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NWO Survival Planning

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posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by Jeremiah25

Sure, it would be wise to understand the capabilities and potential weaknesses of your enemy. You personally may even decide to take on a tank if you thought there was no other choice. But how many other people would be willing to make the same decision? The problem with engaging in offensive manoeuvers is that you endanger those people in your group who are unable or unwilling to effectively engage the enemy. You are only as good as your weakest member. Running is the ideal choice here. Of course you can teach your group how to kill a tank, or a person for that matter, but that does not mean that they will actually be capable of doing so.


of course, not engaging at all would be best, when you're fighting materiel, sabotage beats combat anyday, IF you can actually inflict any damage, if not, move out, that's pretty clear.

No plan survives contact with the enemy (which you're supposed to avoid), though, so a Plan B is in order, if you don't have one, that's ok as long as you admit it, but there's no excuse not to consider the options now, that we still have time, is there? if you're not looking for unconventional ways to defeat them, attrition will be minimal, because any encounter then degenerates into a show of force - show up with tank /chopper /A-10 and all rebels within 5 miles surrender.

finally, if you're travelling as a group, desperate moves by a few are still of use, namely to allow the rest to escape an otherwise hopeless situation.

...FY '90 dollars...

what i said

joking, you got me there

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 08:28 PM
Please do not post bomb making materials or instructions


[edit on 23/10/2005 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by Jeremiah25
I have read throughout this thread, and on other threads besides, that any armed takeover of the United States would be extremely difficult if not impossible because of the fact that a large portion of the citizenry own firearms. I am afraid that I must disagree with this assumption. I grew up in the bush here in Australia and firearms have always been a way of life for myself and my family. It has been my experience that simply owning a firearm means very little when it comes to your proficiency in actually using one. I have seen a lot of people declare that, when the NWO makes its move, they will grab whatever guns they can and resist the occupation of their lands.

That's great, but unless you actually know how to use a gun, you are going to be killed or captured extremely quickly. If this hypothetical situation were to ever actually happen, you can be assured that you would be facing off against professional soldiers. These are people who probably have many years of training and experience in using firearms and other weapons. If it comes down to a fire-fight between you and your buddies and a group of trained soldiers, I don't think much of your chances. Even if you managed to hold your own and stand your ground, what will you do when they send a tank to displace you?

My point here is that a lot of people seem to be simply assuming that because there are a lot of guns lying around, everybody must know how to use them with some degree of skill. But think to yourself - how many people do you know who would be capable of wielding a gun with a level of proficiency approaching that of a professional soldier? Be honest with yourself. Putting a gun into the hands of somebody who has not had sufficient experience with them is dangerous. Subsequently asking that person to use that gun to kill another human being will probably result in failure, despite patriotic cries of "We'll defend our land to the last person!" Simply put, although you may have a lot of guns and may even be highly experienced with them yourself, most people are unfamiliar with guns and could not be relied upon to use one to kill somebody in the event the NWO attempted to overthrow and enslave America.

Let's face it - if it comes to the point where your only option is to fight or die, you are probably going to die. You may take a couple with you, but you will still be dead. As I said, all the handguns and rifles and shotguns and automatic weapons in the world are not going to help you against a tank, or against mortars, or artillery, or airstrikes.

So, rather than focusing on obtaining guns to fight back in a heroic, patriotic and ultimately very fatal last stand, it would be wiser to concentrate on learning elements of escape, hiding and survival skills. The first thing I would do is run away. There may be more people than elites, but the elites have the guys who know how to use the guns and have other weapons against which you are defenceless.

Simply put, if you try and fight, you will very likely die. Please do not assume that America is safe simply because there happen to be a lot of guns. It means nothing if people are unfamiliar with them or are unwilling to use them against other people. There has never been a country which has not been beaten in direct warfare, and this includes the United States. An armed citizenry is no real defence against a fully equipped modern army, which I assume the NWO would be using.

[edit on 17/10/05 by Jeremiah25]

Ever heard of Waco? Those Davidians put up a pretty good fight against the trained ATF goons. The tank did eventually take them out when they released those poisonous chemicals or whatever that stuff was.

Yes most civilians are undertrained and underequiped, however people have the ability to learn, people can be quite inventive and clever in severe situations, when their survival depends on it, civilians also outnumber the military by far, and if you can't destroy a tank, hijack it, sabotage it or something, I'm sure people would figure something out. Isn't that the American spirit anyway? "If you really want to do it, you can do it."

Many Jews also fought back when the Nazis put them in their concentration camps. If I remember correctly one big concentration camp got overthrown, the Jews in the Polish ghettos in Warsaw also organized quite a resistance with the limited resources they had.

Of course the gov't isn't going to round up all 300 million Americans and throw them in concentration camps, don't be silly. Those who are going to be thrown in the FEMA concentration camps are probably going to be protesters, political dissidents, other people they see as a "threat", "terrorist" or "insurgent."
The rest of the people will either escape or just be too afraid to do anything. That's what the Nazis did anyway, it seemed to have worked out quite well.

That's how I see it anyway.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 10:07 PM
this whole talk of NWO and the conspiracy is a bunch of baloney spun by right wing apocalyptic christians and white power groups.
No evidence of any kind of power grab. It is all in your head. I think that when it comes time for a global government most people will be happy and ready for it.
for those disenters will fade away like protestors at a presidential campaign rally.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by scienceguy94
this whole talk of NWO and the conspiracy is a bunch of baloney spun by right wing apocalyptic christians and white power groups.
No evidence of any kind of power grab. It is all in your head. I think that when it comes time for a global government most people will be happy and ready for it.
for those disenters will fade away like protestors at a presidential campaign rally.

Im sorry but it is not a bunch of baloney. Bush Sr. has openly talked about it ....

It is going to happen. The interpretations of why the elite would want it is the question not if.

posted on Oct, 24 2005 @ 12:17 AM
Im sorry but it is not a bunch of baloney. Bush Sr. has openly talked about it ....

It is going to happen. The interpretations of why the elite would want it is the question not if.

Big freakin deal. I think the president meant that a new world order with individual soverignty intact. I agree with you that it will happen just not with reptile half breeds and jewish bankers at the helm.

posted on Nov, 24 2005 @ 07:29 PM
Double Post.

[edit on 073030p://444 by LiquidationOfDiscrepancy]

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 05:21 PM
Would it be ok for me to revive this thread? For the newer members? And also since I really like it.


It is November 9th 2004. The constitution and the bill of rights have been dissolved after a staged nuclear attack somewhere in the western world. Martial law is declared and police keeping forces flood the streets while dozens of black helicopters hover over the skies, causing people to tremble. Civil disorder and panic erupts on the street, leading to police forces mobilizing to contain the crowds. Riots break out all over and police forces deploy tear-gas, rubber bullets and concussion grenades to disperse the crowds, using much unnecessary brutality. Protests erupt against the police brutality, leading to limited civillian-police clashes. Police immediately arrest the dissenters, many being of foreign origin, and then then taken away in police vans to unknown locations. Highschools are flooded in by army troops and students are herded out and taken into nearyby camps. A few days/months of complete chaos reigns. More civilian-police clashes occurr, and even more are detained. The reality of the civil war has been established. America is at war with the people. Many people on the streets are forced into concentration camps. People at home are ordered to stay inside for an indefinite period of time, many, missing loved ones, whom were detained on the streets or taken into camps. Streets quickly turn into ghost towns.

Later, police vans drive through streets, and police forces speak though loud speakers, ordering people out of their homes" THIS IS THE POLICE, YOU MUST VACATE YOUR PREMISIS, THIS IS FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY, YOU MUST COMPLY, DISOBEDIANCE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED" mass house raids are made into people houses, kicking doors down, grabbing hold of people and hustling them out, regardless of their condition. They are told they are to be rehoused in temporary cities.

In hundreds of concentration camps all over America, millions of Americans sit in crowded, cold places, shaken with terror, cold, hungry, thristy, stripped of their freedom and dignity, and with not a clue of what just happend. Life as they know it is over. They are enslaved by the state and at it's mercy. The Nazi holocausts return. While all this is happening, small groups of Americans still roam around the streets, some have even fled into the wilderness. Helicopter raids are made to locate the free americans, and police forces search every household, while at the same time loot the goods of it's owners , finding many Americans still in their living rooms, in basements or hidden under floorboards. The police are inhuman to them, tease them, humilate them. Some are even executed.

Many homeless americans roam around in the wilderness, with nothing on them, no food and no water to drink. They have nowhere to go. They are starved, thristy and cold. Many just cannot cope with the trauma and give up, getting severely ill and dying. The weather does not help their condition either, it gets colder and colder as time progresses. The weather continues to deteroiate, rains fall and flood the lands, then snows fall, blizzards pound, the earths tremble. The morale of the survivors falls even lower, more give up, and die in the painful colds or are swallowed by the earth or drowned in the floods. Those that survive, retire into shelters, and live the next few years there, surviving on insects, hunted animals and plants, and drinking unpurified rain water and melted snow. Diseases become rampant and no cures seem to be in sight, A perpetual sense of terror always accompanies as those black helicopters fly over and the police forces near.

Things get much worse, it is 2006, and a Third World War has just broken out. In no time, wars are being fought over the skies of America, the sky rains down missiles, bombs, unknown weapons of mass desutrction. More land is destroyed, more people die. Yet it is not the end. Nuclear war has begun, several American cities are struck with nuclear terror, cities are destroyed as are rural lands, and radiation particles fill the skies. The air becomes poisonous to breathe. The water toxic to drink. The war ends quickly, and billions the world over have perished. Those that have survived, who have seen rivers of blood, endured incessant pain and terror, are now faced with the challenge to rebuild civilization.

Now, let's combine minds and devise strategies to be able to cope with all the horrors if such a scenorio did present itself. There are many elements to this survival scenorio, and at each stage, more will fall prey than survive:

The police forces
Civil disorder, crime and unrest
Starvation and dehydration
Climatic changes; earthquakes, floods, blizzards, hurricanes
Extreme colds
Seperation anxiety(loved ones missing)
Nuclear war

How do you make sure you survive to the bitter end. How do you maximise your survival potential. Let's discuss. This could be the most important discussion you have.

NOTE: If anyone disbelieves in the existence of the NWO and wishes to raise this as an issue, please desist, and instead treat this as a hypothetical exercise. It never hurts to be prepared for any eventuality.

Ignore the date in the intro, it can be whatever date you want it to be.

The point of this thread is for the discussion of how to survive, It is not a debate on the probabability of such an event occuring. And Mods I understand if you delete this or whatever.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 04:30 PM
might be a very good time to arm yourself

maybe ats should set up a sort of underground railroad plan
also heres a website that has many things that could be used for defense like a phaser pain beam or whatever the hell that could easily make it near impossible to enter a certain area.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 05:28 PM
Theres not much anyone could do; but my thoughts would be to:

Stock up on beans (enough to last for months)
Find 3-4 other people to follow me out into the wilderness(hopefully they all survive)
Buy a good amount of ammo and a good load of weapons.
As soon as the war breaks out, rally my 3-4 people and move into the woods to find a base of operations (a cave).
After that (everyone is now in a concentration camp), say our prayers to our creator, however knowing there is an after-life no matter how bad things go.
After that, just simply find out where the nearest concentration camp is, go put up a Stealth-ops battle agianst the guards there... Eventually free a few hundred people... Rioting houses to get food supplies... Establish connection with other free americans and convert the people I free'd in the concentration camps to freedom fighters.
Slowly build up an underground army of freedom fighters and ambush military convoys and eventually aim for the enemy's head of state and kill him by all means possible.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 06:02 PM
why not set the foundations for something like that now. we could at least have a few members convert their houses to safehouses in the event of martial law. If we wait we then give them that much more of an advantage

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by scienceguy94
this whole talk of NWO and the conspiracy is a bunch of baloney spun by right wing apocalyptic christians and white power groups.
No evidence of any kind of power grab. It is all in your head. I think that when it comes time for a global government most people will be happy and ready for it.
for those disenters will fade away like protestors at a presidential campaign rally.

Are you really a science guy? You know…it’s not like we just woke up one morning and said, “ let’s all be conspiracy people”

This is not debateable friend! This is REALLY happening and you better wake up and stop sucking on your thumb. You don’t believe us, go and ask some of the main officials in the Regan and Carter administration. Republican Congressman Ron Paul said FEMA will be taking our guns and putting us into concentration camps, you think he’s just making that all up? Paul Craig Roberts who was #2 of the US Treasury dept says the same thing, as Ron Paul and he was a big Reaganite himself.

Sorry to sound off a little here but there is no excuse for an attitude like yours at this point in time. You have a great tool called the Internet and you can cross reference and come to know the truth for yourself without having to spend years in a FEMA camp.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 06:30 PM
As I have been screaming at you people for the last few months


don't wait for them to make you completely vulnerable to them before you start to seriously look into what the hell is going on. We ar really just speculating. Someone needs to actually find something out that is not released by the government. why not turn ouselves into a somewhat secret society that is capable of getting off of our butts and blowing the whole nwo scheme wide open before it is too late

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by TristanBW9456
As I have been screaming at you people for the last few months


don't wait for them to make you completely vulnerable to them before you start to seriously look into what the hell is going on. We ar really just speculating. Someone needs to actually find something out that is not released by the government. why not turn ouselves into a somewhat secret society that is capable of getting off of our butts and blowing the whole nwo scheme wide open before it is too late

Listen I am all for this. But, how the heck are we supposed to accomplish said task? If the nwo is as big and powerful as we say, then how can anything be done? Won't we be executed if we got even close? The only thing I can possibly think of is getting many people together and making our own nwo, though I wouldnt know how to start or start secretly taking over

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 09:43 PM
1.) moniter things going in and out of the nearest army, navy or airforce base notify the rest of us when something big seems to be happening

2.) U2U me I'll give you my number to talk about

3.)analyze data from 1 and 2

4.)keep doing the google sat thing

5.)form martial law plans

more to come stay tuned

posted on Mar, 14 2006 @ 12:25 PM
I remember like a year ago, I formed a special group about this subject with a few guys that I had met over the net. They lived in the Netherlands, Germany and Ireland (I live in Denmark). We established a very well organized plan (as in structured near-perfect) explaing exactly what to do, when to do said thing, and what it would lead to, in an escalation so the plan kept getting bigger and we finished it one year later... I still remember bits of it, but we never got it initialized because they rotted agianst me... Saying that I somehow manipulated them into following my cause. Well, they turned on me, and told me: "We have 'grown' up and stopped believing in conspiracies"...

Anyway they were idiots and narrow-minded.

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 12:03 PM
This is a great thread, and oh so much information on survival skills. And to Odium, you got one of my way above votes for your contributions in this thread. I really only wish to add that I think that once anyone is able to get away from an NWO takeover the next thing is to get some type of under ground shelter together, out in territory that is not very populated, even to start construction of it now , ahead of time from when it will be needed, that way it will be well stocked and ready when needed. Bottom line is to always be ready and prepared!

Might even glean some ideas from this publication,courtesy of none other than FEMA.

[edit on 21-3-2006 by tracer]

And here is one more with partial construction diagrams.

[edit on 21-3-2006 by tracer]

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 06:46 AM
I remember ths thread. First one i've read on this site. I live in good old australia, where there is a lot of empty land of all terrain. If something were to happen as stated in the scenario, what can I do? As our country is mostly desert, us dissedents would have to stick towards the coast, which means there is more people in a large area. My region, Queenslan, and the capital, Brisbane and the bordering suburbs.

Is humid in summer and dry in winter. Should I start to carry some sort of weapon(knives,mace,tazer) on me at all times, as to not be defenceless in the worst possible time? I've tried to get people from my school to believe me. but I am dismissed. Is this how it will end? People being sent to "evacuation centres" and willingly obeying the captors, because I am only young and I do not wish something that would have been done in WW2 by the Axis to be perpetuated by the government.


posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 05:01 PM
The problem I see in that is how can there be a new world order with nothing to rule? Is all the secret NWO societies suicidal? They will nuke theirselves and have no one left to rule and nothing left to rule. Unless it just happens in some nations so then the rest of the ones fallen under NWO control can take over and grab the resources of the fallen ones.

posted on Jun, 23 2006 @ 07:47 PM
This isnt the place to debate whether it can happen, this is a thread to discuss what you would do if it did.

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