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Thousands of ARKS are leaving earth, should you jump?

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posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Quauhtli
reply to post by TheSparrowSings

On a smaller planet it would be much easier to control the population as well as make sure that the place was well taken care of, but on a bigger one, there would be more room for diversity and evolution, I'm on the fence. I would probably choose a much bigger one than earth if I could find one.

Do you even understand the concepts of gravity ?

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 12:57 PM
I don't think I would jump at the chance to leave the planet. You have to consider other things. If the other planet is capable of sustaining us....then it probably has some form of life already in existence there. It wouldn't necessarily be life forms we would be familiar with. Suppose they aren't intellectualy evolved? How would we discern between the life forms that are dangerous and those that aren't? In terms of plant life, how do we determine the edible from the poisonous? Colonizing a new planet... could turn out to be one big nightmare! The odds of survival may not be as high as you would think. You can't just pack up and go tour some other planet if you are dead from the last one. I believe I will stick to the monsters that I know.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 01:22 PM
if doom approached us, yes i would go.
i would feel a responsibility to my self and those i love to keep trying. i would like to star trek. it would be a grand adventure. i would go with love and respect for the things i would find in the universe. i would take the best humanity has to offer and share it with the universe.
no problems with meeting and living with other star brothers. in fact i think its very necessary and would be a incredible future for humanity. i believe this is what we are destined to do. i only have one caution....

please choose wisely the people we send off to other worlds. they must be full of love and respect and compassion.
humanities tendency for evil should stop here.

i would want all of us to stay here for the end if we just send out into this universe more of the same ol crap..
i believe and hope in the best of us and that we would be worthy of such a rescue operation. i very much want to believe in the best of humanity. and that we will continue and become more than what we are.

it would be a deep love of mine to experience the galactic civilization out there in the universe. i can only hope there are other people on this planet that feel the way i do...

much success to your endeavors fellow humans.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Quauhtli

No. I have 0 faith in humanitys ability to do anything right. Building starships, built by the lowest bidder, using cheap labor and components from china is surely how this would go down. Greed manifesting till the very end. Have fun blowing up on the launch pad, or if you manage to get into space, either freezing to death or suffocating or crashing into the sun, as Im sure some system would quickly fail and doom the entire ship.

So mind as well die on Earth rather than drifting in space.
edit on 6/11/2012 by CaticusMaximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Quauhtli

Who is manning the ticket booth? I might want to buy a few tickets.
reply to post by KnightFire

Of course, I am... But there are no tickets. Whether you leave or no depends on how I take your answers. As you can tell from the previous replies, there are a good amount of folks that would not consider it unless the circumstances are dire, which they are not, yet. But this brings me to a point that I was thinking about when I started the discussion. I have a four year old daughter. Now that I have her, it makes me think twice about sticking around to face the consequences that we are surely going to face. If it was just me I might be more likely to stick around and enjoy the ride...

I would have to say I would do whatever it takes to protect my family. So, if I could take my family with me, yes I would go. If not, I would stay.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by Quauhtli

Neat concept!

Perhaps I'm just stubborn, but I would stay here and fight for my planet. I wouldn't take the ARK. Part of it is fear the technology wouldn't work. What if I was in stasis for a million years for no reason and then just died? What if we crashed while I was in stasis? What if, what if, what if. I'd prefer to stay here and go down swinging.

Your concept poses another question though. What if Earth has already been a destination for other ARKS? Maybe our diversity of life is a direct result of such things landing here over millions of years. What if every UFO or Meteor strike is an Ark? Beings from microscopic size to macroscopic gargantuan size could have landed here over the years and some survived and some didn't, and we are their remnants. What if every virus and bacteria, and alien-looking life form really is an alien life form? Are we a hostile planet to our refugees?
edit on 11-6-2012 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by Quauhtli

Cool! Thank you!! I knew it would be worth it!

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 01:42 PM
I think that before humanity embarks on such a thing then we have to change for the better first before we infict ourselves on the rest of the universe...


Maybe the adventure WOULD change us???

It seems that we do well as a species in the most trying of circumstances.. And those situations bind us together.. So who knows??

I would go though... Hell yeah!

I want to see what is beyond the next star...

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 01:55 PM
How could you not take the opportunity to venture out? Hopefully you will find a similar race and be able to travel the cosmos with them.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 02:00 PM
With all the crap HUMANITY has caused, EARTH is still my home.
I´d stay.
edit on 11-6-2012 by LionOfGOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 02:05 PM
In reality if we were trying go "sublight"... hell no! I would hope to circle the earth until it could be habitable again would be better than going out into the Universe blindly!

But if we could travel there at a resonable speed I could see it. I think if we could build the arks that we would be sending out unmanned probes ahead of the Ark flight for recon.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 02:27 PM
My opinion is that you incarnated here, why not stay here?

Unless you have a "mission" to help other life somewhere else, and the drive to do that is strong in you.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by Quauhtli

If I can have my own ship and go get all the friends I want, sure I would hop in, I would go and get my wife and start a new earth just like Adan and Eve.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 02:55 PM
Do not worry my friends. There are defenders out there to help you. I am one of them.

My date was off, but then again, this is 2012 and time has no meaning.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by H1ght3chHippie

Originally posted by Quauhtli
reply to post by TheSparrowSings

Do you even understand the concepts of gravity ?

Okay here we go, this is the kind of reply I have been waiting for, please excuse me for not getting back, I've been at work.

Well sure I can imagine how different gravity would be from planet to planet. One can imagine that we would inevitably be changed shortly after colonization of any planet, we would have to protect ourselves from many aspects of any new world, in a sense building outposts and such, It may be that we would have to live higher into the atmosphere on a large world until we adapted. Likewise we may have to start out beneath the surface of a smaller world, slowly making trips to the surface while adapting. We would eventually adapt by sending scouting crews or missions to the surface in order to get the resources that we need. Of course our children would be much better at this than us, the first generation, and their children would be better suited for it than them. The goal would be to protect the planet itself and it's natural ecosystem from us as much as it would be to protect ourselves in the beginning, eventually we would find a niche, like any other life form that found itself in a new and alien environment.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 03:14 PM
leave a world run by the rockefellers, rothschilds, bushes and their minions to live in another world, if found, run by the rockefellers, rothschilds and bushes of the world.

i can imagine the ark too, they'll have lavish staterooms taking up space that could be used to save others, and you'll be in the bowels of the ship packed like sardines sleeping on a cot.

no thanks, i'll be at church waiting for the world to come.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by Quauhtli

A BIGGER planet???? Why would you want to live on a BIGGER planet? You do understand that the bigger the mass the higher the gravity... SO you would want to live on a planet where you would weigh much more then you do now??? Where EVERYTHING would weight much more then it does now!

I don't think you have thought this through....

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 03:31 PM
Well im sorry but i dont think we have the right to destroy a planet and go to a new one having faith we will start "fresh new".
Human nature is sadly an unchangeable factor and all we do is pest on nature believing we are mighty to do so.
I am a guilty human of consumption; guilty of letting someone else decide for me, so what makes me believe I won't be fooled by another person in another planet saying they want to represent me?
What makes you believe we won't fight? Not even the most advanced system will change our ways.
Who says we are doomed is foolish, we are and have always been the doom. So seriously what Alien in their right mind will spread a destroying pest to a healthy new planet?
We were given a home to care for, there are no more chances.
If my planet dies, ill gladly die with it.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by LionOfGOD

With all the crap HUMANITY has caused, EARTH is still my home.
I´d stay.

I'm going to make a jump here and say that I bet if the europeans had not found America when they sailed around the world, and instead found China, then then we might just have imploded already. The only place we have left to conquer now is Antarctica, the sea floor or space. Antarctica is a long shot because nobody wants to live there, and likewise with the sea floor. We are a conquering species and when we run out of room it may just be ourselves that we extinguish. The Native Americans took very good care of their world, and it was an eden when we came her. We could learn to live by these standards again very easily if we try.

My point is that as a species, we need room to grow, and it is the obvious next step that we take out into our galaxy. It may be that all the rumors are wrong, and that it will be quite some time before we become enlightened. This could hurt us if we stay, but inevitably help us in our endeavor to exploit the galaxies resources and conquer new worlds.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

No. I have 0 faith in humanitys ability to do anything right. Building starships, built by the lowest bidder, using cheap labor and components from china is surely how this would go down. Greed manifesting till the very end. Have fun blowing up on the launch pad, or if you manage to get into space, either freezing to death or suffocating or crashing into the sun, as Im sure some system would quickly fail and doom the entire ship.

So mind as well die on Earth rather than drifting in space.

Oh, but haven't we? Sure, we kill each other for fun and trash the place, sometimes we like to have a bit too much fun, but on the other hand look how far we've come, just in the last couple of decade's, the last hundred years, I would be more likely to say that for some crazy unknown reason we get a lot more right than you would think we would given the circumstances.

But your argument proves my point. We are too much for this beautiful planet, we should send half the population off drifting through space, so that we may preserve our precious earth. Think about this, say we do make it out there and we colonize a hundred worlds, and somehow the earth becomes ruined, and dies. All across the galaxy, from end to end, wherever we are, we might just simultaneously lose our souls, or soul. I think that you would want to stay, but you might argue that it is a good idea for the majority of our population... no?

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