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Life-extending properties of buckyballs questioned

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posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 03:07 PM

Life-extending properties of buckyballs questioned


n one of the most surprising findings of the year, football-shaped molecules of pure carbon dubbed buckminsterfullerenes, or buckyballs have been shown to double the lifespan of laboratory rats. But doubts have been raised over the results.

Researchers led by Fathi Moussa of the University of South Paris in France periodically injected rats with a solution of buckyballs dissolved in olive oil. They say that the rats lived an average of 42 months....
(visit the link for the full news article)

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Related Discussion Threads:
Fullerene C60 administration doubles rat lifespan with no toxicity

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 03:07 PM
And here it is... it took 10 days... but the first "hit piece" designed to create the impression that "this is not to believed" has begun trickling onto the internet....

For those who missed the first news about Fullerene C60's apparent beneficial properties in it's non-toxic (non manipulated) form, this description of observations seems fair;

Researchers led by Fathi Moussa of the University of South Paris in France periodically injected rats with a solution of buckyballs dissolved in olive oil. They say that the rats lived an average of 42 months. Control rats injected with water had an average lifespan of just 22 months, and rats injected with olive oil alone lived to 26 months on average.

Just to undo the media trick embedded in the text...

Control life span 22 months.

C60/Olive oil increased lifespan: 52%
Olive oil alone increased lifespan: 5%

Dissenters present - first via Huffington Post, then retold in the OP source - a series of disingenuous comparisons, wherein they didn't compare apples to apples. Note the above extracted text speaks of months... the dissenter speak in "percentages" which makes comparison less clear.

In order to contrast the apparent indications one might infer from the French Scientists work, they cite that:

Calorie restriction extends the life of nematodes by as much as 40 per cent.

A - no mention of how long that is
B - no mention of the fact that a nematode is an organism that survives if you cut it in half... in other words multiple redundant bodily structures
C -A complete disregard for the fact that a nematode is not a mammal, nor is mammal like in most ways.

The anti-organ-rejection drug rapamycin makes mice live 10 per cent longer.

A - here are some "side effects" of rapamycin (which is a fungal-derived synthetic): dramatic depletion of blood platelets, and abnormally elevated levels of any or all lipids and/or lipoproteins in the blood. (as well as fast heart rate; pain when you breathe, feeling short of breath; chest pain, feeling weak or tired; coughing up blood or mucus; feeling like you might pass out; pale skin, easy bruising or bleeding, weakness; fever, chills, body...)
B - 10% is a far cry from 50%

The authors mention other life-extension possibilities but fail to even offer any metrics to compare.

I had mentioned in the earlier thread on C60, that this kind of represents a threat to certain 'commercial' elements of the well-entrenched transnational health care businesses ...

Now I am certain of it.

I hope this doesn't get swept away by the media efforts to 'form opinions' for us... but with few places like ATS to discuss them... I am concerned.....

Apparently, the establishment will contrive all manner of verbiage to ensure we don't take this seriously... which - I might add - is why I am inclined to do just that.

(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 26-4-2012 by Maxmars because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-4-2012 by Maxmars because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 03:16 PM
Excellent thread. I think I'll be keeping an eye on this one.

On the other hand, I think with reproduction rates and average responsibility of the fully-matured Homo Sapiens, longer life spans are hardly needed...

As though we need more people to destroy the planet and be turned into hamsters spinning the money-making Wheel of Ages. And make them live longer, to boot! This, methinks, may be a tad bit counter-productive, considering our aims here at ATS.

...according to general consensus, that is.

Just saying.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 03:21 PM
I agree that the images presented on this article, look a little strange (they say the chart doesn't follow the numbers reported and that the two photos of a liver are the same), but I don't think that "the variation between oil and oil plus c60 was just due to chance" when all oil+c60 rats outlived the olive oil rats.

But one thing is clear, olive oil is good, and it already exists in large supplies.
(and frequently used on Portuguese recipes

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 03:24 PM
I dont know. Humans living to acquire the wisdom of old age without the infirmity that normally accompanies it would be a good thing.

Increasing population isn't a problem as long as we continue to innovate. You only need population control if you desire stagnation.

Population control is about control more than it is about population.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by justwokeup

You're right, and have we not stagnated for the last 200 or so years in terms of energy dependency? Of course technology is increasing, but as long as we're bound by deletable energy, we are stagnating. The advancement of science is being controlled, which is an awful thing.

Aside from this, there is no point in prolonging life. What's the purpose of living to be 160 years old if it means an extra 80 years of complacency, submission, and voyeurism?

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 03:43 PM
I can appreciate the statements regarding not wanting to live that long if it means having such a diminished life as to be nothing more than an eater. But that doesn't have to be the case... it's just the way we are treating our elderly and how we are (or are not) willing to encourage and engender a thriving human existence.

Our focus is on commercial productivity... hence the elderly are quickly outpaced and cast aside for younger, less fragile workers.

On the other hand, longetivity can provide opportunities for cultural consistency, positive social evolution, and dare I say it, an increased tendency to value respect for aged wisdom. Should that paradigm be approximated, it will also increase the likelihood that people won't fear old-age, but look forward to it.

The commerce follks of course will disagree... for them it's about what marketable thing can be extracted from the individual; not what can be learned or experienced.

But I would think that the Big Chem/Pharma spreadsheet-loving folks would be all for this, considering it increases the 'consumer life span.' However, if population control (and populace) control are the key... I imagine this potential develppment will be relegated to the domain of new age crystal science....

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by DestroyDestroyDestroy

None. We need to start believing in humanity again first. Who stole our ambition?

We can innovate our way past resource considerations, people are poor because of bad political or economics situations not because of any real resource constraint. The solution to poverty is not to kill the poor or make everybody poor to conserve resource.

Too much of todays planetary concern seems to be misanthropy in disguise.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by justwokeup

That doesn't change the fact that all the politicians will see, when looking at this, is money signs.

It's an opportunity to make it big, with lots of time to do it in. Homo Sapiens can't resist such temptation...hence the Philosopher's stone, which is the conjunction of both immortality and immeasurable wealth, the two things most sought after by men since the dawn of time.

If this turns out to be accurate...whoo boy, we have one heck of a time-bomb on our hands.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 05:35 PM
Gotta love when a media source questions a research paper and tears it down just to tear it down.

I might be wrong but didn't the original article and paper say something like "we need to look into why this worked, here are possible reasons but more testing is needed".

What's sad is articles like this spread faster than the original article and taint peoples opinions.
Taint enough opinions and research can get pulled.
Which is sad, because even finding out the wrong answer(or that it doesn't work) might help with a future line of research.
Research isn't just about right answers, it's about finding out misconceptions and 1000 ways not to make a light bulb.
As much as it is finding that one way that works.

My take on the original article wasn't that they were proclaiming some miracle treatment.
Rather something they would like to look into as it could lead to possible treatments, including cancer treatments.

What good does this reporters article do, when the original paper said "we are still looking into why".

Do they want applause for tearing down a scientific possibility before the original scientists are done looking at it?

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 08:17 PM
IMHO +c60 positives won't happen unfortunately even if proved to work. NWO wants pop to be heaviily culled and if they get their way, 90% of the global pop won't be here to get much older. Shame we can't do a superman thing where he stood in his magic box but instead of being zapped the bad guys outside were zapped. Sorry if my analogy is warped but I hope you get the idea. It would be great that whatever the NWO cronies have planned for the greater populace gets somehow reversed and THEY end up slammed. Oh what a looooooovely thought.

Warm wishes


posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Maxmars

I doubt that increased longevity would cure the human fear of aging. As long as we're mortal, people will fear old age, but the way we define it would certainly evolve. I've read about "buckyballs" for years (the first article was concerning cancer research), and it's exciting that research has made it this far.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:12 AM
I think these c60 bucky balls are amazing. Basically specifically formed nano-particles of Carbon. I do think they extend life in animals and its now a matter of switching from rats to dogs & cats to test any side effects.

If this can double the life span in humans, which I think it could, then this will have huge implications globally. I myself wouldn't mind experimenting with it, however need to see a few more studies before I do. I think msm will start a smear campaign to hide this.

Still at $80-$400 a gram for this substance, it sure aint cheap considering the dosage is in the 4mg per 1lb body weight range.

Interestingly enough, in India they have been making colloidal solutions for the last 2000-3000+ years in the form of alchemical recipes referred to as "Bhasmas" and always purported life extensions and health benefits from them. One of them was a colloid from Carbon as well as Mica, which is supposed to extend human life span beyond 100 years easily.

So in one sense, science is catching up to what the mystic healers of India have known for 100's of years already.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by dominicus
One of them was a colloid from Carbon as well as Mica, which is supposed to extend human life span beyond 100 years easily.
Considering the number of people that reach that age without any special treatment, I don't think that's such a great thing.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

Considering the number of people that reach that age without any special treatment, I don't think that's such a great thing.

I know alot of people and have a big family and havent seen anyone make it past 85-90 and still be mobile and have vigor, so I think it is saying something, considering the 100+ year olds on Bhasmas in India are walking around and doing yard/garden. Not saying we dont have centurians here in US as we still do, but I do think there is a correlation between colloids and life extension

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by dominicus

It's possible there's a correlation, but from what I have seen, there are people with more than 100 years that took a careful and healthy life, while other smoke and drank, so I guess there's more to it.

PS: there's a Portuguese movie director, Manoel de Oliveira, that keeps on making movies now that he is 103 years old as he did when was a "young" 70 years old director.
In my family, my great-grandmother lived some 90 years. Where I live, I know of at least four persons more than 90 years old, and at least one older than 100 years.

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