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Why are THEY blocking the sun in Washington state?

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posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by niceguybob

The denial posts are either recentley fired GSA employees or Secret Service guys and girls.

I see those pesky "chemtrails" haven't affected your thought process one bit has it?

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:30 PM
I hate to break it to ya, but nobody is blocking the sun in Washington State. the last few days have been beautiful, about seventy degrees, and deliciously sunny. In the Spring and Fall there is always a haze in the morning that burns off by Noon at the latest. These days it has been gone by 9:30 or so. There is nothing at all peculiar about the weather. I've lived here all my life and there is nothing, absolutely nothing special going on.

And for the record, there is not a time, day or night, when yu can look into the sky and NOT see an airplane up there. SeaTac is one of the busiest airports in the world. Other aorports that can handle jets in the immediate area include Boeing Field, Renton, McChord AFB, Whidbey Island NAS and Everett. They are all pretty much in a row right up Puget Sound.

And in the mornings before it warms up, "density altitude" is below sea level, a wonderfulk time to fly a small airplane because the performance is enhanced. This term speaks to the thickness of the air and is an IDEAL time when contrails are formed. And that's all you are seeing.

Nice pics, though.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:31 PM
Looks perfectly normal to me

Seconds Line

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:50 PM
Debunk debunk debunk is that all anybody can do around here?
Every time something subjective or hard to prove comes up these know nothings chime in with their ponderous pontificationsa nd remonstrances....too che
The washington navy base for subs may be using the haarp for communications with the sub surface boats ???
They use the clouds to bounce and aim the signals....
Or the fukishima thing is really too strong and they are trying to keep the fallout moving right along?
hoping itll go over the atlantic?

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:50 PM

Global dimming isn't a conspiracy. It's not done an purpose and isn't a secret. It's actually causing its own set of issues.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by schuyler

What a load of BULL.

The MORNING's have been clear, with it getting CLOUDIER as the day goes on, a completely bizarre haze of crap wall-to wall.

The air feels strange, indeed, I do not know whether i am hot , cold, or microwaved, but something is totally not NORMAL weather.

We need a way of stopping these trails, that are clearly one of the BIGGEST threats this planet has ever seen, (Or in the case of many, NOT SEEN cause noone is capable of noticing.)

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

That's not even close to what it looks like after a couple of hours.

Actually it did look just like that after a couple of hours, and I think that was stated in my post with those pictures.

In fact it looked like this on 1/4/2012 when this pic was taken at 12:54 pm

And interestingly enough this is what the sky looked like on the same day at 5:36 pm.

Not much different if you ask me.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by DarthPhobos
Why - Well its to depopulate the planet of course, people being sick will continue to increase from these trails.

Have you seen the outbreak of some exotic disease in Vietnam, probably a pre curser to what ever they are planning, using Vietnam as a Guinea Pig state,

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by stirling

Debunk debunk debunk is that all anybody can do around here?

If everybody on this site agreed then this wouldn't be a conspiracy site now would it?

How much fun would that be?

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Rocketman7
Could be pesticide spraying. Pine beetle or who knows. Maybe even mosquitoes.

Well in our case they sprayed only over the town and we don't have hardly any mosquitoes here.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

You bring up an interesting point! I'll definitely have to look deeper into things here. I certainly don't fully trust the government with our health, I just also try to remember that it's not just one big entity; There are individuals within which get to make (partly) their own choices. That's all.

Thanks for being respectful in your reply.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 08:22 PM
Here in the Yorkshire hills we have many planes and a lot of rain. We can't see the planes at the moment but we can hear them above the thin, uniform clouds. We used to get rain from tall fluffly cumulo nimbus clouds but we haven't seen them for a couple of years now.

E.L Rothschild and Weather Central Launch, a weather forecasting site that promises the weather ten days in advance.

By the way, that's not any old Rothschild, he's a family bank Rothschild and he's also investing in FieldFresh Foods

He may even be The Man from Del Monte..a brand of FieldFresh.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by GrinchNoMore

We need a way of stopping these trails, that are clearly one of the BIGGEST threats this planet has ever seen, (Or in the case of many, NOT SEEN cause noone is capable of noticing.)

So your saying that these trails are a bigger threat than say industrial pollution..

or say automobile pollution..

Surely your not saying that are you.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by nitro67

So they're blocking the sun just in Washington state?


What about the rest of the planet?

Near San Diego a few months ago, troll.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by firegoggles
reply to post by nitro67

Nice thread great attitude about it too. You make no assumptions about what it is just feeling out a theory it seems as it should be. Kudos to that..

I have always been on the fence on this subject. It's a slippery slope...HOWEVER! I do know that the sun dictates many cycles and functions of the planet AND of the human anatomy. Specifically the female reproductive system. With the subject of population control being in the front of many minds these days could it be possible that they have found away to block specific particles that are thrown to earth by the sun that are responsible for the female reproductive system?

The Sun is what causes a woman to have a 28 day menstrual cycle. They have done tests and when women are kept underground for long periods of times they can no longer produce. I know its a long shot and highly speculative but it sure is a better theory in my opinion than them loading the sky with chemical that would kill there own. This way they would control birth rates on a mass scale without the need to engage in direct genocide.

edit on 4/23/2012 by firegoggles because: sp. fix

Well so far it does not seem to be working, everyone seems to have a ton of kids even people old enough to be grandparents have little ones.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by smurfy

Haha, I can certainly see where you're coming from. I'll have to take a look at that paper you linked. I'd love to see some other ways that have been proposed. I'm not trying to rebut against the fact that the government shouldn't be trusted. I'm just trying to make it less lop-sided in here. Sometimes I find that I lose my ability to be unbiased about certain subjects once I've formed so many strong opinions about similar matters. That's all, not some secret government spy sent to talk good about the government haha.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 08:27 PM
We've been getting chemtrailed 3 or 4 days a week for about 2 years now in AZ. In fact just this morning the skies were mostly clear when the planes started spraying their crap. By 2pm I went out side and said, "yep they succeeded in blocking out the sun again today." The whole sky was a white hazy crapfest.

On days where there is "light" chemtrailing, the focus is directly on the sun. So yes I do believe chemtrails are to block out the sun. Why? Good question. If you were a complete nut like me you'd say it's because the reptilians don't want the sun to upgrade our DNA so we can't ascend to a higher dimension. Or the barium and aluminum could be there to absorb radiation and reflect light, or even something for project bluebeam.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 08:40 PM
like i said in my post, in Brighton you see the normal planes flying in and out of Gatwick with no chemtrails that span for miles and miles beyond what i can see. The difference between normal planes and chemtrail planes are very clear and very obvious.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by tsurfer2000h
reply to post by stirling

Debunk debunk debunk is that all anybody can do around here?

If everybody on this site agreed then this wouldn't be a conspiracy site now would it?

How much fun would that be?

Does that mean you are a debunker just for the hell of it, or a troll or a shill. I responded truthfully to your questions in another post earlier, and you disappeared, now you are back waffling to others, without a required response back to me. I would much rather see something from people who have some sense of things being not quite right including one from a farmer, rather than another "Now would it?" character.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by Mianeye

Originally posted by Gerizo

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by nitro67

Believe it or not, there are quite a few out there that actually believe that there is a deliberate program to block or partially obscure the sun from view.

Believe it or not, there are quite a few out there that actually jump on any thread that mention "planes that appear to be spraying" to tell you not to believe your own eyes. Your eyes don't deceive you but certain people on this site will tell you so. So the question is who do you believe, your own eyes, or the fool typing on the internet telling you its normal?
OP from my perspective, whatever is being done to the sky gives the same kind of effect if you were swimming underwater and looking up towards the sun.
That is not right.
Nobody denies that the hazy sky can be made by airplanes, actually a lot of people including me tells you that we know about that, the problems is that non of the chem believers, believe in the perfectly normal explanation to these hazy skys which is the weather condition at the same time as contrails because contrails are made under those conditions, so there is no mystery to it.

Some of you guys are like brickwalls, you can't disscus with brickwalls, you jump over every explanation served to you, with links or proof, and tell your own story about made up spraying on purpose with out any proof at all, other than the usual pictures of cris crosing contrails in the skys, which we again and again prove to you is normal but not necessarily natural weather condition, but a mix of both.

It is so simple but you refuse to understand, it is not us who are ignoring it is you who are ignoring.
edit on 23-4-2012 by Mianeye because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-4-2012 by Mianeye because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-4-2012 by Mianeye because: (no reason given)

I have made no conclusion on whether there are Chem-trails or weird contrails are the answer, but how would you explain (and since I have no proof just bear with me and pretend you believe me) that in a place where we rarely see a plane except for a few small whale watchers and some coast guard...we see 2 jets one making loops East and West from out just over the edge of the sea to the mountains and one looping back and forth south and North, the North end starting at the end of town, the South end stopping 15 min drive away, the end product huge perfect squares.
Military planes practicing lines?

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