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Documents prove Obama was member of socialist New Party... (see for yourself)

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posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by burntheships

It is not in the peoples best interests that those in power would seek to fan the
flames of class divide.

It is in the best interests of those already corrupt and power greedy politicians to use class warfare as a means of raising taxes, so they can line increase the burgeoning monstrosity of the beastly govenment.


You are condemning a concept, a philosophical stratagem that aims to keep everyone happy....and remains balanced.
I blame corruption of the leaders, which is the problem. In every model of economic and political practice, CORRUPTION is the problem.

What we need are leaders who are wise, who THINK about the benefit of the majority. I don't know why you are attacking me; and you keep bringing up communism, which is not the same as "social Democracy", which is what the New Party stood for.

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by wildtimes
reply to post by burntheships

What we need are leaders who are wise, who THINK about the benefit of the majority.

I would agree with the first part of your sentence, but the wise leaders need to think
about how to best serve everyone.

And a wise leader knows to focus on individual rights, as in the Delaration of
Independance. Individual rights oppose group rights. Groups rights are the focus
of the Progressives.

I don't know why you are attacking me; and you keep bringing up communism,
which is not the same as "social Democracy", which is what the New Party stood for.

I do not see debate as attack...I was debating with you.

And I never brought up communism....and finally The New Party embraced Socialist
ideals, and that actually party statements almost invariably used the terms "small-d democratic"
or "progressive" .

Which leads us back to the beginning where we started.

We do agree that corruption is the (part) of the problem. up:
edit on 9-6-2012 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by anon72

Hmmm... you do realise that many people do not have this irrational fear of socialist ideas, and therefore couldn’t give a damn if he belonged to this group?

The only people who will be waving their fist are right wingers.... you know, those who already hate Obama.


posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by army11bravo

And at one point, you believed in Santa, or some other thing that you no longer hold true.

People are allowed to evolve and change, why are you insinuating that The President isn't allowed to do the same?

Have you always had the SAME ideas and philosophies? Have you always believed in what you believe? Because if that's the case, I'm sorry, because a mind is meant to change and evolve as new information and experiences are processed and lived through.

I'm almost positive, that he, as a human, has done the same.

Comparing Santa or even the Easter Bunny to a firm belief in Marxism is not close

As a rule, the Marxists never turn back.

Usually, the only evolving and changing they do is go further towards the fantasies and idealisms.

Santa and the Easter Bunny only show up once a year.

Marxists live their whole lives as extremists and throbists.

Plus, Obama wasn't a kid when associating with the New Party.
He was an adult and already in the public eye.

Obama was indoctrinated into Marxism as a young boy.

Obama is a Marxist / Corporatist.

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by 11235813213455
reply to post by SaturnFX

Whats funny is that when people would list out the places that were socialist and redistributive a few years back they would name a whole host of countries like Spain and Greece as utopian societies because of this system.

Looks like your list is shrinking isnt it?
edit on 9-6-2012 by 11235813213455 because: (no reason given)

Spain? When would anyone purposefully want to live in spain?
I worked in spain for a few weeks. Long enough to tour the east (From Barcelona down to Cartegena) and as a tourist, it was lovely, but I was there on work, which meant hanging out with locals verses tour guides and I seen how they lived, their economy, their class divide, etc.
It is a constitutional monarchy, but the on the streets reality is a high unemployment rate that seems to be staplemarked for the past century, a huge black market, vast illegal immogration working their main export (food) and rampant corruption that favors large corporations all but murdering the nation for profits and lining a few key pockets. This I seen firsthand (I was working with said corporations and had a nice long chat at the la-manga bar with the CFO of the spain branches of a unnamed world company you probably have products for within 10 feet of yourself.
Still, in regards to southern european nations, they fair better than their southern counterparts (african nations) whom have all kinds of wonderful capitalism, good luck, your on your own style rulership

The Mediterranean states are always lagging in modern society. There is a lot of history there to account for this.

I have no vast knowledge of Greece outside of their mythology, so I can't weigh in..never thought that to be a valid consideration when thinking of a better society structure.
Greece is like go there not for enjoyment of the lifestyle, but simply for being a fan of history (and beaches). I will say that the islamification of greece has hurt its tourist used to be the european "Daytona Beach" with a bit more class than Spain and Portugal (specifically Ibiza). Other than that, I never bothered studying their economics, and never visited, so never had the desire to (I study places I am about to visit. It allows me to see both the official understanding, and the perspective of a person on the streets)

Anyhow, the "list" is not shrinking. your pointing to stuff that never made the list.

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by 11235813213455

You realize that the last time Spain had a Socialist leader was in 1996 and that the first thing the new non socialist Prime Minister did was to impose austerity, by means of freezing pay for all civil servants, so that Spain could meet the requirements to join the Euro Zone? Spain has been under the Right Wing People's Party ever since. That isn't really working out too well for them.

Greece has been alternating between their Socialist party and their Right wing party since the 1970's. The argument could be made that both are at fault for their impending demise or that it's not a great Nation to judge success of one party or failure of another because neither party has been able to get very far with their respective agenda's.

I don't quite grasp Italian politics but Silvio Berlusconi is considered Center Right and was Prime Minister from 2008 and resigned in 2011, Italy now has a Euro Bank appointed Prime Minister.

So tell me how it is that Socialism ruined these European countries?

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 03:49 PM
Some New Developments

Important Topic Updates

Buzzfeed's Ben Smith now concedes that Barack Obama sought the socialist New Party's endorsement in 1996--but continues to give Obama, and the New Party, the benefit of the doubt on whether Obama was in fact a member. While admitting the Obama campaign misled the press and the public about the New Party, Smith continues to let the campaign get away without comment--when, in fact, David Axelrod responded yesterday.

Granted, Axelrod's response was to claim that he had "no idea" about the New Party--but that is almost certainly a lie, given that he controls Obama's image tightly, and given that the campaign targeted the New Party allegation as a "smear" in 2008. It is widely known that Axelrod micromanages his candidates' speeches and biographies, and there is almost no chance he has "no idea" about Obama's New Party ties.

Ben Smith Concedes Obama's New Party Involvement; Will He Pursue or Play Down?

Important Topic Updates

In the ongoing discussion of Barack Obama's involvement with Chicago's extremist "New Party," online literature from the Party likely reveals that the young state senator not only was a member but had to commit financially to membership.

This past week, National Review author Stanley Kurtz revived the question of whether or not Obama was ever a member of the Party. Arguing for the affirmative, Kurtz demonstrates fairly conclusively that it did. On the other hand, Joel Rogers, founder of the New Party, tells Ben Smith that it did not. And documents available online suggest that Kurtz is correct and that Rogers is not being completely truthful.

First, there's a bit more background which is relevant here. Kurtz originally raised the question of Obama's involvement with the New Party back in 2008. At the time, the campaign denied Obama was ever involved and referred to the allegation as a "crackpot smear." Ben Smith, then at Politico, wrote a piece in which he quoted New Party founder Joel Rogers to the effect that Obama had never been a member of the New Party because the New Party didn't have members.

'New Party' Literature Suggests Obama Paid Dues to Join

The links in the articles have supporting documents

Convinced yet ?

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

The links in the articles have supporting documents

Convinced yet ?

No. Socialism looks after gives everyone a safety net, and rewards those whose talents are extraordinary, and also makes certain that the lower-echelon workers get taken care of as well.

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by wildtimes
reply to post by xuenchen

The links in the articles have supporting documents

Convinced yet ?

No. Socialism looks after gives everyone a safety net, and rewards those whose talents are extraordinary, and also makes certain that the lower-echelon workers get taken care of as well.

Yes it sure does.

But only in the "textbook" laboratory flypaper theories of utopia and idealisms and fantasies.

People as individuals look after people. Many of the "Group" policies are epic failures.

Socialism and all the other "educated theories" are not People.

The Marxist / Corporatist agenda has created the illusions. Hundreds of illusions.

They are masters of the Hegelian Dialectic.

Did anyone stop to think that maybe just maybe Karl Marx was hired to write all those books and journals ?

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by Dreine

For socialism to work humanity would need to be more like ants than individuals,

Ants? Ants are actually incredibly organized, and work for the greater good.

or to have some greater collective goal that everyone would be working towards

Precisely. I'll go with the "or": "to have some greater collective goal thaqt everyone would be working towards."

As in, to have some greater collective goal that everyone would be working toward

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

The Marxist / Corporatist agenda has created the illusions. Hundreds of illusions.

And, here in the USA what we have is a Corporatist illusion.

It is NOT WORKING.Convinced yet?

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by wildtimes
reply to post by xuenchen

The Marxist / Corporatist agenda has created the illusions. Hundreds of illusions.

And, here in the USA what we have is a Corporatist illusion.

It is NOT WORKING.Convinced yet?

That's one reason of many to try at all costs to fend off the international Marxist / Corporatist agenda.

The "illusion" is not such an illusion after all however.

One example (of hundreds) is Monsanto.

They are taking over as many small businesses as possible, and at the same time they are using government to force restrictions on small businesses that they see as a threat.

Keep the small companies small, and we can all live a normal life as individuals.

Even small corporations that have tight or even single person stock ownership and are not traded publicly are OK.
(some are OK if they do trade on small local exchanges only)

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

If Obama were Marxist, Monsanto wouldn't would have been dissolved and communal farming programs would have popped up all over the place. The fact that he has strengthened Monsanto which is Fascist in nature tells you...?

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by xuenchen

If Obama were Marxist, Monsanto wouldn't would have been dissolved and communal farming programs would have popped up all over the place. The fact that he has strengthened Monsanto which is Fascist in nature tells you...?

It solidifies my view of the international Marxist / Corporatist agenda.

It's NWO.

Again, throw all the "textbook" jargon out the window.

Fascism, Communism, Leninism, etc. etc. are all part of the Marxist / Corporatist pyramid.
Those are just rungs on the ladder.

Didn't Marx himself seem to be against the Hegelian ideas with his "revision of Hegelianism" ?

But guess what, he created the methods used today.

Marx was a hired gun.

"Listen to what I say, but don't watch what I do"

Monsanto is owned by some of the largest international institutions in the world.

The CEO and directors etc. are puny stockholders in comparison.

Most of the big corporations have similar ownership structure.

Monsanto Co. Major Holders

All those Top Institutional Holders are the outfits that run the Marxist / Corporatist cartel.
(they have committees that dictate policy to the companies -- the ultimate micro management tool)
(the similarities are collectivist and are consolidated)

Check some other big companies (including banks), and you will see the same structure.
(left column under "Ownership", then "Major Holders")

The small local companies do not have these types of ownership structures.

The big companies and governments all use the Hegelian Dialectic.

Here is J.P. Morgan as another example. Look who owns them. Same outfits !!

JPM major holders

edit on Jun-09-2012 by xuenchen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

If you're going to apply the Hegelian Dialectic...the opposite of Marxism is Laissez-Faire not Corporatism. And no Marx didn't revise Hegel, he created his own dialectic.
edit on 11-6-2012 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by buster2010

What did I get out of the two wars the last capitalist president started? Nothing

What did I get out of the tax cuts that were given to the wealthy by the last capitalist president but excluded the poor and middle class? Nothing

Wrong. Taking out Al Qaeda has made the homeland safer.

Tax cuts - when the Bush Tax cuts expire and you pay more in taxes, get back to me and tell me about how you got nothing out of that.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 01:03 PM
More proof he's a marxist-leninist bilderberg puppet.

Don't worry. Romney will give us more Bush style fascism though.
Heads we win tails you lose.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 03:47 PM
It seems so clear to me now from all the news stories from several sources are now surfacing. Obama's mad drive to bankrupt the US is a calculated tactic to destroy the US soverienty. The US is going quickly in the direction of no return, like Greece and it may already have reached that point. Once Greece and Spain fail, Italy, France and the US will drop into a deep recession, like the UK is today. That will tear up the US into pieces due to the polarization that Obama has already instilled. We are not meant to pull out of the slump. It will be the new normal. The link below explains it all.
It's all a part of the implentation of "Agenda 21" signed by the last 3 presidents (including Obama) and endorsed by all groups with a Socialist agenda. It clearly spells out what is happening and why and the end goal.

The entire country was dupped by the biggest con-artist in history and came on board at the right opportunity against an unpopular party. Helped out by socialist plants and Bilderberg funds, he conned all the libs and colored Americans to vote for him.

It appears the UN is the front organization, but Bilderberg may be the one pulling the strings.

edit on 11-6-2012 by eagledriver because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by Kali74

You asking that question show me that you have no idea what socialism is. Suffice it to say Europes current ills were not caused by freedom from central planning by redistributionists.

It is socialism that has ruined Europe and I cant see how anyone could make the argument to the contrary at this point. Its so absurd at this point it akin to telling me that the sky red not blue.
edit on 11-6-2012 by 11235813213455 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Your description of Spains economy is a spot on definition of state capitalism...Which is exactly what happens when the Socialist take over a formerly fee market Capitalist society.

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