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Jon Stewart EPIC takedown of Fox News & Sean Hannity

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posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by CaptAmerika

Originally posted by PurpleChiten

Originally posted by CaptAmerika
reply to post by Todzer

Illegal Wars?
Congress sends us to war, not the President.
I would recommend you google the vote to go to war and look at all the Democrats that votes YEA.
The whole Bush sent us to war bit has run its course, it only works to rile up those who dont understand how govt works.

You so quickly forget the lies and deciet used to get congress to approve of the war that bush took us into

Pelosi was sitting in the exact same room at the exact same time that the CIA briefings took place.
She as Speaker of the House had the exact same information that Bush had.
Bush recommended the action, Congress voted.
Based on information provided by the CIA.
Pelosi and Reid were just 2 of the Dems that voted to go to war based on the info provided.
Bush did not provide the info to them, they received it just as he did.
Btw, Clinton and Kerry were also on the Yea list.
America is getting a bit tired of the Blame Bush bit. At some point, our Spender in Chief is going to have to man up and admit he is a failure.

Of course they recieved the same information, that's the information bush told his group to give them. It was false information dreamed up by his team in order to convince congress there were weapons of mass destruction. Do you honestly believe that bush didn't know about the information ahead of time???

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by PurpleChiten

Originally posted by flashtrum
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

I have a feeling that if Chris Christie said this he would be labeled honest. A Truth-talker. Same with Ron Paul. But because the left can't run on THEIR record, they have to use any and every means necessary to take down the other guy. Is it so shocking because it's true? Half the country won't vote for Mitt. Not because of his policies. Not because of what he did or didn't do at Bain. Because these people see that little donkey on the ballot and that's where they pull the lever. As long as they are getting theirs from the gubmint, they aren't interested in the fact that they are soon to be penalized/taxed for not carrying private health care. They don't care that we're soon to see another credit downgrade because we're printing money 24/7 and soon to see inflation followed by hyperinflation. We've been warned.

ps - 2008 was like, 4 Mays ago, not 14.

edit on 22-9-2012 by flashtrum because: (no reason given)

In the area I live in, there are 4 times more "conservatives" that draw public assistance than "liberals". Here, the liberals are the ones who got an education and have jobs, the people who draw welfare checks and foodstamps (and are dumb as rocks) go on and on and on about being "conservative" because we're in the middle of the bible belt.

Those are the conservatives around here. They draw welfare, they draw foodstamps, they are the pillheads, the theifs, the criminals. They vote republican each and every time. They go to their little evangelical churches on Sunday with the pastors who didn't graduate high school let alone go to seminary and they shout "I'm born again, I'm goin ta Heaven. All you liberals are gonna burn in hell!!" just like Westboro Baptist Church. They are the lowest common denominator of Humans. They have warped Christianity, they have used and abused the welfare system, they justify all the crimes they commit and think the laws don't apply to them.

The republicans aren't going to do away with any of those programs, that's where most of their support comes from. If you look closely at someone who rants and raves about being a "conservative", they either get public assistance or have at some point in their lives or they are the 2%. Some of the idiots that draw all the assistance think THEY are part of the 2% because they honestly have no concept of what a billion dollars is.

I actually knew someone who went on and on about making a quarter of a million dollars one year before taxes. I looked at their tax returns at some point and saw they had made $25,000 that year. That was their "big year" and they actually thought that twenty five thousand dollars WAS a quarter million. They are literally that stupid.

You can't explain it to them because then they want to fight. They don't want to converse, they don't want to reason, they just want to fight, stab people, shoot at people and actually believe they have the right to do so. They have no problem with murder even though they claim to be Christian, they have no problem with drugs or getting sloppy drunk every weekend because they want to party then go to church the next day with a hangover and smelling like beer. Luckily for them, everybody else in their church does it too.That's what a conservative is around here.

Now you may (or may not if you're one of them) understand why I really don't like conservatives in this area.

Take the word Republican and switch to Democrat / Take the word Conservative and change it to Liberal.
Change Christians to Atheists and TADA! Now i put together a page of diatribe that fits what i want my outlook to be so i made it so by putting it in print.

No facts, all opinion.
You are the exact person that isnt worth having honest discussions with because your mindset is already locked in and cant be changed, you dont have the ability to see that both parties are corrupt and that trying to pretend one is better than the other is a lost cause.
This is my final post in the political forum section. I'd rather discuss the chances of aliens landing in my backyard over this nonsense.

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by PurpleChiten

Originally posted by CaptAmerika

Originally posted by PurpleChiten

Originally posted by CaptAmerika
reply to post by Todzer

Illegal Wars?
Congress sends us to war, not the President.
I would recommend you google the vote to go to war and look at all the Democrats that votes YEA.
The whole Bush sent us to war bit has run its course, it only works to rile up those who dont understand how govt works.

You so quickly forget the lies and deciet used to get congress to approve of the war that bush took us into

Pelosi was sitting in the exact same room at the exact same time that the CIA briefings took place.
She as Speaker of the House had the exact same information that Bush had.
Bush recommended the action, Congress voted.
Based on information provided by the CIA.
Pelosi and Reid were just 2 of the Dems that voted to go to war based on the info provided.
Bush did not provide the info to them, they received it just as he did.
Btw, Clinton and Kerry were also on the Yea list.
America is getting a bit tired of the Blame Bush bit. At some point, our Spender in Chief is going to have to man up and admit he is a failure.

Of course they recieved the same information, that's the information bush told his group to give them. It was false information dreamed up by his team in order to convince congress there were weapons of mass destruction. Do you honestly believe that bush didn't know about the information ahead of time???

To fully appreciate my response you would have to imagine me at my desk, head in my hands with elbows on the table and all i can say is OMG! People like this really exist.

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Since you asked, the last test I took, while a year or two ago, scored me at 140. I was sort of suprised, seeing as how I've always been told I was stupid. Then I realized that I live in Oklahoma.

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by CaptAmerika
Take the word Republican and switch to Democrat / Take the word Conservative and change it to Liberal.
Change Christians to Atheists and TADA! Now i put together a page of diatribe that fits what i want my outlook to be so i made it so by putting it in print.

No facts, all opinion.
You are the exact person that isnt worth having honest discussions with because your mindset is already locked in and cant be changed, you dont have the ability to see that both parties are corrupt and that trying to pretend one is better than the other is a lost cause.
This is my final post in the political forum section. I'd rather discuss the chances of aliens landing in my backyard over this nonsense.

I have not said ANYTHING either positive OR negative about the Democratic party. You have NO CLUE how I feel about them. I've told you what I think about the republican party. YOU don't like it, so you try to make it into something it isn't.

You have shown your true colors, you are trying to attribute to me the very qualities that YOU possess.

I'm not a faux-news sheeple and I'm capable of seeing through the lies and the games that you are clearly trying to play.

These are observations from my life, what I see every day. How can you sit there and claim that they are false when you have no clue about any of it? It's very clear where your allegiance lies, and "lies" is most definitely the appropriate word here.


posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by CaptAmerika

To fully appreciate my response you would have to imagine me at my desk, head in my hands with elbows on the table and all i can say is OMG! People like this really exist.

Yes, many people exist who can easily and quickly see through the lies and games that you are trying to play

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by CaptAmerika
This is my final post in the political forum section. I'd rather discuss the chances of aliens landing in my backyard over this nonsense.

Then you immediately post again. Will the lies never stop??

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Grimpachi
reply to post by flashtrum

ps - 2008 was like, 4 Mays ago, not 14.

I do not know where you got the 2008 figure. Here is the big picture with the correct year.

Yep, that's correct. And if people listened to the whole 1998 speech, Obama's reference to "redistibution" was only a snippet of the cherry picking of the right, and not his overall intent whatsoever.

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by PurpleChiten

Actually I do watch Fox. And CNN. And NBC. And Current. And I try to read overseas newspapers via the web.

It's people like you who foster the us vs. them attitude. I thought I read that he made a comment in 2008. And so what was his "intent"? Are we back to what the definition of "is" is? Redistribution is pretty much a cornerstone of liberal politics. Remember, "you didn't build that".

When Obama THREATENS everyone with his taxing the rich nonsense (if he can't just tax them more, everyone gets taxed more), that's called class warfare. How 'bout we actually try to stop bleeding money? How about we realize that current POTUS has broken more campaign promises than Eviel Knievel broke bones? All those tax credit promises (child care, capital gains). Gitmo (Has anyone gone to trial? No. Bush's fault, still?). Transparent government? (Won't turn over Fast and Furious docs). Ending income tax for seniors making less than 50K. Lifting the payroll tax cap. Preventing drug companies from blocking generics. Man I could go all day. I guess those promises have been thrown over Snake Canyon (look it up). I'm not voting for Obama. And while I think Romney's policies would be better for this country. I will be voting for Gary Johnson. Pretty sure he's not been bought off (yet).

Why don't you try to stop regurgitating this nonsense that EVERYONE that gets their news from certain outlets are "trained"? Kinda makes you look....well, you know.

The only shill in this conversation is you, my friend. Have a great weekend!
edit on 22-9-2012 by flashtrum because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by ZeroReady
When will you people realize that Jon Stewart isn't real? He's a character on television. He says exactly what Viacom pays him to say. Nothing more nothing less.

He isn't a groundbreaking journalist. He isn't "telling it like it is". He has an agenda just like everyone else on TV. He works for one of the largest media empires in the world. Yeah, he's kind of funny sometimes. But he isn't real! Please stop taking everything he says as gospel.

He isn't "telling it like it is".
Well let me ask you, how is he telling it then?
I don't see anybody else on mainstream television that calls out Faux news like that.
So if that isn't "telling it like it is" then I don't know what "telling it like it is" means.

As far as him not being "real" goes then what the hell he is?
I've seen him on other talk shows and he sticks by his views.
If Jon Stewart isn't real then every host on Faux news are hand puppets or holograms.
So I'm not exactly sure what you're getting at with that one ('

I think you're missing the point entirely.
It's not so much about Stewart as it is how completely biased and ignorant Faux news is.
Seriously, it doesn't take a political guru to see that Faux's agenda is blatantly obvious.
They're completely hypocritical and just flat out wrong.
If you or anyone can't see this obvious fraud then you've been souled sucked.

ANYONE who can back up Romney's stupid a@# "47%" comment has no heart or soul.
The fact that Faux news tried to justify that one just shows where their coming from.
Like I always say, right is right and wrong is wrong and that is just wrong.
If Obama or any other politician would of made that comment
then it would of been just as wrong.
And I can GUARANTEE if Obama said that, Faux news would of NEVER let that one go.
They would of crucified him.

I know there are folks that abuse the system. But that isn't the whole 47%!!!!!
Like Stewart said, "the elderly,veterans and middle class". There are a lot of folks that
work their a@# off(or have worked their entirely life) and do things by the book.
By Romney saying that just shows how out of touch he really is. It also shows he has not
heart or care for the people other then the rich.
He is an evil,money hungry,flip-flopping,lying weasel.
If anyone feels entitled then IT'S Romney. I can not wait for Romney to be a thing of the past.
I'm so sick and tired of looking at his rubber soulless face.

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by flashtrum
reply to post by PurpleChiten

Actually I watch Fox. And CNN. And NBC. And Current. And I try to read overseas newspapers via the web.

It's people like you who foster the us vs. them attitude. I thought I read that he made a comment in 2008.

Why don't you try to stop regurgitating this nonsense that EVERYONE that gets their news from certain outlets are "trained".

The only shill in this conversation is you, my friend. Have a great weekend.

Nope, that would be you. I'm not fostering any kind of us vs them attitude, I hate BOTH parties!
Unless of course it's US, the American people against THEM, the crooked politicians who are trying to destroy our country from both sides.

However, your post is a very good example of how people who support the GOP with all they have tend to try to label the other person as exactly what you happen to be in hopes to divert attention

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
Jon Stewart EPIC takedown of Fox News & Sean Hannity: 'Chaos On Bull# Mountain'

Warning: NSFW

Jon Stewart Rips Fox News Over Romney 47 Percent Coverage: 'Chaos On Bull# Mountain' (VIDEO)

There's literally no depth Fox "News" and it's Opionators aren't willing to sink to, in order to spin damage control for Mitt Romney over his 47% snark.

But funniest of all was his takedown of Sean Hannity, who attacked all other networks for giving any attention to the Romney hidden video of his 47% gaffe for being records waaaay back in May - a whopping 4 months ago - but then he immediately goes on to attack Obama for a recording made 14 years ago - in which Fox heavily edited out all of Obama's qualifying remarks in order to create the misleading image they wanted.

See: The Fact Checker - 4 Pinocchios for a truncated, 14-year-old Obama clip

This might well be one of Stewart's finest takes on Fox yet.

Stewart skewars the sort of perverse right-wing logic of attacking the social safety net, for doing exactly what it was designed to do, as best exemplified by this comment from Craig T. Nelson:

You can also watch the full episode at The Daily, the "Chaos" segment is around the 6:00 mark.

edit on 21-9-2012 by Blackmarketeer because: (no reason given)

edit on Fri Sep 21 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: profanity in title Mod Note: Do Not Evade the Automatic Censors

edit on Sat Sep 22 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: add new link

edit on Sat Sep 22 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: unembed new video

I guess if you are a LIBERAL and on the LEFT, this was probably headline news for you. However, if you are CONSERVATIVE and on the RIGHT, this report is a JOKE and something you are probably laughing at.

I am an independent because I DO NOT believe in our 2 party system of DYSFUNCTIONAL GOVERNMENT.

It is high time that a 3rd Party emerge, that has no PLATFORM other than the US CONSTITUTION, BILL of RIGHTS, COMMON LAW and HOLY BIBLE as our TENETS of what we BELIEVE IN. It is imperative to save this country now from SELF DESTRUCTION. Those who oppose the PLATFORM proposed, should prepare to embark on a quest to find a country suitable for themselves and those like minded and establish their own lives there. America is GOD's country and has been since the days is was first being settled by travelers from Europe and elsewhere that came here seeking Religious Freedom and Freedom as a Nation guaranteed by the RIGHTS given to us by GOD Almighty.

It is time for the same old TAX & SPEND tactics and policies of the past go away. America is on the brink of financial disaster, economic collapse and civil war. It's time to end this path of destruction. You need to learn to live your life without government taking care of you. You need to depend upon yourselves for your freedom and your rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Big Government will not give you that. It never has, never will. We Will NOT embrace SOCIALISM or MARXIST REGIMES in America. We Will NOT embrace SHARIA LAW either.

If you DO NOT like it here under a CONSTITUTION and BILL of RIGHTS, then by all means YOU have the Right to denounce your US CITIZENSHIP and leave for a land better suited to your beliefs and ideals.

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 03:16 PM
actually, it was first settled by Native Americans. You know, those folks that all those upright people on boats came over and tried to wipe out? Yeah, those folks.

Furthermore, most of the founding fathers were diests. Although many of us Americans are Christian, this is not a Christian nation, it's a democratic republic with separation of church and state. That's a pretty darn good thing since some day, we may not be the predominant religion but due to the constitution and the laws of the US, we will still be free to worship in the way we see fit, just like other religions are free to do so today.

If you want to live in a theocracy, perhaps it's you who should be looking for another country because this country will NEVER be one.

You can't say "stick to the constitution" out of one side of your mouth and say this is a country founded on God out of the other side of your mouth because they are very different things with very different contents.

...and just because I know where you're headed, the tea party is NOT a third party, it's just the radical extremists of the "unReligious Right". ...funny they call it the "religous right" since they are neither religous or right. I guess it's like calling a fat guy "slim" or a short guy "stretch".

edit on 22-9-2012 by PurpleChiten because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by PurpleChiten
actually, it was first settled by Native Americans. You know, those folks that all those upright people on boats came over and tried to wipe out? Yeah, those folks.

Furthermore, most of the founding fathers were diests. Although many of us Americans are Christian, this is not a Christian nation, it's a democratic republic with separation of church and state. That's a pretty darn good thing since some day, we may not be the predominant religion but due to the constitution and the laws of the US, we will still be free to worship in the way we see fit, just like other religions are free to do so today.

If you want to live in a theocracy, perhaps it's you who should be looking for another country because this country will NEVER be one.

You can't say "stick to the constitution" out of one side of your mouth and say this is a country founded on God out of the other side of your mouth because they are very different things with very different contents.

...and just because I know where you're headed, the tea party is NOT a third party, it's just the radical extremists of the "unReligious Right". ...funny they call it the "religous right" since they are neither religous or right. I guess it's like calling a fat guy "slim" or a short guy "stretch".

edit on 22-9-2012 by PurpleChiten because: (no reason given)

Right on the money my friend.

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by JackBauer

Originally posted by ClintK

I agree. Modern American conservatives seem to hate just about everybody. They despise the Europeans, especially the French, for their "socialism." They hate Muslims (they're all terrorists bent on the destruction of America). They hate hispanics (they're coming to our country and taking our jobs). They hate the Canadians (they're relatively liberal and have socialized medicine). They hate asians, especially the Chinese (all our jobs are being shipped over there). I mean, no matter who it is, if it isn't another American conservative, if it's anybody who isn't like them in some way and doesn't see things their way, they seem to find a reason to hate them.

I consider myself to be partly conservative, and i don't hate any of those groups you mentioned. You're doing the same thing that dozens of others do on ATS, stereotyping the conservatives based on what you see on tv. This thread and many others are perfect examples of what is wrong with this country today, we're completely divided and refuse to compromise with different beliefs. I see my views as fiscally conservative and socially liberal. The only way you can get through life is with a balanced and open approach to things, politics included. There is no 100% right on either side, but good luck trying to get people to understand that.

American media has done an excellent job at dividing the public between right and left. They don't tell you the truth, they tell you what you want to hear. They're feeding you lines that are meant to strike emotion inside, to keep you coming back. Eventually you will form your life around those beliefs, whether it's to look cool or stick in with a crowd, it gives people a sense of belonging. I don't see any threads bashing the leftist msnbc. Strange isn't it?

My point is, until you learn to shut the television off, and get out into the real world and see life for what it really is, you will remain blind. United we stand, and divided we fall. It's been in the plans for over fifty years, and it's working wonderfully.

First of all, what makes you think I'm getting all of this from television when I said:

You read their posts after news stories and they never even make a point. They just hurl insults, disdain, accusations and distortions. They seem to be sooooo contemptuous of most people on Earth.

This isn't stereotyping. YOU are the one that's stereotyping, assuming I'm an idiot who is getting all my info from television, yet obviously not bothering to read (or quote) my entire post.

The fact is, all you have to do is listen to what right wing politicians say and what right wing people say to come to the conclusions I've come to. And that's all I've done. Stereotyping? Can it really be called "stereotyping when 95 percent of conservatives have that mindset?

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by Labrynth2012
It is high time that a 3rd Party emerge, that has no PLATFORM other than the....HOLY BIBLE as our TENETS of what we BELIEVE IN.

Yay! Then the children would behave.
The Law
If the religious implement their Sharia Law, I guarantee that you will get a civil war.

edit on 22-9-2012 by gentledissident because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 08:56 PM
I watched the clip on Hulu, didn't seem so epic. But it was a good bit of comedy.

Epic would be MSM holding Barry's feet to the fire the way they did Bush.

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by PatrickGarrow17

Colbert and Stewart have a huge influence on the young vote for Obama.

I'll agree with you there, but honestly, lately they've not really even had to do much. This stuff is kind of writing itself....

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 01:23 AM
typical stuff, not surprising or interesting.

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 01:26 AM
That was a great video OP. I don't watch The Daily Show enough I guess.

This whole thing reminds me of that part in "The Mist" by Stephen King where the religious old lady is talking about the wrath of god and the other guy says "Your tongue must be hung in the middle so it can waggle from both ends." Fox says the Romney video from May is just a distraction from the issues, then comes back with a 14 year old edited video of Obama saying something they don't like. I still call political shenanigans on the whole bunch.

There's an ad playing on the radio around here from a comedian who says she had to explain the differences between the parties to her 7 year old kid. She said "The Democrats are like a rich uncle who tells you he's going to take you to Disneyland but something always comes up. The Republicans are an uncle who says he can't afford Disneyland but then you find out he went without you." It's funny partly because it's true. Even Eminem says the truth is said in jest. Court jesters were the only people in the kingdom who could tell the king the truth about the state of affairs without getting themselves killed.

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