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**ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS:** We don't like Hitler at ATS, not even a little bit.

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posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by lordtyp0
reply to post by jiggerj

Oh come now, the atrocities of the Muslim occupation of Europe were no more severe than the atrocities the Christians committed on the Crusades

I made sure to give many examples to show that I wasn't bashing any religion here. If some people truly believe that Hitler was a hero, how can we say that this opinion shouldn't be heard while so many other insane opinions are actually applauded here?

From what I understand, the knowledge of medicine grew exponentially during WWII. And that knowledge has saved more lives than those that were lost in all the wars throughout history. So, if someone were to post that this war was good, what would be the outcome? I don't think the person would be banned.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:17 PM

the ultimate superlative. six letters that conjure up emotions of hatred and disgust. the argument-ender of all enders. evoke hitler and discussion ceases.

the hindus are screwed on using the swastika (symbol of good fortune, luck, well-being) ever again.

the crusades calloused up my psyche on deaths in the millions attributable to state action. that's what people forget. it's not hitler, just like it's not obama, bush, clinton or whoever your scapegoat is. it is individuals acting in ways that violates others through lenses of belief. en masse. it's only after the big ballyhoo that everyone looks down at their hands and sees all of the blood and gore.

belief links thought and emotion and results in action. hitler could have been written off as a kook. but an entire population went along with him wittingly or unwittingly.

understand these attachments and you begin to understand the human creation machine. people continue to live (flesh) out the lives they create through the lenses of their beliefs.

sure, censor hitler worship. those who could handle the topic wouldn't discuss it here anyhow. hot potato for a dim belief-based and emotion-centered mindset.

victor frankl captured his experience in the nazi horror through his book, "mans search for meaning". hitler is the punching bag for everyone's closet potential of becoming exactly what they hate. life is a mirror. it's a roll of the dice on whether you get to be a hitler or a mother theresa. most are safely somewhere in between.
edit on 17-7-2012 by elmoastro because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:20 PM
"We don't like Hitler at ATS, not even a little bit."

But I generally like everybody...especially Jimmy Hitler who lives down the road a ways...what now?

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:20 PM
Jokes about freedom of speech aside.

I don't understand why people are getting so bent out of shape about this.

ATS has no responsibility to its community to protect any kind of ridiculous notion like freedom of speech.
This place is a business that makes money and if anything happens that might endanger possible profits gained from selling adverts, then a decision will be made to take care of the problem.

As a matter of fact, the company that runs this place is a limited liability corporation with a government mandated directive to make as much money possible for the people who own it, be it shareholders or partners.

Anyone that puts stock in fantasies like freedom of speech or mutual respect for the truth is un-American.

America is about profits people.

Deny Ignorance is not a slogan.

Stop with the hippy idealism and start smoking Cohibas lit with burning 100$ bills.

edit on 17/7/2012 by kyviecaldges because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:22 PM
Just wondering:

How then have all those holocaust denial threads through the past been allowed to survive here then?

Honest question as in one of them I tried to verbally beat some sense into the author of one of those threads...
edit on 7/17/2012 by Chamberf=6 because: whoops didn't mean to edit anything...

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:23 PM
I enjoyed those threads, because it's so funny to play with revisionists. But I always was of the opinion that these threads had no right of existence on ATS. Go to stormfront to discuss such #. There's plenty of possible conspiracies to discuss about Nazi Germany, ATS should stick to that. These I-love-Hitler threads always brought up the worst kind of comments and it usually didn't take more than 3 posts until someone openly denied that Nazi Germany commited any war crimes at all and was actually just lovingly helping their beloved brethren, the Jews. Simply disgusting and I'm glad that ATS won't stand for it anymore. Thank you for your courage!

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:23 PM
You know, I am a big nerd about Hitler, propaganda, the Nazi's and how they operated the Third Reich. Within much of the research I have done, I have found that there are many "givens" about Hitler that were quite untrue. The picture painted of Hitler since the end of WW2 is slightly skewed.

That is not to say that he did not oversee some horrible atrocities, but the facts about the man himself are off a bit in the history books.

I've never thought it was wise to create a thread bringing the inconsistencies to light because I though that people's pre-conceived notions would not allow them to delve into the facts without reverting back to the "official facts" people are led to believe.

I hate to say this, but have confirmed my fears.

What you have pretty much said is that we are not allowed to discuss Hitler or Holocaust facts that do not align with the story we have been told to believe. What's up with that?

What will stop you from telling us that we cannot discuss different angles of another topic that may be unpopular with some people? have already done that.

So in closing, let me say that I don't care if you have a preset opinion about who Hitler, Gandhi or Ronald McDonald were and I don't care that you own this site. The fact that there are certain topics that you will not allow ATS members to discuss, even in light of new evidence and facts, is a big conspiracy in and of itself.

This is complete and utter hogwash! That damned Hitler thread was way off the mark, but it should have been allowed to remain so that people could see just how bad it was....but had to be pulled because it didn't fit the model for what you think we should believe.

Anyway, this is the biggest load of cow crap that I have seen yet. Once again we have another topic that we have to tip-toe around just to satisfy the emotions of the guys who hold the keys.

edit on 17-7-2012 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:23 PM
I was happy to see the thread 404d when I logged in just now. That Hitler was a hero thread was the single dumbest post I have seen on ATS in the 4 and a half years I have been here. It literally brought the collective IQ of the community down a bit.

edit on 17-7-2012 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by kyviecaldges

Do let us know when you start your own site where Hitler is free to be held up as some kind of hero...until then, stop trashing this one for keeping the light of truth shining on the monster he truly was.



posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by Chamberf=6
Just wondering:

How then have all those holocaust denial threads through the past been allowed to survive here then?

Honest question as in one of them I tried to verbally beat some sense into the author of one of those threads...

They wont answer my question on that subject. of the holocaust, questioning the official story is not fitting for a conspiracy site i guess.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by DavidWillts


Since he mentioned it in the OP, I thought maybe he would address that too.

Guess not.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by FOXMULDER147

Originally posted by beezzer
Free speech comes with a responsibility.

and that would be?

Denying ignorance, perhaps?

wink wink

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

ATS is not a place known for moderates or left leaning posters like it once was, there is no balance.

So if everyone was LEFT wing that would be balance?

I could go post on a conservative forum, but what fun would that be?

BTW, I have zero tolerance for revisionist history regarding the holocaust.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by kaylaluv

Islam is not all bad, and there are some Muslim heroes - Osama Bin Laden isn't one of them.

You just proved my point. I'll bet there are more people that believe Bin Laden to be a hero (and a man of god), than there are believers that Hitler was a hero. Would praising Bin Laden be banned? Without Judas Iscariot, Jesus wouldn't have been crucified and our sins would never have been forgiven. If someone said this in the religious conspiracies forum, it would have 80000 responses by now, and no one would have been banned over this.

Look, I think Hitler was insane, and anyone believing any differently must also be insane. But, in fairness, how can one group of lunatics be banned for praising him while other groups praising other megalomaniacs are allowed to speak their minds?

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:28 PM
I'm probably what you'd call a "liberal softie" and believe that everyone has the right to be wrong or sickeningly offensive if that's what floats their boat.

Thing is, these boards aren't open society, they are controlled and have rules. Springer say's it's a no go area, that's cool by me (not that it matters to him

What's I'm saying is, we are all here by invitation NOT by right. Springer gets the final word. No point in arguing freedom of speech etc etc

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by LDragonFire

ATS is not a place known for moderates or left leaning posters like it once was, there is no balance.

So if everyone was LEFT wing that would be balance?

I could go post on a conservative forum, but what fun would that be?

BTW, I have zero tolerance for revisionist history regarding the holocaust.

Same here.

I never could understand why those threads weren't moved to HOAX or just plain deleted.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:29 PM
Why is this so hard:

Discussing Hitler, the nazis, the holocaust, WWII - ok

Discussing how Hitler was awesome and would be your dream doubles partner, not ok.

and by hitler, wer're talking Adolph.

Poor Stan Hitler, always getting lumped in with Adolph.

It's funny, whenever admin/owners start a thread like this, we see the members in all their glory. We also get a quick view of the folks who are most disturbed by this which speaks volumes.

For those of you whining about not being able to talk about hitler, or trade your hitler action hero cards, I'm sure a quick google will net you 1,000's of wonderful sites to hang out and share the hate.

We're simply not allowing it here.

Much like we won't allow someone to start posting how Dylan Klebold was an awesome dude.

It's disrespectful and hateful.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by jiggerj

Originally posted by lordtyp0
reply to post by jiggerj

Oh come now, the atrocities of the Muslim occupation of Europe were no more severe than the atrocities the Christians committed on the Crusades

I made sure to give many examples to show that I wasn't bashing any religion here. If some people truly believe that Hitler was a hero, how can we say that this opinion shouldn't be heard while so many other insane opinions are actually applauded here?

From what I understand, the knowledge of medicine grew exponentially during WWII. And that knowledge has saved more lives than those that were lost in all the wars throughout history. So, if someone were to post that this war was good, what would be the outcome? I don't think the person would be banned.

Again-apples to elephants. The Nazi's had certain positive impacts as well, at least according to some-the formation of NATO could be said to have been a good thing as well as all the alliances formed. The US becoming involved also kick started the US becoming a super power.

One can argue about how things went down hill later to their hearts content and it is not the same thing as declaring Hitler as some sort of Good Guy.

Wars CAN be good. At least in the long term-nations banding together to defend a nation being unwarrantly attacked by a greater power is a war of defense. I have no problems with those even with the human cost. If the aggressor is not stomped on then they escalate. Wars initiated for the purpose of gain however are not in my opinion "good" or "just".

In similar context-I personally despise Bush. But I do not place him on the same scale as Hitler. I believe Bush had lines he would not cross. Even torture, I do not think Bush did it for some sort of malfeasance. Hitler on the other hand regularly made examples of those who were to die.

Hitler fits my definition of Evil. Bush on the other hand-in my opinion-is just a misguided moron who gained power.

As for hearing opinions-and yes I include my own in this guideline. An opinion is not fact, it may be based on fact-or not. Simply having an opinion does not somehow endow someone with the magical pulpit of respect.

Opinions that are demonstrably false and/or flat out stupid: should be attacked and disdained and ridiculed. In this interaction people learn. I am not simply meaning pack mentality. I am referring to challenging of presumptions.

Saying Hitler was a hero is absolutely worthy of ridicule.

TL;DR - Simply having an opinion doesn't, ipso facto, make that opinion worthy of any form of respect. If the opinion detracts from the whole it should be stomped out.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

I agree with Springer on the topic, the only thread I have ever reported was a hitler revisionist thread.

I stated how I felt, then I was called a troll for my effort.

BTW you are posting on a conservative forum, at least until after the election in November.

edit on 17-7-2012 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 04:32 PM
No talking about Hitler...OK,
The thread on the Opium Wars was disappeared too.
What was wrong with that?
I was just reading Bo Gritz' letter at the link and when I came back it was gone!
I was finding it interesting.
It looked like an expose' on government dealings in drugs.
Is that taboo also?

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