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New Scientific Report Destroys Global Warming!

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posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Grimpachi

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by rwfresh

As I have said before...regardless of how or what is causing Global is happening. The U.S. Military is preparing for it. THAT alone tells you something. The U.S. Navy is retiring the Carrier Enterprise in 2015 with the new USS. CVN-78 Gerald R. Ford. This will be the first new class of Carriers since the Nimitz Class.

In 2020 the USS. Nimitz will be replaced by the FORD CLASS USS. CVN-79 J.F.K. Except now because of the speed of Global Warming there is not projected to be any Northern Polar Sea Ice Cap left so the Nimitz may be refitted and used as an Arctic Ocean Carrier Group to protect these new sea lanes.


Yup and I am buying a sailboat soon.
Most of us know its coming I just wonder when.

5 Years ago if we go on Al Gore's data. Why not just move to high ground? Why buy a sailboat and let your house be destroyed? Sell your house and move to high ground. Remember the ice cube in the glass of water experiment.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by rwfresh

There are some VERY REAL ISSUES that Global Warming is creating. In the Pacific...there are Multiple Island Nations that will be underwater within this decade and they are relocating NOW! Cities on the coast of the U.S. as well as many other Countries are in danger of being Flooded with Ocean Water. Boston right now is building an Ocean Dam as the water level is just a few inches away from flowing over several Docks where buildings are built right on the water.

The Biggest Problem is if the Temps get high enough...this will melt so much fresh Water into the Oceans it will halt Ocean Currents such as the Gulf Stream and we will go into an ICE AGE.

This has happened before...but it will happen quickly if something is not done very soon. Split Infinity

Interesting.. What is your proposal? How should we stop summer from arriving? Do you think you will live to see the ice age? You should be more worried about the radioactive material that will be dumped into the oceans from all the reactors that will go into meltdown once the electricity is shut off from the flooding. You won't make it to the ice age. Don't worry.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

Very good article, I hadn't realized that the methane issue was so critical. Everyone needs to stop farting. That 2050 matches my estimate of extinction but I used all aspects of pollution. I'm pretty sure it is passed the point of no return already. This methane thing sounds dangerous, it sounds like they could possibly use HAARP to help fix it partially. Just fixing the methane problem only gives us ten more years here on earth. I can't believe people can't see what we have done to this planet.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by rwfresh

What I am posting is not my opinion. You can check into U.S. Military Plans for Global Warming related Catastrophes. In any Closed System as is the Earths Oceans and Atmosphere...the more Energy pumped in...the Greater the Effect.

We will start seeing Storms of Massive Proportions. There will be droughts in once lush areas and Floods in once Deserts. Tornado activity will and has increased dramatically. There will be wars fought over people migrating from effected areas to stable ones. These are all statements of U.S. Military Planners. The Timetable? End of this decade.

C02 is not even the worse in the issue as the current higher temps are causing METHANE that was locked in Tundra as a gel to turn into a GAS. There is a lot of Gel Form Methane at the bottom of the Ocean and you can google...Methane Gel Bubbles from Alaskan Lakes. Methane is many times the Green House Agent that C02 is and once the Methane floods our atmosphere...we will really have issues. Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
reply to post by Grimpachi

Very good article, I hadn't realized that the methane issue was so critical. Everyone needs to stop farting. That 2050 matches my estimate of extinction but I used all aspects of pollution. I'm pretty sure it is passed the point of no return already. This methane thing sounds dangerous, it sounds like they could possibly use HAARP to help fix it partially. Just fixing the methane problem only gives us ten more years here on earth. I can't believe people can't see what we have done to this planet.

Forgot methane.. What are we going to do about water vapor?? It accounts for 95 percent of total atmospheric greenhouse effect. We must eliminate water vapor from the atmosphere.

Not to mention the sun. What are we going to do about solar cycles? How in the hell are we going to reduce the amount of solar energy heating up the water vapor in our atmosphere?

We will kill ourselves before an increase in temperature will. I can guarantee that. Because all our technology is short term and deadly. We are greedy and violent. We lean towards domination as opposed to co-operation.

The planet is going to be just fine. It's ignorant humans that need to worry. And not about how to control the planet. How to co-operate with it. But we are f*cked. No way to get rid of all the radioactive waste in a timely manner before the inevitable meltdowns take place which will poison the oceans and kill all life.. long before we have a chance to burn enough oil and blow enough farts.. But let's keep focusing on CO2.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by rwfresh

What I am posting is not my opinion. You can check into U.S. Military Plans for Global Warming related Catastrophes. In any Closed System as is the Earths Oceans and Atmosphere...the more Energy pumped in...the Greater the Effect.

We will start seeing Storms of Massive Proportions. There will be droughts in once lush areas and Floods in once Deserts. Tornado activity will and has increased dramatically. There will be wars fought over people migrating from effected areas to stable ones. These are all statements of U.S. Military Planners. The Timetable? End of this decade.

C02 is not even the worse in the issue as the current higher temps are causing METHANE that was locked in Tundra as a gel to turn into a GAS. There is a lot of Gel Form Methane at the bottom of the Ocean and you can google...Methane Gel Bubbles from Alaskan Lakes. Methane is many times the Green House Agent that C02 is and once the Methane floods our atmosphere...we will really have issues. Split Infinity

You ever wonder who they are making plans for? Not for you or me. If they were they would be shutting down the nuke plants NOW and shooting the tons of waste into space before the inevitable meltdowns.

They want us all kept busy worrying about carbon and methane. We do have issues. It's not green house gases. Unless your priority is keeping things running as is. For many this "catastrophe", difficult as it may be, is a natural cycle and response to the REAL underlying cause. Man does not co-operate with each other or it's environment and destruction follows. Don't be surprised that the military is planning on war. It's what they do. They have drawn up plans for alien invasions, nuclear wars and every other scenario you can possible imagine. It's what they do. Prepare for self preservation. That's why they poison the planet in the first place. They preserve their dominance at ANY cost.

Man contributes less than 1% to global warming if you include water vapor (the number one atmospheric greenhouse contributor 99%) and less than 4% if you don't include water vapor. Why are we all worrying about CO2?

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by rwfresh

Well...we wouldn't want to be shooting Radioactive Waste into Space as if there was a Problem with the would come crashing back to Earth.

I agree that Old Fission Style Reactors should be shut down but we need to produce power and we could very easily use Solar Arrays in the Nevada or Arizona Desert and the idea that Solar is not cost efficient is Bull!

We most likely already have Low Temp. Fusion Capabilities but that tech. is being held back as it is clean and very inexpensive.

But you cannot discount the huge issues that Global Warming will have...especially with the creation of Massive Storms. Split Infinity

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by rwfresh

Well...we wouldn't want to be shooting Radioactive Waste into Space as if there was a Problem with the would come crashing back to Earth.

I agree that Old Fission Style Reactors should be shut down but we need to produce power and we could very easily use Solar Arrays in the Nevada or Arizona Desert and the idea that Solar is not cost efficient is Bull!

We most likely already have Low Temp. Fusion Capabilities but that tech. is being held back as it is clean and very inexpensive.

But you cannot discount the huge issues that Global Warming will have...especially with the creation of Massive Storms. Split Infinity

Yes.. the "into space" idea was not to be taken seriously... Not that given the resources and time we couldn't achieve whatever we wanted.. But you are correct in pointing out the resistance. And unfortunately the disinfo about climate change is another tool at creating resistance against REAL solutions.

People with the most money and most power maintain that position through domination. They have a strong adherence to self-preservation which is not good for society long term. Self-preservation through domination is what causes all our problems. And those winning the game obviously have the largest sphere of influence. Do not expect real information or solutions from them that put their self-preservation at risk. They are thinking sailboats rather than solar panels.. Only their sailboats kill everyone else.

This is why the earth is poisoned and society is so ill-prepared and incapable of doing anything about the coming crisis. Our current solutions all revolve around trickle down domination as is made evident by the state we are in. We have huge armies that protect the destruction and domination of all people and the environment. Unless we change this we will die by it. Simple really.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by rwfresh

I don't worry about this, I'll be dead before any extinctions occur anyway. I am in one of the best locations to be in. All I worry about is a bunch of pushy people coming here and starting to take over and tell us what we are allowed to do. This problem we have created is real. Most people who deny something problematic exists have been directly involved in the creation of the problem and will deny it to deny guilt.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by rickymouse
reply to post by rwfresh

I don't worry about this, I'll be dead before any extinctions occur anyway. I am in one of the best locations to be in. All I worry about is a bunch of pushy people coming here and starting to take over and tell us what we are allowed to do. This problem we have created is real. Most people who deny something problematic exists have been directly involved in the creation of the problem and will deny it to deny guilt.

Yup for sure. The force that tells you what to do won't always be another human. Which is why carbon tax is so ridiculous.

Never feel guilty about CO2. You exhale it. That said i have lots to feel guilty about and my contribution to greenhouse gases is extremely low on the list. I'm more concerned about what i have done to my own relationship with Truth. Peace!

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:40 PM
SplitInfinity and Grimpachi, you guys are wrong. The Earth is not a close system, you are making a fundamental flaw in your understanding of open and closed systems and how they relate to physics.

I swear, it seems like some of you would not know critical thinking and real science if it smacked you in the face. It amazes me how many amateur armchair scientists don't understand the scientific method of forming a hypothesis into a theory and proving it with experimentation. NASA clearly "asserts" and is a single source with very dated information directly linked to the IPCC, who themselves did not conduct any experiments and based their conclusions solely on junk science from people who have since stepped down from their positions for LYING!

Here are the FACTS for those who want to deny the science:

Raw Vostok ice core data from 400,000 years ago

More raw Vostok ice core data from 400,000 years ago

Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics

Global Warming as a Natural Response to Cloud Changes Associated with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) - this is from a former NASA scientist

Ice Core Studies Prove CO2 Is Not the Powerful Climate Driver Climate Alarmists Make It Out to Be

Petit et al

Fischer et al

Monnin et al


Caillon et al


PLEASE... stop arguing over this... YES, the planet is warming... Co2 IS NOT THE CAUSE!!!! The Earth's temperatures increase, and THEN Co2 rises, therefore, Co2 does not cause the temperatures to rise! Pretty simple to derive and almost all climate studies agree, which is why the "man-made global warming greenhouse effect" isn't even spoken anymore, it's just "global warming".

Look at the extremely reputable papers above that have been through established peer-review and published in many climatology journals and use some critical thinking.

Co2 is not causing the Earth to get hotter, there are KNOWN natural processes that are contributing to it, just the same processes that took the planet out of several ice ages in the past, and will continue to do so long after we're gone. There are other things that man contributes, like deforestation, oil spills, landfills, etc...

I've given you the information, a wise person would spend the time reading it and understanding it.


edit on 5-9-2012 by SonOfTheLawOfOne because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-9-2012 by SonOfTheLawOfOne because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-9-2012 by SonOfTheLawOfOne because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-9-2012 by SonOfTheLawOfOne because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-9-2012 by SonOfTheLawOfOne because: typos

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by Kali74

Its a game
Those who pollute are also those who are calling for the end to pollution.
They own both teams in the football game, they cannot lose.

The whole idea is to gain control while we have 2 sides calling each other delusional, being played like puppets.

I am all for renewable energy and saving the planet, but do not think that a carbon tax or carbon trading scheme will save anyone.
As we have seen throughout history, those with the money make the rules and use those rules to make more money while all the time giving less and less.
My power bill has almost doubles in the last few years, I reduce consumption, but my bill goes up, I have all the power saving devices and still it goes up.

The carbon tax and trading scheme as I mentioned earlier is the silent serial killer being introduced by governments and supported by those people who think it will save the planet.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

The cure to stop global warming or climate change no matter what the cause is to lessen our impact on making it worse. If we quickly reduce carbon emissions and quit deforestation and quit dumping toxins and crap in the water it will help keep the damage down and the earth will heal itself. The alignment of our planet in it's elliptical orbit around the sun does not coincide with a warming effect st this time, that point is way in the future.
edit on 6-9-2012 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by rickymouse
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

The cure to stop global warming or climate change no matter what the cause is to lessen our impact on making it worse. If we quickly reduce carbon emissions and quit deforestation and quit dumping toxins and crap in the water it will help keep the damage down and the earth will heal itself. The alignment of our planet in it's elliptical orbit around the sun does not coincide with a warming effect st this time, that point is way in the future.
edit on 6-9-2012 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

You cannot just stop, and I dont mean on a financial side of things, but an environmental side of things.

The thin wisps of condensation that trail jet airliners have a significant influence on the climate, according to scientists who studied U.S. skies during a rare interruption in national air traffic after the September 11 terrorist attacks. During the three-day commercial flight hiatus, when the artificial clouds known as contrails all but disappeared, the variations in high and low temperatures increased by 1.1 degrees Celsius (2 degrees Fahrenheit) each day, said meteorological researchers.
What would happen to the planet if all aircraft was grounded?

A slow deliberate approach must be taken, rather than a knee jerk

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by munkey66

That would be what I considerd as proof that humans do impact climate wouldn't you agree. I had never heard of that study before. Can you post a link?

Sorry I see the link now.

edit on 6-9-2012 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by munkey66

The thin wisps of condensation that trail jet airliners have a significant influence on the climate, according to scientists who studied U.S. skies during a rare interruption in national air traffic after the September 11 terrorist attacks. During the three-day commercial flight hiatus, when the artificial clouds known as contrails all but disappeared, the variations in high and low temperatures increased by 1.1 degrees Celsius (2 degrees Fahrenheit) each day, said meteorological researchers.
What would happen to the planet if all aircraft was grounded?

A slow deliberate approach must be taken, rather than a knee jerk

That small variation in temperature means nothing at all, especially at the local level. I mean clearly the world would never stop air travel, but if something was discovered that could power airplanes that does not release the same byproducts as jet fuel and that did not leave contrails how it was phased in would be irrelevant. If it happened today or decade from now the decrease would be the same. The worldwide impact would be the same. But a 1.1 variation in a small segment of the planet is insignificant.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 01:42 AM
While there is much debate on the Global Warming issue and whether or not its man made, man aided, not happening at all, or irrelevant.... I would just like to remind everyone that mankind lives in a layer of gases under a mere 3 miles thick. Think about that. We look up at the sky and think.... big. We look at maps and think.... big. But man only lives at most a bit under sea level and under 3 miles in elevation. THAT, my friends, is a Thin Layer! A little too much or too little of oxygen and we die. Too much carbon dioxide and we die. Too much volcanic gases and we die. If people don't think that polluting industries need to be regulated, remember that 99% of the population lives within a 2 mile range and 33% lives within 400 feet of sea level. Our planet has a much larger atmosphere than this, but we don't live in it. This Thin Layer is crucial. Coal fired plants create mercury, which accumulates in the brain and causes neurological damage. Auto exhaust, industrial fumes and gases, volcanic gases, plastics outgassing, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide...... IT'S A THIN LAYER WE LIVE AND BREATHE IN! Getting rid of the EPA in order to create jobs? Deregulating industry to avoid pollution controls and reductions? Why can't we understand a need for a safe environment for our future? We Need Clean Air And Water For Life To Continue!

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by inverslyproportional
reply to post by muse7

My only agenda is TRUTH!

I totally agree that we need alternative energies, but nothing comming down the pipe has any real useful application still

It is still all primarily gimmicks and rhetoric still unfortunately, nothing substantial and workable yet. It causes me much unhappiness alot .

I do not buy the global warming hype either. However we have had the technology for a century to be oil free and energy independent. All the anti alternative fuel propaganda can be traced back to big oil.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by acmpnsfal

Originally posted by munkey66

The thin wisps of condensation that trail jet airliners have a significant influence on the climate, according to scientists who studied U.S. skies during a rare interruption in national air traffic after the September 11 terrorist attacks. During the three-day commercial flight hiatus, when the artificial clouds known as contrails all but disappeared, the variations in high and low temperatures increased by 1.1 degrees Celsius (2 degrees Fahrenheit) each day, said meteorological researchers.
What would happen to the planet if all aircraft was grounded?

A slow deliberate approach must be taken, rather than a knee jerk

That small variation in temperature means nothing at all, especially at the local level. I mean clearly the world would never stop air travel, but if something was discovered that could power airplanes that does not release the same byproducts as jet fuel and that did not leave contrails how it was phased in would be irrelevant. If it happened today or decade from now the decrease would be the same. The worldwide impact would be the same. But a 1.1 variation in a small segment of the planet is insignificant.

After reading the article the findings were inconclusive and they admitted that, however it is an aspect that does warrant further studies. It was an astute observation that does seem to indicate that at the very least human interaction does influence weather. There are many factors to be looked at but it does grab your attention especially for that time of year.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

If you want to get completely are correct that the Earth is not a completely Closed System. But for the sake of an is very similar to a Fish Tank. If the Water is too Hot or Cold...FISH DIE...if there are too many fish and their own physical byproducts poison the Tank...Fish Die...if the Bubbler or Filter does not work properly as it applies to Lack of Oxygen and an inability to Lower the way we are cutting down trees that provide Oxygen as well as burning fuels that are responsible for Acid Rain and thus we are Killing off the Food Chain at the lower levels...eventually...WE DIE!

The Planet is a self correcting system and it will put itself back into balance...when this happens...the process of the earth regaining balance is dangerous to us! Whatever a person believes is the cause of Global thing is for certain...we are going to see Storms of Magnitudes incredible in their scope. If the Ocean Current Heat Transfer system shuts ICE AGE is inevitable. Split Infinity

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