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Why I want the world to end...

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posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by IamKels

To me you sound lonely that's your only problem, you don't want the world to end although it's going to eventually, do you have a pet, these are always good to own they have so much love to give, i would invest in a couple of dogs and go for those walks in the woods like another member advised you too, your job is mundane but then most people feel the same way. At least you have a roof over your head and are warm and dry and food in your house a lot of people don't what a miserable life they have but they keep going it's called survival.

A couple of weeks ago i read a lovely story of an old lady in China that was dying from kidney failure, her job was to collect rubbish off the roads and streets to sell on to make a living, throughout her life time she found 32 boy and girl babies abandoned and took every single one home and bought it up as her own, now imagine having that job, just look at the sacrifices she had to make to bring up all those babies, wow, how loved was she, she should of been made a saint, and hopefully when she goes to heaven she'll be looked after well and I hope she comes back very rich in her next life, your soul never dies it keeps coming back there is an afterlife, but please op try and enjoy what remains of your life at present, i wish you well, try and get some love into your life best wishes, xox

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by IamKels

Get married, have kids - serve the needed, volunteer at the homeless shelter.

You sound apathetic and bored, not depressed.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by gncnew
reply to post by IamKels

Get married, have kids - serve the needed, volunteer at the homeless shelter.

You sound apathetic and bored, not depressed.

I am far from bored. I work almost 12 hours everyday.
I voluteer at a teaching centre most Saturdays, where we provide extra lessons for rural children.

When I am not doing that, I am writing and planning my next project.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by multidimesonalism
I take it that this comment will be overlooked but know that you are not alone in your convection. Many are experiencing the same symptoms and are unaware of what could be causing them. Know this, the energies of the coming shift in consciousness are going to divide the world into two. Those driven mad by them and those who accept them and allow their bodies to integrate them. Some things to help you integrate are meditation, lots of clean water, lots of veggies, and cutting out those people and things in your life that bring you a abundance of negativity. Soon enough everything will be crystal clear my beloved

Your comment was not overlooked - thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.
I am a vegetarian, have been my whole life. I just could never seem to handle the taste of meat...
I drink plenty of water.

So it would seem I would need to cut out the negative people around me... LOL now that is going to be some task

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by PlanetxIsComing
reply to post by IamKels

To me you sound lonely that's your only problem, you don't want the world to end although it's going to eventually, do you have a pet, these are always good to own they have so much love to give, i would invest in a couple of dogs and go for those walks in the woods like another member advised you too, your job is mundane but then most people feel the same way. At least you have a roof over your head and are warm and dry and food in your house a lot of people don't what a miserable life they have but they keep going it's called survival.

A couple of weeks ago i read a lovely story of an old lady in China that was dying from kidney failure, her job was to collect rubbish off the roads and streets to sell on to make a living, throughout her life time she found 32 boy and girl babies abandoned and took every single one home and bought it up as her own, now imagine having that job, just look at the sacrifices she had to make to bring up all those babies, wow, how loved was she, she should of been made a saint, and hopefully when she goes to heaven she'll be looked after well and I hope she comes back very rich in her next life, your soul never dies it keeps coming back there is an afterlife, but please op try and enjoy what remains of your life at present, i wish you well, try and get some love into your life best wishes, xox

Thank you for your comment.

Yes, I do have pets. Two cats and a dog that we rescued. I love them dearly and they do provide me with endless moments of happiness.

I know and understand all the comments telling me that I have so much to be happy about.
I know this... but I still feel that we were meant to be so much more.
The standard is incredibly low and we are all fed the line that we should be happy because it could be so much worse, but it shouldn't be, for anyone. No one should be suffering they way they are. It shouldn't be this way.
But it makes our lives look much better and so we remain content and happy.

Do you know what I mean?

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 11:56 AM

edit on 21-8-2012 by apushforenlightment because: Bah.Who cares. Let the dreamers dream their insane dream, Seekers seek, and the true Children play with their hidden friends.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 12:39 PM
What we wish, that is not of importance, if some natural caused catastrophes are to happen, they will happen, whatever we wish. But, we can reduce the number of victims, with right civil organisation, and related services.
That is my opinion.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by IamKels

Awesome post. Judging by the flags, there are many members here who feel the same about the society. The drudgery of everyday life is almost unbearable.

I want to believe Drunvalo Melchizedek is correct about the consciousness transformation coming in the next few years. If it doesnt, Im out of here.

edit on 21-8-2012 by PrimitiveWorld because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by IamKels
man, im completelly in agreement with you, i have the same thougth regarding theworld as collective......HUMAN RACE.............i never have done any harm to anyone, but society is getting psicotic, druged by holograms, where respect is non existent......i wish that some kind of event, wipe out the human race, not nature..................not animal life only human garbage............

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by IamKels

I think you need to move somewhere pretty and start eating better, get out more and get off your ass and do something fun with your life. You cant save the world but you can change your situation...... just do something.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 02:46 PM
Yes I feel the same way.
the Earth would be better of with No humans at all.

if it all started again, it would just go bad again.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by IamKels

Well, I would first say "welcome to the rather large club."

Secondly, I'd suggest doing things about it- "it" meaning the generally shabby shape of the world we have made for ourselves.

These things can be small or large, depending on how motivated, or realistic, you are.

Identify the problems and do things to help those situations.

The main problems, IMO, stem from too many people-so if you have extra money, donate to planned parenthood, for example. Then perhaps invest, support or develop an alternative to petroleum based fuel. Maybe buy some poorer folks some food or donate to a needy school.

Even just suggesting that things could be better to those around you helps create a concensus that things need to change, especially for those poor souls being exploited so that the people in the first and second worlds are comfy.

Do anything rather than putting blinders back on and doing life as usual as so many do.

And to those that say "well, we will be in paradise soon so screw it," I'd suggest that that ideology is flat insane.
How do you know what, if anything, comes next and even if that were true, why not work to make this world the best possible one?

Barring all that, there's the time-tested coping methods of sex, entertainment, alcohol, drugs and/or denial.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 05:33 PM
the only thing stopping you - is yourself ....
you can walk away anytime from that cesspool people call "civilisation" ...

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 05:33 PM
Double post... apologies ....
edit on 21/8/12 by Expat888 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 06:39 PM
My thing is that I hate to think that my children will grow up ina country that wants an international society but is in no way prepared to deal with it - do you think people in china obsses about the idea of possibly being bullied. Do you think that people india do the bare minimum for the grade. These are the cultures my children will have to deal with and they simply wont be prepared.

I dont want the world to end but then again the BS is stiffling and it seems like a reset may be needed to get us back on track to being human again and not workerbots.
edit on 21-8-2012 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 08:48 PM
You are discovering there is a God shaped void in all of us. Seek and you will find.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 09:57 PM
I know what you mean. For me, my disgust of the world today comes from people. I actually care for animals more than I care for people. I can't even drive 5 minutes away to 7-11 to buy a pack of smokes without wanting to rip off some jerk-offs face who cut me off while driving. I think people today are much more arrogant, rude, dishonest, and greedy more than they've ever been. Some days I do wish if there is a God, just wipe it all away and say "try again."

I live in a pretty developed place, a town just outside Philly. I always thought maybe I just have to move and get away from it all, somewhere more rural, where people aren't so ignorant and seemingly always trying to play an angle in some way. 9 days out of 10, I can honestly say that I hate people.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by IamKels

This is why i'm not having kids. No way am I bringing children into this world to suffer. Unless I see some huge improvement. I think it's kind of selfish actually, having kids to give your life purpose or so you won't die alone. No, I won't have kids, i'd rather die alone knowing that I brought nobody into this world to suffer.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by IamKels

I know and understand all the comments telling me that I have so much to be happy about.
I know this... but I still feel that we were meant to be so much more.
The standard is incredibly low and we are all fed the line that we should be happy because it could be so much worse, but it shouldn't be, for anyone. No one should be suffering they way they are. It shouldn't be this way.
But it makes our lives look much better and so we remain content and happy.

Do you know what I mean?


I know exactly what you mean.

It is not suppose to be this way, but the vibrations of the planet were allowed to descend unfortunately.

The only way to lift them up is to be that beacon of light you wish the world to be, if everyone woke the hell up and really understood that they are not slaves to the world they live in, this world would be a much better place. We can choose a role, one of a victim, or one of empowerment.

I understand you wish to change things right now and wish the world was a better place, but it takes only one person to be pure of heart and lead their life the way they feel, this alone will start the transformation of those we call "asleep".

Everyday is a new day. Ever watch the movie "Groundhog Day"? Bill Murray lives the same day over and over and over until he gets it right, so we can actually change our world every single day, but most people choose the same chaotic world from the day before.

Your a good soul, one with lots of passion emanating from within. Allow that strength and love to flow, so in essence the world can end, the old one, and a new one can begin right now.

Peace, Hugs and love,


edit on 21-8-2012 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Kastogere
Perhaps what your missing is a change of sorts?

Granted i understand being jaded...I too cannot stand the enviroment in which I reside. I wish theres was someting positive i could say to make it better....unfortunatly being faced with the reality in which we live i fully understand where this country is heading.

i take no emotional stake in it, i just see it for what it is. Not much you can do about it either press on and take it, or you move on to a different type of existance. I can think of much worse things than going all Jerimiah Johnson in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps what you need is a break from this reality in order to experience another reality.

Maybe you should take some time off and go to the middle of nowhere for a couple weeks to gain clarity.

I know what your going through though. it is as if this world is fake or phony, like your living inside a really bad soap opera that never ends....all you want is to disconnect from it and find the true state of being...and you feel lost until you find it. You feel the superficial drive of society and want desperatly for people to be shown their true place among nature in its rawest form. You feel like something is a hole has opened up and nothing seems to fill it.

You feel like people do not deserve this, and nothing you say or do will make anyone realize that concept. Like the world around you is a man made bubble waiting to be popped by a random clear thought of truth that will cut through the lies in which we live. Its almost like your void of emotion and lack empathy or sympathy for those around you...almost like they are petty....beneath you mentally.

Im right there with ya....all you can really do is find your center....perhaps you do need some companionship to gain perspective....only do so if you are dedicated to the idea however. i can't tell you what to do or how to go about it...each life in journey must make their own path...maybe this one isn't right for you?

Just remember one thing though....and I firmly believe this.....everything happens for a reason, no matter how big or how small and insignificant.

Am I at least close?
edit on 20-8-2012 by Kastogere because: (no reason given)

I'd listen to this guy Kastogere, when he says "I fully understand where this country is heading." I think what you are felling is dread. I don't think you're hoping for a shake up or the end of this world. I think you just know that that's what's coming. It's like a train wreck in slow motion. You say you see the uselessness of the product you sell, you sense the futility of all this effort. you behold the swirling unsustainability in a field of limited resources and feel that what is happening is irreversible.You know that growth and now almost exponential growth is a key component in the maintenance of this truly comfortable existence we have achieved. I think a few other posters in this thread, made a good case for the level of this comfort. But I digress. Back to the growth. It ain't happening no more. What you hear are the gears grinding to a halt, and it's making you jumpy.

I don't know about the woods though. The woods are not really a friendly place. People die out there, It's tough, there's bugs and stuff. Of course it could toughen you up for what's coming.

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