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Deny Polititians days off while important business needs to be handled?

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posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:24 AM
As we all know Obama and all of the government took the holidays off and went on vacation while the MSM bashed them day after day for not caring about the tax code, fiscal cliff, sandy hook shooting or other VERY IMPORTANT busniess needs addressing. While MILLIONS world wide wait for our government to take action our taxes are sending them on golfing trips.

If the government has a deadline on business then no holidays off till business is handled. Where else in the world does this happen other than government and corrupt big business. There are soldiers and busniess owners busting ass everyday of the week to stay alive and fed but these guys are so arrogant as to take a week off just days wrote a dead line and then come out and say that they will just demand more time. Where else does such leniency exist?

It's pretty sad that the media will bash politians and they just laugh at everyone as they cash their check and grab their clubs and rackets from the trunk.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:29 AM
good luck with that... how will you enforce this.. ideas are like assholes, everyone has one and most of them stink

these are all good ideas people keep posting though honestly but what is the point, you will NEVER be able to enforce any of them...

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by dc4lifeskater

The only time you should say never is to say "i'll never try"
It's not up to the politians if we VOTE these things in. The government voted in Obama care without our input we can vote what happens to them without their say. The only thing that is stopping us is people like you who say we must go through the government to voice our ideas which is what the government wants. Like occupy the goverment told the people how and where they could voice their opinion and that's all it took for it to fail.
edit on 28-12-2012 by marbles87 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:38 AM
I don't think it matters what the politicians do, especially congress. The "fiscal cliff" fiasco is just another dog-and-pony show. Don't be fooled.....the fix is in the bag, this is all political theater, keeping us worried until the last minute. They already have something unpleasant planned, they're just waiting until the very end, when we'll all heave a sign of relief and be so grateful that our elected dimwits actually did something.

We have had the "fiscal cliff" phrase pounded into our heads every time we turn on the television, but what is it really? Bottom line: We're going to be screwed, and the pork for the military industrial complex and the tax breaks for the large corporations and banks continue unabated.

They will say that we have to implement austerity measures in order to bring spending under control, as they give record amounts to the pentagon, the military and Israel.

This is what America has become: Another Rome in its declining days. Bread and circuses for the masses, continuation of the status quo for the rich and the war machine, until the very end.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by marbles87

All democracies need to enact a law that allows it's citizens a vote of no-confidence to remove officials. We also need accountability, so that when they lie they can be fired for it and penalized financially.

Until then, they can sweet-talk you all they want and get away with it. They can play games with all our lives and we have no recourse.

Indirect democracy is what we have, it's basically dictatorship. Direct Democracy is required to involve everyone in policy decision making. We all know US Citizens would of solved this fiscal cliff problem a month ago, but since they have no control a game is played by both parties.
And you can't do a single thing about it either. Is that democracy? Freedom? Not in my view.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

So we just need to succumb to history will repeat itself and humans are too dumb to stop it. Rome was thousands of years ago the USA is TODAY!! Same with all the other countries. We have the tech to communicate with almost every person on this planet but yet people can't even talk to each other respectfully. Just imagine maybe if Rome had what we had today it might not have failed. EVER THINK OF THAT?

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:45 AM
they wont listen because they dont care.. occupy althought i support all of them has accomplished nothing which is sad.. if anything it got a bunch of people police records that will follow them for life.

nothing will change its been the same for so long now its just the same thing over and over again... things are going according to their plan and everything is unfolding exactly the way they want it to...

You fight you will disappear
If you are someone who could stand up you wont or you will be silenced
Richies wont stand up or they could lose what little they have left
Super rich wont stand up because they are behind it
Politicians wont stand up because they are all owned, even the ones that do wont ever have power
MSM are all owned they wont report anything that would help us
You fight them with guns they kill you with bombs and enact martial law and kill anyone on site that stands up to them
Thing will get worse, good luck.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:47 AM
Lets encourage them to stay away and take all the holidays they'd like - it'll save trillions

Seriously if the important business is so-called cliff lets remember someone hauled butt to Hawaii and then grandstanded upon return pretending they'd like to actually do something, likewise when it was put into the senates lap the funeral director cried like a stuck pig.

If either wanted to do something it would have already been done, enjoy the window dressing, the show ends soon.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by dc4lifeskater

If I must be silent to live then I'll gladly accept death. "GIve me liberty or give me death" means something to a few people still. I am not alone in my feelings it's just that there is no single focal point for everyone's concerns. Divide and conquer is working great so far. Why are you so scared!! What Left do we have to lose to but more freedoms. Oh your life... Do you have kids? If so are you satisfied with the world you are leaving them to live in sure save yourself but maybe you're kids kids will never know what freedom is because of your silence.
edit on 28-12-2012 by marbles87 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by marbles87

Oh but OP.. They work so hard! Just listen to them talk about it. To hear it, they know hard work like any ditch digger or dish washer. Noses to the grindstone, Yessir! So those vacations are absolutely necessary. They need them for sanity!

After all, how well would we handle days spent debating, lying, making crap up out of thin air and then spending the evenings laughing and joking about the success of the day over Cocktail Parties or State Dinners at hundreds of thousands of dollars for the meal?

On second thought? HEY.... Just what do they do that's so different from what WE do, eh? Why aren't we paid for it with cocktail parties to go to? Maybe we just don't lie well enough.
(I'm feeling a little screwed here somewhere...just don't quite know where yet.)

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 11:49 AM
Say hello to a gas tax and good bye to mortage interest deduction

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by mikell

What does that have to do with the thread?

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 01:06 PM
How many of the rest of us only got Christmas day off? If that.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by DelMarvel

How many people were lucky enough to have a job to be able to work a holiday?

McDonald's begged it's owners to stay open for its customers why didn't the government stay open for its customers.

I personally think that the goverment should be on call 24/7 365 1/4 and busniess is conducted till business is done.
edit on 28-12-2012 by marbles87 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by marbles87

When you consider that being elected just ONCE.....for just one enough to collect a pension for life from Congress? Indeed... They can have all the vacation they like and we'll be paying for it, for their natural lives. While they are bothered by actually having to hold the post their retirement flows from.....perhaps skipping every single vacation opportunity isn't too much to ask, particularly when the nation is accurately compared to the 1930's and Great Depression era in some ways..

..and they actually have the gall to wonder why the population hates them passionately.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

They don't care if we hate them we still pay them. Mess with their money and you have their attention.

A ten million man march is in order I believe.

Could just 3% of the population care enough to make a stand?
edit on 28-12-2012 by marbles87 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by marbles87

I think you're right. the way, 3% would be a statement that generations would be reading about in their history books a long way into the future.

Make sure I get a note and I'll be there. I've put my money where my mouth is for standing to protest at whatever cost came once before. I'll happily do it again without a second thought ...if it appears even half way likely to get anything done.

Indeed.. If someone better than I can organize it, there isn't a place in the nation so distant that I can't drive there within 2 days. See ya there, if we can all get it rolling.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Add me I am more than willing to Atleast build a snowball to roll down the mountain.

If anything was going to take off now is the perfect timing.
edit on 28-12-2012 by marbles87 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by marbles87
reply to post by FissionSurplus

So we just need to succumb to history will repeat itself and humans are too dumb to stop it. Rome was thousands of years ago the USA is TODAY!! Same with all the other countries. We have the tech to communicate with almost every person on this planet but yet people can't even talk to each other respectfully. Just imagine maybe if Rome had what we had today it might not have failed. EVER THINK OF THAT?

Um...not sure what point you're trying to make here.

The basic issues of corruption from the top down, going from a representative democracy to a fascist dictatorship that only gives the illusion of the people being in control, the rich not giving a damn, the military imperialism run amok, these things are the same no matter what period in history we are in.

We can communicate with all kinds of people the entire world over, but censorship and news blackouts are already commonplace. People will believe what they want to believe, and what is easiest for them. Those who are trying to get the truth out are marginalized and ridiculed.

Technology means that we learn about things quicker, if we are open to it. Technology also means that we can be kept under control in ways only dreamed of during Roman times.

The psychology of humans do not change with time. Only the outer trappings change.

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 06:59 PM
How most of us wish something like this would be possible?

Unfortunately its too late. (The political machine ) runs the show. We're at their mercy...
edit on 28-12-2012 by CheckPointCharlie because: mispelling

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