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Veneration of the pagan sun god in the beast's mark vs God's mark and seal : powerful video sermon

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posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by autowrench

I think there might be some truth to the information of a kind of illuminati being the origin of the Jesuits through the "Alumbrados" which is a group that I have not heard before, when you said illuminati I thought from its modern form since Weishaupt and I know this to be incorrect (although they are the most powerful branch of the Jesuits).

There seems to be some issue in accessing your video (only available for private viewing?)

Check out this source, she has written a very good article:

(page 8)

Rivera reveals Loyola was involved with the Occult group known as the “Alumbrados” which means “Enlightened” in English or in Latin “Illuminati”.

Rivera claimed “Once Ignatius de Loyola” came into power in the Vatican, he placed his Occult organisation, “The Illuminati” under the umbrella of Roman Catholic Institution. The Illuminati secretly became the most important branch of the Jesuit order.

Loyola came to control the Illuminati before founding the Jesuit order. The Illuminati secretly became the most important branch of the Jesuit order. Modern day Jesuits also remained inextricably rooted in the occult – and allied to and at the service of the Church of Rome.
(page 9)
Weishaupt was a professor at the Jesuit University of Ingolstadt (Jesuit stronghold in Bavaria) It is disputed by “Still” that he was actually a Jesuit, however Rivera is clear that Weishaupt was a true member of the Jesuits.

Weishaupt followed the communist teachings of Rousseau, and like Rousseau he was a
Freemason. In 1771 he was indoctrinated in the Egyptian Occult.

Weishaupt formed a group called the “Illuminati” in 1776, which was an Occult society linked to Freemasonry. His aim was to use a facade of Christianity to attract many well-intentioned, influential people into his ranks.

Professing Christians within the lower levels of the Illuminati were taught that the Illuminati were working for Christian unity throughout the world. However, Weishaupt and a select few were in reality hatching a satanic plot to bring in his own version of the Occult New World Order, with a “Return to Nature” and the establishment of “reason” as man’s religion. In practice, it meant a dictatorship led by Weishaupt and his Brethren.

All of this was to be achieved by the destruction of existing society, government, monarchies and religion by means of revolution and a state of anarchy. Only the highest initiates of the Illuminati knew these objectives.

Rivera claims that Weishaupt was a Jesuit all along, and that the apparent severing of
connections with the Jesuits was a ploy. He also goes on to state: that the name of Weishaupt’s apparently new society , was the same as that which Loyola had belonged to and had placed under the cover of the Jesuits.
THE MYSTERIES, FREEMASONRY, JESUITS & THE E.U. – A HISTORY, Written & Researched By Mizzie Jones

Some of the information in that article you posted up seems quite deceptively inaccurate.

Little remains to mark the passing of the Jesuits' Reductions. The Old World Order had succeeded in killing off the Illuminati's great and noble vision.

These 'Reduction's' are where the Jesuits perfected communism and exported it to Russian and China and a whole host of offer places causing the deaths of hundreds of millions of people. To say that this left no lasting mark is really poor research, communism as anti-thesis to capitalism was one of the most dominant themes of the past century.

I am currently reading Tom Horn's book 'Petrus Romanus: The final pope is here' and have to say it is very good and recommend you check it out.

I am currently collecting information from various sources for a new thread exploring and connecting the dots of 2012, pagan gods and goddess (mostly on Horus/Nimrod/Jupiter and Mary/Ishtar/Semiramis), Papacy links to secret societies/satanism/NAM and NWO. Complimentary info for this thread but making it open to a wider audience with a more detailed history (and less focus on having to prove biblical legality of the Sabbath). I am going to be using info from Tom Horn's book, this Mizzie Jones article, previous quotes used on the 'Secret Societies forum, info on Horus from Crowley's book 'Confessions' chapter 66 and part 3 THE ADVENT OF THE AEON OF HORUS, Freemasonry sources. Maybe add some info about the anatomy of the financial crisis and example of Jesuit/Illuminati orchestrated operations in Human history. I hope I can piece it all together well (and keep the initial post less than 6 posts long)!

Have you read Crowley's book, 'Equinox of the Gods'? I am wondering if I would find usual information in that for this upcoming thread too.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

There seems to be some issue in accessing your video (only available for private viewing?)

I do not know what happened to the video, more of youtube's censorship, I suppose.
You know, I have researched the Illuminati nine ways from Sunday, and as of yet have not been able to see the head of the snake. I do know that they possess Ancient Knowledge, and are keeping it for themselves. Adam Weishaupt didn't start anything, he only wrote about something that had been for many years. There have been Adepts since the beginning of time, and just because someone is adept, that in itself does not make the person evil. The Human Intent is the Good/Evil part of the equation.

I am currently reading Tom Horn's book 'Petrus Romanus: The final pope is here' and have to say it is very good and recommend you check it out.

I will, I have read Horn before, "Nephilim Stargates: The Year 2012 and the Return of the Watchers," was one I enjoyed. I haven't read the Crowley book either, I am not a big fan of Crowley like you seem to think. I got onto him through the research into Project Rainbow, and the book, The Golden Dawn: The Original Account of the Teachings, Rites & Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order - Israel Regardie
As far as I am concerned, Crowley did some fantastic things, went to some fabulous places, but all in all, he was a nut who was hungry for recognition, any way he could get it.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by autowrench

Final answers for this first lot...

If God loves everybody, what does God have against deformed people? (Lev. 21:16-23)

The passage relates to requirements for the priesthood. Considering that the priest were meant to represent Christ, our perfect priest, God tried to emphasize that His Holy sphere is an ideal one.

Why would God prevent people from hearing his word? (Isa. 6:10, John 12:39-40)

Concerning the Isa. 6:10 passage which seems to indicate that Isaiah's commission was the hardening of Israel's heart. The background setting of this passage is relating to the Syro-Ephraimite war to dramatically express his opposition to King Ahaz's trust in the king of Assyria rather than in God. There is a window of opportunity between the sentencing and execution of judgement which is there for God's people to seek mercy (this is seen through the story of Jonah and his sentence upon Nineveh). The text shows the paradox of the unchanging nature of divine judgement and God's desire to save His people at one and the same time. God still hopes for an 11th hour conversion!

John passage, 'they could not believe'. In addressing an implied theme of some being predestined to be saved and others to be lost we will look through some other related passages of John. A clear balance is shown in chapter 6 verses 37, 44 and 65 of God's initiative and the human response in verse 40, 47, 63-64. We see the human response in chapter 12 given in verses 42-43.

42 Nevertheless, many even of the authorities believed in him, but for fear of the Pharisees they did not confess it, so that they would not be put out of the synagogue; 43 for they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God.

Faith is an attitude that humans just adopt for themselves (3:18; 7:17; 15:22) yet it is not possible without God's drawing power. When we look to the past it is clear we owe all spiritual progress to to God's work in our lives, but when we think of the future it is apparent as well we have decision and more actions that need to be taken.
reply to post by autowrench

Yahweh dragon...

- The Devil is not literally a Dragon, it is just a term to describe him as a fearsome and destructive beast.

- Concerning the crimes of Satan....we have three parties involved: 1. The God of the universe 2. Satan who is temporarily 'Ruler of this World' 3. Mankind with freewill responding

Where does the responsibility lie??? Him who gave life to us all and created the rules to follow to maintain life, the ruler breaker/ deceiver and tempter of mankind or mankind them-self for choosing which way they want. Why is the blame placed on God when he gave explicit warning of where disobedience to his commands would lead. The tempter says you will not surely die...if you complain about all these deaths then perhaps you should complain to Luci about it as he lied, mankind now does surely die. When we look at the actions of the R.C.C whom God designates as being from Satan we can see from all their orchestrated wars, revolutions, inquisitions, financial collapses, engineering viruses ect just how is the one seeking every-bodies death.

- "ordering a dragon idol to be worship"
The passage in Numbers 21:4-9 about Moses bronze serpent relates to certain Hebrews turning from God and taking for granted God's protection over them whilst God seeks to convict these people of their state towards God by a kind of shamming, humbling or confession type scenario where for them to be healed they would have to come to the pole to see it, letting everyone else know of their degraded state towards God.

The sculpture was a test of an individuals faith and not something to be worshiped. At Taberah, God had simply removed danger from everyone when Moses had interceded (Numbers 11:2). But now healing from snakebite depended on choosing to look at a representation of the source of evil that the people had caused to come upon themselves.

The bites of the snakes were said to cause a fiery pain, thus they were described as 'fiery serpents'.

- Please provide the verse references that talk about spewing fire from his nostrils, eating the meat sacrifices with salt, and 'horns' as hands so I can get a better idea of the context.

- Abraham's son Isaac didn't barely escape, he was never going to be sacrificed. The story was to provide a typology of understanding what it was to be like emotionally for the heavenly Father to sacrifice his Son. God was always going to stop Abraham before he went through with it but he had to make the setting appear real so that the emotions were real.

Have I been accurate in finding you to be 'knowledgeable' on Kush & Nubia or have I found the wrong person?
Did you read all my other posts to you here in the past 6 days or so?
edit on 8-6-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Have you read Eric Jon Phelps book, 'Vatican Assassins' before? I mostly read his stuff on the JFK event but his book is huge, like 1800 pages or so. I gotta get round to thoroughly going through that myself in the next couple of months. I think it is likely you will find your answers about the earthly head of the Illuminati in that book.

The supernatural head of the Illuminati is of course shown as the eye of Horus. This is why this new thread I am working on will be concentrating on him and Apollo as the relevant masculine deities (all sun gods you may notice!).

I will eventually put out another thread about the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus after reading another book I am currently going through as well. When I purchased the book I was thinking of you!

Have you ever come across the author Gary Kah before?

Yeah, well I am going to use a few pertinent passages from Crowley because many people would see him as a rather authoritative source in some of his final conclusions especially when they are inline with the likes or other authoritative sources like Blavatsky (I will try to find a couple of other good authoritative sources as well to complement them too). When both their conclusion then agree with what the bible says all along then it is a rather powerful message I hope to display on the ultimate authority being the bible and its accuracy and prophetic power, for people to have confidence to trust in it.

I haven't read any of Tom Horn's books before myself, I only came across him a couple of months back when I listened to some of his radio interviews. I have sent him a couple of emails since though because I see that he is so close to making the connection himself about Sunday, veneration of the sun god and the events being orchestrated by in large by the Vatican because his book 'Apolloyon Rising' is all about it and so is 'Petrus Romanus' (I was reading his early press releases about it a couple of months back). His material is basically gold for the likes of me
edit on 8-6-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

Have you read Eric Jon Phelps book, 'Vatican Assassins' before?

Eric Jon Phelps is an anti-Christian Zionist fanatic who attacks Christianity by digging up stuff on the Medieval Catholic Church.
I would seriously suggest to everyone to avoid anything tainted by his touch.
He was responsible for my no longer supporting Veith, who's video this thread is based on, because the Amazing Discoveries organization which sponsors his lectures is also involved with this person, Phelps .
edit on 8-6-2012 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by jmdewey60

What I have detected from Phelps is that he seems to be somewhat of an extreme puritan verging on racist impressions (if I remember correctly) which I have issues with. I have not read him enough to know what you mean by attacking Christianity or being Zionist. Could you please elaborate on this.

I have basically no issue with Phelps digging up stuff that the R.C.C has done in the middle ages. This is what Ellen White does in the first half or so of the Great Controversy. The Papacy have done all that they can to cover up history and rewrite textbooks to make everything more favorable to them. Considering that the Bible designates the sea beast/little horn power rules for 1260 years which covers perfectly the R.C.C middle ages reign (538ad - 1798ad) then I have no issue with properly revealing to he world the kind of character that Satan has.

Is this thread not attacking apostate Christianity as well?

My own opinion of the Adventist church is that there are large portions of people asleep at the wheel to things going on in the world, that our unique message has been watered down through time, many people seem to be going through the motions of 'Christian' life and preoccupied with their own material lives than much dedicated service to God. The feeling that I get is that the people their are taking things generally too comfortably which is somewhat disheartening to me seeking to take many risks for God to spread the message. I am sure though that if I attended other denominations that I would probably find things many times worse so I could perhaps be somewhat too harsh on my own kind. But from the amount of light the SDA church is given they should be doing so much more now. The SDA church is the only one I would want to belong to and the only one who's official teachings are absolutely Bible based but everyone in the church is not going to be in the remnant after the great shaking.

Is it not accurate to say that huge numbers of people that call themselves 'Christian' won't find themselves in 'the book of life' and that lots who aren't 'Christian' will be there? If Christianity is the true path to the Father then why would this be...we get judged on the degree of light we have been given. I don't know what attacks Phelps gives to Christianity and if his intention is constructive or destructive but I do know that some attacks are useful in waking people up from their slumber and accurately showing the state that they are in. Without being made aware of where they are wrong then no decision for better change can be made.

Here is a 55min sermon from Adventist Pastor Bill Hughes (author of 'The Secret Terrorists' and 'The Enemy Unmasked') giving an accurate state of the Adventist church now. It must be that those guys that research the Jesuits heavily and all their plans to harm protestantism get very annoyed when they see the plans working.

Pastor Bill Hughes - Ancient Modern Adventism - Catholic infiltration of the SDA Church
Pt.1 - Pt.2 - Pt.3 - Pt.4 - Pt.5 - Pt.6

For me this guy Ernie Knoll who is receiving dreams in the past few years like E. White seems to be credible despite officially being rejected by the SDA church for one reason is that he has some very tough words to say for SDAs too which I think is very timely and needed.

Content-wise from what I have read on Eric Jon Phelps he seems to be accurate same with Ernie Knoll who's dreams I have all read. I would rather read their content and form my own opinion of the truthfulness and accuracy of it then merely dismiss something that could be immensely powerful information because of attacks that are personal in nature and not targeted at the message content.

For me the only time I can recall that a personal attack against someone has been useful to be wary of them is on Alex Jones when I was initially told he was dodge before I ever started listening to him back a couple of years ago. My impression of him is that he is playing a sophisticated role of 'controlled opposition' and so is Ron Paul. After being lead-on by both those guys it is my opinion that because of their personal affiliations and secret societies (R.P) that they belong to and hand signals they give that they are compromised and performing the worst kinds of deception by appearing to be on the side of good. If you pay careful attention to their content and what they leave out when they should know better it gives big clues to who they are working for.

edit on 8-6-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

I would rather read their content and form my own opinion of the truthfulness and accuracy of it then merely dismiss something that could be immensely powerful information because of attacks that are personal in nature and not targeted at the message content.
You don't need content coming from a bad source.
If it is real, then you can find it by some other route besides from someone who is deceptive by nature.

posted on Jun, 8 2012 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by jmdewey60

What about him though is deceptive? He seems very upfront with his religious beliefs.

He seems to be the foremost world authority on the Jesuits so if I was to do a read up about them then I probably would go to his book anyway just to read all the sources he cites and make the research process about 5 times easier.

The Medieval Catholic Church was not Christian though....they definitely did not represent Jesus' character or teachings and it deserves to be denounced as not from God, that is why we had the reformation.
edit on 8-6-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

You have decided to look into the abyss.
I would not recommend anyone following you.

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by jmdewey60
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

You have decided to look into the abyss.
I would not recommend anyone following you.

You haven't provided any evidence against him other than slander. What of his content is incorrect or deceptive?

Do you not think I should be reading books from the authoritative source on Satanism Alister Crowley either. I am reading his book THE EQUINOX OF THE GODS, and Confessions. I research things from all facets and how it will contribute to the 3 angels messages being spoken through me. Denouncing the beast and calling people out of Babylon are aspects of the 3 angels messages so reading Phelps in his accurate denunciations of the Vatican seems perfectly inline with what I should be doing to further my overall knowledge....unless you can provide solid evidence that everything he says is lies despite him quoting from the most authoritative sources on the Jesuits and Vatican. I really don't know what kind of Abyss you are referring to. I research the NWO power structure from every angle to confirm what the bible says and provide historically accurate information when I am providing examples to people to illustrate a point.

My approach isn't a softly softly, don't tread on anyone's toes, don't upset the Vatican approach. It is a steadfast revealing of deception and evil wherever it is found and lead people on to the right path because so many Christians and non-Christians have seriously lacking knowledge when it comes to aspects of religion and all the devices of Satan around.
edit on 9-6-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

....unless you can provide solid evidence that everything he says is lies despite him quoting from the most authoritative sources . . .
I didn't say that.
The deception would be that you would think he was a Christian when he is a Zionist, which is evidenced by his denouncing not just the Vatican but all Christianity.

Do you not think I should be reading books from the authoritative source on Satanism Alister Crowley either.

I really don't know what kind of Abyss you are referring to.
Studying evil.

. . . so many Christians and non-Christians have seriously lacking knowledge when it comes to aspects of religion and all the devices of Satan around.
Huh! . . and so you want to teach evil . . ugh.
People don't understand what they are looking at right in front of them, so you have to read a Zionist to dig up stuff no one has even heard of? I think you are wasting your time and consorting with demons.

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by jmdewey60

I can't see how he is a Khazarian Zionist (Satanic belief system loyal to the Vatican) when he spends his whole time denouncing the Vatican. It doesn't matter if I think he is a Christian or not, it doesn't mean that his research is wrong.

How is studying accurate history somehow evil. Is not the Bible also studying accurate history providing the knowledge of both good and evil? If everyone read the accurate history of Rome from Phelps in school then the world will be a much better place. We would not have the Vatican blight and all the secret society causing such a menace to society all the time.

I don't see how reading Crowley and using all stuff he writes about the sun god Horus (and Apollo, Venus p.635 Mars, Jupiter, Saturn p.634) to only prove the Bible's accuracy about the angel from the abyss named Abaddon and Apolloyon a fruitless task. People are very skeptical about the prophetic worth of the Bible and I plan to show it is absolutely accurate in the study of who this angel of the abyss under many names is...

By the time I reached Bou Saâda and came to the twentieth Aethyr, I began to understand that these visions were, so to speak, cosmopolitan. They brought all systems of magical doctrine into harmonious relation. The symbolism of Asiatic cults; the ideas of the Cabbalists, Jewish and Greek; the arcana of the gnostics; the pagan pantheon, from Mithras to Mars; the mysteries of ancient Egypt; the initiations of Eleusis; Scandinavian saga; Celtic and Druidical ritual; Mexican and Polynesian traditions; the mysticism of Molinos no less than that of Islam, fell into their proper places without the slightest tendency to quarrel. The whole of the past Aeon appeared in perspective and each element thereof surrendered its sovereignty to Horus, the Crowned and Conquering Child, the Lord of the Aeon announced in The Book of the Law.

These visions thus crystallized in dramatic form the theoretical conclusion which my studies of comparative religion had led me to adumbrate. The complexity of the whole vast subject resolved itself into shining simplicity, I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears the truth in terms of Time. I understood directly that the formula of Osiris necessarily assumed all sorts of apparently incompatible forms as it was applied to different conditions of race, climate and similar conditions. I saw also that Horus might reconcile all religions, it being possible now to bring all countries to agree on a few fundamental principles.
'Confessions' chapter 66. p617, 618. Crowley

If people can not understand what is right in front of them then that is there problem but if I seek to influence people from all kinds of backgrounds then I better be able to frame my message in a way that is relevant to their experience and where they are at. It is my duty to spread this message to all kinds of people and not just keep it to themselves that most SDAs seem only too comfortable doing.

I don't think I am wasting my time at will given the response I have had to a few of my threads and their positive influence on people. Have I been teaching them evil, to follow Satan? No, the opposite. More knowledge only leads to understanding of greater truth and the greatest truth people will always be lead to is Jesus.

Was Veith's readings into Pike and Blavatsky, Baily ect a fruitless task consorting with demons or has he used this knowledge to produce a fruitful work? It is how we use the knowledge of good and evil that counts, not just learning it. We are meant to be as wise as serpents and the role of us as angels in heaven is to watch over other unfallen worlds that have not knowledge of evil. We were made in the imagine of God and the other heavenly angels who had the knowledge of good and evil. The ignorance of the heavenly angels before the rebellion about Lucifer and his evil caused a third of them to be deceived by him. Heaps of the world are deceived by Lucifer because they are ignorant of his devices so telling people of his various traps is hardly evil but rather loving actually, making sure they do not fall ultimately deceived too.

Why are you weak in calling out the apostasy and terrible practices of the Vatican when you are basically the only other proper SDA church attending person here that I am aware of?
edit on 9-6-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

Was Veith's readings into Pike and Blavatsky, Baily ect a fruitless task consorting with demons or has he used this knowledge to produce a fruitful work?
I think so. That's just my opinion. Don't really see the point in it. People can find it interesting, like watching a train wreck. Doesn't save anyone.

It is how we use the knowledge of good and evil that counts, not just learning it.
Huh? Then don't learn it, use what you already know.

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by JesuitGarlic
reply to post by jmdewey60

I can't see how he is a Khazarian Zionist (Satanic belief system loyal to the Vatican) when he spends his whole time denouncing the Vatican. It doesn't matter if I think he is a Christian or not, it doesn't mean that his research is wrong.

You are misled. Satan means "enemy" or "adversary" in Hebrew, he does not like Israel (and this is according to the bible), so why would a Zionist be worshiping this being if he exists?

It is all lies, true information is hard to find in this world of deception , and if you know that the world is ruled by evil and deceivers, why do you trust the most common beliefs such as The Bible (Christianity)? It doesn't make sense.

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by arpgme

I am very specific in using the term 'Khazarian Zionist'. You need to research the term Khazarian to know what I am talking about as it is a massive contradictory distinction in beliefs from regular 'Jewish' people and various people in power both in Israel and America that use the cover of being Jewish but are front-men for the Khazarian Zionist conspiracy.

I believe that despite the actions of those people in power trying corrupt the Word or its interpretation that all through the centuries since the original apostles that in one form or another it has been preserved. The earliest original manuscripts have been so severely damaged that they are unreadable now because they were copied so much and translated so widely into many various languages. When a comparative study is done between all these various languaged bibles originally put out by the efforts of the apostles (and not the corrupted streams of Rome later on) the theology and message basically agrees with each other completely. I know that autowrench tries to allude to the fact it was perverted due to who was involved in the editing of it of the English version from King James. Studies show that the theology and doctrines have been preserved and are in-line with the other original version used for the first 15 odd centuries after Christ. You have to really question why would the Vatican arrange an elaborate plot to assassinate King James (the gunpowder plot) if the bible which he was going to put out was a corrupted one. If it was corrupted and favorable to apostate Papal teaching then they would have left him alone right!

If you do a truthful an honest study into the prophecies of the bible you will see that they are absolutely accurate, beyond extraordinary. If you want information to learn about some of these prophecies then I will be happy to provide some information. I will also be endeavoring to do a thread supporting the historical case for the resurrection of Jesus in about 3 weeks time once I have finished a book (the most comprehensive and authoritative one around) I purchased a couple of days back.

Yes, true information is hard to come by in this world of deception and many forms of 'Christianity have been compromised. The only version of Christianity and accurate expression of the character of the creator of the universe is found from my understanding in the official Adventist Church theology. People readily get pissed off when a certain group claims to hold absolute truth but have I not shown in this thread through the topics of 'hell', and 'annihilation of the soul' that every other denomination has an unbiblical teaching of that when you fully understand the accurate biblical teaching that it presents the Christian God in a much more favorable light as someone just and not how he is often misrepresented, as that of a cruel tyrant.

While I believe Christianity is the only true path (true, meaning 'reliable', other paths require more grace from God of Him winking His eye at ones ignorance and hoping that he judges more on your character and not on wrongful allegiances you may developed to false gods) to the Father and proper Christian teaching is preserved in the Church I belong to which is the Adventist church I do not subscribed to the fact that only Christians will make it into the 'book of life' and also believe there is going to be a large shaking out of lukewarm Adventists out of the church during the coming tribulation period. God only judges people on the degree of light they have been given. I hope that over the next few months that I can express to you more trust in the God of the Bible. To learn true Christian teaching rather than being put off but the myriad of false 'Christians' out there knowingly (Bush, Clinton, Obama, Vatican) or unknowingly misrepresenting Jesus.

During the events that will follow in the coming period ahead you will see that what I have said about this false Christ coming and what he will do when he is here will be absolutely accurate. This information is absolutely scriptural based but only Adventists teach it. It can only be pieced together from a very high level of analysis though. I believe guys like you and autowrench are people of high principles seeking truth and despite not currently seeing things the way I do I believe that during the tribulation period ahead that both of you will come to this ultimate truth. The period of tribulation won't just test a Christians faith it will test everyone of principles too if they are happy to give their allegiance to a cruel blood thirsty dictator whom this coming false Christ will prove to be after his initial period of winning people over cunningly. His true colors will eventually show and you will either make you decision then who to follow or perhaps before it from some information I present in threads in the coming few months.
edit on 9-6-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

You have a really nice litany, coupled with much biblical knowledge. Would you not be better served preaching to others like you from the pulpit, with perhaps TV cameras on you? You are simply doing the same thing I do....take a passage from an Ancient book of tales and try to make logical sense of it. I found things in the bible that would curl your toes, and have seen first hand the doings of religious people around me. We just have to agree to disagree on Theology principles.

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

So because they were trying to kill him, that must mean he had truth? Maybe they just didn't want The Bible in Middle English because they wanted to stay in authority over people? There are many possibilities.

Also, the prophecies in The Bible only seem true to you because they are vague and can be interpreted in many ways, even the Christians can not agree on the fulfillments of the prophecies!

One of the biblical prophecies is that there would be wars after Jesus, anyone could have predicted that...

When people want to prove their point, they'll just take verses of the bible and make some look like metaphors to agree with them.

edit on 9-6-2012 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

You have a really nice litany, coupled with much biblical knowledge. Would you not be better served preaching to others like you from the pulpit, with perhaps TV cameras on you? You are simply doing the same thing I do....take a passage from an Ancient book of tales and try to make logical sense of it. I found things in the bible that would curl your toes, and have seen first hand the doings of religious people around me. We just have to agree to disagree on Theology principles.

I don't know what to make of this comment, if it is some kind of backhander or not

If you have noticed my attitude to my fellow Adventist's I am not one for tending the flock with pleasantries or soothing words. They generally annoy me too much because I expect much from them. I am not the kind of person for front of stage activities. I want to target those not in my church and those not Christian, as this is the main focus of people presenting the 3 angels messages. My perspective is that Adventists should know better and it is up to them to get things straight because they already have too much light.

My specialty is almost exclusively global-macro hedge fund strategy (geopolitics and global macroeconomic themes) and I have never seen myself as a minister but rather fulfilling my duty as a follower of Jesus of what I am meant to do given the stage of the timeline I perceive we are up to.

I am happy to continue to field your most unpleasant and difficult to answer questions on the Bible to vindicate it. Please hold off the questions for a week or two though as I am trying to get a lot of reading done at the moment. Thank you Derek

I plan to win your soul for Jesus eventually my friend, it is but a matter of time

I will have you reading The Case for the Resurrection, and The Desire of Ages before you know it ...
edit on 9-6-2012 by JesuitGarlic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

Haha get em'. I want to read the upcoming thread which focuses on the financial 'crisis'. It's simple when you know who wins.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by JesuitGarlic

Well, when you say "Khazarian," that is the race of Jews that inhabit and run Israel today, including the Mossad and all of their other intelligence network. The Khazarians are not the Jewish People.

An Historical Perspective

Shortly after the death of Mohammed in AD 632, according to Columbia University Professor, D. M. Dunlop, Arab armies began a campaign northward, sweeping "through the wreckage of two empires and carrying all before them till they reached the great mountain barrier of the Caucasus. This barrier once
passed," Dunlop observes, "the road lay open to the lands of eastern Europe." 2
Had the Caliphate (the armies of the Muslim Caliph) surmounted that immense geological deterrent unchallenged, the history of Europe and, indeed, the rest of the Judeo-Christian world would have been vastly different than it now is.

It was at the Caucasus, however, that the Arabs encountered the Khazars, initiating a war that lasted over a century and effectively prevented Europe from becoming Islamic. So powerful, socially and militarily, were the Khazars that, as Kevin Alan Brook relates in his work The Jews of Khazaria, "a 10th-century emperor of the Byzantines [Roman Empire], Constantine Porphyrogenitus, sent correspondence to the Khazars marked with a gold seal
worth 3 solidi - more than the 2 solidi that always accompanied letters to the Pope of Rome, the Prince of the Rus, and the Prince of the Hungarians."

Marxist prof: The Jews were invented

A History of Khazarian Jewish Conspiracies and Zionism

I believe that despite the actions of those people in power trying corrupt the Word or its interpretation that all through the centuries since the original apostles that in one form or another it has been preserved.

My good friend the Rabbi assures me that even the Talmud and Torah are copies of copies, and the Bible you hold so dear is no exception.

The earliest original manuscripts have been so severely damaged that they are unreadable now because they were copied so much and translated so widely into many various languages.

If true, then, pray tell, how could accurate translations be made? We are talking about two "documents" here, the "P" and the "Q" documents, both are but fragments of the originals.

Biblical scholars long ago accepted that Mark's Gospel was the first of the New Testament gospels written, and that it must have been written in Greek. They also noticed that whenever Matthew's Gospel and Luke's Gospel agreed with Mark, they almost always used the same words in Greek. Most scholars see this as evidence that Matthew and Luke are largely derived from Mark.

Scholars then noticed that many passages in Matthew and Luke also contain other sayings that are identical in their Greek wording, although the sayings are placed in different places, time and context by each of the two authors. They realised that the two authors must have been using a common source for those sayings, and that must be a written source, in fact written in Greek, for the wording of the sayings to be so consistent.

German scholars suggested a hypothetical document that they called the Quelle (or 'Q') Document. Scholars began to analyse the two gospels to see if they could piece together the original wording of the Q Document. Clearly it was almost entirely a book of sayings, since it contained no reference to the life of Jesus, or to any of his works. Scholars have been unable to explain the fact that Q has a central theme was the killing of the prophets but it never refers to the crucifixion or resurrection of Jesus.

I know that autowrench tries to allude to the fact it was perverted due to who was involved in the editing of it of the English version from King James.

That was no allusion to it, I posted plenty of links to back up my research, and there is really no argument that King James hired Bacon and Dee to edit and fill out the Bible, for at the time, John Dee had the largest library in the world. So there you have it, from the very start of the KJV Bible it was edited, and nobody knows to what extant. Not you, not me, no anyone.

You have to really question why would the Vatican arrange an elaborate plot to assassinate King James (the gunpowder plot) if the bible which he was going to put out was a corrupted one.

I am really surprised that you don't know what the assassination attempt of King James was about. The Vatican did not want the Bible to be printed so the common folk could then read it.

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