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Chinese State Media Demands US Citizens Be Disarmed

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posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by Jay-morris

No point has been proven. It's my opinion, and no amount of debate will change either of ours. Get lost.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:11 PM
I smell they want to invade USA with 2 billion ARMED screaming chinese

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Yeah I'm a regular wordsmith

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by at1withharmony11
Under 2 weeks ago there were around 20 children in China wounded in knife attack at a school how is it that China wants the US citezens to be dissarmed in the wake of sandy tragedy but there is so many children being killed in china all the time ,,Often I hear about school slayings in china not to mention there 2 child per family law.So I feel that China has no rite to point fingers. I agree that no1 should own an automatic rifle however for protection I feel that people should be able to own a pistol to keep there family safe. Im sure most would agree
edit on 21000000Friday12 303111 by at1withharmony11 because: (no reason given)

That actually creates the perfect reason, rather than going against.

Look at the fatality statistics. Big Gap.

As a matter of fact there are no fatalities with this last incident, but if a gun had been used.... every single one of them would dead most likely.

We have a serious problem in this country with not only guns but the mere notion of a gun being used used as an extension of genitalia.

China's murder rate is a quarter of ours, but our population density is less than a quarter of theirs.

Those statistic may not sound like much to some who aren't considering what it means, but those are very substantial statistics. Those are no mere fluctuations. People who are more densely populated would, in most circumstances, have the higher murder rate.... but we top theirs four fold. 50% would be significant, hell 25% would be significant.... but 400% increase?... and that figure is before even taking the population density into account.

EDIT.... I think/realize this is a duplicate post but my connection just went fubar for about an hour and to go looking for the other to make sure, I would have to be able to load pages reasonably any that's not happening.... so screw it. This one got reposted when it came back.... and it has been corrected for typos unlike the other.
edit on 21-12-2012 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:21 PM
you know the Chinese have always been some of the largest contributors to anti gun lobbyists in the US right.

China has, like any military, options for armed conflicts all over the world. The one they have for engaging the US is limited since their ground invasion would not work, which is the back bone of their Contingency planning.

Everywhere else they would have relative success, even Europe after taking out military assets with strategic strikes. They are masters of counter resistance as well. What they cannot achieve in the US is holding an inch on US soil for a very long time.

The main reason, and this is true for other militaries who have planned it, is because the civilian population IS a second army.

The old soviet union comes in second, some say first as far as armed civilian forces.

THAT is why they want the US to surrender its weapons. That and so they can create a black market system in the US with their small arms sales ( which for the record are higher than anyone else’s.) like was done with prohibition and the birth of the American mafia.

They have a world wide web of civilian informants and cover stories/ fronts. What they don’t have is an armed civilian force like the US or the old soviet republics.

oh and also

screw you world. It is our country and it is SOOO retarded for you to THINK you have a say somehow as to how we live. Honestly, Eat my ass.

edit on 21-12-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 02:26 PM
Reminds me of when the Mexican president condemned Arizona's immigrant law.
Nither China nor any other country have the right to Demand anything from the people of the U.S.
I also don't believe the U.S. should be sticking our nose into the business of other countries.

edit on 21-12-2012 by RedmoonMWC because: to add link

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Were you referring to criminal acts of murder or the abortion rate? Their govt has a One Child Policy and is known to force abortions and sterilizations to achieve that. So please, don't even bother trying to compare Communist China with us.
edit on 21-12-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

That's not enforced at one child.... but you're right. In the states we just promote that they be born and grow with a poor education and let them shoot each other on the streets or in conflicts and what-knot... either way death toll percentages we cause are still impressive worldwide.

Sterilization is used in China but it's avoidable. Even if you go against policy it's usually avoidable.

There are plenty of children in the world to care for. It's not right for people to carelessly pro-create when their are other children all over the place that no one seems to care about. People do not take that responsibility serious enough. The world is a very unwelcoming place and people are not Gods and do not have the right to just screw, be pregnant and populate the Earth. It's not only irresponsible to policy but it's irresponsible to the children. Everyday somewhere in the world someone is wondering why they were even born and the fact is, it's often because their parents don't take creating a life serious enough.

I am 37, have never had a child or been pregnant and it's certainly not because I've never had sex and not because of any known reason I couldn't physically have a child. I simply never wanted to bring a child of my own flesh into this world. If I had, I would never stop worrying. If it happened, I wouldn't have an abortion... I'd take it seriously. Very seriously.

It's VERY obvious that there are PLENTY who DON'T!

I say sterilize them before any more unborn children have to be aborted.

They could be doing even worse. They could be letting people just exponentially multiply until it was so out of control they decide to send some people to war just for the hell of it. Here we are constantly sending people overseas to make all sorts of global craziness happen but have the nerve to be concerned about our own shores being infiltrated by some non American looking people, are concerned about and have a reason to be concerned about retaliated wars.... and here China has got all these people and is saying "no more".... when they could be saying "Yes, more people for us to go send out to make war, please"

be careful what you wish for while having all these babies.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by paradox
reply to post by Jay-morris

No point has been proven. It's my opinion, and no amount of debate will change either of ours. Get lost.

No, please explain why we should kill millions of people, people
you don't even know, with a nuke?

Why make a hateful, stupid post like that when you can't even back
it up?

Do you say stupid stuff like that for attention?

So again! Why should we nuke China and kill loads of
innocent people?

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by rockoperawriter

why nuke china? bruce lee was portraying part of his patriotic american mindset by defying weaklings who was seriously lacking the will to put foreign occupiers in their place. also i want to point out that bruce lee is from san francisco, then china then to san fransisco then modular for a while, then that one fateful headache medicine. but yeah, i don't think china (where sun tzu is from) would think it to be wise to try to mess with us. yes numbers, subserviant, scared, zealous, die for glory, but if they like to use deception in warfare we like to pay attention to the war mongering they are trying to do. taking guns away from unarmed people is like well

Another poster on this thread said we should nuke china. Its posts
like that, that annoy the hell out of me.

As for bruce lee, i know pretty much everything about the man. Even
the fact he was not full chinese.

As for saying "it would be wise for china not to mess with us" How are
they messing with you? Do you think china wants a war with you? Thete
is no evidence that they do want a war with you. Why would they? Its
obvious they would lose, so why would they do they.

The OP link has somehow made some americans think that china
want to invade them! Which is plain stupid. Im sorry, it is.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 04:31 PM
The trolling in this thread is hilarious.

As long as a war between America and China just remains something that is *talked about* then sure, America will win.

That appears to be be the way America wins many of it's wars... by *saying so*

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Jay-morris

All warfare is based on deception.
When able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.
Sun Tzu

you should watch red cliff
just a hunch that i'm not too bothered with but calculating the strategic implications of what would need to happen in order to win against a much larger, fanatic force, whose collective influence is influencing a dictatorial presedent who by the minute their will to power is steadily growing. it would seem strategic indeed not to understand the ways and means of such things. also my favorite foriegn version of a prepper

edit on 21-12-2012 by rockoperawriter because: oi

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 05:12 PM
Some comments on this thread are hilarious. Really, people, look at yourselves. You are all patriotic, proud, gun bearing Americans (woohooo), high-fiving each other on how awesome your freedom is and how much better the US is than all the other countries, and everything everyone wants is to take America down, so anyone who casts opinions different than yours generates comments like "kiss my ass China", without even reading the original article's intentions

I didn't knew up until now how close minded the general population on this forum was
. I thought you guys were better
. I'll be closing my account soon.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by tabov

if you fail to plan you plan to fail

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by rockoperawriter

Warfare these days is through government interest. Once they
condition and brainwash "their" people to be patriotic for their
country, then they can pretty much get away with anything. This
thread inly goes to prove that we are completely brainwashed and

No person, no country is free. You might like to think that you live
in a free country, and your government has your best interests, but
its BS

Only when we wake up and see the BS that is in front of us, will we see
a change in the world for the better. But that time is a long way away.

I mean, just read some of the comments on this thread. Some are really
disturbing and worrying.

We are all slaves. Most people just don't know it

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by tabov
Some comments on this thread are hilarious. Really, people, look at yourselves. You are all patriotic, proud, gun bearing Americans (woohooo), high-fiving each other on how awesome your freedom is and how much better the US is than all the other countries, and everything everyone wants is to take America down, so anyone who casts opinions different than yours generates comments like "kiss my ass China", without even reading the original article's intentions

I didn't knew up until now how close minded the general population on this forum was
. I thought you guys were better
. I'll be closing my account soon.

Plain and simple, they are conditioned and brainwashed. Patrioism
for your country is the biggest threat to this planet. Why? Just read this
thread, and it becomes pretty clear

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by zedVSzardoz
screw you world. It is our country and it is SOOO retarded for you to THINK you have a say somehow as to how we live. Honestly, Eat my ass.

Woah! awesome choice of words brother, amen to you! YEAH! HELL YEAH!

Honestly young lad, the world doesn't care about you either, your short sighted mentality is not welcomed overseas, you do well staying "defending" american soil, please, stay there!

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Jay-morris
Plain and simple, they are conditioned and brainwashed.


What the hell difference is it to you anyway? You don't live here.
Sit there with a holier than thou smug attitude judging and criticizing people simply because they don't buy into your preferred lifestyle or version of mortality. And some have the nerve to call Americans Arrogant? Pot meet Kettle.

Seriously Jay look in the mirror and grow up.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 05:38 PM
I'm not one to whine about thread titles and such usually but this is a little misleading... China is not demanding anything.. The statement says that "the blood... demands..." the statement is simply saying (in the Chinese way of speaking) that the act perpetrated demands, in and of itself, action be taken to address the issues it raises... So, it's not china demanding anything...

Anyhoo, I would say, either way, no nation has any right to demand that the US changes it's laws on guns... None whatsoever... It's up to you guys to sort your own shiz out... I think it's fair that people have an opinion, but ultimately it affects US citizens and so has nothing to do with anyone else... It's like the US demanding that Britain changes it's laws on the legal drinking age or Germany changes its age of consent... Nonsense....
edit on 21-12-2012 by Milkflavour because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Originally posted by Jay-morris
Plain and simple, they are conditioned and brainwashed.


What the hell difference is it to you anyway? You don't live here.
Sit there with a holier than thou smug attitude judging and criticizing people simply because they don't buy into your preferred lifestyle or version of mortality. And some have the nerve to call Americans Arrogant? Pot meet Kettle.

Seriously Jay look in the mirror and grow up.

Oh, sorry if i dont think like the rest of the brainwashed
and conditioned folks. Its got nothing to do with being
arragont. It has everything to do with wanting to live in a
peaceful world. I know a peaceful world is a long way away,
but because its a ling way away, does that mean we have to
give in to the BS?

Its very clear that most people are brainwashed and conditioned.
If you can't see that, then you never will..

Because its not my country, i should keep my nose out?
Thank you for proving my point! Its not just about countries.
Cant you see further than your own bloody country!?

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Jay-morris

its not my country,

Now I think you're starting to get the picture.
Apology accepted.

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