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The World Of Hogwarts Is Real

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posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 09:01 PM

The World Of Hogwarts Is Real

by Furbs


Many unsolved mysteries are scattered throughout our planet. Some are simple, some complex. Some people tend to chalk these up to minor curiosities, other research on their own, trying to find the truth. We the underground researchers usually come to invalid conclusions, wildly separately from scientific reasoning. Most of our fields are scattered. UFOlogy. Cryptozoology. The Paranormal. But what if there were a single entity responsible for either promoting or maintaining the ignorance of mankind, not for our benefit, but for the benefit of the world as a whole? This thread is going to attempt to bridge multiple mysteries into a single unified theory of origin, citing example from out history, conjecture from experts, supposition from those willing to ask the hard questions, and ultimately from people who claim to know the truth.

Please, enjoy the thread with the understanding that there are more interpretations for the information that I am placing before you, and that I may be completely off based..

..or right on target.

The usual theory of "If this information was so sensitive, then how is it that you are able to post it?" doesn't apply in this instance, because Wizards, do to their magical powers, have an incredibly difficult time using electronic devices, as evidenced in the world-renowned best selling Harry Potter series. This near-inability for wizards to use electronics creates an ignorance about them. So we are quite safe from their prying eyes as long as no one tells any wizards about this thread.


1. Wizards - A Brief History
2. US Presidents - Forced Forgetfulness
3. Our Magical World - Magical Beasts and Plants
4. Aliens - Constructs of Convenience
5. Men in Black - Protectors through Time


Have you ever seen someone do something that you flat out know to be impossible? Seen an odd person appear or disappear in the blink of an eye or walk behind a tree and simply not walk out the other side? You may have seen a Wizard. Wizards are people born with the ability to do Magic. Real Magic. We are not talking about Chris Angel and David Blaine. They are most commonly born to parents who are themselves Wizards, but the genetic mutation has been known to happen in offspring with no previous magic using. The ability to lose magic can also be lost to offspring if a similar mutation occurs. Anyone who has read Harry Potter should be aware of this scenario.

So, if there are wizards, where are they?

They are in hiding.

"Non-magic people (more commonly known as Muggles were particularly afraid of magic in medieval times, but not very good at recognizing it. On the rare occasion that they did catch a real witch or wizard, burning had no effect whatsoever. The witch or wizard would perform a basic Flame Freezing Charm and then pretend to shriek with pain while enjoying a gentle, tickling sensation. Indeed, Wendelin the Weird enjoyed being burned so much that she allowed herself to be caught no less than forty-seven times in various disguises."

source: A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot (as reported by J.K.Rowling.)

As a people, humans did not take kindly to Wizards, and tended to kill them (or at least think we killed them) whenever we got the chance. This is documented throughout history, with the Church funded Spanish Inquisition and the Salem Witch Trials being the most popular recollections. As our (non-magical humans) methods for killing people improved, the Wizards became more and more adept at hiding themselves. Now, the Wizards are able to hide themselves in plain sight, masking their villages and suburbs within the network of grids the non-human world has set up.

Wizards live all over the world. Almost none of the world's non-Wizard populations know anything about them, and they try their hardest to keep it that way. They stay out of the affairs of non-Wizards for the most part, only availing themselves when the need arises. Sometimes Evil Wizards bent on harming others are able to break through the magical defenses of the Wizarding Council and affect changes in our world. This is something that happens rarely anymore, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for Wizards to remain secret during our Information Age.

Perhaps, when our people have put away the need for aggression, the Wizards will expose themselves to us, and allow us to help them fight the Vampires, Demons, Ghouls, Giants, and other monsters that plague humanity. Until that time, I am merely thankful that they are there to watch our backs, so that we don't have to worry about the things we don't have a chance at stopping without their help.

US Presidents - Forced Forgetfulness?

The governments of non-Wizards are supposed to know of them, as the Wizards in the Harry Potter books have spoken with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. After the term of the sitting authority has ended, a properly invested wizard will hit the leader with a memory charm, blocking the memories of the wizards actions and keeping the Wizards safe from detection. Sometimes, a person has been known to be immune to memory charms. Such people, unfortunately, have to be disposed of in other means. There have been several United States presidents that have been dealt with in that way.

Abraham Lincoln supposedly knew far more about the magical world than is ever discussed in academic circles. He is certainly known to have been a very superstitious man, but only recently has it been suggested that Lincoln may have also been at war with Vampires. Could the Civil War been an effort to exorcize multiple forms of slavery from our country? Were Vampires enslaving humans right along side of the humans enslaving other humans? Could Lincoln's long battle with Vampires somehow have shielded him from being memory charmed? Vampires have a similar power, after all, and he could have been immune to those suggestions. Could this be why a man was called to attack Lincoln and seemingly fly from the balcony onto the floor before before running out of the theatre without being captured?

A Wizard conspiracy to silence a man that knew the truth? Might the same have happened to John F. Kennedy? Could he too have been immune to the memory charm, and on the verge of exposing the secret of Wizards? Was the immunity hereditary and the reason why Robert Kennedy was also taken out before he could become president?

Ronald Reagan was certainly all over the word and had multiple scandalous affairs going on. Nancy Reagan was certainly a known seeker of occult knowledge. Could his inability to be memory charmed have lead to his attempted assassination? Could it have been because of the Alzheimer's Disease that was ravaging his brain? Could the Wizards have known his Alzheimer's would keep their existence safe? After all, who would belief the ramblings of a man with Alzheimer's?

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 09:01 PM

Our Magical World - Magical Beasts and Plants?

Cryptozoology is the study of animals outside of what are normally thought to exist. Why do we not know of Bigfoot or Chupacabra on a larger scale? Because Wizards hide them on special reserves. Occasionally one will escape, and specially trained wizards will have to bring them in. Why do Wizards take the time to hide these animals, you might ask? Because they are magical.

Wizards have a different name for this study, however, because the beasts are not hidden from them, they call it Magizoology. Wizards to seem to be aware of our knowledge of some of the cryptids, even delighting in the knowledge that we know little about them, and what we do believe is mostly incorrect.

A glance through Muggle art and literature of the Middle Ages reveals that many of the creatures they now believe to be imaginary were then known to be real. The dragon, the griffin, the unicorn, the phoenix, the centaur - these and more are represented in Muggle works of that period, though usually with almost comical inexactitude.

However, a closer examination of Muggle bestiaries of that period demonstrates that most magical beasts either escaped Muggle notice completely or were mistaken for something else.

source: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Just as wizards feel the need to hide themselves from our prying eyes and dangerous natures, Wizards also hide us from that which we are not able to fight against, just as they always have.

Take the story of St. George and the Dragon as an example.

According to the Golden Legend, the narrative episode of Saint George and the Dragon took place in a place he called "Silene", in Libya; the Golden Legend is the first to place this legend in Libya as a sufficiently exotic locale, where a dragon might be imagined. In the tenth-century Georgian narrative, the place is the fictional city of Lasia, and it is the godless Emperor who is Selinus.[7]
The town had a pond, as large as a lake, where a plague-bearing dragon dwelled that envenomed all the countryside. To appease the dragon, the people of Silene used to feed it two sheep every day, and when the sheep failed, they fed it their children, chosen by lottery. It happened that the lot fell on the king's daughter, who is in some versions of the story called Sabra.[8] The king, distraught with grief, told the people they could have all his gold and silver and half of his kingdom if his daughter were spared; the people refused. The daughter was sent out to the lake, decked out as a bride, to be fed to the dragon.
Saint George by chance rode past the lake. The princess, trembling, sought to send him away, but George vowed to remain. The dragon reared out of the lake while they were conversing. Saint George fortified himself with the Sign of the Cross,[9] charged it on horseback with his lance, and gave it a grievous wound. He then called to the princess to throw him her girdle, and he put it around the dragon's neck. When she did so, the dragon followed the girl like a meek beast on a leash.
The princess and Saint George led the dragon back to the city of Silene, where it terrified the people at its approach. But Saint George called out to them, saying that if they consented to become Christians and be baptised, he would slay the dragon before them. The king and the people of Silene converted to Christianity, George slew the dragon, and the body was carted out of the city on four ox-carts. "Fifteen thousand men baptized, without women and children." On the site where the dragon died, the king built a church to the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint George, and from its altar a spring arose whose waters cured all disease.

source: Wikipedia

Several have attributed the story of St. George to Giorgio Rodregio, a simple potion brewer. Another tale that we are not all familiar with, though I have uncovered through research, is the story of the dragon (called a "Green Welsh" by the Wizards) that attacked a beach one day in 1932.

A rogue Welsh Green dragon swooped down upon a corded beach full of sunbathing Muggles. Fatalities were mercifully prevented by the brave actions of a holidaying wizarding family (subsequently awarded Orders of Merlin, First Class), when they immediately performed the largest batch of Memory Charms this century on the inhabitants of Ilfracombie, thus narrowly averting catastrophe.

source: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

However, it is believed that at least a few people have been known to escape the effects of such memory alterations, as was the case mentioned in the 1972 book entitled Muggles Who Notice. It it, Blenheim Stalk contends that a fellow by the name of "Dodgy Dirk" was known to weave tales of a 'dirty great flying lizard' that put a hole in his lilo.

There are many threads here on ATS that back up the claims of Cryptids being spotted all over the world. One need only look at the Cryptozoology page to find thousands of accountings. Can thousands of accounts be tossed under the rug? What if even one of them were truly a previously unknown magical animal species that has been kept hidden by wizards so that human would not know magic is real?

Like the magical animals the people have claimed to see all around the world, it is also thought that magical plants may exist. Carnivorous plants with whipping vines, plant-folks, talking trees, and other lesser known creatures litter ancient accountings and fairy tales. Could there be any truth to the stories of sentient plants? Could some plants actually be magical?

Some New Age practitioners practice forms of Herbology that seem to work on a scientific nature, but that defy scientific explanation. Are these people tapping into the innate magic properties of some plants? Might St. John's Wort and other chemicals labeled "drugs" like '___' have magical properties as well as biochemical properties? Might the government's continued illogical stance against some forms of illegal plants while allowing others, Tobacco vs. Marijuana for instance, be linked to the magical properties of the plant?

A single artifact that some believe is a Wizard's spellbook was uncovered. The Voynich Manuscript, as it called, is a 250 page book of indecipherable script. It is wonderfully illustrated, detailing plants that simply do not exist to our knowledge. Within those colored illustrations are images depicting issues that range from, Herbal, Astronomical, Biological, Cosmological, Pharmaceutical, and Recipes of unknown design. Could these drawing represent magical properties that are being hidden from us by Wizards? Why would it be allowed to be kept? Are they amusing themselves at our ignorance, or could it be a test? Perhaps will reveal themselves once we have been able to decipher the language of the manuscript.
edit on 9-4-2012 by Furbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 09:01 PM

Aliens - Constructs of Convenience?

Hollywood and Science Fiction in general may have helped the Wizards keep hidden. Perhaps when Wizards used to walk amongst us freely, helping us with our daily lives, man was able to do great things. We built the monolithic structures known as The Pyramids, Stonehenge, and Puma Punku. Could all of the Ancient Astronaut Theorists be correct about being helped, but merely misguided as to who helped us? Perhaps we built these with help from or Wizardly friends and other magical humanoids that live on (or in) our planet. Satyrs, Reptilians, Giants, and other types of creatures may have roamed freely to our amusement and terror.

Eventually the wizards realized that the non-Wizards were attaining far too much power and might one day have the power and motivation to capture and kill them. As previously stated, the Inquisition and the Witch Trials were clearly evidence that the Wizards may have been correct to have hidden centuries before. However, tales of monsters and magical relics continued to creep up every now and again, and wizards continuously put themselves in harm's way to keep us from finding out about them.

Luckily for the wizards, us non-wizards are pretty creative! Science Fiction authors began to write fantastic stories in the early part of the last century, and created the entire idea of Extra Terrestrial visitation as a means to sell stories. Early accounts of Aliens were all over the place, ranging from looking exactly like us to monstrous horrors that resembled gelatinous blobs with no discernible shape. Suddenly, out of nowhere, people began to tell stories of actual aliens coming out of the sky and speaking with them. Sometimes taking them back home, other times abducting them and doing horrible things to them. As time progressed, the aliens appeared more humanlike, less globular. The Wizards may have had a hand in that!

The Wizards, always looking for another way to mask their presence while going about saving both us from magic and magic from us, drew on the ancient stories for archetypes of old (Reptilians, Grays, Half-Animalmen) and created the alien races we enjoy today to confuse and excite those that would seek out the truth. While the benevolent Wizards use the imagery to help, some less scrupulous Wizards, use the imagery to frighten and terrorize humans, as they see us as weak, and like cattle.

Crop circles, UFOs, Alien Abduction, Monolithic Help? Could these all be the handiwork of our Wizarding brethren?

Men in Black - Protectors through Time?

Throughout the history of man, people have reported seeing strange men dressed entirely in black. Only up until recent times, the term Black Man was used to describe a man that was either all black or dressed entirely in black. He was often known to be in league with Witches or Demons, and was never a presence that one wished to have. Perhaps these Black Men, or Men in Black, as I will call them from here on out to both avoid confusion and to continue with the social norm, were actually Wizards doing what needed to be done and created a aura of danger around them to keep curious non-Wizards at bay.

What if sometimes something happens and multiple persons find out about magic or magical creatures? This is where a special task force of Wizards, referred to as Aurors in the Harry Potter books, might come in to take care of the problem by using what are known as Memory Charms. These mysterious men, often dressed in black clothing, have been seen throughout history, in all corners of the world. They come and take away memories, add new memories, collect physical evidence, and generally maintain the order of our world by keeping magic and non-magic from mixing, or so it is claimed by those that have come in contact with them.


Might much of what we know about our planet be a clever deception created to keep us in the dark? Might that deception be for our benefit? Could the Wizards depicted in the Harry Potter books and similar actually be real, as some people claim? Do we owe or thanks to them for keeping us in the dark from forces we cannot counter? Or, like some, should we loathe and fear these men as jailers, keeping us from attaining the knowledge that should be ours as citizens of this planet?

Either way, I hope you enjoyed this essay and think about how all of the conspiracies that you have ever uncovered could also have similar roots in the Wizarding World of Hogwarts.

Thank you.

Now, understand that I am in no way claiming that Harry Potter and Voldemort are real people, I believe that they are fictitious, but I am not 100% certain. However, I believe that evidence exists that will corroborate my claim that Wizards are among us in much the same way that J.K.Rowling and other brave authors have informed us in their speculative fiction accountings including that of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and the books of a detective hiding in plain sight in the City of Chicago named Harry Dresden. All evidence is presented for the reader to evaluate independently and come to whatever conclusion logic dictates.
There is no endorsement for the use of illegal drugs in this thread, nor is the support for their legalization implied.
The references to '___' and Marijuana are purely speculative and should be viewed as such. Thank you.

edit on 9-4-2012 by Furbs because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-4-2012 by Furbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 09:04 PM
When I was younger and I read the Harry Potter books, I convinced myself that my parents were both secretly wizards, and the school would one day send me an owl to let me know I'd be attending.

Sadly it never panned out.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by MisterFister103
When I was younger and I read the Harry Potter books, I convinced myself that my parents were both secretly wizards, and the school would one day send me an owl to let me know I'd be attending.

Sadly it never panned out.

Way to deny ignorance and reply without having read the thread!

You are a scholar and a gentleman.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by Furbs

The world of merchandising is real.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by IgnorantSpecies
reply to post by Furbs

The world of merchandising is real.

Care to elaborate on your thoughts beyond a simple one line post? I value your insights into this topic.
edit on 9-4-2012 by Furbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 09:13 PM
Interesting thread. I am gonna need to hold off on this one until my coffee jump starts my brain. I can tell you put a lot of effort into it though

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 09:16 PM
I do believe in magic, the other realms of belief, creatures etc, not necessarily as JK Rowling writes about it, I see it more as a 'Middle Earth' type thing.
Do they share this plane with us? Possibly, I guess I wont know til I see one, lets say I am an open minded skeptic

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by Furbs
Way to deny ignorance and reply without having read the thread!

You are a scholar and a gentleman.

Thanks I try.

I responded to the thread before it was up. Figured it would be a lighthearted post to say how I felt the wizarding world was real in my youth. Now that I am older, I know better, and your post will do nothing to convince me otherwise. I see that you talk about aliens in your post, and I do believe in such beings....but wizards, they are not.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 09:34 PM
The title of this thread was one iv been waiting to see for ages and then they moved it to skunk works!

Anyway well written essay. there is a lot of mythology that jk Rowling herself has used and lends from in the Harry potter books but there is little evidence to suggest that it is anythin more than that. Magic is real but to my knowledge it is more herbs essential oils and candles than owls and brooms, but I believ it works if you want it to.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by eyesdown

No, I put it in Skunkworks, because there doesn't seem to be a better place for it. It is an all encompassing theory, and as such, didn't belong to just any one forum.

This is a little idea that I have been kicking around for awhile and though that today was the day that I got it out and did it.

Glad you enjoyed it.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 09:48 PM
More importantly, this thread could be used as a template for writing a well-structured, researched and cited Opening Post.

If more people wrote in this style, ATS' credibility would skyrocket.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by MisterFister103
I see that you talk about aliens in your post, and I do believe in such beings....but wizards, they are not.

How can you be certain that Aliens are not Wizards in disguise? It seems odd that one would believe in one and completely disregard the other without any more thought!

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Hawking

Why, thank you! I am glad the the effort put into crafting this essay isn't going unnoticed. The world, including ATS, is what we make of it, after all. I do a lot of jabbing at people for bad topics, I thought it was time to put up or shut up.
edit on 9-4-2012 by Furbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by Furbs

From a real witch...there is no nor ever has been hidden magickal "lands" we hide in, well except for fairyland and even us witches dare not venture there, nor is there any big conspiracy between witches and wizards to hide magic from the public or keep you ignorant. Not as far as I know. Hell I think it's more we just each keep our mouths shut for our own defense remember the history of what does happen when we are found out, but definately there is no real unity amongst our "people" we usually don't even know when we meet another out in the world. Most likely because we are way too secretive.

edit on 9-4-2012 by ldyserenity because: spelling

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
reply to post by Furbs

From a real witch...there is no nor ever has been hidden magickal "lands" we hide in, well except for fairyland and even us witches dare not venture there, nor is there any big conspiracy between witches and wizards to hide magic from the public or keep you ignorant. Not as far as I know. Hell I think it's more we just each keep our mouths shut for our own defense remember the history of what does happen when we are found out, but definately there is no real unity amongst our "people" we usually don't even know when we meet another out in the world. Most likely because we ae way too secretive.

With all due respect, and believe me when I say that I do respect witches as I used to live in the Twin Cities and have spent more than a few Mayday Fesitvals skyclad drawing down the moon, there is a distinct difference in the types of magic I am referring to in this thread, and the types performed by non-Wizards that generally (and I do mean generally) called themselves Pagan or Wiccan.

Could it be that the power you feel as a Witch comes from ritual that has somehow been remembered from an earlier memory of a time when Wizards freely walked amongst us? It is an interesting theory, and I do not want you to believe that I am belittling yours or anyones religions, because I am not. I am simply looking for other explanations to ideas and beliefs we have.

Thanks for reading.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by Furbs

No a true blood witch...yes I practice Wicca, but that is more a result of the fact of the things I saw and done before being initiated.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Furbs

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. (Clarke's third law)
There's a possibility of it, I'd say, but it is very unlikely. I could say that I see the world differently, but the best explanation for my thoughts is that inexplainable things keep happening to me. Things I can not describe. Sometimes I can feel other's thoughts, other times, I get a glimpse on future, and many others. But I have yet to be contacted by mages. I mean, if they were real, I think they would have found me by now, for I think if magic exists, I have a few drops of it in my blood.
When I was a little child, I praised the Harry Potter universe, and like others, I've had thoughts about it being real, and the book being some sort of telling in plain sight, and that sooner or later if mages exist, they will contact me. But none of it happened. I still continue to utilize my powers as well as I can, but so far, nobody came for me on brooms.
Now my thoughts on the matter are that if mages exist, they just use advanced technology(of biological origins, for example) but still I do not have a clue on what my 'perks' are.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by Narcissous

Thanks for the comment!

Like the above poster that identifies as Wiccan, I believe your accounting of having some sort of magical powers may be attributed to having an ancestor that may not have been human. While that wouldn't be enough to make you a Wizard, as that is a separate thing, your powers may not be enough to warrant any type of suppression. We see accounts of this scattered throughout history. Heroes from myths like Gilgamesh and Hercules were said to be born of Gods, or in some cases Gods incarnate, like Jesus.

Perhaps, just maybe, these people were half elven, or part dragon, or something I can't even comprehend because I am too ignorant to even come up with it! Perhaps that is YOUR ancestry as well!

Food for thought, thanks for reading.
edit on 9-4-2012 by Furbs because: (no reason given)

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