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Army Chief: 3,000 Deaths in Jihad on Christians

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posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by zroth
I wish people would focus on the crime and stop misdirecting the conversation to a religious one.

We all know that all groups will try to retain power.

Army Chief: 3,000 Deaths in Jihad on Christians

An Islamic Jihad on Christians is open for discussion. One group attempting to retain power using various religious beliefs is also on the table.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by zroth

Deaths related to Jihad. Jihad is a religious concept. Therefore the crime and religion are undeniably intertwined, so denying the connection would be ignorant.

Anyways....Religion is one of the, if not the, oldest justifications for conflict and violence, which stills holds true today.

I would argue that the majority of first world nations have been able to balance the religious differences within their borders, but from time to time we see incidents erupt splashed across your morning news.

In Nigeria, there is no equilibrium at the present time.
edit on 8-11-2012 by MDDoxs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 11:30 AM
And here we are, taking out Mubarack and Ghadafi, when both were known entities, and not much of a threat to the world.

Keep ignoring the real problems, Obama. Lets see how far that gets you!

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 12:21 PM
Nigeria is a big oil producer and is on-side with the oil industry. Its an almost entirely corrupt society. One of the previous presidents personally made off with 5 billion dollars. We don't care.

The scale of the ecological vandalism perpetrated in the Niger delta is mind boggling, and it continues

We don't care.

Poor people watching their national wealth get pilfered while their children are drowning in spilled oil are easy meat for extremists. They could kill 10 or 100 times that number and we wouldn't care.

When they start seriously interrupting oil production we'll send in the drones. Then we'll care just enough to kill them.
edit on 8-11-2012 by justwokeup because: typo

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by justwokeup

You are quite right - but that is in southern Nigeria - Boko Harem operate in the predominantly Islamic northern Nigeria.

The Niger delta region is one of the most exploited and environmentally damaged areas on earth - many of the terrorist groups in the region are seeking independance from Nigeria - is it any wonder considering the conditions they are living in whilst their natural resources seem to be generating wealth for everyone other than themselves.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by MDDoxs

So if I kill someone for money and money is based on faith then it is a religious killing not theft.

Got it!

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 12:53 PM
i would like to ask the army chief....WTH is a Jihad?....most muslims themselves dont really get it,
how come he knows what it is??

there is no network of jihadists....if they think there is....i would like to know why and where

the only active terrorists to worry about....will be the syrian and libyan rebels....hezbollah and hamas..are solely isreals problem

i just dont get makes no sense....
but im sure he knows more than i`l leave it there

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by thePharaoh
i would like to ask the army chief....WTH is a Jihad?....most muslims themselves dont really get it,
how come he knows what it is??

Everybody else seems to know. I doubt "most Muslims" don't

the only active terrorists to worry about....will be the syrian and libyan rebels....hezbollah and hamas..are solely isreals problem

Not just Israels problem but those who support those groups like Iran and formerly Syria.

i just dont get makes no sense....


posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by zroth

I have absolutely no clue what your talking about. Care to elaborate?


posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by MDDoxs
Very tragic.

I am under the impression the continuous conflict is the result of a combination of reasons and or differences.

I find it interesting and mildly amusing that the West or other nations have not taken as active of interest in this conflict even though it shares many similarities to those happening in Syria.

Ironic no?

How much oil and political Middle Eastern power does Syria control? and Nigeria?

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by GoldenVoyager

How much oil and political Middle Eastern power does Syria control? and Nigeria?

I am sorry, i confess I am confused by your reply.

I was pointing out the irony in that the West has gotten involved in Syria to defend those being repressed by violence, when its been happening in many regions throughout Africa for a very long time, yet we do not see the same level of involvement.

edit on 8-11-2012 by MDDoxs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by zroth

I just applied the logic that you gave me to another scenario.

That's all.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by zroth

So if I kill someone for money and money is based on faith then it is a religious killing not theft.

Your previous post.

It is very hard for me not to redicule this, but can you explain how this above is logic and how it applies to what i said?

Why have you linked money and faith?

My original quote

Deaths related to Jihad. Jihad is a religious concept. Therefore the crime and religion are undeniably intertwined, so denying the connection would be ignorant.

I will explain to assist. These deaths in Nigeria have occured because of a Religious Jihad between the Muslims and the Christians. Jihad is a religious concept in Islam, therefore, in this situation religion and these crimes are linked. Simple enough?

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by The-Hammer

Everybody else seems to know. I doubt "most Muslims" don't

oh that would mean that you know, right.....can you please explain, because i am at a loss

the only active terrorists to worry about....will be the syrian and libyan rebels....hezbollah and hamas..are solely isreals problem
Not just Israels problem but those who support those groups like Iran and formerly Syria.

hezbollah and hamas....are palastinan and lebanese miltitants, who are now classed as terrorists
they are gorilla tech...

im just not seeing the support...unless you call food, water, and small arms support....but thats a human right to trade...

im not seeing as much of a bleek picture as you
the middle east is weak....

i just think its rich boys, on a business plan...saying anything to gain public support...when they do.....send the poor to die...not for state, but for corporation....

that cant be true, but thats what they make it appear have been getting free petrol from iraq for over 10 yrs....why are the prices so high?..the day they win the oil fields, they announce that the era of cheap fuel is over!

also appealing to peoples fears, arrogance, pride getting old

its all about the petroldollar....there are a million ways to keep it....why chose the wrong one....


if you wanna keep the petrol dollar...put away the doesnt listen to tones....
the iranians are not bothered who buys the oil...thats our advantage,
they get alot from the dollar...its strong across the world
the people want our lifestyle goods...
they watch our films, and learn english as a neccesity

i can go on.....learn how to see the target....our perceptions are distorted by anxiety

as for isreal....everyone in the middleast is waiting for them to lead the talks...why not do that
egypt is always willing to help them settle in...if thats what they want
living out the legacies, and trying to fill the shoes of past not have a state now
theyr secure enough to address the sensitive issues that the far right think they have to continue

i`l shut up now
edit on 8-11-2012 by thePharaoh because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by MDDoxs
reply to post by zroth

So if I kill someone for money and money is based on faith then it is a religious killing not theft.

Your previous post.

It is very hard for me not to redicule this, but can you explain how this above is logic and how it applies to what i said?

Why have you linked money and faith?

My original quote

Deaths related to Jihad. Jihad is a religious concept. Therefore the crime and religion are undeniably intertwined, so denying the connection would be ignorant.

I will explain to assist. These deaths in Nigeria have occured because of a Religious Jihad between the Muslims and the Christians. Jihad is a religious concept in Islam, therefore, in this situation religion and these crimes are linked. Simple enough?

This will be a waste of time but here goes.

Originally, I asked if we could focus on the crime and leave religion out of it. The crime is murder. The motivation is supplemental info. You replied saying that religion has to be considered when discussing the crime.

I used that logic and applied to a killing during a theft example. You're asserting religion has to be considered, not just the crime.

The current economic system is based on FIAT currency which has zero tangible value and is based 100% on faith. Faith is what religion is based on.

If you have to consider religion/faith in the discussion of murder versus punishing the crime, simply as a crime; then by your logic I can commit murder and hide behind the claim of an ordained faith crime.

By adding religion to the equation you are creating an instance where the crime itself is acceptable.

Thou shalt not kill. Simple enough? All of the big three say the same thing.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by zroth

I appreciate the time to respond, but I think you are over complicating matters.

The current economic system is based on FIAT currency which has zero tangible value and is based 100% on faith. Faith is what religion is based on.

Very philosophical.

The crimes, as they pertain to the OP, were and have been motivated by a difference of religion. These 3000 deaths are not the result of random incidents, but the result of a prolonged conflict predicated on historical differances. Please keep in mind, this thread must operate under the context of the original post, which clearly identifies Religion has factors involvded with these deaths.

Your example, the crime was motivated by the desire to steal and has absolutely nothing to do with the OP. Suggesting the religion is not a intergral aspect of this issue as outlined in the OP would be an attempt to take the discussion on a unrelated tangent.

Edit to add

Originally, I asked if we could focus on the crime and leave religion out of it.

How can we take religion out of it, when it is the focus of the article and is a known factor that perpetuates the violence in the region.

That doesnt make sense. it is like saying, lets have a discussion, but your not allowed to talk about this or that....See what i am saying?

edit on 8-11-2012 by MDDoxs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by MDDoxs

Very fair points. I agree with you that my analogy is a one off compared to the article in the OP. I am not convinced that the article is anything other than fodder to fuel the continued war on terror.

The article tells one story and then generalizes a conflict between Muslims and Christians before transitioning to more rhetoric about "Al-Qaida".

I read this article as another example of justification to continue this war against the boogeyman at the expense of NATOs resources (people, time and money).

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by zroth

I agree that the end of the article started heading in a direction that made me do a double take and you very well may be correct that the actual intentions behind this article was to further smear issues that have been rooted in other places of the world.

Anyhow, the way I viewed this article and this thread, was to offer a chance to view and discuss yet another example of how our differences continue to cause violence in our world.

The comment about the west not being overly involved and such, unlike in Syria, was to add a bit of a conspiracy theory twist to it
Like I think you may have been attempting to do as well

I am glad we have come to some common ground. I will admit, that some of my comments may have been barbed and for that I apologize.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by MDDoxs

I guess the point I was trying to make is whether the West is involved or not these things still happen. Regardless of whether the West takes action or not. Libya or Nigeria makes no difference.
Also, People in the Modern world and esp from the West will never solve the Sunni and Shiite issue. That pretty much comes down to those two working it out amongst themselves.

again those dirty salafies and wahabies those which behead people for god's pleasure !!! those that are suicide bombing in Iraq, Syria and ..... those that regard Bin Laden a hero !!! Sunnie and Shia are sects and no war is among them (media and governments are exaggerating for their political benefits ) but Wahabism and Bahaism are Black sheeps !!!!
I am sure that they will behead me under what they call it sharia law. !!!!!!!!!!

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

That I have no doubt.

Now should the West get involved? A has already been mentioned numerous times: Damned if you do and Damned if you don't. Meanwhile, people are dying for this, that or the other....

I'm at the point to let people be people...the world sucks

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