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The Coming Singularity

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posted on May, 7 2012 @ 03:24 AM
As long as there are beings of the hive mentality, there must necessarily be a hive. History consists of power structures and social structures intended to draw in and pacify un-evolved individuals. These were created by evolved individuals, of higher levels of consciousness. An evolved individual has little use for structures, individually. These structures are necessary for much of the population, however, so they are created. As history progresses, new individuals appear who transcend the hive, and through them the hive self-destructs, and a new hive comes into existence(Foo Fighters – Walk “Do you remember the days, we built these paper mountains, and sat and watched them burn”).

Most people need structure, or they will be confused and without any sense of direction. So structure has been created, for their own benefit. Every structure created in this world was intended to self-destruct, and it will be so. The time is very soon, and the thought of a ‘new age’ is widespread, although at this time it is seen as somewhat of a fantasy. The time is coming that the system in its entirety will truly come down, to be replaced by a new one that is more suitable to individual evolution(Foo Fighters – Walk “Still inside, a whisper to a riot”).

Consider social and power structures to be walls put up by evolved individuals, to give themselves freedom. They come into existence through them, and cannot disturb them. The masses work within their framework, but they are reflections of the evolved individuals, and so merely serve as a barrier between them and any possible disturbances. Endless bureaucracy creates perfect freedom for the individual the structures are created through. These individuals can continue their evolution, and their refinement of their own ‘perfect reality,’ while the rest of the people work within the framework of the hive.

Singularities create worlds. Each singularity has their own world, their own reality. Until you awaken your inner singularity, you are occupying someone else's world, though your singularity is always reaching out to you. The singularity is the ultimate state of non-duality. The singularity leads you to your own world, what I have called ‘the perfect reality.’ It is inevitable. It has been set into motion.(Broken Bells – The High Road “It’s too late to change your mind”) The singularity that you are, that which has or is its own world, is within, not without. A singularity comes about through ‘high gravitational pull,’ and is ‘infinitely small and infinitely dense.’ You cannot possibly find the singularity by going outwards, only by going within. Through going within you increase your attraction, and more and more you will see the singularity without, but that is a reflection of within.

edit on 7-5-2012 by TheJourney because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 03:40 AM
byyy the way...

A lot of the music I listen to I associate with meaning, and it's mostly been in my head up to this point. Recently I've been trying to write out the meaning I give various songs and lines, and connect them with each other. When I wrote this, I wrote a couple lines within it that I was reminded of that related to the particular concept, and just decided to keep it in when I posted it.
I did something similar with another thread I recently wrote, 'I found my friends...they're in my head...' in relation to a Nirvana song, Lithium.
edit on 7-5-2012 by TheJourney because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 03:50 AM
I always Love your threads, thank you!

Some thoughts i wrote earlier while trying to explain to another why i felt that the much touted idea of duality is an illusion and the 'singularity' as you call it the truth. i think the idea fits nicely here.

Imagine, if you will, an infinite set of number lines. At the ends of each are an infinite number of polar opposites; Love and fear, good and bad, rich and poor, ad infinitum. Between these opposites, which are the foundations of notions like duality, realize instead that there are infinite 'shades of grey' so to speak. i think this lends itself to the idea, not of duality, but of unity.

The Oneness of everything.

edit to add:

Speaking of songs, while i agree that much of it may be in our heads here are some of my favorites in a thread i started a few days ago. Notice the title of my playlist and the reason for it:

And, probably my favorite:

Cheers and so very much Love my friend!
edit on 5/7/12 by soulshn because: i should not post when i am this tired =)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 04:11 AM
I love that song! Also, I didn't mean that the meaning was in my head, I meant that I hadn't written them down or anything so my understanding of their meaning was purely mental connections I had made. Personally, I believe that my entire reality consists of 'cookie crumbs' or signs that represent my own consciousness' highest understanding, and it manifests in various ways, including music. I believe these 'crumbs' are everywhere, signs from my highest consciousness, leading me to itself, the 'perfect reality.' When I listen to music, the meaning within it is absolutely unbelievable to me, but it seems most other people are somewhat incapable of seeing this meaning. I listen to music, and it's just unbelievable that this meaning is being expressed in music, but people that listen to it just think it 'sounds cool' or something. lol.

And also thank you!

edit on 7-5-2012 by TheJourney because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 04:23 AM
Thanks great post.

A few months ago a friend and I started to learn about meditating, and boy is that any eye opener. I understand how we are all one consciousness and through thought is how we create our universe or reality. Its a awesome way to recharge or relax. The hardest part is opening other peoples eyes but once open you can never go back to the old way.

Again great post thanks a lot.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 04:42 AM

I am more than the singularity. Why would I want to incorporate a lesser design into a perfect one? Naturally not artificially, we achieve this when knowledge is sufficient and the spirit is strong. A good heart and a harsh sense of discipline can affect the same effect. The hive mind already exists as well. It can be directed from within and actually is better programmed when there is no leadership, within or without.

Do you believe technology can do in a few decades what mankind forgot about for millennia? Just because it is not part of everyone's reality does not mean it has not existed throughout creation in a very real sense.

I have a question for the OP. Are you a proponent of trans-humanism? 1 more, Does your education/ preparation come from someone who was an advocate of eugenics or are you someone who discovered this subject on your own?

edit on 7-5-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by TheJourney
Personally, I believe that my entire reality consists of 'cookie crumbs' or signs that represent my own consciousness' highest understanding, and it manifests in various ways, including music. I believe these 'crumbs' are everywhere, signs from my highest consciousness, leading me to itself, the 'perfect reality.' When I listen to music, the meaning within it is absolutely unbelievable to me, but it seems most other people are somewhat incapable of seeing this meaning. I listen to music, and it's just unbelievable that this meaning is being expressed in music, but people that listen to it just think it 'sounds cool' or something. lol.

i am not just patronizing you when i say that i understand completely and came to the damned-near exact same conclusions a few months ago after a personal 'awakening' of sorts.

Songs that have been favorites of mine for years suddenly took on new meanings. Hidden just below the surface was the same message in nearly All of them.

As far as the other signs of which you speak; since my little experience digital clocks have suddenly begun screaming at me. i began to see patterns which i had always heard of, and laughed at, such as the infamous 11:11. It went much further than just that One though: triple numbers like 5:55 and quadruples like 22:22 seem to be there shining out at me every time i wonder what time it is. Hell, this Saturday, 5/5 (what an awesome day that was!) i saw 11:11 three times in the same day. AM twice (the clock in my truck is wrong after changing a battery) and PM.

i am not going to lie, all this little 'synchronicities' happening with such frequency made me start to question my sanity for a short time. i got over it pretty quickly though; i am well past the typical age of onset for schizophrenia, i have never been happier, and i really think i just now have finally grasped the true reality that we are so lucky to find ourselves playing around in.

i am rambling horribly now, take care!

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by TheJourney

As long as there are beings of the hive mentality, there must necessarily be a hive. History consists of power structures and social structures intended to draw in and pacify un-evolved individuals. These were created by evolved individuals, of higher levels of consciousness. An evolved individual has little use for structures, individually. These structures are necessary for much of the population, however, so they are created.

I think these structures are an inevitable outcome of increasing populations and resource management. For example, in the first settlements (dozens of dwellings, riverside or coastal) stratification would occur through physical strengths, necessary skills and/or successful farming. Division of food and labour. Neighbouring settlements would feel the need to defend or attack - particularly dependent on crop yields, population growth etc.

One can't defend successfully without leadership and neither can one attack. Naturally, someone will gravitate towards leading whether it be directing people to one chore or another. Even in small tribes, leadership is inevitable...structure. Chieftains, matriarchs, beauty, strength, weakness all generate structure whether we like it or not.

In this way, before we ever got to the point of those first City States, we'd already evolved the societal need for power structures. Once within the walls, we've grown to include police, armies, universities, schools, hospitals and the rest...religions and pursuers of higher consciousness too.

If I read your thoughts in this OP correctly, your concept of singularity is one that has no communion with others. Its reward is that of a collapsed star. In its raw content, it appears your ideal of higher levels of consciousness is to focus inwards until you reaffirm/reconnect/reignite (terminology is so awkward) with your singularity. In this light, your singularity would eventually become all-encompassing and, in practical terms, the other singularities would be snuffed from your/its existence.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by Aquarius2150

Originally posted by Aquarius2150
Thanks great post.

A few months ago...

Ha, i have come across quite a few people recently who seem to have had very similar experiences "a few months ago". May i ask exactly when you started down this path, and when the 'breakthrough' moment happened for you?

See my reply just above:

i am not just patronizing you when i say that i understand completely and came to the damned-near exact same conclusions a few months ago after a personal 'awakening' of sorts.

Cheers, and welcome to ATS!

edit on 5/7/12 by soulshn because: =)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by soulshn

Songs that have been favorites of mine for years suddenly took on new meanings. Hidden just below the surface was the same message in nearly All of them.

I particularly relate to this! I kinda forgot how these songs didn't always have this meaning to me until you mentioned it, actually. At a certain point I started to develop taste for a new type of music, and started listening to various songs, that I just really started to like the sound of. Quite a while after developing this new taste in music I started to really progress spiritually/with my consciousness, and had an 'awakening.' When this was happening, it suddenly seemed that all of the music I had started listening to was speaking directly to me, giving me messages. All of the different songs had the same basic message. It almost seemed insane, because it was literally like they were talking DIRECTLY TO ME, under some charade of being some musicians just making some music.

i am not going to lie, all this little 'synchronicities' happening with such frequency made me start to question my sanity for a short time. i got over it pretty quickly though; i am well past the typical age of onset for schizophrenia, i have never been happier, and i really think i just now have finally grasped the true reality that we are so lucky to find ourselves playing around in.

Actually, in the past when I didn't understand not to tell everyone all of the realizations I was having, there were some who questioned my sanity. heh. Over time I've refined my understanding, though, so I can present it in a very well-reasoned way with plenty of factual evidence to back it up, as well as learned that I simply can't go around talking to everyone about everything I'm realizing all the time. For me, there have been times of absolute transcendence, that are amazing beyond belief and very difficult to describe, particularly to anyone that doesn't have a very high understanding of reality. My level of consciousness definitely varies over time. I'm comfortable admitting that, although I think others who have good understandings or have experienced high-consciousness also have variations in degrees of experience but don't necessarily admit it. Every time I'm in an extreme high state of consciousness, though, I feel like it's definitely going to last forever, cuz it all seems so obvious and intertwined with reality that I don't understand how it could go away. That absolute transcendence hasn't become permanent yet, though.
edit on 7-5-2012 by TheJourney because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by BIHOTZ
I have a question for the OP. Are you a proponent of trans-humanism? 1 more, Does your education/ preparation come from someone who was an advocate of eugenics or are you someone who discovered this subject on your own?

I must admit that I haven't extensively research transhumanism, but from what I understand of it, that various progressions, including scientific and technological, can/will be used to create a true evolution of humans into something truly, fundamentally, beyond what we currently are, is definitely something I believe. Also, my understandings are really my own, with allowance for influence from virtually any source of information, as I see everything points to the same thing, though certain things are of more use, of course.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by TheJourney

It takes time to integrate the realization. By experiencing songs in a new way it is as if the universe is speaking directly to you and it is. It is all for you, all of it.
Without you there would be nothing seen or known. You are the singularity.
The singularity is the 'seer' the 'knower' of all 'things' known. There are many, many 'things' for you to see and know, but there is just one seer and knower. Find the seer and knower behind the mind (because the mind is also seen by you) and look at the sights from there.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
If I read your thoughts in this OP correctly, your concept of singularity is one that has no communion with others. Its reward is that of a collapsed star. In its raw content, it appears your ideal of higher levels of consciousness is to focus inwards until you reaffirm/reconnect/reignite (terminology is so awkward) with your singularity. In this light, your singularity would eventually become all-encompassing and, in practical terms, the other singularities would be snuffed from your/its existence.

That's a very good way of putting it
Basically, you go deeper and deeper within your self, from a 'non-dualistic' perspective, such that your self becomes all-encompassing, so that it is all that exists, at least with your own reality. This allows for an incredibly wide range of types of people to interact with and activities to take part in, yet in truth this entire reality is a manifestation of your own self/consciousness, such that it plays all different types of roles so that it can interact with itself in many ways. So 'other' is created by itself, for the purpose of interaction, but this 'other' is a reflection of itself.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by TheJourney

Exactly. What does a dream consist of? Nothing but dream! Here is a fantastic little video that explores what is going on:
Peter Brown takes a look at reality.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by TheJourney

I realize this conversation may not be "for me". I will say this. The permanence of your "transcendence" will never come. It does not work that way. I don't know what you have been promised, but, It is not the force which you should wish to retain from the experience, it is the flow itself.

When you think that the rushing water must be at a certain rate from which it must flow from you, you quantify an infinite experience. The force and power does not come from a single "memorable" moment in which you felt its level rise and move you. The force of its flow come with its constancy. It can be a stream a foot can divert or a river that moves entire mountains over time.

It is like saying that a living creature is not truly living since its heart does not beat at a particular rhythm. Honestly, it can be as intense as you want it to be. It all depends on what you want to get out of it.

When you accept yourself and learn to use your full potential you ascend consciousness. There are allot of charlatans selling enlightenment nowadays. There are others promising more like snake oil salesmen.

I would trust those mechanisms that have proven themselves over time. We have had ascendancy before without assisted means. The human body, mind, and spirit are still uncharted. Why dismiss their potential for a substitute which has yet to prove itself viable?

Why take such a staunch stance for a few moments of altered living when you can live in perpetual TRUE ENLIGHTENMENT.

It seems like a miracle diet to me. All you need is exercise.

Again, not my conversation. I just think you should be aware. I can see behind the curtain.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by BIHOTZ

Firstly you say the permanence of your "transcendence" will never come. And then go on to say go for perpetual true enlightenment. Which to you is true?
You say that all you need is exercise. I say you need nothing because everything is provided. When you do not have a 'what's next?' you are complete.

edit on 7-5-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by TheJourney

The prodigal son story is about this subject.
First you go 'out' into the world and look at all the 'things', humans are dazzled by the many, many 'things'.
Then you turn around and go back home.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 10:27 AM
The only structure that DOES exist is nature's structure. Go by her and harmony and balance will exist permanently.

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 10:38 AM
I liked that. It expressed well my own perception of these things. Nicely written!

posted on May, 7 2012 @ 11:11 AM
It will amazing to experince the big bang. I wonder how long we have to be at the singularity before it will kick off.

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