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The "I Told You So" Thread You May Never Read!

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posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 09:22 AM
Come December 22nd there will be a great many "I told you so" thread in regards to nothing happening on Dec 21st 2012. But I offer a different kind of thread, one that says something did and will happen on that day.

Personally, I dont believe in any doomsday or apocalyptic events, but I do believe something will happen that lies between apocalypse and sentimental newage nothingness, something in the middle. It frustrates me when people say nothing will happen at all, and that nothing will ever happen at all, and etc, yet how long have all of us been here on this planet for? probably no more than a few decades if any. Some folks say, "it is arrogant and foolish to believe something will happen." I am saying then it is arrogant and foolish to believe something wont happen. So many cultures, ancient cultures that is, have put significance on this date, deep down many of us feel something about that date, something unusual not felt before. How many thousands of years, even hundreds of years have we lived on this planet to say by experience nothing will happen? Few of us are even that old at all really, from what I gather our age ranges from 20-60, so thats not a whole lot of experience on earth to know for a fact Dec 21st will just be another day.

There hasnt been any date like this before, it doesnt even come close to being compared to Y2K or the Camping prophecies, or any other nutjobs prediction, this is literally the biggest date for thousands of years in my opinion, this is something special and unique, it is so ill informed and ignorant and arrogant to think nothing at all will happen. 2012 has been blown out of proportion by hollywood and the media, no its not going to be that bad. On the other side, no its not some sentimental garbage about coming together and entering a new age and then we all forget about it a day later and go back to our self absorbed ways, as though coming out of church every week, filling our heads with something we truly wont use. Though it is about entering a newage, I see that as not sentimental as stated before, but as something that will manifest in a physical form.

What I am proposing is, that we will all be here alive and well on the 22nd, but its not going to be another day, I am thinking something along the lines of 3 days of darkness, or visitations, or spiritual manifestations. I am proposing something does happen, but not something apocalyptic. For years I have had dreams about being in a place different then where I lived, and recently I found myself moving to this place that matched everything in my dreams. I also found myself having dreams of moments and visions of things that I have seen lately, and realizing I am exactly where I dreamed I would be. I have had feelings, and thoughts deep down that something is coming. I want you all to know I am aware these are unfounded in anything logical, and I am aware of manifest destiny and creating the reality I wish to believe, but I would be lying if I said to you, that listening to logic over heart in matters such as these, were a good idea.

I dont know, and you dont know, the 2012 debunkers are going to quip and tease and think people such as myself are foolish and cant wait until Dec 22nd to say I am wrong. Well let me let you in on something, part of my new years resolution is I plan on leaving this site for good, start fresh in a world where I am not allowing myself to dwell on conspiracy theories, but I will put on my rose colored glasses and leave, so really I have no problem with any egg on my face. Now, I do find myself waking up lately the past weeks, waking up and realizing there is something coming, something that will happen, something I do not understand, something none of us will. I try to listen to the oh so wise intellectuals who say people like me who believe in the date, are fools. But when I come back, I realize my heart is pointing me in another direction. What do we have to compare to this date? Again, this isnt anything compared to Y2K and the such, no, this is something none of us here can claim any experience on, which is why I believe we need to listen to our hearts over our heads. I am not saying to go crazy and all that, but I am saying if you feel something deep down, listen to it.

I have had dreams about the date, I am waking up at night feeling like I need to be prepared, and I find myself unable to listen to logic about this. I dont have any fear to compare this fear to, its not a survival fear, but moreso a fear in regards to spiritually readying myself. I feel like what is coming is something I need to be spiritually prepared for, something that will change everything. In my most profound Dec 21st 2012 dream, there was many events taking place, but almost a disappointment, meaning something came, something huge came, but then it went. Something happened that nobody could explain, but we all were left wondering about, something that made us see beyond ourselves, as almost a worldwide mass ufo sighting would do. So if you think im saying were all dead, your wrong, and if you say its all just a sentimental notion, then your also wrong. Something between is coming, something we cannot explain is coming.

Thats why I title this thread as one you may never read, because, come Dec 21st, you may realize something is happening, and it will be too late. There will be many "I told you so" threads on the 22nd 23rd that state the obvious, but there may be only just this one thread here that says "I told you something WOULD happen", but you wont be here to read it. I'll tell you what, I may end up with alot of egg on my face in a couple weeks, and I may end up eating some dirt from the 2012 debunkers. But I am not going to believe when people tell me the day is going to be the same old thing, I wont believe that. I would rather listen to my heart, and eat the whole "I told you so LOL" cake the day after, then to ignore my feelings, and realize what I truly believed all along was pushed aside because some intellectuals told me so.

So there is my rant, and my first thread, and you can label me a "2012 nutjob". Dont ask me for a documented list of my sources, and dont bother posting a bunch of videos and links to sites that rationalize everything, because I dont care, and the source of all of this comes from my heart, what I believe and feel, and sure that might not fit into your intellectual and scientific world, but I rather be real with you as opposed to pulling sources out of thin air. So in a few weeks from now, if I am right, I will shove it in your faces, and if I am wrong you will shove it in my face, and I will eat it and leave anyways. Many of you who read this will think I am an idiot, but I know there will be many who read this and agree with me, but are too afraid of what the "intellectuals" might say of them. Listen to what your heart is telling you people, we have no other date like this and never will in our lifetimes again.

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by honested3

Explanation: S&F!


Personal Disclosure: So mote it be!

+2 more 
posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 09:34 AM

So many cultures, ancient cultures that is, have put significance on this date


1 did, and we are wrong. The Mayan year was not 365 days. Their calendar ends in 2085....and they don't say it ends, it resets.

edit on 2-12-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by honested3

S & F for you and congrats on your first post... I think many of us feel the same way we just can't dream of the possibility that is coming. I know in my brain that logically it is another day but I anxiously have been awaiting it for my entire life and now it is here and I'm on pins and needles... if nothing happens then GREAT.. awesomeness.. if something does happen it wont be anything I was expecting i think.. and I think I have read it all on these forums from the watchers/nephalim returning to kumbaya galactic energy judging my soul lol... eh.. i'm gonna be prepared spiritually in any case scenario to the best of my ability.

+3 more 
posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by zedVSzardoz

So many cultures, ancient cultures that is, have put significance on this date


1 did, and we are wrong. The Mayan year was not 365 days. Their colander ends in 2085....and they don't say it ends, it resets.

edit on 2-12-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

Maybe a bit more reading is needed?

+21 more 
posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by zedVSzardoz

So many cultures, ancient cultures that is, have put significance on this date


1 did, and we are wrong. The Mayan year was not 365 days. Their colander ends in 2085....and they don't say it ends, it resets.

edit on 2-12-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

the word is spelled Calendar and yes it has been converted from their 360 days to our 365 days... and the date has been confirmed many times over as December 21, 2012. Education isn't a bad thing.

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 09:42 AM
Perhaps this belongs in the rant forum...that being said, I believe something has already happened and will continue to happen...there is a change in the magnetic energy that has been going on for many years, along with this is a "global warming" effect that has been blamed on everything but the truth. The atmosphere above the Earth has been protected by this ozone layer, due to the change in the magnetic energy(pole reversal) the protection has been weakening, it is not a depletion, nor is it the first time it has happened.

This has caused many changes in the weather and has an affect on the Earth in many ways. We are part of that we are affected as well. The consciousness is being increased. The Mayan did not predict a "doomsday", they said this will be a rebirth, they are right. Our Earth will change, whether or not we want it to and this is a good thing. Raising the "collective consciousness" of all souls on this planet to a higher level of spiritual being and being prepared for these changes has major benefits.

When the major changes happen it will be necessary for all nations to be as one, the survival of our race depends on the cooperation of those that survive any such changes. The survival of our race is not what is the most important aspect of this though, the ability for your soul to ascend to the next dimension is of greater importance, this is why it does not matter what day this happens. Every day should be treated the same, like it is your last on Earth, for that can happen at anytime.


posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 09:43 AM


posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by honested3

I agree that 12-21-2012 will not be the end of the world. In my opinion we are going to see about 3-7 consecutive days of worldwide major power failures/no electric power, the cause of which will be solar related; the time frame will be between December 2012 and March of 2013; everyone should prepare accordingly, which is a good idea regardless. Nuff said.

edit on 12/2/2012 by manta78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by zedVSzardoz

So many cultures, ancient cultures that is, have put significance on this date


1 did, and we are wrong. The Mayan year was not 365 days. Their colander ends in 2085....and they don't say it ends, it resets.

edit on 2-12-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

Some one starred this post? With math that is wrong, and a way to strain noodles?

Guys! The math was fixed by noticing all of these things.. The final date was set as 12/21/2012.. It's lining up our Calender, and theirs by looking at solar eclipses and the like.. The math is simple and it's been done.. It's not like someone randomly on a website claimed a date without research. The date comes from a lot of work aligning everything...

I'm not saying the date means anything, just that it's right.

For me there is an awakening.. Is it tied to a date? As much as your whole life can be tied into one day... SURE.. Something seems to be happening though.. As I type this... As you read it.. As it is now...
edit on 12/2/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 09:52 AM
I had a dream a couple weeks back of something hitting the planet, and ever since that day i cannot shake this feeling i have, worst feeling I've ever had, like a really bad nervous feeling, like when you did something bad when you were young and your mum was like 'wait till dad gets home' that x10.

Really cannot wait until the day passes and hopefully nothing happens, i do agree with the fact this is not just a normal nut job predication of the end of the world, and we must not close our minds to the possibility of something happening.

I'm guessing Guinness world record for world biggest sigh of relief

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 09:53 AM
Well I guess we know better than archeologists and have more proof than recent finds that predate the Dresden codex...

I mean who can argue with a rumor started in the early 90´s by cults....

Debunking the 2012 Myth
In recent years, popular culture has latched on to theories that the Maya predicted an apocalypse on December 21, 2012. That date corresponds to the end of the Mayan calendar’s current cycle, which lasts for 13 of the 144,000-day intervals known as baktuns.

But scholars have long argued that, while Mayan astronomers saw each cycle’s conclusion as significant, they never foresaw an apocalypse. According to the researchers who studied the Xultún house, the calculations on the walls confirm once again that the Mayan calendar stretches far beyond this December. One notation in particular records an interval of 17 baktuns, a period of time that extends past the alleged doomsday.

“This sort of popular culture conception of the Maya calendar having an expiration date on it is in and of itself a fallacy,” Saturno said. He compared the system to odometers that reset to zero after 99,000 miles because they can’t display more than five digits. “If we’re driving a car, we don’t anticipate that at 100,000 miles the car will vanish from beneath us,” he said. Stuart said that, rather than covering a finite period of time, “the Maya calendar is going to keep going and keep going for billions, trillions, octillions of years into the future.”

Saturno acknowledged that the new discovery might not sway people with absolute confidence in the December 2012 prediction. “I think that as a general rule, if someone is a hardcore believer that the world is going to end in 2012, no painting is going to convince them otherwise,” he said. What may do the trick, however, is waking up on December 22, he added.

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by Dustytoad

yet you have NO idea of how the Mayan calendars work...

The oldest-known version of the ancient Maya calendar has been discovered adorning a lavishly painted wall in the ruins of a city deep in the Guatemalan rainforest.

The hieroglyphs, painted in black and red, along with a colorful mural of a king and his mysterious attendants, seem to have been a sort of handy reference chart for court scribes in A.D. 800 — the astronomers and mathematicians of their day. Contrary to popular myth, this calendar isn't a countdown to the end of the world in December 2012, the study researchers said.

"The Mayan calendar is going to keep going for billions, trillions, octillions of years into the future," said archaeologist David Stuart of the University of Texas, who worked to decipher the glyphs. "Numbers we can't even wrap our heads around."

This date has NO significance, even though it does NOT end in 2012, they just start again. It works like an odometer. Not a countdown timer.

The Truth Around Mayan Myths

The following is to help straighten out erroneous Mayan Myths.

The Mayan Calendar Continues Long after 2012.

The Mayan Calendar begins a new cycle in the year 2012 much as the Gregorian Calendar begins a new cycle on January 1st every year. There are some very interesting astronomical events happening in 2012 and some believe these events are what the ancient Maya were targeting, anchoring. There are even references to dates beyond 2012, carved in stone, left by the Maya of centuries past.

There are possibly 17 or more different Mayan Calendric Systems

I have seen reference to as many as 17 different Mayan Calendric Systems multiple times:

Sacred: T'zolkin
Count of Days: Ch'oltun (aka: Long Count)
Civil: Haab
Solar: Ab'
Vigesimal: Cholmay

Apparently the calendar projects some 7,000 years into the future, which gives us all a little more time. Experts say that the discovery means that December 21, 2012 simply marks the beginning of a new calendar cycle and not an apocalypse as has been thought up until now.

edit on 2-12-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by honested3

Everyone looks for something appearing negative. It will be a false positive as the Wolf puts on the sheeps' Robe. And yes, they will proclaim peace and safety, saying they hold the positional good, and to a degree, they are correct. The Word on the right can be found if one looks. A new beginning will be proclaimed. Keep in mind' the mirror shows the opposite reflection and the image is the one casting it. The trick is to look away from the image into the source of light. The truth is in the middle, but did you see it? Just look, seek and knock.

edit on 2-12-2012 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by zedVSzardoz
reply to post by Dustytoad

yet you have NO idea of how the Mayan calendars work...

The oldest-known version of the ancient Maya calendar has been discovered adorning a lavishly painted wall in the ruins of a city deep in the Guatemalan rainforest.

The hieroglyphs, painted in black and red, along with a colorful mural of a king and his mysterious attendants, seem to have been a sort of handy reference chart for court scribes in A.D. 800 — the astronomers and mathematicians of their day. Contrary to popular myth, this calendar isn't a countdown to the end of the world in December 2012, the study researchers said.

"The Mayan calendar is going to keep going for billions, trillions, octillions of years into the future," said archaeologist David Stuart of the University of Texas, who worked to decipher the glyphs. "Numbers we can't even wrap our heads around."

This date has NO significance, even though it does NOT end in 2012, they just start again. It works like an odometer. Not a countdown timer.

When did I say how it worked? I never said it just ended silly.

I'm not new to this scene or any scene really. I've kind of seen it all. There is nothing new for me in conspiracy or doom land sorry.

But thanks or admitting the date is right at 2012 and not 2085 as you earlier claimed...

I'm someone who argues every point that I see being wrong and my beliefs on the issue don't matter.

You were wrong and your link proved it

I'm not one of those 2012 guys by the way.. AS if that was not evident by my other post.

Their calender not colander projects infinitely into the future... And the "Different" calenders you showed highlighted in red are all part of the same calender... It's like our days, weeks, months, years... Different parts of the Same count of time...

I understand way more than you think.
edit on 12/2/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by zedVSzardoz

From your link:

The scrawled numbers confirm what experts have been proclaiming for years: the Mayan calendar does not predict that the world will end on December 21, 2012.

I don't think anyone here has said that yet, plus they didn't really say that Dec. 21, 2012 isn't worth noting, all they did was explain that the calendar went further than 13 baktuns. What if this was just someone calculating something, and turned out they were wrong? I'm not saying the Earth is going to blow up on Dec. 21, but, I'm also not saying it's not going to. Know why? I didn't make these calendars. I don't know the significance of them. I was not a part of that culture. I am not an ancient Mayan. All we have is opinion and conjecture on either side of this argument. Anyone can find "facts" to back up their particular viewpoint.

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 10:13 AM
Great Post, I fail at good written communication. Thank you for putting my heart felt thoughts together like this. I just did my Sunday thing with my family. The gospel Luke diffidently, 16 I think it was. It is an end times gospel. FYI the catholic ecumenical council of 1965 (it was during the 60's) decided what we would be reading today. I want to go as far as I can and see as much as I Can See. Oh the adventures we will have. If I am wrong I am wrong and the family holiday gathering on 22 will be very merry because the people that matter the most will be laughing at me with me. But if I am correct on any of it I hope my family and I are together figuring are next moves together .

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by Dustytoad

then you know that the calendar you are talking about is the Mexica calendar and not the Mayan calendar....right?

In other words, you are talking about the calendar from the Aztecs, a different culture separated by vast land and time, right? The calendar you speak of can end in any year with 12, since the Aztecs,Mexica didn't keep track of the exact year, unlike the Maya. It can be 2012, 3012, 4012.....ect...

The mural also showcases the unique Maya Calendar, which was wholly distinct from the calendar used by the Mexica. As with the Mexica, Maya dates combine at least two calendars—one covering 365 days and the other 260 days, such that every day had two names, which reset every 52 years.

But unlike the Mexica, it also uses a "long count" system that adds a numeral at the end of a cycle to keep a constant count of years, more like the Christian calendar. "Let's say something happened in '76. Is that 1976 or 1776?" says Karl Taube, an iconographer at the University of California, Riverside. "Unless you have a constant chronology, we don't really know. But with the Maya long count, we know exactly."

This "long count" feature is how we are able to extend the Maya calendar all the way to 2012. The Mexica calendar, by contrast, simply reset at zero at the end of a cycle. The Mexica would have no way of conceiving such a specific date so far into the future.

Yet it is the Mexica, not the Maya, who trafficked in the apocalypse. The Classic Maya had almost no tradition of cataclysmic endings (though they may have picked it up centuries later from groups like perhaps the Mexica). For them, 2012 is just a year when several of their calendars reset, like 2000 for modern calendars. Taube, who is helping interpret the paintings around Xultun, says the 2012 hysteria totally misses the point.

It's not that Maya were tracking the apocalypse but that they saw significance in every new day. With multiple calendars, ancient Mesoamericans had a different combination of dates for every day, each combination having a special significance. Almost as if every day was a holiday.

the grammar Nazi crap is childish. I am right and you are wrong? really? I have auto correct issues since I have 2 languages installed. Please grow up. I don't pay you tuition for grammar lessons.

edit on 2-12-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by superman2012

while you can find any "facts" or evidence of any claim, I trust the experts of a field. No one worth their education agrees with this nonsense.

According to all the ridiculous hype surrounding Dec. 21, 2012, the Mayans "predicted" the end of the world with one of their calendars. On this date, doomsayers assert that Earth will be ravaged by a smorgasbord of cataclysmic astronomical events -- everything from a Planet X flyby to a "killer" solar flare to a geomagnetic reversal, ensuring we have a very, very bad day. As we all know by now, these theories of doom are bunkum.

And now, according to a recent study by an associate professor at UC Santa Barbara, this fundamental "end date" may also be inaccurate. It could be at least 60 days out of whack.

60 days.....60 years....yeah, I don't think its 2012 either...

Correlating Calendars

A huge issue when studying ancient calendars comes when trying to correlate their time frames with our modern (Gregorian) calendar. After all, for archaeologists to work out when a big event is documented in the Mayan calendar (such as a war, famine or religious celebration), it needs to be translated into "our" years, months and days.

As the Gregorian calendar began 2010 years ago, we have a standard time line for over two millennia of historical events. But to understand the events documented by the fallen culture, Mayan scholars needed to find significant events common in both the Gregorian and Long Count calendars so they can "correlate."

To do this, most Mayan scholars use a well-respected correlation factor called the "GMT constant." GMT stands for the initials of the last names of the archaeologists who calculated the constant: Joseph Goodman, Juan Martinez-Hernandez and J. Eric S. Thompson.

But Gerardo Aldana of UC Santa Barbara is now questioning the validity of this correlation factor due to a possible misidentification of ancient astronomical events in a new book called "Calendars and Years II: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World."

The Maya were highly skilled astronomers who kept meticulous records of the night sky. They documented the phases of the moon, recorded eclipses and even tracked the movement of Venus. In fact, the Venus cycle was an important calendar for the Maya. Their records enabled them to predict future astronomical cycles with great accuracy.

Venus or a Meteor?

Although GMT uses several sources of astronomical, archaeological and historical evidence to correlate the Long Count with our modern calendar, Aldana has cast doubt on the accuracy of some of the astronomical evidence interpreted from ancient Mayan artifacts and colonial texts.

One of the key events described by Aldana is a battle date as set by the ruler of Dos Pilas (a Maya site in the current geographical location of Guatemala). Ruler Balaj Chan K’awiil chose this date by the appearance of Chak Ek'. According to Johan Normark, researcher at the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies at Stockholm University, Chak Ek' "used to be believed to be Venus but in another study Aldana believes it is a [meteor]."
So how do they correlate dates when they are not sure of the references we can track? There are more reasons on that site as to why 2012 is off...

just to be clear, I have heard dates raging from 2085, to other dates far removed. The 2085 claim came from Sitchin and his Niburu, now his site says 2012 like the rest. The point is our starting date is not exact since using the conversion we do, we can't be sure of the original date the Maya were referring to.

edit on 2-12-2012 by zedVSzardoz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 10:28 AM
I'd like to calmly remind folks that it isn't just the Mayan calendar that places importance upon this date. MANY cultures / religions / belief systems put the winter solstice of this year as a time of great importance.

Debunkers cannot debate this, but what they can do is take one or two or a few of the cultures and discredit them. It is then up to you to decide, I suppose.

For the record, I've been feeling something. There was a cleansing period about a week ago, one that lasted a few days. Basically it was like being sick/exhausted without a reason for it. I just took to myself and looked inward a bit, and felt that this will pass, and of course it did. Now, the energy is more vibrant, more peppy if you will. Sometimes I get sensations of euphoria, like that of being at a rave or something... but I'm just here doing my daily things. Dreams are also intense and prophetic, and feel quite real and layered.

I'm not worried a bit about what will happen. We will be where we are supposed to be, when we are supposed to be, exactly how and where we should be, at all times. Because that's how it works. Everything is in motion, and its just a matter of inertia now.

I do encourage everyone here to open their hearts though. Meditate, put yourself in an awareness state, and just BE. Feel this incoming energy. Its like a drug without any negative side effects.

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