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I used to believe that the world was heading toward a global spiritual ascension. No longer...

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posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Wanderer112358

The idea of a universal "ascension" is a lie, perpetrated by the opportunistic and aquisitive, to fool the lazy.

A spiritually ascendent path has always been one of privation and struggle, often of pain and death.

To think that the universe will just hand out candy, in the light of all previous experience, is silly.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Angle
but it is Wandere6978454, some ascend to paradise, others to the fire..

I wish it was not so...

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by chr0naut
reply to post by Wanderer112358

The idea of a universal "ascension" is a lie, perpetrated by the opportunistic and aquisitive, to fool the lazy.

A spiritually ascendent path has always been one of privation and struggle, often of pain and death.

To think that the universe will just hand out candy, in the light of all previous experience, is silly.

It is interesting that you never spoke of love once in your discussion of our ascension path...

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 01:19 PM
I agree with ur post. The Majority of the human species is acting more like apes while there is a small group feeling the spiritual energy coming down on earth. I can feel this energy aswell and it feels like pure happyness and fullfilness. I myself half long wandered on the dark paths of negativity untill i found myself. Now i am ready for what is coming. We all have to choose between staying in these lower negative energies or moving up to our true destiny that awaits. I hope to see you up there brothers and sisters. Stay Strong!

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Annunak1
I agree with ur post. The Majority of the human species is acting more like apes while there is a small group feeling the spiritual energy coming down on earth. I can feel this energy aswell and it feels like pure happyness and fullfilness. I myself half long wandered on the dark paths of negativity untill i found myself. Now i am ready for what is coming. We all have to choose between staying in these lower negative energies or moving up to our true destiny that awaits. I hope to see you up there brothers and sisters. Stay Strong!

Well said. Yes! This time is all about love, balance and foremost choice.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by Wanderer112358

I know. Don't be sad.

Everything is exactly as it should be, or it would be different.

A change has occurred, but I believe that it began in 1997. I also don't think that any sort of separation has taken place at all. We are all in the same boat learning how to use the same new wet-ware that has come online: I suppose you could relate it to the neo-cortex. That thing does not come with an instruction manual, well, it does, but it has taken over 4000 years to read it.

When the change came, it seemed to begin to purge some that were on the 'cusp', or something like that, of just enough of their # to be useful to the others. It is not a matter of teaching, it is a matter of modelling; as many of you know, most of our minds do not adapt well to authoritarian instruction, that is as it should be, even though it is frustratingly paradoxical.

Nervous systems attune to and model other nervous systems, that's how it works. So some nervous systems are like friendly little beacons to others, not instructors, the part of your mind that knows the name instructor has nada to do with it.

The change is here now, but it is not about ascension in to the 'light', it's about damage control. Love and patience are the tools to begin to address the damage.

A Problem Prayer
God? Thank you for the problems that you have given us. For they are like unto a lantern leading us out of the darkness. You do not give us false bread and water, Lord, but you give us the real meat from your table, the problems of humanity; without them how would we come to know you?

How would we ever know our humanity if we were not given problems like the ones that confront us today? we obviously have not owned and known our humanity to date, right? Because we would not have these problems, would we?

We will get to all that other fun stuff when we finish what is on our plate.

So, don't be sad, it's OK, use your sadness to be kind to others and nurture them.

You can do that with lots of emotions, if you are having one, have you ever tried to just put it where you want it instead of letting it go where it wants? It can be a small exercise in transmutation.

I put this up alot, here it is again...

I thought I had better post this, considering that I brought up brain science and attunement and modelling, and all that. If you have no idea what affective neuroscience is, here's a link.

edit on 20-1-2013 by Xoanon because:

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Wanderer112358

Originally posted by chr0naut
reply to post by Wanderer112358

The idea of a universal "ascension" is a lie, perpetrated by the opportunistic and aquisitive, to fool the lazy.

A spiritually ascendent path has always been one of privation and struggle, often of pain and death.

To think that the universe will just hand out candy, in the light of all previous experience, is silly.

It is interesting that you never spoke of love once in your discussion of our ascension path...


Loving and being loved, while being a great motivator, has never caused anyones' ascension, as far as I know.

You seem to have confused the emotional with the spiritual.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by chr0naut

Originally posted by Wanderer112358

Originally posted by chr0naut
reply to post by Wanderer112358

The idea of a universal "ascension" is a lie, perpetrated by the opportunistic and aquisitive, to fool the lazy.

A spiritually ascendent path has always been one of privation and struggle, often of pain and death.

To think that the universe will just hand out candy, in the light of all previous experience, is silly.

It is interesting that you never spoke of love once in your discussion of our ascension path...


Loving and being loved, while being a great motivator, has never caused anyones' ascension, as far as I know.

You seem to have confused the emotional with the spiritual.

Then what it is you are striving to ascend to? I'm not sure whether your ascension destination is the same as mine, which is completely fine.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by chr0naut

Loving and being loved, while being a great motivator, has never caused anyones' ascension, as far as I know.

How would you know, exactly? Ascension detector with an accessory love meter?

You must have some some idea of what enlightenment and ascension are, and i would sure like to hear what it is

Er, that didn't come across very well, I just got from your posts that you seem to have a pretty good idea what it is not vs what it might be.
edit on 20-1-2013 by Xoanon because: smiley

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 08:34 PM
My dear brother, my compassion goes out to you in a difficult position and how you must feel now. I hope somehow you will make it through. The new age was created,together with ascension by the NWO and those guys-complexity of many- and as a tool to mislead and confuse the masses. Its been done in a big scale. What everyone failed to see is their own responsibility for their own thoughts,words,actions and deeds. And how that has driven mankind out where they now are. That, and a denial,and failure to give up everything that is negative,not honorable,worthy, short said evil thoughts,words,actions and deeds. Nobody is responsible for that and the brethren the true brethren out there outside this planet wont interfere. there is a strict policy of non interference. the only time they are allowed to interfere is when the planet is ready to tick off basically. However there are strict rules.
Same time people wont escape their own responsiblity, and will as you say keep on sticking to this earth,which is getting worse and worse and with NWO, until they learn. Only those abiding by the Laws of God and Creation journal 27 will make it further, and on to a new earth so profecied in so many prophecies. why. because if people just go on behaving as they do now, it would soon look the same. And no evil is allowed outside this planet. it is a prison planet in its own right.

There is a big difference between The Great Spirit, All That Is, and the man made "god". you can only find this Great Spirit,Divine Source within. No outside force or buildings or man or channeler can do that. If you search within, clear out your thoughts and your antiChrist within(evil thoughts,words,actions and deeds) you will start to see. Seek within, towards the stillness. Expand your consciousness, be still! search for the ONE LIGHT.
keep on going til you find "Him". (him/her) HE will tell you and show you the TRUTH, the WAY.
what the true masters really spoke about. Dont give up hope. Ascension is fake yes, the mayan calendar ran out in 1988. were already in the new beginning.
NWO is real and their plans,the shadow government now the 2nd amendment talk. thats all planned. the proofs are at this side all I talk about can be verified, if you care do the legwork.
you can have so strong contact with Great Spirit so you dont need ascension,channelers or so on.
and get directions for you and what you can do.
we live in the age of chaos and destruction. there are major major evil. And man refuses to take responsibility when thats what raises you up. stand strong and keep doing good and never allow evil into your ways. you are very much needed. to fight against untruth and evil and chaos and false lies spread. dont let this dishearten you,because then it did what it should do! you are learning and there is only experience. Great Spirit is much much different than that. you see there are a set of inbuilt laws, that runs the whole universe, that all the lighted realms adhere by. The only ones that doesnt are..well.. here on earth. not all though but many. Together with dark beings and beings behind the veil and shadow government. when those laws are there,you are in complete balance emotionally,physically,mentally and spiritually. and opposite. thats why too. for more information,see fx journal 27, see also later in that journal "how to recognise antichrist within". (this has nothing to do with religion)
you will find all you need,on this site. let it be verified,everything can be looked up. it is not just opinions, but real TRUTH. From Highest Source.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by Wanderer112358

do not spend your time looking down

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 09:34 PM
For the world to move toward a global spiritual ascension, everyone must change their mindset, must work toward it by himself/herself (and help others who need guides)

Just like coffee and tea. If we want to make our coffees and teas taste sweet, we have to add sweeteners.
We can't just wait, see the coffees and teas, and expect them to miraculously become sweeter.
edit on 20-1-2013 by dodol because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-1-2013 by dodol because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-1-2013 by dodol because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Wanderer112358

Glad to see the enochian keys working.

They translate to basically saying that good will conquer corruption and the beast's of the earth will take back the planet so much so that they will use the buildings of man for shelter.

I performed a ritual and read these keys. All of them in sumerian!

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by Xoanon
reply to post by chr0naut

Loving and being loved, while being a great motivator, has never caused anyones' ascension, as far as I know.

How would you know, exactly? Ascension detector with an accessory love meter?

You must have some some idea of what enlightenment and ascension are, and i would sure like to hear what it is

Er, that didn't come across very well, I just got from your posts that you seem to have a pretty good idea what it is not vs what it might be.
edit on 20-1-2013 by Xoanon because: smiley

You are quite right, I find it difficult to put a verbal description around spiritual advancement.

I suppose a connection to the mind of God, a greater awareness of the universe beyond what my senses can tell me, a unity with all other humans (really deeply and viscerally, to the point where individuality fades and we "co-think" and "co-feel"). A peace and core stability despite whatever goes on. A joy in playfulness and humour and discovery. The fulfillment of wordless longings of my heart.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 10:23 PM
Yep.....Society is descending. I'm staying in the same place so it just appears that I am ascending compared to society.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 10:47 PM
Chaos and order go hand in hand, you will not have one without the other. Ascension is individual, the opportunity for ascension is global. Do not give up and do not lose hope, just think of Pandora's box in the bottom of the box there was hope, there is always hope in situations where you do not think there is.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 11:29 PM
Of course our awareness is ascending. I tell you what though. If you like, we can unplug the internet and throw away our cell phones. Lets return to the days of magazine, newspaper and TV for our information.

I remember those days. As a society we are soaring in the clouds compared to back then. I know, I lived through it.

Those that deny any such notion that we are better informed and more aware (ascendant) should look twice at the alternatives.

Carry on...

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 12:15 AM
I still believe it willl happen, but who knows when. I agree on your polarity concept as well.

News/thread titles seem to be getting worse day by day, along with the people that follow them.
More distress going round...

Yet, my life is getting better each and everyday.

Let the world fall to pieces i say, and step over the destruction and continue your day

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by Wanderer112358

I really liked your OP. My friend use to argue about excactly that. He was a spiritual person whom believe that human spritual evolution was a given. He believed that humans elvolving into higher spiritual being was just a given.

I disagree.

I believe that human spiritual evolution is philiosophicly unlikely. It's the the diversity of human life and the ensuing drama that is the basis of human exsistance. I belive that we came here to experience what life like a human was like... So through experiencing those things that we are not, we can experience who we are! I think the the spiritual evolution of man will detract from this overall experience of being human and the learning experiences that this life offers.
Therefore... no human spiritual evolution. Unless the positive and the negatice both evolve togeather resulting in a new and facisinating as equally dramitic life for us all. A life full of noth positive and negative growth experiences.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by Wanderer112358

Giving up on the Law of one is not a wise choice especially since you seem to understand what it is.

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