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Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem.

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posted on May, 16 2012 @ 06:09 PM
The president has spent more money than all of the other presidents combined and Congress signed the checks. Both sides are trying to inject social issues like the American people really give a rats... If you are a Republican, you are a fool and if you are a Democrat... well you can just go sit down next to the Republicans. The whole process is a joke and neither side have any interest in the people they represent.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

They want to bring about armagedon so they can go to heaven and kiss jesus.

Its really that simple.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Indigo5

Originally posted by Common Good
How can you comprimise with language like this?

First off...the word "compromise" is against GOP T&C.

Secondly...seeing as the authors simply called the GOP out on thier loudly public positions and pridefull unwillingness to compromise, it seems strange to be offended, more so when you consider President Obama tried repeatedly, and often did compromise in the lopsided fashion that the GOP demanded, during his first four years...all the while they accused him of being a terrorist born in Kenya.

So...NO...I don't think it is out of line for these of which is a prominent call the GOP what they have proven to be. The GOP OWNS their extreme right position...They campaign on confusion there.

George HW Bush compromised with Democrats (Read my lips, no new taxes). He ended up being a 1-term President.

You don't compromise with your enemies, you destroy them.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 06:17 PM

Republicans Block 9/11 Firefighters Healthcare Bill

Senate Republicans Block Own Amendments on Health Care Bill

Senate GOP blocks Obama’s nominee to lead consumer bureau

GOP blocking larger percentage of Obama judicial nominees than any president in history

"Congressional historians said Mr. Boehner's move was unprecedented."
A month before Senate Republicans blocked Barack Obama’s popular jobs bill, that’s how the New York Times described Speaker John Boehner's refusal to grant the President's request for a September 7 address to joint session of Congress to present the American Jobs Act.

As it turns out, "unprecedented" is apt description for almost every boulder in the stone wall of Republican obstructionism Barack Obama has faced from the moment he took the oath of office. From the GOP's record-setting use of the filibuster and its united front against Obama's legislative agenda to blocking judicial nominees and its admitted hostage-taking of the U.S. debt ceiling, the Republican Party has broken new ground in its perpetual quest to ensure that Barack Obama will be a one-term president.

Even before Barack Obama took the oath office, Republicans leaders, conservative think-tanks and right-wing pundits were calling for total obstruction

I am confused how a GOP who has been very public and proud of thier pretends that they were not there?

The above is just a sampling...The list goes on and on and on..

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4

You don't compromise with your enemies, you destroy them.

You mean 50% of Americans are the GOPs enemies and they need to be destroyed??

Thanks for articulating the GOP midset. It explains a lot.

The GOP has become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.

edit on 16-5-2012 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4

You don't compromise with your enemies, you destroy them.

And there lies your problem in a nutshell, literally. Just because our political opposite has different views than our own doesn't make them our "enemies." Especially those who are elected to keep this country moving forward.

Your problem, as well as that of many of your fellow right wingers, is that you literally view anyone with an opinion different than your own, as your "enemy" to be "destroyed" at the earliest possible opportunity.

Don't be surprised if you discover one day that your circle of friends seems to be shrinking, because that's the only possible result of that kind of thinking. Either that or your only friends will be a bunch of suck-asses who are afraid to voice an opinion different than yours.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 07:37 PM
Who cares, they are both the problem.

In order to steer this country back on track we are going to have to envelope both parties from the ground up.

This problem is nobody in either party cares about nothing except their own little personal world.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

I am confused how a GOP who has been very public and proud of thier pretends that they were not there?

One thing the GOP has excelled at is rewriting history.

The Right, always ready to scream that the Left wants to destroy liberty, then, while the country is focused on that, the GOP brings out SOPA. And who sponsored this piece of horrible legislation? Lamar Smith, R-TX

Yes, the GOP from the start of the Obama administration has worked tirelessly to ensure that this Administration fails.

"Damn The Country, Obama Must Fail"

This is a podcast from the Conservative Society for Action detailing reasons why Obama must fail. Obama's early days in office indicate a true socialist slant that will spell disaster for the country.

THE WAR IS ON! No, not from marxist Obama's "win" of the White House. The war has been raging for over 100 years now! Didn't you know? Didn't you know that communist agents, both home-grown and from abroad, have been conducting steath skirmishes to "progressively" break into and take over the very foundations of America -- education, government, churches, unions, et al? Like the termites they are, they have been eating away at the foundations of America until it will collapse of it's own weight down upon itself. AND YOU HAVEN'T EVEN FIRED A SHOT BACK! America IS LOSING THIS WAR and will lose the war unless YOU DO SOMETHING ... RIGHT NOW!!

EDUCATE YOURSELF! Then GET BUSY RIGHT NOW ... to save yourself, your children's future, and the Republic of America!

But what is the real problem?

The real problem are the people behind the scenes in Washington, the lobby groups that have taken our representatives away from the American people. It doesn't matter what side of the political aisle they are on, it doesn't even matter if it's Ron Paul. Lobby groups pay for votes. Lobby groups put funds into these people's re election coffers in exchange for their vote on certain issues.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

Hi Indigo.
Great article!

There are hundreds of problems in our current political and governing system. I am one who thinks there IS a difference of ideals between the Dems and the GOP, but that doesn't mean the Dems are all innocent and work like they should to serve the people. Oh, no. They are as guilty of serving their own agendas and their own careers and pocketbooks as the GOP is... but there is a qualitative difference I see between the two.

I won't go into them, as many have been covered wonderfully already here.

I don't like either party and that's why I've never been nor will ever be a member of either one, but if I had to choose, there isn't even a hesitation or a question. The GOP has become the anti-freedom party of control and religion and I'm not fond of either. They are willing to stoop lower, lie more, and completely screw the people, all the while, their faithful followers asking for more and supporting them to get in more government offices.

I wonder when the Republican voter is going to wake up and see the monster they've created. The GOP is playing power games with our lives and their voters just blindly keep putting them in office... I just don't get it. :shk:

The good news is that some Republicans are seeing the extremism and breaking ranks. There are actually some reasonable people in the GOP wing of the government. It will be interesting to see the party to continue to fall apart in chunks.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 07:21 AM
Both parties are corrupt and equally worthless. They lie, cheat and steal their way in to power.

That's why I am a constitutional libertarian.

Minimum government; Maximum Freedom!

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by HangTheTraitors

I can agree with everything you say about the Republicans. Lets also agree we can insert the word Democrat in place of Republican and make the same post. If you believe one is more evil than the other, then you bought the goods.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4

George HW Bush compromised with Democrats (Read my lips, no new taxes). He ended up being a 1-term President.

You don't compromise with your enemies, you destroy them.

Bush loss due to being so out of touch with common Americans. You may not remember how Bush was embarrassed when he went to a grocery store and made comments about the new fangled bar code scanners. Which basically showed he never shopped for himself and was out of touch with the common American's daily experience.

Of course, throwing up while dining with foreign dignitaries didn't help much either.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by Indigo5
where we, as a nation, need a government that actually works to find solutions.

Most of the problems are a consequence of this mentality that we need government to find solutions. That's not the government's job.

Take off your strolling wheels.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by SWCCFAN
Both parties are corrupt and equally worthless. They lie, cheat and steal their way in to power.

That's why I am a constitutional libertarian.

Minimum government; Maximum Freedom!

Ah ha! You, sir, are a revolutionary and a rebel! An American that advocates maximizing individual rights and minimizing the role of the state. A radical viewpoint indeed!

Unfortunately you are totally surrounded by that undeniable element of human nature that relishes in having control over others. Your countrymen genuinely prefer government control of their own and their neighbors' lives. The rights of the individual must be sacrificed to the state. For the greater good, of course.

Republicans and democrats are kindred spirits. Both parties rely on authoritarianism and control. They may disagree among themselves about the details, but authoritarians of one sort or another constitute an overwhelming majority on both "sides". They possess the conceit inherent in the desire to plan the lives of others and endorse an institution of force necessary to impose these plans on unwilling subjects. They value physical coercion, compulsion and control. The central power these parties have cultivated is just an expedient of force. Power over others is a hell of a drug.

The construct of politics and the media is a positive feedback loop, and it takes hardly any energy to get into it. The party "you" believe in tells you exactly what you want to hear. Then it becomes "I'm right and everyone else is wrong". Discussions turn to arguments which devolve into little more than self-justification and childish name calling. You start to think you know what's right and wrong for me. Then I start thinking I know what's right and wrong for you. Under this system of seemingly opposing values and party loyalty, the political pendulum swings back and forth, but the fundamental direction in which we move never varies by more than a degree or two. In this manner, people are polarized into opposing groups that offset each other and the status quo is maintained.

There are still a few Americans like you that advocate maximizing individual rights and minimizing the role of the state. Maybe you understand that the abstraction called "society" is really just a collection of individuals. But you have to understand that your kind are simply misguided revolutionaries and rebels! Just remember that in "the land of the free" the majority has spoken. We have power over you. This is not about asking, It is about telling. Don't be brave. Take your Soma and embrace it.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 09:31 AM
I will refrain from engaging in this fruitless argument on either side. But I do think its interesting that the Democrat claiming that Republicans are the problem is arrogant enough to put his/her thread in the "US Political Madness" topic, but the Republican claiming that Dems are the problem has the presence of mind to realize that this is just a rant... I think that is very telling!

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by HangTheTraitors

Republicans are the worst that a human being is capable of being on this planet. And they dont even TRY to hide it any more!!!

Just an FYI - I and my family are republicans, and we don't think we're all that terrible - granted, we hold to what the party USED to be quite some time back and don't subscribe to most of the platform this ilk has come up with.

Just wanted to clarify that - I've never been a fan of overly-broad generalizations as they are frequently incorrect and generally unwise.

Be well, friend.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by TomServo
I will refrain from engaging in this fruitless argument on either side. But I do think its interesting that the Democrat claiming that Republicans are the problem is arrogant enough to put his/her thread in the "US Political Madness" topic, but the Republican claiming that Dems are the problem has the presence of mind to realize that this is just a rant... I think that is very telling!

Telling indeed! What it tells us is that republicans, (or more specifically you) don't know the definition of the word "Rant."

The OP did not go off on any kind of personal "rant" complaining that republicans were the problem, in any way shape or form. He/she did nothing more than post an article originating from the Washington Post, in which others, including prominent conservatives, came forward with that assessment. Then he/she commented on his/her opinion of said article and the volumes of truth contained within it.

For the record, just because you happen to disagree with someone's position or opinion, in and of itself, does not make their statements a rant. I truly believe that one of the main reasons that the GOP has shown itself to be at the root of the problem is due to the fact that they thrive on ignorance and fear.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 09:55 AM
[color=#FF0000]Beware of Democrats and Republicans!! They are all PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS. Millionaires and lawyers looking out for themselves and their kin while screwing the average American. Americans can never be free until they rid themselves of CRIMINAL GANGSTERS who have to band together in bands called parties which are no better than MS13, The Latin Kings, or any other number of illegal criminal enterprises that prey on the weak and unwary.

Americans need to elect CITIZEN STATESMEN who are not beholding to criminal gangsters who give them backing and financing.
CITIZEN STATESMEN who are not PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS and who love America more than they love power and money.

CITIZEN STATESMEN who will represent us instead of Lobbyists for corporations who ply them with under the table cash and benefits.

CITIZEN STATESMEN who will represent us instead of RULING OVER US.

[color=#3333FF]Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same coin. It is a dirty, soiled currency backed by graft and greed that will no longer purchase honest representation for the American voter and taxpayer.

The true patriot is not the man who defends a corrupt government. The true patriot is the man who defends the Constitution from that corrupt government.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 11:55 AM
After all that has gone on, over the past 11 years.....people still: "DONT GET IT"? So, George Dubya's voting scandal....taught you NOTHING? Or, have you forgotten, that G Dub is the ONLY President, EVER, to win office the way he did. He wasn't voted in by "the people"....he SHOULD KNOW how we got into office.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by HangTheTraitors
Its becoming CRYSTAL CLEAR for EVERYONE to see that the republican party today is a JOKE. Actually, they are BEYOND A JOKE. They and their PSYCHOPATH beliefs, actions, and policies would COMPLETELY RUIN our nation.

Their mission is to give their wealthy SNAKE buddies EVERYTHING at the EXPENSE of all of the REST OF US. They TANK our economy whenever there is a republican in the Oval Office. A Democrat in office is always faced with fixing a Republican MESS of a tanked economy.

Republicans will WIPE-OUT the middle-class for certain, and will not only TANK our economy this time around, but will bring it to its knees beyond the repair of a future Democrat to fix. The country cannot have another one of these BASTARDS in the Oval Office EVER again.

Their fantasy of a MASTER and SLAVE society is frightening, and their ZERO concern for our environment of this planet that we must live upon is unacceptable.

They would rather spend ASTRONOMICAL amounts of our tax dollars on WAR MACHINES and fight wars EVERYWHERE while ignoring the TAXPAYERS and everything that assists us for which OUR TAXES PAY FOR in the first place!!!!! They would rather use OUR taxes to BLOW people up around the world rather than spend it to care for our OWN people HERE!!! They buy into DANGEROUS delusions and use superstitious barbaric fairy-tales that can be translated in ENDLESS ways, to guide them in making IMPORTANT WORLDLY-DECISIONS!!!

Republicans are the worst that a human being is capable of being on this planet. And they dont even TRY to hide it any more!!!

They are just so bad that every intelligent thinker aside from the SHILLS and the SNAKES, for whom benefit from the Republicans, can SEE it, and will ADMIT it more and more every single DAY. Their SHILLS online are so obvious. They all use the same textbook tactics each time. And they are like clockwork... The Republican party surely needs their SHILLS...

Corrupt inhumane MONSTERS with zero compassion for anyone but themselves and their cronies. What a SAD thing that these Republicans have become. They and their SHILLS...

edit on 16-5-2012 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

I'd give you 50 stars for this post if I could. This is coming from a person that used to consider themselves a Republican. It's disgusting what that party has turned into.

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