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'Bigfoot' DNA sequenced in upcoming genetics study

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posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Caver78
reply to post by CIAGypsy

Both Dr.Ketchum was interviewed for this as well as Dave Paulides. This may alieviate some of peoples jitters about her behavior.

Not really anything new in this article.... also not sure how that should explain, or excuse, her behavior.

Listen to that podcast I've posted above, it does put things in perspective, not to mention that Prof. Disotell actually knows what he's talking about.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 02:20 PM
That 13 other labs were used to confirm results wasn't news to you? was to me. That a whole lot of people you're alluding didn't know what they were doing or looking at.

Will be listening to your podcast shortly.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Caver78
That 13 other labs were used to confirm results wasn't news to you? was to me. That a whole lot of people you're alluding didn't know what they were doing or looking at.

Will be listening to your podcast shortly.

Yes do that. Very interested to hear what you think.

13 other labs? Yeah...right.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by Caver78

Are the 13 other labs and researchers named? If not, then this information is useless

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 03:08 PM
I'm happy that they finally acknowledged that we have cougars in the U.P. It took them many years to do that and now they are everywhere. I'd never even consider telling the DNR we have a bigfoot here if I saw one. How many people have given evidence of bigfoot before and it was ignored and testing not done. Maybe they had the person seeing it tested for sanity

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 06:29 PM
In another thread where an ATS member seems to be having an ongoing close mainly one-sided exchange relationship with a Bigfoot or small group of them, it's suggested that they try to kill one because we really need a body.

Other similar posts suggest variations on killing through poison or drugging food offerings, etc.

One response caught my eye stating that if Bigfoot Hunters showed up attempting to capture or kill any of the animals, he would turn his car high beam lights into the forest and do everything to contaminate the whole area with human scent to protect the Sasquatch.

I don't understand this attitude.
We need a body; dead or alive, preferably alive.

A body establishes that Sasquatch is real.
It puts a stop to lots of BS.
The species get immediate respect from the Scientific community.
Confirmation may very well put the fear of something into people that've never taken it seriously, resulting in far less people stomping around in the woods.
Validity for enforcement of zero tolerance zero trespass zones of habitable forest can be ratified.
Specialist laws could be enacted to protect the species, as well as heavier protections put in place over forested areas of habitation.
If it's a live body, we may have then discovered someone non-human we can actually talk to other than our pets, dolphins, gorillas, etc.
It'd be the next best thing to finding aliens.
If the species (should it exist) be an actual hominid as opposed to a primate, it could answer some rather significant questions in the anthropology department.
If these things exist, there's significant breeding population enough such that one body out of the population will cause negligible negative impact on the species.
It's rumored there's a $10million reward for a body, so, there's that for whoever does get a body.

Would someone bring us a body already?

edit on 27-11-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Druscilla

Well Les Stroud will be searching for bigfoot in the not to distant future. He's had two encounters he said in this interview a few days ago (follow link) and really wants to go "alone" to find it once and for all he said.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by Druscilla

Well said D, and those facts certainly speak volumes. I'm ready to go and you can have my share of the money, I would just be happy with the experience and satisfaction of bringing closure (in a matter of terms) to the Squatch phenomena.

I only wonder if one would actually make it out of the woods, without sufficient backup, with one of these giant primate/hominids strapped to a dragging stretcher pulled behind a quad or such vehicle, without a posse of its hairy pissed off bretheren popping up and turning the tables. Lol

My buddy's got a chopper, maybe I can have him called in and fly it out. Oh the possibilities....maybe team up with Les.

edit on 27-11-2012 by Lonewulph because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by nv4711
A highly interesting podcast with Professor Todd Disotell on Dr. Ketchums PR.

Disotell is professor of anthropology at New York University. His research interests are centered upon the theme of primate and human evolution, at all levels from the population to the supra-ordinal.

He gives her a fair shake, but at the end, there isn't much hope for the Ketchum study to be what she says it is. He answers many questions raised in this thread.

The interview is about 40 minutes and highly recommended.

Check it out:

Dr. Disotell Interview

I listened to this and enjoyed it. Dr.Disotell was quite fair and unbiased as opposed to his interviewers. I think he acquited himself well and was fair in pointing out most press releases are a ''hash-up'' and more data is needed before he could be more specific.

Everyone is waiting for the hard science to be analyzed, explained, and discussed. However much like the 2 yr long wait for the God-Particle to be put out there, there was quite a run up of speculation, many articles but what WAS noticeably lacking was the personal trashing of the parties involved.

I posted back a page or so another article Dr.Ketchum did work on for the 911 event, which makes her less than a dark horse in this.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by RUFFREADY
reply to post by Druscilla

Well Les Stroud will be searching for bigfoot in the not to distant future. He's had two encounters he said in this interview a few days ago (follow link) and really wants to go "alone" to find it once and for all he said.

I think going it alone is the best bet. Going alone presents low impact threat, and higher opportunity for close encounter if these things do indeed exist. It's almost like presenting oneself as bait.

reply to post by Lonewulph

I've been doing solo adventure/survival wilderness trips as far away from civilization as I can get for many sundry years. I'm typically 50-100 miles or more from the nearest sign of any human habitation or structure on any map when I go on a trek.
I'm not hunting Bigfoot. I'm simply getting away from people and exercising some excellent hind brain activity in survival as well as doing some wonderfully strenuous physical exercise.

I'm gone anywhere from a week to a month.
I keep MREs as a fallback, but, part of planning any trip is familiarizing with edible/medicinal wild plants, as well as what local fauna, including edible bugs to expect.

I've never once encountered or experienced anything that would indicate Sasquatch was real and I've sometimes been in areas supposedly saturated with Sasquatch sightings.

I take a sat phone and GPS for emergencies. I ensure I've numbers to local emergency, as well as direct helicopter rental.

If I ever were to sight a bigfoot, I'd like to think that I would indeed do anything I could to kill it. For one, being alone in the wilderness, it'd be an unknown animal and thus a very high potential as a threat.
I know bears, cougars, wolves, and other animals such that they're not really a threat except for certain times of year and situations which you can avoid or manage with experience.
Sasquatch, however, would be an unknown and unknown equals threat.

If I were successful in killing one, they're reported to weigh in at 600lbs or some such. Who's going to drag that kind of weight anywhere for any length of time, even with an ATV?
GPS. Sat Phone. Helicopter. Go.
While waiting, take lots and lots of high quality pictures and video if possible of every inch of the animal.
Ensure to set up a 360 clear view defensible position, especially convenient for helicopter landing.
Damn the cost of the helicopter ride. You'll be able to buy your own private helicopter with the $10million you get for the body plus book/movie rights/sales, etc.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by Druscilla

Why kill him? - if they're really 7-9 ft tall, I'd get him an NBA deal, 150 million ka-ching

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 09:32 PM
Also interesting is that Rugg's comparison of the tooth with different skulls of fossil primates at his museum has shown that the tooth most closely resembles that of a large Asian hominid species known as Meganthropus palaeojavanicus. Franz Weidenreich speculated, upon examining the original Meganthropus skull, that the individual was about eight feet tall! Modern scientists speculate that Meganthropus was a form of Homo Erectus, although some scientists have speculated that it may have been an australopithecine. Either way, if Ketchum's claims are valid, then it may be a candidate for the hominid in the hybridization.

The above quote, came from Bizarre Zoology. If you want to see some cool pictures of possible Bigfoot Candidates, head on over to see what they say.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by RUFFREADY

If there is an actual Bigfoot, I'm fond of an off shoot of Homo Erectus which faded out around the same time as the emergence of H. Sapiens, and H. Neanderthansis. H. Floresiensis (the hobbit) is modeled too, but, who's to say there wasn't a 4th, and even a 5th or 6th unknown parallel branch of Homo?

We can't produce viable offspring, or actually any offspring at all with any primate group. For a hybrid to be possible, if there is indeed a Bigfoot and it is a hybrid, then, hybridization would need occur with a population close enough in relation to not only produce viable offspring, but viable offspring that can reproduce.
Such would necessarily need be another Hominid.

The Smithsonian has a fun Interactive Human Evolution timeline.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by Druscilla

I'll check that out !

I also found some more "crap" There has been a new discovery from the DNA analysis of the prehistoric fecal material of humans who were here earlier than the “Clovis people.”

Really though this is interesting..

"The finding calls into question the whole notion of who was in Oregon (North America) first. The Clovis people were “not alone.”

Besides the fecal material, non-Clovis artifacts have been found earlier than Clovis points, as well. Western Stemmed points from Paisley Caves date to more than 13,000 years ago–as old or older than Clovis points. Photo: Jim Barlow

Now, perhaps, eyes can be wide open to the idea that other primates, hominoids, and hominids existed in North America at the same time as so-called Native Americans, Native Canadians, and First Peoples Inuits and Eskimos too!

Was one of these kinds of pre-Clovis hominoids known as Sasquatch?

the crap above
from : and here :

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by RUFFREADY

Wild speculation:
Something I was considering while ruminating on the alleged Texas Hillbilly kills, is that if one Bigfoot is killed, and its mate shows up with a belligerent attitude contributing to it also getting killed, we then have two bodies, and more importantly two bodies of complimentary sex that contain potentially viable gametes (sperm & eggs).

While we don't have another Sasquatch to impregnate with such possible samples, samples could feasibly be fertilized In Vitro, then implanted in a surrogate gorilla womb for gestation. We'd then thereby have the opportunity to raise our own little baby Sasquatches without the furor of controversy forced captivity from the wild might bring about.

Similar samples could be retrieved even if target species were darted with tranquilizer, though retrieving egg gametes would be more of a trial.

Idle speculation, yes, but, not too far into speculation considering plans by some to clone Mammoths back into existence.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by Druscilla

That dude was named "Bugs""Bugs", Texas 1970 Bigfoot killer and C2CAM caller ousted, theres a thread on it here

heres a good bunch of stuff Bigfoots Shot Dead by Humans

edit on 27-11-2012 by RUFFREADY because: spelin of cores

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by RUFFREADY

Thanks for that.
Those pesky Scooby Doo government Agents are always showing up to ever so conveniently ruin things aren't they?

I should start publicly professing that I've got bigfoot parts in my waste bin so they can come take out my garbage come every go around twice a week.

I wonder if they'll come wash my car if I say there's Sasquatch DNA all over it. Hey, it's a rather lovely color car, and bogs have been known to get romantic with non-dog things, so, some lonely Sasquatch might find my car attractive. Seems legit?

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla

Thanks for that.
Those pesky Scooby Doo government Agents are always showing up to ever so conveniently ruin things aren't they?

I know you meant this as a joke (
) but someone early mentioned how the government knows all about sasquatches but is taking the attitude of "if they don't cause any trouble, just leave them be." Inferring it is the cryptological version of the "Don't ask, don't tell" scenario....

Just wanted to point out that opinion is highly flawed for anyone who knows how the government works, especially in these days and times. Our government is headed for a serious financial crisis. Think how much money it could capture on a worldwide level for "physically finding, scientific discovery of, and potential product revenue" relating to something like Sasquatch??? If they knew it was there and could verify it's existence to the world, they'd do it in a heartbeat just for the revenue. No way they'd allow that little meal ticket to go unused in this political and financial climate.

Originally posted by Druscilla
We'd then thereby have the opportunity to raise our own little baby Sasquatches without the furor of controversy forced captivity from the wild might bring about.

Of course you'd have PETA all over you. Good one, though...

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 09:32 AM
the daily mail are getting scoops from ATS

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 10:07 AM

The LA Times has it as well.

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