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posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by ConcernedConservative

They used to call them "robber barons". Now they are heros. Go figure.


posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Osiris1953

You think your thoughts of are your own but you are obviously a liberal.

You also obviously have no idea what communism and socialism is.

It's taking over across the US and world lately.

Take your drone blinders off and get a clue.

Conservatives thoughts are more their own than any other thought.

Conservatives take responsibility for themselves and their families which in turn takes care of society.

Liberals/Marxists want hand outs and expect to be given hand outs and have the government take care of them. They don't want to earn their keep, or work hard, or take responsibility.

All of the brain compromised liberals that are bashing this guy are pathetic.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by ConcernedConservative

That's funny. Tell that to all the conservatives on welfare.


posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by ColoradoJens

They are hard working, extremely successful individuals that should be admired.

There is no reason to vilify them.

They people that should be vilified are the once voting in people to steal for them from the hard working tax payers.

You have it all backwards as does the 51% who voted democrat.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by ColoradoJens

No conservatives are on welfare. They wouldn't be conservatives. They would be liberals, or worst RINOs.

Maybe a conservative on legitimate disability. Not welfare.

Liberals can't handle facts. They operate out of emotion first, rational thinking last.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by ConcernedConservative

No you are clearly projecting your drone like tendencies onto me. Again, don't label me. I am a centrist, just because many of my beliefs line up with those of democrats, doesn't mean much. I can understand the logic of arguments from both sides. I don't vote along party lines, I vote according to my conscience, and according to the needs of the American people.... Which in my opinion varies from instance to instance.

Also I am not going to argue who has a better grasp of socialism, etc. Seems pointless to have a battle of wits with someone who is clearly unarmed.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by Osiris1953

Mr. supposed middle of the road guy, I don't buy that for a second. You are a liberal but can't admit it to yourself.

Bottom line is it doesn't work.

Look at Europe, going bankrupt, down the tubes. What idiot in their right mind would want to emulate that disaster??

Answer: US liberals and democrats.

If you google communism and democrat party agendas you will see how similar they are.

I don't care what you are and am not going to waste more time with you.

Bottom line is liberalism is a complete sham that will make everything horrible for everyone.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by muse7

Somehow, I don't think that working at a pizza shop constitutes hard work.

Most employ teenagers and a few older people as managers.

It's entry level work and it you make it too expensive for companies to hire youth, then they will just make them work less then 30 hours per week and bypass the Obamacare requirement.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by ConcernedConservative
reply to post by ColoradoJens

No conservatives are on welfare. They wouldn't be conservatives. They would be liberals, or worst RINOs.

Oh good, then we can take the electoral votes for all those states full of fake conservatives on welfare and count them toward future liberals. Thanks for that.

It's hilarious that conservatives think this story equates to jealousy over the money this man made. That's the kind of disconnect that lost them the election, so I hope they keep it up.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:35 PM
John Schnatter and David Siegel are not the rich people you should be directing your anger at. At least they worked for what they have. They took risks. They employ thousands of people, even if they don't pay them very much.

You should be directing your anger at bankers. Specifically, Wall Street. They're the ones that have destroyed our country. They don't give back ANYTHING. They just take. Even the old robber barons (despite their greed and lust for power) employed people and built something. The bankers don't even do that. They just lie, cheat and steal.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by rgzing

Well said!

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by ColeYounger

Wrong.They do spend their money and provide jobs to a lot of people willing to get off their butts and go earn it by providing a service to the "bankers".

Crony Capitalism though, is pure evil.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by ConcernedConservative
reply to post by ColoradoJens

They are hard working, extremely successful individuals that should be admired.

There is no reason to vilify them.

They people that should be vilified are the once voting in people to steal for them from the hard working tax payers.

You have it all backwards as does the 51% who voted democrat.

If you want to talk about mental capacity, Earning a lot of money is not indicate of how hard a person works.
I have know bricklayers who make squat and work twice as hard as any man.

Wealth does not indicate morality or worth of a persons soul either.

How shallow are you???

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by ConcernedConservative

You sure are full of venom. I'm not attacking you or labeling you for having a different opinion. You're doing fine labeling yourself. Not every idea and supposition of democrats or republicans is right or wrong. Plutocratic rule has become the downfall of the land, and that has arisen from both sides. We have pretty much always lived in a mixed economy that has aspects of socialism and capitalism. That's a fact. I appreciate that we live in a country where you can speak your opinion and that's ok. I would however appreciate it if you would express yourself more clearly and with less of a negative attitude.

Once again, do not label me as a liberal since I have suggested that you stop several times now. The way words like Neo con and liberal get slung around these days I've begun to see them less as legitimate descriptors and more as slurs. Democrats and republicans re fine descriptors, but ( sigh) once again, I don't identify with either group because neither truly represents me, who I am, or my values.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by MysticStrummer

LIberals are on complete disconnect from REALITY.

Where do you come off thinking anyone owes your lazy selves anything?

Take initiative and make it happen. Otherwise stuff it.

You will find out in four more years how much worse it will get from your gutting of the constitution.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:46 PM
He should have a little Respect for those who got him where he is.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Osiris1953

Even if I disagree with you, at least your opinions seem to be your own, and not what you have been told to believe... a rare quality indeed.

You, sir, are both a gentlemen and scholar.

But I certainly agree. People seem to have a penchant for taking at face value everything they are spoonfed by the powers that be.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by ConcernedConservative

If you really want to get a lesson in how Wall Street is destroying America, check out this article. Scroll down and begin reading about "Rent Seekers". These are facts. It's not even debatable.


posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by ConcernedConservative
reply to post by ColoradoJens

No conservatives are on welfare. They wouldn't be conservatives. They would be liberals, or worst RINOs.

Maybe a conservative on legitimate disability. Not welfare.

Liberals can't handle facts. They operate out of emotion first, rational thinking last.

This post takes the cake. No welfare conservatives? You obviously have no idea what you are talking about.


posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by ConcernedConservative
reply to post by rgzing

Well said!

You realize Bankers and Wall St. are primarily conservatives, right?


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