moving faster than the star-field does, yet way slower than an airplane a couple weeks ago in broad daylight. I thought it had to be Venus and forgot about it. It was 4:00 p.m. in Arizona and 45% up in the Northern sky... now I wonder.

To equate a difficult concept to a realm of serious errors of reasoning simply to dismiss it from your consideration reminds me of Thomas Edison's treatment of Nikola Tesla. It was fit to him to kill dogs and execute prisoners with alternating current just to debunk it. Ah, see, its evil... so stay away! Leave a discussion of reasoning in the realm of reasoning and quit drawing irrelevant hob goblins to scare away would be inquiring minds.
edit on 18-2-2013 by 33vibe because: (no reason given)

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