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moma2s NewAge Hockey System

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posted on Jul, 13 2018 @ 10:30 PM
This is what Milan Lucic did last year.....
don't worry he wont repeat the performance.....ROFLMAO.....Milan struggled with the dotarded System the team was forced to play....everything was grinding in all the wrong places for a lot of players for 82 seemed impossible to get small groups of guys hot at the same time for 5-10 game stretches which is what every NHL player who produces offensively CONSISTANTLY must build off of several times during the year... you know dialed in tightly and overexceeding expectations.....

Lucic/ 30g-McDavid/ 50g-NH/ 40g....the Oilers need 120 goals from these players....full stop......if they cannot lift each other up to these levels then they are all underachieving....nothing less will do and all are CAREER HIGHS.....these are REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS...this means you have no excuses for not reaching for it.

With EB entering the equation these goals can be achieved....this is a special player who will lead playactions if you let him....he needs to be allowed to play his game and have puck possesion and control when it has been shown to benefit him...if he DEFERS to say McDavid to much it will bring down his effectivenss and if he is to make it on the Oilers he wil have to prove he can produce CONSISTANTLY and to produce this way ANY NHL DEFENSEMAN who is driving for high level OFFENSE must have puck possesion and the options to make decisions with it....not just one-touch pucks to MCDavid and CO.......this means the System must be altered so a Defenceman has this type of control over where the Bus goes during games has been DECADES since the Oilers have had a D-Man they ALLOWED TO DRIVE THE ENTIRE GAME....and EB CAN DO THIS FOR 60 MINUTES and like Leon he is a 60 MINUTE PLAYER WHO PACES HIMSELF AND FEELS HIS WAY THROUGH GAMES KICKING IT UP WHEN AND WHERE NEEDED ACCURATELY AND CONSISTANTLY. and now I am PICKING ON THE NEW COACHES before they even have a day on the ice with the team....but it has to be done now before things get under way.

Connor is a possesion wizard who is slightly more dominant with it on his stick than Taylor Hall....and McDavid is a much better passer .....Hallsy get you into the zone and gets you one good crack at it....but then things consistantly die down because he is defensive minded kind of scarred by his time in Edmonton and he never chases the pucks he passes....Connor knows he has the greenlight to go after his own pucks and he does it regularly....other players dont do this Conner keeps a lot of plays alive that should be dead...this is why the idiot Oilers needed Nail Yakupov soooo badly....because NUGEY AND CONNOR both keep dead plays alive a an ELITE freaking god they need Nail now exactly as he is naturally.....and not in 2 years but NOW.

IMHO the single biggest FUBAR the Oilers ever made is not trading Gretzky it was in piffeling away Nail Yakupovs raw potential and talent he should have been pushing Ovie for the last 4 years for the RR trophy.

posted on Jul, 14 2018 @ 10:23 PM
This season will be one of Lindros sized hits in the NHL.....the style has changed and so have the ice hits on players cutting cross-ice will be the new normal and we will inevitably see some players getting injured and I hope the NHL disciplinary group recognises this is a part of the games evolution and that in these types of hits EVEN WHEN CLEAN HEADS SNAP and players get nuked....but this does not mean we have to stop the game from being played or stop these hits ….it means PLAYERS MUST BE AWARE OF THIS EVOLUTION and this is the spot where the NHL is supposed to be sending out memos to clubs showing what they think the trends are.

If you cannot stop the cross-ice cycles cleanly and legally you will be eaten alive in the NHL of today.....and this means anticipating puck arrival and terminating it upon first need to anticipate the triggerman and nail him to the floor.This is of secondary importance to the Blue-line Stand-up hit which is the backbone of the Hammer and Anvil NHS process.....big explosive d-men who are mobile and can stay on their feet.....if you cannot engage in the stand-up hit on or above the blueline then you are in trouble....everyone pretty much has to do this...maybe a Paul Coffey type is exempt but the MAJORITY of d-men MUST be able to engage and execute this hit and REMAIN ON THEIR FEET IN DOMINANT ICE POSITION.....Forwards MUST be prepared and abe to IMMEDIATLY TRANSITION BACK TO OFFENSE as they will get to pucks in their d-zone first....this means QUICKSTRIKE offense that can if used properly pin an opponent in their own end for most of a 60 minute game....ou skip 2 steps of the normal NHL processes when you use the NHS H&A.

Moma2 foretold the NHS PROCESS CALLED the Hammer and Anvil would be the giant killer of the future ...and the FUTURE IS NOW.

The Oilers need to ENTER and EXIT this coming season executing the H&A constantly and consistantly if they wish to win the Stanley Cup NOW ... tis simple.

There is NO REASON TO NOT EXPECT THE OILERS TO WIN reason at gaping holes to fall back on....

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 02:31 AM
I wonder how many PP goals Leon Draisaitl will notch in 2018/19...… I wonder how many 5on5 Apples he will pick.....I wonder if he will push McDavid harder than last year..... I wonder how many points my BigDog Klefbom will score now that he is finally healed up from his MULTIPLE INJURIES nicely....he is ready to pivot normally now and to pinch off the boards normally again...people will never know how much Klefboms injuries held him back....and now he is ready to enter his PRIME .... Larsson and Nurse and Klefbom and E.B with a couple of Vets to back them up......Methinks Larsson needs to ADD a dimension and it needs to be fighting more...picking his spots but definitely getting SAVAGE ONCE IN A WHILE …. just to project one more layer of power to the back-end.....I believe the Oilers new Coaches need to bring in a very well built replica Goalie into practice so they can HAMMER THEIR SHOTS WITH MEANING and stop hitting it with their purses....they are sacrificing power weight and speed for accuracy and it is a misguided notion.....and it is caused by the inability to UNLOAD on their Goalies in practice....this is a MUST.....and its about time to bring in the dummies like in Football so we can see some high speed high impact drills replicating the stand-up hit.....just to let the d-men experience the normal NHL levels of they can establish their own powers of estimation which will allow them to learn to maintain dominant ice position post-hit....POST-HIT STABILITY is what we need to aim for here...and its time for the Oilers d-men to begin to learn to FLOW with the playaction in the o-zone in terms of sliding in and being open for the one-timer finishes....these can be anything from a re-direct to a onetimers to a deflection to a one-touch wrister...….the general idea being to pick the finishing shot that is your strength and AIM FOR IT....use your strengths.....because the name of the game is to FINISH OFF POSSESIONS WITH GOALS.

The Oilers have obvious holes in their structure and RW is one of them in a big big on that note its time to begin LEADING WITH THE JAB...the jab being the least powerfull quickest easiest to land punch....and when you have a gaping hole on RW instead of trying to make excuses or patch things over....use your strengths and lead with the RW position...send in system tactics that use the RW position FIRST to get it off of your opponents MAIN COURSE MENU....go deep and hard with the RW and use it as a Pawn sacrifice it DO NOT TRY TO USE IT AS A COHESIVE LINK IN A STRUCTURED CHAIN..... this is a no brainer.

The new Coaches better be able to work on-the-fly...because if they aren't already focusing on how things like this will be working then they are already behind the 8-ball...and methinks they are firmly behind the 8-ball as we speak.

The PP was ready to EXPLODE and lead the NHL in scoring % but instead it lead it in EVOLUTION as opponents picked up on JWs excellent PP strategies and ran with them proving them to b ultra-sucessfull.....seriously the Oilers PP stagnated sputtered and then dropped a goose-egg.....and the root cause was this....someone took the PERFECT MCDAVID FOCUSED PP and SCREWED with the zone transitions and the overall UBER-FOCUS or MACRO-FOCUS of the NHS PP.....someone WASTED THE POTENTIAL OPTIMISATION OF THE LATE UPSPEED SUPPORTS .......they only used it to penetrate the o-zone and NOT TO DRIVE THE PUCK HOME INTO THE NET FOR A GOAL.....they ABSOLUTELY SHOT THEMSELVES IN THE LEG....and on a real laugh of a note their opponents also in the majority did the same thing and failed to understand the NHS focuses and failed to realise more than 30% of the processes value.

Moma2 is providing the new incoming coaches with a CLINIC and trust me the little suckholes like Dubas et al will also be reading and doing what I you lose massive tactical and proprietary value by not working with the NHS.

Remember that the entire focus of your PP is to score ASAP...and that means ASAP.....and everyone who follows the NHS knows that goals are catalysed by farming or forcing opponents find or finagle your MANAGE YOUR PUCK-LUCK via learn to play TIC-TAC-TOE on every playaction....and to set a higher standard of execution and possesion to goal transition %s.No wasted time nor motion....just click click BOOM.Three touch scoring drives.Both on the PP and on 5on5 AND on the PK.

The word contrast is critical....because when you are trying to beat an NHL goalie you MUST MANUFACTURE IN AN ANTICIPATORY MANNER a contrast in YOUR SPEED AND HIS your REACTION TIMES ABILITY TO ALLOW YOU TO SAIL OR BAIL........this is why it is dotarded to use the late upspeed support PERFECTLY TO PENETRATE THE O-ZONE then pull up or FAIL TO USE THAT ADVANTAGE TO TAKE IT TO THE BUCKET AND DUNK IT.....this is why the Oilers screwed the pooch because SOMEONE failed to completely follow the NHS directions they ONLY TOOK WHAT THEY WANTED....they DID NOT LISTEN TO THE ENTIRE SET OF DIRECTIONS OR INTENTIONALLY SHORTCHANGED THEMSELVES.

Now these adjustments MUST BE MADE and it doesnt matter who is running the PP and 5on5 and PK.....the system philosophy must run through everything....the new Coaches are faced with the same NHL evolution the men before them faced......but the men joining the Oilers have the pie 1/2 baked...all they need to do is what they are being told here to optimise themselves.

Domination begins with one block of the wall at a time and then things come together progressively faster and faster....I see the Oilers were 2nd in SH goalswith 11...and this was TERRIFIC....and I expect MORE MUCH MUCH 22 SH goals........yes I said 22 SH goals........

The PP is also now required to take a League stranglehold and keep it for 82 games.....if these 2 areas are areas of Team DOMINATION then the rest will pull everything into the vortex and progress will result.

I want you to score based on POSSESION ALONE not all of the other variables which happen on the ice during a 60 minute game......I expect EVERY POSSESION TO BE A LEGITIMATE SCORING THRUST or you are in the wrong game man....NHL hockey is about scoring goals not offense or defense that is all is abput how many goals you score...if you get the puck 10 times and score 9 times no one is beating you....if you get the puck 10 times and you score 5 times MOST NHL teams are not beating you....if you get the puck 75 freaking times and cannot score more than 2-3 just suck.....I mean if you HAVE POSSESION 75 TIMES.....think about that.....think about how many goals you should be scoring.....a team shooting and finishing % is what leads individual %s.....this team standard is driven by the System focus and how the Coaches adjust to opponents in real really the System and the Coaches running it are responsible for the teams sucess as much as the players on the ice in full equity and equality.

It will always be a 50/50 leave the Locker Room as SACRED GROUND and keep the Coaches off-limits unless there is a problem....yes this seperation can be a good encourages accountability on a new level organisationally one sorely missing in more round table shmable....just get the fellas into their sides of the buildng so they can make hay in their own ways.
edit on 15-7-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2018 @ 11:15 AM
Just a reminder that there is a history that must be overcome here for this club to move forward....and it is a hades of a history to overcome....because of WHAT SHOULD AND COULD HAVE the vid in the link.....and consider where the lineup the Oilers SHOULD have would be in 1-2-3-4-5 years......I mean if they had just had the foresight and balls to hold the line and muzzle Chia they would have had an even better roster than I thought possible.

So now that we know what COULD have happened.....we know exactly how high the bar is set for Chia to say he has had any sucessat all....if the Oilers fail this season Chia fails ...Chias head is on the line this season....payback must now come from his moves....there has to be an upside and progress according to plan must be more losing season and that's is it IMHO for Chia....Hall winning the Hart pretty much sliced Chias Velvet Crown Royal Bag right open....cementing the Hall trade as his absolute worst ever.Lucic collapsing evidenced the depth of the screwups Management has been steadfastly making.

This is a very good year to be the Oilers Head Coach....contract-wise....T-Mac cannot do any wrong now.....all he has to do is produce an average season to hold up his part of the bargain and he is always working harder than average so good things can be expected from him...bringing the PP and PK into consistantly projected focus will cure his woes.

Really considering the Oilers have brought in new Assistants they really SHOULD also be bringing in the NHS.....because truly they should not waste another season fighting a battle they will never win with Moma2....K-lowe can sit in the wings and Moma2 doesnt care....the feud is the has now affected SEVERAL GENERATIONS Players who were not even drafted when this battle started are now paying for the Sins of the Fathers......and this is really not fair to any current and future Oilers.......Connor Mcdavid has been tripped up by Moma2 twice already....his forst trip to the Playoffs was unceremoniously ended and when doubt was shown that Moma2 had in fact don that..THE PRESSURE WAS JACKED UP THE NEXT YEAR AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED ...NO PLAYOFFS AND UTTER WHAT IF THIS HAPPENS AGAIN THIS COMING SEASON....what if itis UTTER DEVESTATION AGAIN....take this to heart ok...even if Katz sold the club if K-Lowe and Bronco the rat-mole who works for the Oilers website as a Mod remain then Moma2 shall be remediating them all.

If you can wrap your head around the fact that the Oilers are now having their next season cut and pasted for them you are on task here.....Moma2 is clearly projecting that if the Oilers do not make an overture here via PM and make Moma2 confident the rat-mole is gone then that they shall once again be remediated....yes thats right K-Lowe protected a rat-mole who destroyed a DECADE OF OILERS HOCKEY by traitoring out Moma2 and the Oilers but somehow remaining within the Kevin Lowe can now give himelf a big slap on the back and congratulate himself on ensuring that hte Oilers SUCK for what could be his natural lifetime now....we have now gone to a new level of detruction ...K-Lowes NATURAL LIFETIME.....this is what a feud is...and when that timeline has expired we will flip it over to Broncos and when that is done we will sink the knife in for a couuple of extra years for emphasis.

posted on Jul, 16 2018 @ 07:07 PM
Mike Babcock should follow this link then when he is on the page look down the right side to the TENTH window where he will see Dubas or his the video is called Psychopaths crime psychology documentary - Real Stories...and that fella in the picture has to be Dubas…
edit on 16-7-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2018 @ 04:49 AM
Google search Real Stories psychopaths...….and then look down the right hand side till you see Dubas clone...or is the way Babcock and Shanny….you better get ready to put out some really big fires because rumor has it that Dubas did some unethical things earlier in his career where some serious charges and allegations were being bandied know with the non-NHL club....really bad suppressive cover-up level stuff criminal in some peoples eyes possibly....put it this way Moma2 is ON IT NOW...…..oh boy this is deep...…..

Hey is the real pitch Dubas and his cronies used on you are USING IT AGAIN TO DEFEND THE LITTLE DATA-PIRATE BABCOCK you are one lucky duck have a GM who has been WORKING IN HOCKEY since he was 13 years old...WOW....that is something isnt it..smells funny but it sure is a lump of A YOUNG MATH OBSSESSED and his thieveing buddies have not created anything but they sure have disrupted the them in the ear good...LMAO...ROFLMAO....Shanny you will go down in history when this is all over for your decision to buy Dubas BS were not experessing due dilligence Shanny and you got burned......or maybe Dubas is as this contrived article claims A CERTIFIED GENIUS WHO CAN DO NO Shanny I am willing to put my 148 IQ up against your so-called genius any day of the week and I will tie one hand behnd my back and stand on one leg and even close one-eye...ROFLMAO....

Hey are a word magician it is part of your job....using creative and multi-faceted VERBAGE is BIG part of your what exactly is this....CERTAINLY HE IS CONSIDERED YOUNG AND NEW-AGE....LMAO....Babs what does this mean does this mean Dubas is connected to the NewAge hockey System....ROFLMAO...nope it does they sure want to shne your shoes so hard it reflects that way back to you my for your luck I dont think you saw this one coming.

DUBAS DESERVES SUCH BALANCED I come from we call that bag-licking......and has not earned any type of balanced dilligent assesment in fact he hasnt earned a sniff of what he has earned by using stolen then get this talk about passive aggressive con-jobs AFTER ALL.HES NO tooting he isnt he is a plain old thief.

Dubas turns 33 in November,hes got a wife and the con-job part HE HAS BEEN WORKING IN HOCKEY FOR 20 YEARS....LMAO....hes not some young wippersnapper or neophyte,hes no flash in the this kind of garbage is

Try this on for size...Dubas is a 33 year old thief...who was a stickboy and a rinkrat....he didnt accomplish anything hockey related for his entire life except to be a rinkrat....this guy was no Ryan Smyth who was a stick-boy then made good on his OWN MERITS FAIR AND SQUARE...Kyle Dubas was a basement dweller who didn't even do his own living with his parents and spending most of his spare time online like other kids do.....he found a group of like-minded bloggers...they encountered Moma2 and the New-Age Hockey System and were smashed by it...they decided to steal and copy-cat the NHS and try to fiscalise it for themselves by repackaging the data and selling it to the NHL as so-called advanced stats......nope Dubas is not a whippersnapper or a neophyte he is a COMMON THIEF......and he HAD LOTS OF COLLUSIONARY HELP FROM PEOPLE LIKE DELLOW AND EAKINS AND OTHERS GETTING TO WHERE HE IS AT....and this is all about to come crumbelng down believe me......this little con-jobs past is screaming back at him at light speeds now....and wait till the NHL season begins and the Leafs get to deal with a BLOCKBUSTER issue concerning their so-called G.M TO START THE SEASON all asked for dont be crybabies ok.

Babcock....there is A REASON FOR THIS DISCLOSURE MAN...think about is basic are dealing with a special kind of psychopath pal....a very special type........and you do not have the tools to deal with him but Moma2 surely does...ROFLMAO.Babs...Toronto media is special....they are like Piranha when they smell blood....and boy oh boy will Moma2 ever be CHUMMING THE WATERS PRETTY SOON....don't worry though Mikey....Dubas has your back and after all HE HAS BEEN ACTIVELY EARNING A LIVING AND WORKING AT HIS CRAFT OF NHL HOCKEY FOR TWENTY WHOLE bad YOU didn't start working in the NHL when you were 13 huh Babs....oooops sorry I meant IN HOCKEY not in the NHL cause that is what Dubas will quickly point out to if you but that BS story about this con-job having a 20 year NHL/HOCKEY RESUME , well then my friend I have a bridge for sale if you are interested.
edit on 20-7-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2018 @ 05:53 AM
link gets even do we Really Know about Maple Leafs Dubas….read that closing paragraph of pure unadultered BS....LMAO.....well educated formal and mean he has some meanigfull Degrees and he has NHL Hockey ACUMEN relative to where he is today....LMAO....not......he appears to be a good communicator …..he APPEARS to be a lot of things....,too,having not only been hired for a number of jobs seemingly reserved for older more well know individuals,but also having been able to bring his own ideas along to these positions.too….NO HE DIDNT the ideas he sells are NOT HIS OWN THEY ARE THE NHS...….he has been a thief since he was living in his parents basement.

Mike...Shanny….this is where you really need to WAKE THE PUCK UP AND SMELL THE get real when you read this crap ok......Finally and perhaps ,most significantly,Dubas has shown and encouraging ability to not neccesarily produce revolutionary ideas that throw the hockey world asunder,for better or gor worse,but to simply use the widest available net ,to gather ideas ,interpretations ,and practices-and to explore these ideas interpretations and practices to their fullest.Whether its the serious use of analytics ¨,in conjunction with -not exclusive of-other methodsof player evaluation...and we will stop there.

Yu better believe he has NOT PRODUCED any revolutionary ideas....nor was he given permission to mis-use the NHS revolutionary ideas ideas......which he has done....and we call stealing data off-line THEFT pal....Moma2 knows full well that Eakins and Dellow and people like Dubas will claim they are simply fairly taking online content and then incorporating it....but there is a decade long record of data-theft of proprietary property and collusional actions by a large group of people who are involved with NO there is no so-called collecting free stuff is OVERT THEFT.......and there is NO SERIOUS USE OF ANALYTICS POSSIBLE....all Dubas and his thieving pals have done is take the NHS proprietary data and ideas and then -re-paint over them with numbers so they could sell the stolen property to the NHL...and yes Dorothy it goes right back to the M.I.T Sloan Sports conferences on analytics where Dubas and company went to LAUNDER THE NHS IDEAS and PROPRIETRY PROPERTY via attempted legitimisation here....oh yes the waters run DEEP MY FRIENDS.....

Mike...Shanny...Dubas online Cabal is trying to DISTANCE KYLE DUBAS FROM HIS COLLUSIONARY ACTIONS related to THE THEFT OF THE NHS DATA and the resulting sale of said stolen proprietary property to the NHL and to others.....they are trying to frame excuses for WILL NOT WORK....Dubas and his Cabal are tell me what makes you one bit different than Dubas....and trust me THE BEST IS YET TO COME IN THE MSM MEDIA BEFORE YOUR SEASON BEGINS...or at some suitable early moment.You see CANNOT ACCEPT Dubas excuses and lies...for there is a DECADE LONG TRAIL OF HIS ACTIONS AND HIS CABALS ACTIONS.... you are lucky he has a past that you can use to break ties with him ASAP...and you are welcome for the backdoor Moma2 is providing you with or will soon be providing you with.

Hey Mikey...just between you and me...this is kinda like Coaching in the NHL ist it make one small adjustment and it forces your opponent to move to act to provide you with what happened when Moma2 informed you of the manipulation of the online content in Dubas favor by his Cabal of immediatly stopped dropped and rolled...slowed down their propoganda and then tried to fire you know full well what is going on you know as a legitimate Coach that Moma2 could do this all day babs...put Moma2 and Dubas in the same room...make it happen...put Shanny and Lou on the other side of the 2-way glass and let them watch Dubas world come unwound in front of their very see Mike....Moma2 DOES ROCK A 148 IQ...AND DOES HAVE LEGITIMATE SPORTS EXPERIENCE AT A HIGH LEVEL FROM FIRST-HAND EXPERIENCE not from stealing other peoples lives and ideas and data from online and then claiming it gor you guys were suppossed to be to smart to fall for this kind of schtick Dubas is selling you....what happened man....jeez...what happened to make this possible.....I gues a lack of due dilligence on your Hockey Clubs part or possibly a lack of transparancy by Dubas and his Cabal that allowed them to get past your traditina checks and balances...either you dropped the ball or he mis-represented himself his data and its decide all it is your dime.....Shanny looks guilty to me so methnks he knows but figures his arse is covered so he doesnt care where the stolen data came from...and Lou well he must be turning into a dotard to let this happen to him and his Club ...DOTARD by the very definition....and you Mikey...well you are the Master of your own Destiny now arent you....unlike your peers on the Leafs you can walk away unburned at any time you wish to are welcome for the ticket out of what will soon be a raging fire of destruction....Shanny and Lou have to hold the FOUL ball on this one just wanted you to be in the know ok...from one Coach to another alright....good luck Mike....good luck indeed.
edit on 20-7-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2018 @ 10:00 PM
I think Connor can be good for 2+ points per game over 82 games.......if his linemates and his Special Teams partners and his Defense work to be FINISHERS for him as he CONTINUES to be GOAL HUNGRY then things could click into place....if everyone else is looking to FINISH then he could blow up some Oilers and NHL records....McDavid has shown consistency like Nugey and Leon and like Hall in terms of pushing the opponent first and most.....Connor now knows he can score 50 goals and that should be his micro-goal for the coming season but the real question is CAN HIS TEAMMATES FINISH ON HIS PASSES....and this is a critical question because between McDavid and Nuge and Leon there are some darn nice passes being dished out each and every game....if everyone on the team bears down and accepts their fair share of responsibility for burying the puck then things will run smoothly all year....but if players begin deferring and overplaying or overpassing the pucks then the season could potentially snowball YET AGAIN.....Gretzkys linemates ALL felt the pressure to score when he set them up and they all had the sheer confidence to lean into their shots knowing full well that Wayne would only dish it when it was the perfect time...he wouldn't dish pucks into neutral dynamics always to a shooter in a good position and always on the tape.....this is the kind of confidence both Nuge and McDavid project that their RW and their D-Men MUST KEY OFF OF and TEE OFF OF....because we now know Connor is good for 50 if he is healthy and the real question is HOW MANY CAN HIS BUDDIES CASH IN ON....the D-Men who play with him had BETTER BE PREPARED AND PARCTICED TO SHOOT IT IN THE BLOODY NET...not generic random bombs but IN THE NET and if this means stepping in a few steps they better do it and NOT WASTE OPPORTUNITIES AT ALL.....the only way Oilers players can support McDavid at this point in his career where he is sharpening his personal scoring touch like Gretzky did is to SCORE WHEN HE DISHES THE PUCKS because HE WILL MAKE HIS OWN GOAL SCORING DYNAMICS AND HE THEREFORE DOES NOT WANT THE PUCK BACK AFTER HE DISHES shoot it or ask for a demotion to a lower spot in the System where you don't have to deal with the pressure of playing with a guy like McDavid and a guy like Nuge.
edit on 22-7-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2018 @ 11:21 PM
So heres the problem….when T-Mac asked his new hires what they did to prepare for his Oilers team when they were the opposition ….. they all said the same things.....that they read Moma2s thread on ATS....and simply followed directions....that simple.
If they did not say this they need to come clean to admit it now before it becomes an issue.
Then they need to throw a hat in the middle of the Boardroom and see if they can put together a Warchest to come and try to sign Moma2 up...soon.

posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 06:55 AM
The number of Goals scored against the Oilers on the 1st shot of the game is something that MUST be CANNOT be simply swept under the rug and take on it is that the players did as they were taught and told they fell back on their Systems structure....I means seriously ,when the game is just starting you have all of your most harped upon issues floating through your head and you SHOULD BE dialed in but most and BEST of all you are not exhausted and drained of energy and ability to think optimally ….. so why would you lay Squirrel Eggs to begin so many were constantly and consistently falling back upon you Systems structures EXACTLY AS YOU ARE SUPPOSSED TO DO....and the MORE CONSTANT AND CONSISTANT THIS FOCUS THE MORE YOU WERE SCORED UPON....because the opposition had real-time uber-accurate analysis and breakdowns of your System and Processes to work with and you could not do anything about it....just stay the course and stick to your was the PREDICTABILITY that-Mac built into is men when he trained them to fall back on their instincts which translates to their SYSTEMS STRUCTURES not their personal strengths and instincts when under max-pressure that was used against the Oilers.....the single most predictable part of the game for the Oilers opponents was the very very beginning when everyone was dialed right in mentally but cold physiclly and this part of the game is when they were quickest and most accurate positionally in falling into their structure.....the collapse deefense killed them and it is a part and parcel of the System they use unfortunately....I mean in essence the Oilers were literally pulling back their Armor and baring their throats for the enemy by immediatly collapsing in their own zone...yeilding immediatly....constantly and consistantly.....and as evidence shows they produced consistant results or failures where the opponent scored first.

Moma2 and the NewAge Hockey System have already stated years ago that the NHS Hammer & Anvil System will be the only thing capable of stopping an NHS modified Adjusted-Hybrid System.......and right now as in THIS COMING SEASON....the H&A would ROCK THE ENTIRE NHL especially the TOP ECHELON WINNINGIST TEAMS......this NHS System crushes the possesion style...and strikes back immediatly and terminally producing plenty of offense.

So basiclly what will soon happen is that Moma2 will begin to harp on the H&A and how and why the Oilers should be using it...and in this THOROUGH process Moma2 will teach the ENTIRE NHL the exact same lessons....which as evidence shows consistantly happens their opponents will then immediatly implement the H&A with great sucess.....while the Oilers continue to use the Collapse defense....

This is what the Oilers look like when you skate the puck right at their defense at their own Blueline...ROFLMAO.....this little chuckle is especially for know he will get a serious laugh out of it.Mostly because he sees it so much when he splits the oppositions defensemen up the middle like he is getting so very good at doing and they end up dropping like bowling balls as he bulls past them.

That is what destroyed the Oilers season past....the Collapse Defense....straight up....and the wee little Monkey has it right it was laughable to watch them stick with it driving their bus into the same brick wall at super-high speed over and over and over.

It is time for immediate change and it is time for a System that can put more pucks into McDavids hands with LESS real estate for him to cover more times per game....this is the ONLY WAY YOU CAN GIVE CONNOR AND MORE IMPORTANTLY HIS TEAMMATES ENOUGH ROPE TO PUT UP HIGHER NUMBERS IN FACT POTENTIALY ASTRONOMICAL NUMBERS.

What we need to see is a System capable of putting Connor and Nugey and Leon and others in positions to sink daggers into the opponent quickstrike style and CONSISTANTLY....their conversion rate of possesions to GOALS IN NET will EXPLODE INTO GREEN TERRITORY.....their team shooting % will skyrocket and they will force teams to turtle and roll over immediatly....this means everything will get easier over 82 games.

Basiclly ...everything has to be adjusted....everything....this is no small feat and without Moma2 the Oilers cannot possibly do it....which means the coming season is already a wrap.....they will clean up a lot but still collectively fall 6 points short of a Playoff spot IMHO.

edit on 28-7-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 05:19 PM
I say put Puljarvi on the 2nd line with Leon and make him into a workhorse who carries and controls the pucks a lot....let Jesses energy be the focal point of the line and let Leon set the pace when he has possession and control....let Jesse wear on them and attack up the middle with his speed and reach while Leon attacks it with his size and experience...Jesse is optimal when he comes in on the right side or middle with speed and possession and a full-on SHOT THREAT FIRST from mid-range with the FREEDOM from structure to decide when to keep steaming it right inside to the net where his awesome soft hands let him bury it more times than not from in close...... but then when he has no shot opportunitys he can dish and then slip over to the left side where he is money in the bank....I am still not sure why he hasn't been put on the PP on the left point side he has such a bomb from there....he loves to straight up OVERPOWER goalies like Laine does and he CAN DO IT if he is given the dynamics I outlined instead of being stuck with the Oilers where they rely on so much structure that is not focused enough upon him like Laine is focused upon …. Jesse needs to have pucks as he exits the n-zone with his gears kicking up high and have his teammates driving to get open for his passes because he has a hck of a set of hands....this is Jesses breakout season....he needs to be on the 1st line...full stop...and if Boucher doesn't stick he needs to be the #1 PP left point shot all season long.
edit on 28-7-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2018 @ 05:22 PM
When men fail those men around them also when we see Players at the NHL level who are not making it we need to look at their teammates before we look at them....long before a Player gets into a funk his teammates SHOULD HAVE ALREADY RECOGNISED THE SIGNS AND TAKEN ACTION TO CHANGE THE DYNAMICS....this should be a VERBAL...players MUST be very very vocal and verbal and constantly throwing barbs at each other....the joking is needed because we cannot always say the brutal truths needed as if they are truths...sometimes we need a couple chances to take fun jabs to throw hints at our teammates and those barbs can get SHARPER and SHARPER if changes don't materialise...if everyone is TO SERIOUS all the time and there is no way to critiique each other without getting TO SERIOUS....then NO ONE WILL CRITICISE EACH OTHER and everyone will wait for the Coach to do it WHICH IS FAR TO see the value of accurate communication and communication conduits.

I know one leader in the Oilers room who has gotten this message nice and loud and clear and in the right way...Mr.Lucic….he understood the video I gave him PERFECTLY and he understood how it applied to his entire season and IN THIS ACTION he LEARNED what he needs to do to re-discover his mojo....just incase you missed it and because I love it SOOOO tis again....LMAO.This is what can happen when a guy gets his BLINDERS ON and becomes one-track minded and to involved and to serious about whatever it is that he is

posted on Aug, 1 2018 @ 10:03 AM
OK....the season is beginning now...Moma2 is warmng is a link to one of Moma2s favorite who has developed his own Winning Athlete who Moma2 has analysed and emulated a great deal...….can you watch this linked video and see how and where the NHS is in ways similar to Funky Ben and his Funky Style. We will revisit this later and Moma2 will explain how inputs from BigBadBen directly translated to NHL hockey.
edit on 1-8-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 08:33 AM
Whoever is on the Oilers home site trying to talk sense there needs to simply link to this thread......the Oilers were gifted a McPowerplay by Moma2 that was tailormade for Connor McDavids skillset...the dotards running the show didn't listen they bastardised the tactics and screwed it up ...while OTHER NHL TEAMS have been working on perfecting this VERY SAME PP the Oilers management and Coaches and ownership who refuse to play ball with Moma2 who is a legitimate hockey genius are extremely derelict......this is not Dellow and not Dubas we are discussing here man.... they are the thieves who have stolen Moma2s data....The idiot Oilers have been feuding with Moma2 for over a decade and have been BRUTALISED for their efforts.

Yes....Oilers fan you are correct....Connor is speed based and his termination of playactions with goals is most often actioned off of speed.....well....I created the perfect storm for him dynamically and the stupic arse Oilers didn't do as they were told....more importantly they ARE ALLOWING THIS DATA THAT IS PRODUCED FOR THEM SPECIFICLLY TO HIT THE OPEN INTERNET.....this is their Sin of the Fathers that is killing them today.....had they simply paid the Piper then no one would EVEN KNOW HOW TO ACTION THIS PP FOCUS....but now EVERYONE KNOWS and they are finding great success....sooooo….once again the Oilers advantage has been flushed down the toilet by Oilers ownership managaement and Coaches who are very well aware of Moma2 and the NHS but they have taken a historic stand.....FYI Moma2 is fully prepared to continue torpedoing this Ship....we have already turned it into a Groundhog Day dynamic....

Moma2 was hurt in 2006 and learned what a computer was ,then the entire NHL world began to evolve shortly thereafter......12 years with one -playoff spot....the OUTLIER is the year the Oilers made the Playoffs.....and they were remediated soundly the evidence is loud and clear.

There is no reason for anything to change because nothing has been done to address causality.........EVERYTHING has changed EXCEPT Moma2s extremely predjudiced remediations of this group.All the Oilers have done is help the entire NHL by refusing to admit their wrongs and by refusing to ante up and hire Moma2 and the NHS to prove they are genuine .They took the hook-line-and sinker on Dellow and Eakins who were scammers like Dubas is right now in T.O..then after getting burned and embarrassed they refused to play ball with anyone knew these guys were scammers and they rolled the dice with them and they are gun-shy.

Without the PP they will wither and die this comng season.....because so much time is spent in practice and in games playing to their strengths they MUST carry this forward and play to their STRENGTHS on the PP as weell...BUT BUT BUT the dotards running the show seem to think that the PP gives them a little SLACK and they can now IGNORE Moma2 and their Strengths and simply iss away those critical PP minutes trying out useless ineffective tactics as they piffle their season away.

Nothing has changed from last season in terms of Special Teams focuses....the PK was PREFECT....producing offense andpushing back consistently....but the PP was reserved and undermanaged and had absolutely no URGENCY....there are two schools of thought on the PP...the Professional level NHL one that says be patient take your time and use every second of the 2 minutes to find the perfect shot to score on......and the NHS focus on SCORING ASAP off the RUSH....or the rebounds off the rush.....NOT A DUMP OR CARRY IT IN THEN A PAUSE TO SET UP STRUCTURES THAT ARE USELESS UNLESS YOU PLAN ON PIFFELING AWAY ALL 2 MINUTES SETTING UP OVER AND OVER AND OVER...….

For those fans who are beginnersor intermediate fans....scoring in the NHL happens most often when the team without the puck is in TRANSITION or when they are RUSHING TO GET SET UP IN THEIR DEFENSIVE POSITIONS AND POSTURES....this is when the team with the puck can find HOLES as they say or seams as they say......sooooo.....traditionally when a team has the man advantage then they find it most desirable to dump or carry the puck into the offensive zone and then PULL UP AND WAIT FOR TEAMMATES TO GET INTO THEIR OFFENSIVE STRUCTURE OR POSITIONS AND POSTURES....then play it cute and pass the puck around forcing the opponents to keep making POSITIONAL TRANSITIONS until a BIG HOLE is found and they can score and easy goal....but LMAO.....they never find the big hole, all they do is overpass and waste time and not doesnt take a genius to figure out that with McDavids speed you focus on a Spear-tip PP style that make terminal thrusts EVERY POSSESION...and when Moma2 and the NHS actually BUILD YOU A PP PROCESS BASED OFF OF THE POSSESION TRANSITION STYLE that the NHS has forced the NHL to evolve into and you look the gift horse in the mouth and GIFT THIS TO THE REST OF THE NHL BY YOUR REFUSAL TO PAY FOR IT...well you are your own worst enemy.

Respect....this means you treat Moma2 and the NHS with deep every way....this means you WORK HARD to build a productive relationship....this means YOU make it work.

There ARE NO PROGRESSIVE NHL COACHES WHO ARE NOT USING THE NHS IN TODAYS GAME...…….T-Mac was beginning to be forced to use it in San Jose and the incoming Coaches have also been using it on their respective Clubs to some degree or another....and just so they are aware timing is everything so Moma2 will not be giving early reads to work from....anything posted will be at the optimal time giving no response time to Coaches who are looking to work with the analytical data given....Moma2 will do as we did last year...pick perfect spots....hamstring then sit back and wait while the energy and blood run thin....then step in and hamstring the other leg....slowly and patiently following a plan.

edit on 2-8-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2018 @ 08:16 PM
Benning is preaching the right tune.....and it sounds like he is banging a Hammer on an Anvil to way to look at the evolving NHL landscape if you ask me.

Talbot will be facing far fewer dangerous 1st shots in games when the blueline is denied instead of gifted and the defense expands instead of collapsing.....this will return Talbot to his Prime form which is what the team needs to see....hopefully he is the Starter but is only given 12 game stretches before he is spelled off...he likes a lot of volume work to get into a groove which he then maintains....but to bad so sad....he is supposed to be a MATURE VETERAN now so he needs to police his energy levels better....this means that his backup will get to play at least every 12 games and that the rule will be that he plays until he loses a game and then Talbots regular 12 game rotation begins again.....this is the proper way to use your Goaltenders and the investment the team has in them in all ways in the NHL.
edit on 2-8-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2018 @ 09:12 AM
Here is an example of what the NHS Hammer & Anvil System will do to the NHS Modified Adjusted-Hybrid NHL playing clubs who today wether they know it or not have been emulating the Soviet and Dynasty Oilers System habits exactly the ways Moma2 wanted them to a few years ago I posted a link to an Oilers /Russian game which is a favorite teaching and learning tool of mine to show you where the Adjusted-Hybrid System came from or was catalysed from and now we have here yet another Coles Notes teaching tool....this time you will learn the ORIGIN of the NHS Hammer & Anvil System....lest you ever think some idiot thief like Dubas or Delow or whoever came up withy the ideology....unlike those watching this linked game way back in history who believed it was the Flyers DIRTY RULE BREAKING BULLY TACTICS that helped them crush one of the most talented teams ever to play hockey together …. Moma2 has ANOTHER STORY TO TELL.....LMAO.....if you BREAK THE GAME DOWN YOU QUICKLY REALISE THAT IT WAS THE SYSTEM THE FLYERS WERE USING THAT WON THEM THE GAME BECAUSE IT ABSOLUTELY SANDBAGGED THE RUSSIANS...…..@4:29 of the video READ THE remember that Moma2 was KICKED OFF OF THE OILERS SITE and other sites for PREACHING ABOUT THE SYSTEM OVER ALL ELSE.....this SYSTEM PHILOSOPHY IS WHAT ATTRACTED THE THIEVING CON-ARTIST ADVANCED STATS ARSECLOWNS...…… this is where the seed of the NHS H&A System came from....Moma2 created a possession transition we all know IT WAS BEING DISCUSSED SEVERAL YEARS AGO and was given right to T-Mac …..I hope the Oilers new Coaches are paying attention closely because they will soon be doing exactly as Moma2 says because of peer pressure not because they have enough collective brains or integrity to come to the source and learn everything ...instead they will leech data offline at the same time as their opponents....voluntarily surrendering the Oilers new Coaches have to cleary understand it is your bosses who have made it impossible for you to have access to the the NHLs most cutting edge consulting source in the world Moma2s NewAge Hockey System/NHS ....Moma2 created and still creates EVERYTHING FOR THE OILERS SPECFICLLY..... they just refuse to pay fair market value and sequester the fountain of inspiration and evolutionary introspective analysis for themselves and instead are happy allowing the entire NHL acess this data in real time.Basiclly fellas your opponents will have immediate online access to the exact same data which you could have sequestered for yourselves if you are finding value there you need to address the issue with your bosses AS A GROUP....and request an Armistice or something be arranged so you can gain a League-wide clear tactical advantage.

Anyone following the thread here knows Moma2 STOPPED POSTING new and relevant technical data a long time ago...and this has simply been banter time....after hamstringing the Oilers in the Playoffs it has just been a long game of kick the can.

Pay close attention to the shot differential in the game is reflective of an NHS type gap or was DOMINANCE.

Afterthought.......Moma2 has always shared the history of the NHS where it came from and who influenced its we are doing now with the NHS Hammer & Anvil Standup Defense System.....this is what seperates Moma2 and the NHS from all of the con-jobs who have pirated the NHS propietary intellectual data and fiscalised it and made money for themselves off of Dellow and Dubas and others....this above all else is why it is FUTILE to even question how or where Moma2 comes up with CANNOT disenfanchise something that is HONEST......are you listening Chia and Shanahan and T-Mac and are responsible for expressing due dilligence.....and evidence shows this simply may not be the case for if you were this data would not exist right now it would be sequestered.
edit on 3-8-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 06:54 PM
The Leafs are hooped until they rid themselves of Dubas...that ship already has a jammed rudder and is beginning to go in big wide circles no one is recognising will soon enough....and time is now Moma2 will have to stick to nailing down the lid on the Oilers coffin early....this season we will chop out the knees of 3-4 critical areas that are essential to the clubs season success.....we will let that damage simmer and grow for 20-30 games so we destroy the early start option and then once corrective measures have been implemented successfully by the Team we will do er all over again like last season and we will hobble the entire process for a second time to burn up another 30or so games in corrective mode....JUST IN TIME for the playoffs if by some act of god they make it then of course we will see the main course served as Moma2 dissects the club in real-time during the playoffs effectively snuffing out any hopes or dreams.Sure is darn hard to get a job with those

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 09:10 PM
I bothered to come to drop this comment so it has its merits....I may have jumped the gun and advised something which may not be as vested in the player enough as all decisions must be....I think Puljarvi needs 3rd line ice-time consistently and he needs to be RELIED upon to drive the bus...not put with Vets and forced to work on details all the time...he needs a risk vs reward offensive dynamic where he can make a difference and have enough puck possession and playaction management power to do so consistently.

Of course this is dependant on that 3rd line being balls to the wall in every area including offense and not tasked to do defensive shutdown all the time or to burn possesions and minutes in low risk scenarios all the time.

I also wish to apologise in advance to the Oilers new Coaches who are about to be lit up like Santas outhouse at midnight....I just hope you knew what you were doing when you signed on and that you haven't fooled yourselves into thinking that you are somehow immune where the Oilers men before you were you shall suffer the exact same fates...they had real time acces to the data just like you do now and it mattered proxy your squirming will matter not.The sweetest thing is that as sooon as you begin to properly administer the NHS Solution...Moma2 will stop providing material to you.Even if you drop the Hammer & Anvil down exactly as advised...Moma2 is submarining this coming season ASAP....Moma2 has no problem self-immolating and dissecting the H&A to some degrees if needed.

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 09:33 PM
What is wrong with Aberg…..why cant he stay much sugar and carbs in his diet or what the hades.... its time for Pontus to grow up and he is lucky Larsson is a mentor type who has the tools needed to represent a professional bluecollar NHLer with elite level pride and motivation....this type of player is called a CORNERSTONE....and the Hall trade pays dividends now in areas no one expected IMHO......Larsson has already calmed and indirectly mentored Nurse....he is a d-man who approaches the game a lot like RNH and Leon and Mcdavid all do he takes tremendous pride in putting in the hard work and sweat it takes to grind it out at the NHL level these guys DO IN FACT WILLINGLY SHOULDER A FAIR SHARE OF PHYSICALITY DURING GAMES....they do push through their own barriers every single night challenging themselves and learning their limits …..quick to accurately do as Coaches ask and able to modulate their own games well enough to react to new marching orders quickly and with authority and confidence.....low maintenance players...this means the Coaches should be horsewhipping anyone who isn't towing this particular hard working line every minute of every game.

Aberg and Reider should be batteling Kassian for the #1 and #2 RW spots....funny enough I think Kassian has better hands and proven fists as a Middle/Heavy and the ability to bury opponents and remove them from playactions giving his linemates lots of room when he decides to throw a hit....he can either knock someone down or rock em so hard the are rung or he is strong enough to pin them on the wall cleanly.....either way Kassian more often than not comes out of engagements dominant....and as we said this gives his 2 linemates and the d-men a man advantage during that playaction sequence.

Reider is a natural release shooter and he has above NHL average shooting skills......Aberg is a tough little nut who is not afraid to go to the walls and he can survive there AND have an impact in terms of interfering with the playaction ....not quite like Kassian does but Aberg also seems to come off the wall first most and recover the Oilers have a heavy RW in Kassian ho can make room a middleweight in Aberg who can stir crap and recover and a Lightweight in Reider who can score it up.

Not sure why I am guess because I want to be challenged fairly when I 86 this group.I am an Oilers fan first...then it gets I take everything I give and anything left over as well.

posted on Aug, 9 2018 @ 10:27 AM
When you can do anything it is easy to end up doing nothing.

This is the Connor McDavid synopsis.

The word FINISH comes to mind when I think of what side-dish goes good with a heaping helping of McDavid.....whoever is with Connor needs to have the acumen and ability to always be thinking positioned and prepared to shoot to score.... to NEVER dust a puck off or think pass before you get fact stop thinking about getting possession at all and accept that your job is not to support possession it is about FINISHING off playactions….and this means being IN POSITION and READY and ABLE to SCORE the millisecond the puck is available....Connor does not need to be playing with anyone who is shy to shoot to Gretzky focused on if you cannot finish then you cannot play with him....he didn't give a dam where you went or what you did or if you followed the System or danced necked under the moonlight AS LONG AS YOU WERE ABLE TO HANDLE HIS PASSES AND SHOOT THE PUCK ASAP.....Wayne didn't waste time on the ice EVER if he could generate a goal 5 seconds in he did it if he could generate another one 2 minutes later he did it....there was no such thing as an energy in and a set reward out with Wayne Gretzky he put as little in as humanly possible and took as much out as was humanly possible.....Wayne has the best killer instinct of any NHLer to ever lace on skates and this statement is CONCRETE.The playaction % that ended in goals with Wayne was astronomical...because he refused to play with guys who would not or could not shoot and score...and Wayne was the Judge of wether or not you were adequate...he had a gut feel for how many goals he would be scoring off of his own passes and he pro-rated that when he tasked his linemates….Gretzky KNEW A FINISHER when he found one and Slats LISTENED TO HIM EVERY TIME ALMOST......this is a massive barrier to guys like Connor Mcdavid who may never have the relationship that Gretz/Slats had in terms of Waynes instincts and intellect being respected on all levels that touched the ice surface.....Slats didn't question Wayne at every step...maybe every tenth step Slats made a chirp of discontent to vaguely assert Nugent Hopkins and McDavid both have something Gretzky had....they don't NEED elite linemates...they can produce with ANYONE as long as they can manage the playactions...once you force these types of players to tow the line in a STRUCTURED SYSTEM you voluntarily diminish their potential impacts by at least 40%+….it is a travesty to see them pigeon-holed and played with guys who cannot finish ….the trick is to PLAY A STRUCTURED SYSTEM but not force THEM TO PLAY TO THE STRUCTURE...let them be ROVERS....plan for with it....make everyone else tow the line tightly....but NOT THESE GUYS...……...they need linemates who understand their job and that is to SIMPLY FINISH to be IN POSITION AND IN A FRAME OF MIND TO BE SHOOTING THEIR COJONES OFF and to look to quick-release EVERY SINGLE TIME a puck comes near them.

Calgary learned to do this by following the NHS is what it is and if the ex-Flame Coach denys it then he is a liar and loses credibility forever immediatly....the Flames do this with and for Johnny Gaudreau they trat him like RNH and McDavid MUST be the fLames do it because Johnny hockey is such a runt but he is a skilled runt who can handle the beatings and who produces regularly IMHO the Oilers have had several guys as good or better guys who would easily crack todays roster and even push Leon and McDavid....but the Oilers didnt wish to play a System that supported this type of player so they kept drafting developing and then passing on some REALLY REALLY GOOD EITE LEVEL SKILLED PLAYERS who were just to small to handle the load the Oiers defense first Systems forced them to carry.

THe irony is this...RNH AND McDavid are big enough and savvy enough and tough enough and fast enough to survive in deeper waters Johnny Hockey can not thrive in.....yet they REQUIRE the EXACT SAME SET OF SUPPORTS THAT THE fLames set up for their ONLY elite player.

So yes we can see where the Oilers are going with hiring the fLames Coach....he likely wanted to push the NHS further in Calgary and clashed over it....and on interview he likely opened up to the Oilers about his aspirations in regards to the NHS...because it was the data posted for them that he was following in Calgary.

Not a bad move to bring him you can see Moma2 is just getting warmed up putting things into place bit by bit....there will be remedial tactics ready BEFORE Moma2 ever sees what the new Coaches bring to the table...Moma2 is anticipating their moves now and will be ready maybe even before they are ready themselves....LMAO.

Moma2 is going to try to nail down 7 of the first 10 Oilers NHL regular season games as LOSSES OR OT LOSSES.....this means being ready long before the season very sooon….lol....getting them under .500 ASAP is critical to better last years hamstringing....and the NHS is ALWAYS looking to grow and evolve and to get BETTER.

Now that we see why the flames ex-Head Coach is in town we will focus n that PP guy....should be ready for him by the end of we will get down to brass tacks on dissecting the defensive wizard.....and then we will be ready.
edit on 9-8-2018 by one4all because: (no reason given)

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