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Christians help me debunk these non sense atheistic beliefs about Genesis please

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posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by ExNihilo

Dear ExNihilo,

Yes I can; but, why ask such a question? You claim to be a believer, a believer in what? Be upfront, ask sincere questions, seek sincere answers or why bother? You started the thread, prove yourself, I only prove me on my threads.

This thread is not about me or your psychoanalytic reasoning. It is about debunking the arguments that point out to the inconsistencies in the first page of the Bible.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by ExNihilo

The fact that you implied the existence of inconsistencies in the first page of the Bible, without even attempting to save face with talk of metaphors and allegories or any type of rationalization, means you just showed your hand. Every card. The whole deal. You're trolling, and you're not very good at it.

Game over. Kthxbye.
edit on 8-9-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by ExNihilo

Originally posted by SpearMint

Originally posted by ExNihilo

Originally posted by inverslyproportional
reply to post by AQuestion

Very good points your making, I do believe maybe the op is trolling, as I am not a believer, yet I am trying to take this conversation far more serious than he in his own thread.

Op, not trying to dog you out, or call you out, I am just curious as the meaning behind your evasive answers.

I asked for christians to debunk the atheist inconsistencies claim. Nothing more. Waiting to read the answers.

But you haven't shown any atheist inconsistencies, you'll be waiting a while.

relativism really is an awesome concept

I'm clearly wasting my time trying to talk to you.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by rwfresh

Dear rwfresh,

I looked at the number of posts you have made and the number of stars you have received. When you go to post it says, "You are an experienced contributor to ATS. Please be an example to our newer members and make every post matter". The OP has chosen to ignore the T&Cs, is insincere and trolling. A quick review of his past posts will prove if he is being sincere. I asked him what could possibly prove that God existed to him and he did not respond; but, later claimed he was a Christian. Is the GLP?

Can i buy stars somewhere? Ebay? Anyway i thought it was really obvious that he wasn't actually a Christian so have fun and enjoy. We aren't investigating a robbery here.. it's a topic on ATS. If it's a troll maybe he is witty and has some funny things to say.. who knows.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by AQuestion

I think OP set fire to both sides of the fence here. Was it an attempt to set Christians and nonbelievers against one another? Maybe.

Was it a ruse? Probably.

Was it ridiculous and a total waste of cyberspace? Definitely.

Let's not allow this thread to choke the air between faith and science. To discuss or argue with sincerity and passion is one thing; to throw bullcrap back and forth over nonsense is another thing entirely.

Can we agree on this?

Dear AfterInfinity,

I will sit here all night and respond to honest questions with a purpose behind them and there are non-believers on this site that will do the same and I respect that. I don't push my beliefs, I respond to questions ergo the moniker. I happen to love science and think it has contributed to our lives immensely. I am always willing to discuss it, especially quantum physics. ATS is very gracious in allowing there to be a spirituality section and I appreciate that. I would like to see both atheists and believers correct their own and have honest discussions on honest questions. It is hard to be impressed by liars of either belief.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:38 AM
Most will laugh at me for admitting this, but it is the truth and I am not ashamed of it. When I read the New Testament, especially the words of Christ; I tear up. I know instinctively that it is the truth; I need no proof. Therefore I offer none. The message is one of faith, and I don't feel like it's my place to change that. His sheep know His voice...

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by ExNihilo

Dear ExNihilo,

So what is it, are you a believer, a non-believer or conducting an experiment? At least one of those is a lie and you mentioned them all.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by AQuestion

Check his response to the thread about taking marriage rights away from everyone, not just gays. That should answer your question.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by ExNihilo

I think this is the number one reason Atheists fail at conversion. All these questions have answers on Google. Any serious Christian would have already Googled all these. It's not like you're gonna blow anyone's mind with this stuff.

But whatever. First off all, the writers of Genesis never read the text literally. For thousands of years it was read metaphorically and allegorically. Everything was a symbol for something. For example the flood is an allegory for water baptism.

In Egypt they worshiped the Sun. Putting the Sun where they did in the creation story was the writers saying the Sun isn't all that. Don't worship the Sun. Worship the creator and not the creation? God is powerful enough to create things out of order. Get it?

But whatever I don't have time to go into all that, but the questions are always based on misconceptions anyway.

For example you say it says he put the stars in the sky to give light to the earth, when what it actually says he put the Sun and the Moon in the sky to give light to the earth. Misquoting the Bible isn't going to convince any Christians. As soon as they find out you're misquoting they'll throw the entire concept of Atheism out the window.

God commands us to be fruitful and multiply? Don't understand what the problem with that would be.

Your question about knowing animals existed millions of years before humans did. Well you answer your own question with your next question. Adam named all the animals on the planet in one day? Probably not talking about literal 24 hour days here are we?

God created a man and a woman, and he "called their name Adam." The Hebrew word for Adam just means man or mankind.

Most of your Cain and Able questions are answered by 5:4 "And the days of Adam AFTER he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters:"

Sorry but Adam and Eve had other children. Says it right there if you just read it. There were plenty of people to chase Cain around.

And Cain knew his wife." That's nice, but where the hell did she come from? From Adam and Eve. You do realize the word knew was a nice way of saying had sex with right?

4:25 "And Adam knew his wife AGAIN; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth". What Adam met his wife twice? How is that possible! Oh that's right because in the Bible knew does not mean met, it was a nice way of saying, he got busy with her.

Then your other questions aren't even really questions. They're just statements from the Bible. What's to say about them?

edit on 8-9-2012 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-9-2012 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-9-2012 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-9-2012 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by rwfresh

Dear rwfresh,

Keep your stars and have a nice night. What do you want ATS to become? An obvious troll is given flags and stars by members of this site. Will that make the conversations any better? What if we lift up the conversation and ask people to be rational and sincere. If people wish to play games there is always "World of Warcraft". If one is going to start a thread, should we not ask honest questions and try to determine if we are being given honest answers. I always say what I am up front and anyone can check prior threads and call me on it. If I posted and claimed to be a atheist, how long before my thread would be shut down and everyone would call me a liar? Why the double standard in your mind, I am quite happy that the moderators have allowed this to continue. I think the moderators do a good job and the thread has not gotten offensive; but, the OP did lie at least once.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by visualmiscreant
Most will laugh at me for admitting this, but it is the truth and I am not ashamed of it. When I read the New Testament, especially the words of Christ; I tear up. I know instinctively that it is the truth; I need no proof. Therefore I offer none. The message is one of faith, and I don't feel like it's my place to change that. His sheep know His voice...

No one would laugh. That is awesome. Peace!

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:46 AM
If by chance anyone happens by to read this thread and actually BELIEVES what he is saying

"DANGER Will Robinson! DANGER!"

Do yourself a HUGE favor and listen to this interview instead:

A Testimony of a Face to Face Encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ:

Nathan Leal interviews "CJ"

A powerful testimony from a woman being interviewed by Nathan Leal. She tells of how she continued living her life in religious and self deception until she had a face to face encounter with the risen Lord, Jesus, who rebuked her and made it clear to her in no uncertain terms that it's either she was going to surrender all or nothing at all. On his terms, and not on hers. Her testimony will really challenge you to want to make sure your heart is in the right place and that you're not detracted by idols.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by rwfresh

Dear rwfresh,

Keep your stars and have a nice night. What do you want ATS to become? An obvious troll is given flags and stars by members of this site. Will that make the conversations any better? What if we lift up the conversation and ask people to be rational and sincere. If people wish to play games there is always "World of Warcraft". If one is going to start a thread, should we not ask honest questions and try to determine if we are being given honest answers. I always say what I am up front and anyone can check prior threads and call me on it. If I posted and claimed to be a atheist, how long before my thread would be shut down and everyone would call me a liar? Why the double standard in your mind, I am quite happy that the moderators have allowed this to continue. I think the moderators do a good job and the thread has not gotten offensive; but, the OP did lie at least once.

You are totally right. i was only kidding around. This whole thread is testament to the substance of itself. Even our exchange sheds light on the value of the thread. The community HAS spoken. Now we are just enjoying the thread for something else. Getting to know each other! But i hear what you are saying.. I'm even going to star your post!
Peace AQuestion! And good night!

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by visualmiscreant

Were you raised in the faith? Impressions as a child last a lifetime...especially when impressions as a child cause us to understand things in such a way that only reaffirms what we were taught in youth.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by ExNihilo
This thread is not about me or your psychoanalytic reasoning. It is about debunking the arguments that point out to the inconsistencies in the first page of the Bible.

This thread has debunked one thing and one thing ONLY.

The OP's credibility...

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Yes, but only up until my teenage years. I wasn't saved until about 10 years later however. I've wandered here and there, trying meditation and such. I don't see the conflict in it that others do. A search for the truth is incomplete without searching every corner...

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 12:57 AM

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by visualmiscreant

Actually, if you want to know the work of Source (as I call it; I do have that right
) then simply study sacred geometry. Study it, study it some more, and then continue studying it, until you see the patterns on the insides of your eyelids. When you can tell the history of the geometry, draw it at will, explain all the significance, and describe the applications, then you will know the work of Source.

It's that easy, and that confusing. You'll understand the confusing part when you begin.
edit on 8-9-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by rwfresh

Dear rwfresh,

You are totally right. i was only kidding around. This whole thread is testament to the substance of itself. Even our exchange sheds light on the value of the thread. The community HAS spoken. Now we are just enjoying the thread for something else. Getting to know each other! But i hear what you are saying.. I'm even going to star your post! Peace AQuestion! And good night!

Peace and happy to get to know you. There are many of different faiths and beliefs on this site and many non-believers, those of us who have real questions and actual points to make should know each other better. If we are going to even consider each others positions, there must be some level of trust. I say proudly that I am a
Christian and say what I mean. My posts are consistent, no trick, they may fool themselves on occasion; but, I say what I mean. To me this thread ceased being about religion the second he failed to address his own questions, I saw it turn into a question about what ATS is. Peace and have a great weekend.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by AQuestion

I've been saying more and more that it isn't where it comes from, but what it is. The author doesn't matter, so much as the philosophy involved.

On that, I think we can find some common ground, yes?

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