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Serious Help Needed: Drivers not updating, MS update not installing, Won't do System Resotre.

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posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

ok will try that and hope nothing goes wrong as one of the other issues is that it won't do a 'restore to previous time'.
back asap.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by CthulhuMythos

Its super, super rare that it ever goes wrong..but of course if it does you wont have access to the internet if your computer wont start so i thought id give you the instructions to restore it up front.

Id copy and paste the instructions to a text file on your desk top.

edit on 22-1-2013 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

First snag, when trying to do a restore point, the wizzard that opens up from the Sart/programmes/accessories/system tools only shows the option to restore to a previous time, there is no 'make new restore point' option.
However, as it doesn't let me restore at mo, maybe it wont make any difference if I don't do this step.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by CthulhuMythos

id feel happier if we could set a restore point before we start even though we probably wont need it. Ill get back to you.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by CthulhuMythos

maybe your system restore is not turned on.

Click start > run > type sysdm.cpl >ok. In the properties window click on the system restore tab and ensure there is not a check mark in the box to disable system restore.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by PhoenixOD
reply to post by CthulhuMythos

maybe your system restore is not turned on.

Click start > run > type sysdm.cpl >ok. In the properties window click on the system restore tab and ensure there is not a check mark in the box to disable system restore.

Ok checked the system restore and the tick box is clear so it is not turned off.

Finally managed to get through two lots of cleaning as I cleaned the drivers off then went back in and installed the most recent drivers, which once again failed.
I then went back to safe mode (even had trouble getting the safe mode options to not be greyed out (but that is coz I am a noob at this I think) and re-did the driver sweeper.
I then came back to normal mode and tried to install the older set of drivers that were working fine b4. Again it didn't even get to launching the installer before the information window popped up saying that it could not perform the task with user-mapped section open. I have no idea what this means let alone what to do to close it.

Any more instructions, boss?

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by CthulhuMythos

hmm.. this is stubborn.

The error "The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open" means a certain file is locked usually because its in use by another application. Its hard to tell what it is thats locked at this point.

Try the install while in safe mode and see if that helps.

*Edit: im wondering if the installer file itself is locked for whatever reason. You could try and make a copy of the installer file (just right click , copy and then paste) and see if you can run that.

edit on 22-1-2013 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

Hello again, After much trying to install and then cleaning out and trying again in safe mode I was still getting failed install message. I then went back to normal mode and it came up with the wizzard again. I decided to see if it would get things working and I got a new message from it this time. It said that I needed the dbinstaller.exe file and was looking for disc1 or to be directed to a place it could get it from.
I looked in the Programmes folder and then the sub folder for NVidia Corporation and in there is a folder called driver.o or something like that and in that there is a file called dbinstaller.exe
I directed the wizzard to there and it started copying files across to wherever it puts them and kept stopping to say the target file is newer than the source file do you want to replace it, so I said no because I didn't think there was any point in replacing it with an older file. Finally just before the green bar was fully at the end it came up with another message saying that it could not copy the file nvopencl.dll
This was a new message to me.

So I cancelled it and thought I would ask what to do next.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by CthulhuMythos
reply to post by PhoenixOD

Hello again, After much trying to install and then cleaning out and trying again in safe mode I was still getting failed install message.

Im very confused as to why when you try to install the drivers its coming up with the 'version older than the current version' message. This should not happen if the drivers have been cleaned out.

You say you were still getting the failed install message but wasnt that on the new nvidia drivers? I thought you were now trying to install the older drivers that were giving the error "The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open"? Did you try to install the older drivers in safe mode? Did you make a copy of the installer file of the older drivers that you couldnt run before and run it in safe mode like i suggested?

im going to be crashing out soon so ill have to pick this up again tomorrow

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

You know, I am so tired now I am not sure, but I thought I had tried the old one and got a different result. Will start with the cleaner and then whilst still in safe mode will try the older original one tomorrow and see what it comes up with.

thank you for your patience!

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 08:07 AM
What I did this morning in Safe mode:

Add/Remove programmes - removed N.Vidia entries

re-started pc in safe mode

Went to Driver Sweeper and ran that and removed all Nvidia components it found

re-started pc in safe mode

Checked C drive and found an NVidia Folder which contained two folders named 306.81 and 310.90
which are the names of the two versions of drivers. Each of these folders contained within eachother
sub folders WinXP, English and in the final folder was a txt file called EULA
I deleted the whole NVidia folder from that area.

Looking in Programme Files
Entry for NVidia Corporation

This contains 4 Folders

1. CPLInstallerCache
2. NView
3. OpenCL
4. Installer2

Folder 1 is empty

Folder 2 contains nViewSetup.exe.old (has one of those icons that looks like a piece of paper with the top
right corner folded over and a windows panel with small icons in the middle of the paper - usually this shows
when the pc does not know what programme to open it with. Will call this 'Windows Icon' for future reference.

Folder 3 is empty

Folder 4 contains 10 folders

1. Display.ControlPanel.0
2. Display.Driver
3. Display.Driver.0
4. Display.NView
5. Display.Nview.0
6. Display.PhysiX.0
7. Display.Update.0
8. Installer.0
9. Installer.1

Foler1 (Display.ControlPanel.0) contains:

advanced.tvp (windows icon)
cad.tvp (windows icon)
dcc.tvp (windows icon)
default.tvp (windows icon)
DisplayControlPanel.nvi (windows icon)
DisplayControlPanel.NVX (windows icon)
DisplayCplExt.dll (page with 2cogs icon)
easyUpdatusAPIU.dll (2cogs icon)
finance.tvp (windows icon)
keystone.exe (nvidia icon)
nv3d.chm (page with yellow ? next to it)
nvappbar.exe (nvidia icon)
nvcolor.exe (nvidia icon)
nvcpl.chm (page and yellow ?)
nvcpl.cpl (windows icon but is shown within another white page with the corner folded over making a new icon - 'windows in windows icon')
nvcpl.dll (2cogs icon)
nvcpl.hlp (blue circle with white ? on it icon)
nvcplui.exe (nvidia icon this time in black and green with slider and green 'light' icon)
nvdisps.dll (2cogs icon)
nvdsp.chm (page and yellow ? icon)
nvdspsch.exe (nvidia icon)
nvgames.dll (2cogs icon)
nview.dll (2cogs icon)
nvmccs.dll (2cogs icon)
nvmccsrs.dll (2cogs icon)
nvmccss.dll (2cogs icon)
nvmctray.dll (2cogs icon)
nvmob.chm (page and yellow ? icon)
nvmobls.dll (2cogs icon)
nvnt4cpl.dll (2cogs icon)
nvshell.dll (2cogs icon)
nvscv32.exe (white windows panel with blue header and blank white page icon)
nvsvs.dll (2cogs icon)
nvtuicpl.cpl (windows in windows icon)
nvvitvs.dll (2cogs icon)
nvwddi.dll (2cogs icon)
nvwddmcpl.dll (2cogs icon)
nvwimg.dll (2cogs icon)
nvwks.chm (page with yellow ? icon)
nvwss.dll (2cogs icon)
nwiz.exe (nvidia icon)

Folder 2 (Display.Driver) - says cannot open this file when I try to open it and asks which programme to use to open it
or to look on the web for a programme.

Folder 3 (Display.Driver.0) contains:

dbInstaller.exe (white windows panel with blue header icon)
DisplayDriver.nvi (windows icon)
DisplayDriver.NVX (windows icon)
DisplayDriverExt.dll (2cogs icon)
Licencel.txt (notepad icon) (3 pages banded together with a yellow band icon)
nv4_disp.dl_ (windows icon)
nv4_disp.inf (notepad with a cog icon)
nv4_mini.sv_ (windows icon)
nvapi.dl_ (windows icon)
nvcomiler.dl_ (windows icon)
nvcuda.dl_ (windows icon)
nvcuvenc.dl_ (windows icon)
nvcuvid.dl_ (windows icon)
NVDATA.DATA (windows icon)
nvdispco32.dll (2cogs icon)
nvdrsdb.bi_ (might be bl, resolution making it difficult to read) - (windows icon)
nvgenco32.dll (2cogs icon)
nvinfo.pb (windows icon)
nvogint.dl_ (windows icon)
NvStereoUtilityOGL.exe (nvidia icon)
OpenCL.dl_ (windows icon)
Readme.txt (notepad icon)

Folder 4 (Display.NView) - cannot open, looking for programme from list or ntet to open it

Folder 5 (Display.Nview.0) contains: (winRAR icon)
NView.nvi (windows icon)
NView.NVX (windows icon)
NViewExt.dll (2cogs icon)
nviewsetup.exe (nvidia icon)

Folder 6 (Display.PhysiX.0) contains:

PhysX.nvi (windows icon)
PhysX.NVX (windows icon)
PhysX_9.10.0514_SystemSoftware.msi (computer with disc icon)
PhysXExt.dll (2cogs icon)

Folder 7 (Display.Update.0) contains:

DisplayUpdate.nvi (windows icon)
DisplayUpdate.NVX (windows icon)
easyUpdatusAPIU.dll (2cogs icon)
UpdateExt.dll (2cogs icon)

Folder 8 (Installer.0) contains:

0000.ui.forms (windows icon)
0000.ui.strings (windows icon)
0409.ui.forms (windows icon)
0409.ui.strings (windows icon)
Lots of png's to make up the graphics of the installer
EULA.txt (notepad icon)
NVI2.dll (2cogs icon)
NVI2UI.dll (2cogs icon)
NVPrxy32.dll (2cogs icon)
NVPrxy64.dll (2cogs icon)
Setup.cfg (windows icon)
setup.exe (black box with green bubbles coming out of the top icon)
theme.cfg (windows icon)

contd next post.....

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 08:08 AM
Folder 9 (Installer.1) contains:

0000.ui.forms (windows icon)
0000.ui.strings (windows icon)
0409.ui.forms (windows icon)
0409.ui.strings (windows icon)
Lots of png's to make up the graphics of the installer
EULA.txt (notepad icon)
NVI2.dll (2cogs icon)
NVI2UI.dll (2cogs icon)
NVPrxy32.dll (2cogs icon)
NVPrxy64.dll (2cogs icon)
presentations.cfg (windows icon)
presentations.dll (2cogs icon)
progress.htm (firefox on a page icon)
Setup.cfg (windows icon)
setup.exe (black box with green bubbles coming out of the top icon)
theme.cfg (windows icon)

Folder 10 (NVIDIA.Update.0) contains:

ComUpdatus.exe (nvidia icon)
ComUpdatusPS.dll (2cogs icon)
daemonu.exe (nvidia icon)
nvlhr.exe (nvidia icon)
nvupdt.dll (2cogs icon)
nvupdtr.dll (2cogs icon)
UpdateCommon.nvi (winows icon)
UpdateCommon.NVX (windos icon)
updateExt.dll (2cogs icon)
WLMerger.exe (blank window page the blue heading bat at the top icon)

Dunno if any of this is of any help but I thought if there was something missing or something not right within that lot that that could be the reason for it failing to install either of the driver sets.

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 08:34 AM
If you have uninstalled the nvidia drivers and used driver sweeper then id suggest deleting any nvidia folders you find in program files or the c: drive. Then reboot your computer to safe mode.

You said before that the newer drivers failed to install and the older ones wouldnt run at all because they gave you a warning that the file was locked (the whole user mapped thing). It could be that the installer file is corrupt or locked for whatever reason. To get around this you could try and copy and paste the installer file to another location or try to find the same drivers online and re-download them. Then try to install them while in safe mode.

edit on 23-1-2013 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

okay doaky
Was not sure if I should delete the folder from the programme files folder or not. Will do that and see what happens, will also copy paste the downloaded drivers from the folder they are in and put them elsewhere before running the driver unpacker exe file.

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by PhoenixOD
If you have uninstalled the nvidia drivers and used driver sweeper then id suggest deleting any nvidia folders you find in program files or the c: drive. Then reboot your computer to safe mode.

You said before that the newer drivers failed to install and the older ones wouldnt run at all because they gave you a warning that the file was locked (the whole user mapped thing). It could be that the installer file is corrupt or locked for whatever reason. To get around this you could try and copy and paste the installer file to another location or try to find the same drivers online and re-download them. Then try to install them while in safe mode.

edit on 23-1-2013 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

Wooop Whooop! (((Big Hugs for YOU)))

Don't know if it was getting rid of what was still in the programme files folder or moving the driver launcher/exe file to a new folder on the desktop but my graphics problem is sorted
)))))) . I went with the older drivers that I had mainly because everything was fine until I tried the update so didn't trust the new one.

So, now that that is out of the way, I still have the issue of not being able to do a restore and not being able to install those pesky microsoft security updates.

Any chance you can help me with that too?

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by CthulhuMythos

Great , we got there eventually

If the MS update problem you are having is just .net net related then we can try to sort it this way :

Though i have encountered problems with XP in the past trying to get the .net updates fully installed and to stop that annoying yellow triangle popping up in the notifications area on the desktop.

The trick to getting them installed is to install them in the correct order right from the start. In your earlier post you indicated that they had not been installed in the right order so this might be whats causing the problem.

You will need to uninstall all the .nets currently installed on your system and then put them back in one after the other in the correct order.

The order is


and im not sure if xp supports any higher than 4.0 but lets see if we can get this far first.

So you can try to install them automatically or go to Microsoft's website and download them one at a time and do it by hand.

Try the automatic method first because its less work.

- uninstall all .nets currently on your system through 'add and remove programs'
- reboot
- wait 10-13 mins to see if automatic updates kicks in and start the process on its own
- if not then go to windows update and scan for available updates and see if that works

Good luck

edit on 23-1-2013 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

Hello again.
I tired to do what you suggested but my pc would not allow me to uninstall .net2 or .net3 because other programmes needed it. I took off the others though. The good news is that I did manage to get the .net4 to finally install but I still can not get the .net1.1 to install.

I was going to upload a screenie of the updates history to show you what had installed/ not installed but ATS keeps saying I need Flash to do that and the 'search' bar is not showing either. I checked my plugins and I have the upt to date Flash and checked Adobe and it shows my flash is working fine. Any ideas?

Anyway, what I found on the update history was this

11 Jan .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 Fail automatic updates
11 Jan .NET Framework 4 Fail automatic updates
15 Jan .NET Framework version 1.1 Installed other source
15 Jan .NET Framework 4 Fail other source
15 Jan .NET Framework 1.1 service pack 1 Fail other source
15 Jan .NET Framework 4 Fail automatic updates
15 Jan Security update Int Exp 8 Installed automatic updates
15 Jan .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 Fail automatic updates
18 Jan .NET Framework 1.1 service pack 1 Fail automatic updates
18 Jan .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 Fail automatic updates
18 Jan .NET Framework 4 Fail automatic updates
21 Jan .NET Framework 1.1 service pack 1 Fail automatic updates
21 Jan .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 Installed automatic updates
21 Jan .NET Framework 4 Fail automatic updates
22 Jan .NET Framework 1.1 service pack 1 Fail automatic updates
22 Jan Nvidia Display, Other hardware Grey circle with white bar in middle device manager
22 Jan .NET Framework 4 Fail automatic updates
23 Jan .NET Framework version 1.1 Installed Windows Update
23 Jan .NET Framework 1.1 service pack 1 Fail Windows Update
23 Jan .NET Framework 4 Installed Windows Update

Not sure if the 'other source' framework 1.1 is a factor or not.

Also not sure what to do about my system restore. I can only assume it still does not work but am afraid to try it out in case it undoes the graphics drivers now that they are sorted.

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 06:11 PM
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posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by CthulhuMythos

Well im glad you managed to get dot net 4 installed. Having the .net 1.1 is not essential , it depends if you can live with it not being installed and if its still showing the yellow triangle in the notifications area as a result of it which can be annoying. I remember last time i dealt with this problem i managed to find a small VB program written by a Microsoft engineer (not an official Microsoft product) that was posted on Technet that would strip out all the .net programs.

Let me know what you want to do about the .net 1.1. I can always try and find the program again if you want to strip them out and try to re-install them.

As for the system restore, you said that there was no option to set a restore point. I'll get back to you on that tomorrow and see what can be done.

We are making some good progress on solving your problems

edit on 23-1-2013 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

Yes we are indeed making progress, thank you so much for all that!

I can live without the .net 1.1 (assuming it is not needed for lots of things as I don't actually know what it is for) Luckily the yellow update alert shield has not popped up again, which is a bit strange as this update has not been installed, but I can live with that

Yeah there was no 'make a new restore point' button last time I looked and when I did try to do a restore it kept failing (not done anything like that since sorting the drivers mind u)

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