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Monarch programming - evidence or coincidence?

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posted on May, 24 2012 @ 12:32 PM
Hello ATS,

This is my first thread ever, so please dont be too harsh (Excuse my bad english too).

Recently i found out about "Monarch programming" and i became very interested in it, So i am very new to this subject area. So please do correct me if im wrong.
If you dont know what it is, then you can find out about it here on ats, theres plenty of threads describing what it is.

Is monarch programming real?

Does this still go on today? I personally believe it does.

Okay im going to be present you with some information that could be considered as evidence or may just alot of coincidences.
I used the search feature and found that theres some similar information to whats already here on ats but i think ive got some new stuff too.

Some signs/symptoms of monarch programming:

MPD - Multiple personality disorder.
Mickey mouse.

1.MPD is the basis of monarch mindcontrol.
Here are some videos of celebrities who appear to have MPD/ Alter egos

*Britney spears

*Nicki minaj

0:37 Switches to an English accent

Alter Ego Sasha Fierce

*Miley cyrus - Hannah montanna?

*Eminem - Slim shady

*Mariah Carey - Mimi

*Christina Aguilera - Xtina
In 2002 she realeased an album called "Stripped" and referred to herself as Xtina. She got this tattooed on the back of her neck.

2. Moving onto mickey mouse.
Some people believe that disney is a part of monarch programming.

Some celebrities wearing Mickey mouse stuff.

AZEALIA BANKS - She has mickey mouse on her jumper.

Lindsay Lohan

Jennifer Garner

Lady gaga

Jessie j


3. And finally butterflies

Pixie lott
0:27 "Little Black butterflies Deep inside me.."


Megan Fox
"We will laugh at gilded butterflies"

Jessie J
0:53-1:22 3:03 3:37

Miley Cyrus

Mariah Carey

Britney Spears

She also has one on her foot. Which can be seen Here

Some other info that i noticed today while watching tv.

RIP - Rita Ora
"RIP to the girl you used to know.. Her days are over"
Hinting thats shes changed/personality change maybe? MPD?

Pixie Lott - All About Tonight
"Ive got a new attitude..."

Katy perry - part of me
"You took my life.." Referring to her handlers?
"This is the part of me that youre never going to take away from me.." Her saying that you cant completely change her?

Are all of these coincidences or is there really something going on here?
And if you have any more evidence feel free to post it here because i would love to see it.

Thank you.

Hope i posted this in the right area
edit on 24-5-2012 by Ephio because: Hope i posted this in the right area, if not i apologise

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by Ephio

Congratulations on your first post!

I've seen some of the videos you have posted in other threads about mind control, MK Ultra and Monarch programming. It's one of the topics I seem to gravitate towards.

It's funny how once you are aware of the triggers or symbols or whatever they are, you start seeing them more obviously placed in magazines, music videos etc. Like the butterfly, one eye being covered, doll-like state of dress and appearance.....

As far as whether it still happening???? If I know one's that nothing seems to surprise me anymore!

Nice job on your first post Ephio

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 01:06 PM
Here is a very informative and scary article about MONARCH:

MONARCH Mind Control

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 01:31 PM
Great post! Well researched as well. I haven't seen that Dianne Sawyer interview before. What they did to that sweet girl is a travesty. I have a few more good ones for you:

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 04:35 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome MagesticEsoteric

Here is a very informative and scary article about MONARCH:

MONARCH Mind Control

Thank you for your post

You're right it is scary but also very interesting at the same time.

protocolsoflove, Thanks for the videos too

I feel so sorry for people who go through these things. It also angers me how they are getting away with doing it

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 05:04 PM
you know what would quell this so-called programming? if people would change their taste in any of this garbage is considered music is beyond me..if you enjoy this type of so-called music or entertainment you deserve to be a mindless drone.
edit on 24-5-2012 by alkesh because: sp

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 05:12 PM
Oh how I enjoy this topic.

Mind programming and manipulation are very interesting subjects to me. It is amazing that one can do such things but when you think of your brain it is like a computer, programable. So it doesn't surprise me that this kind of stuff actually happens. Most think I'm nuts for even suggesting it happens but there is plenty of material out there to show it does happen, you just have to dig through the crap to find the gold!

Have you ever seen this site:
The Vigilant Citizen

They have a few pieces you might enjoy.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 05:34 PM
Hey thread author, have you seen this vid? It was the topic of someone's thread here awhile back in 2011 I think. Well, this girl is freaking out to the police, speaking about mickey mouse, Carlos Slim, the world's richest man, and those who she saw eat human flesh. (Reptilians?)

Thank you for bringing up Mickey Mouse in connection to Monarch. I -think- I might be a Monarch subject. Three decades ago when I was in the military, I befell a traumatic ufo related incident, and afterward there were some hospitalization with choppy memory. After that, when everything settled back to 'normal', I took a smitten liking to wearing this t-shirt with Mickey Mouse on it. Small tight blue provocative shirt with a big Mickey Mouse on it. An Officer (in violation of fraternizing) aggressively pursued me, and I 'got with' him, and learned he was a 33rd degree mason and always wore this odd shaped gold ring with those mason tools on it. My behavior for a long while let me just say, has me questioning myself alot, a generation later.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by mblahnikluver
Have you ever seen this site:
The Vigilant Citizen

They have a few pieces you might enjoy.

No i havent, thank you for the link

You aren't nuts, you are awake

EDIT : Wow that site, just seen the thing about hunger games, i saw that movie recently and was thinking about the same thing. Anyway thanks for that link

Hey thread author, have you seen this vid?

No i havent seen it. Wow, thats a scary one, Thank you for the link

I think this is my new favourite topic

edit on 24-5-2012 by Ephio because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

mblahn I watched the videos in your link, and was really shocked. The young minor teen with the 51 yr old. Isn't that ILLEGAL? At least it used to be called statutory rape. The girl sounded and acted like a real cat. I firmly believe that if she was in her right and fully conscious mind, she would not subject herself to that.

Then theres the Anna Nicole Smith one. Oh God. And the poor young kid pleading that Anna is sick. It was so demonic. Oh jeez I had no idea. Thanks to Geraldo for doing this expose piece. I do know that now he is a target by the TSA. Henry Kissinger too. I always thought Kissinger was -untouchable-. He must have fallen out of favor for some reason.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by emsed1

I think there are more advanced methods , with simples ads flashing things [messages] in a split of second where only the subconscious can detect, people can be programed to turn into whatever they want them to be .

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by Saucerwench
Hey thread author, have you seen this vid? It was the topic of someone's thread here awhile back in 2011 I think. Well, this girl is freaking out to the police, speaking about mickey mouse, Carlos Slim, the world's richest man, and those who she saw eat human flesh. (Reptilians?)

Thank you for bringing up Mickey Mouse in connection to Monarch. I -think- I might be a Monarch subject. Three decades ago when I was in the military, I befell a traumatic ufo related incident, and afterward there were some hospitalization with choppy memory. After that, when everything settled back to 'normal', I took a smitten liking to wearing this t-shirt with Mickey Mouse on it. Small tight blue provocative shirt with a big Mickey Mouse on it. An Officer (in violation of fraternizing) aggressively pursued me, and I 'got with' him, and learned he was a 33rd degree mason and always wore this odd shaped gold ring with those mason tools on it. My behavior for a long while let me just say, has me questioning myself alot, a generation later.

Yet if you were to believe the people here, freemasons are the defenders of the universe with answers to all the secrets and a rebuttal for every accusation.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:13 PM
Randomness from the randomizer, but I know a guy who went through Monarch programming. They sent him to Vietnam. He knew nothing, and still doesn't about the depth of the # he went through. He just told me the stories, and I search engined it assuming he was just crazy and needed attention. His description and accounts of things they did to him as a child couldn't fit more into monarch programming idea if it tried. He was even a classic case. Orphan, rage issues. Took away by the government into a facility.

So then, debunkers will say, "well, he was nuts", well, they let him serve in war. Well, they let him maintain a life. Well, the let him hold down a job, and care for his daughter. Well, she was also confiscated for years, not for anything he or is wife did. The daughter, infant at the time of taking, was "socially discoordinated". Yep, those one year olds better learn to interact better. They took her for 12 years. He now has her back. 20 bucks says they finished their programming of her too. I dare not mention this to him, I know how he'll react, but inside, all I can do is feel pity, because not only did he get #ed by the government, so did his kid.
edit on 24-5-2012 by Lasr1oftheJedi because: spelling, once in awhile, I should hit that darn button before I post...-.-'

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by Lasr1oftheJedi
Randomness from the randomizer, but I know a guy who went through Monarch programming. They sent him to Vietnam. He knew nothing, and still doesn't about the depth of the # he went through. He just told me the stories, and I search engined it assuming he was just crazy and needed attention. His description and accounts of things they did to him as a child couldn't fit more into monarch programming idea if it tried. He was even a classic case. Orphan, rage issues. Took away by the government into a facility.

So then, debunkers will say, "well, he was nuts", well, they let him serve in war. Well, they let him maintain a life. Well, the let him hold down a job, and care for his daughter. Well, she was also confiscated for years, not for anything he or is wife did. The daughter, infant at the time of taking, was "socially discoordinated". Yep, those one year olds better learn to interact better. They took her for 12 years. He now has her back. 20 bucks says they finished their programming of her too. I dare not mention this to him, I know how he'll react, but inside, all I can do is feel pity, because not only did he get #ed by the government, so did his kid.
edit on 24-5-2012 by Lasr1oftheJedi because: spelling, once in awhile, I should hit that darn button before I post...-.-'

Absolutely chilling!!! Vietnam was testing ground for a new age to come....

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 06:45 AM
So is 'monarch programming' some sort of way to change human behaviour, and appearance?

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 10:45 AM
They just caught the Canadian body parts killer in Germany. He was wearing a Mickey Mouse t-shirt:

Montreal body parts killer thread

Repeat Dingleberry's thread
edit on 6/4/2012 by disgustingfatbody because: ADDED LINK TO REPEAT DINGLEBERRY'S THREAD

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by disgustingfatbody

WEIRD! Thanks for pointing that out.

On Sunday, Interpol posted pictures of Magnotta going through airport security. In the two photos, the slight man has dark hair and is wearing a black Mickey Mouse T-shirt. The airport was not identified in the photos.

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 11:12 AM
Interestingly, Walt Disney was a Mason.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:47 PM
Congrats on your first post.

Yes, experiments in mind control were real....back in the day. The programs were cancelled in the 80's due to lack of sustainability and repeatability. The brain is a very complex organ. It CANNOT be simply "programmed" like a computer. Furthermore, with the technology that is available today, it is truly irrelevant. The same "functions" can be achieved at less cost and risk.

As for celebs, they are all a wacked out bunch. They are ENTERTAINERS. It is their job to act the way they do because it amuses the public. I wouldn't read too much into it.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by disgustingfatbody
Interestingly, Walt Disney was a Mason.

even more interesting is the fact that he was not.

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