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Trayvon Martin's parents go to Capital Hill to demand justice

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posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:25 AM
The video is too grainy to tell anything... I like what someone said earlier about "arm chair foresnics" which really speaks to majority of the people here...

Why are we continuing to make accusations when there is a bigger issue at foot...

WHY is Obama making comments about this case? I know its for political gain but its sickening can we at least all agree on that?? His words and actions in regards to this PLUS his cronies words and actions should be enough merit to let zimmerman go... How are they going to find a fair trial now?

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by cdesigns

It makes me equally sick that people are defending Zimmerman on here.

You will have that whenever a big issue like this comes up.

But the undeniable fact of the matter is that racism is still alive and well in America. We just sweep it under the rug and accuse others of using the "race card".

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by cdesigns

It makes me equally sick that people are defending Zimmerman on here.

You will have that whenever a big issue like this comes up.

But the undeniable fact of the matter is that racism is still alive and well in America. We just sweep it under the rug and accuse others of using the "race card".

Mayby its better to not defend anyone until the facts are proven mm? the victim is not always a victim i have learned. Yes youre right. racism is alive and well,but usually its not against who you think. Most of the laws now a days benefit minorities and thats not a bad thing all the time. sometimes they do need it but alot of them abuse it. I have to ask does defending zimmerman until he is proven guilty or innocent in a court of law make you sick? Or would you rather we resort to Vigilante justice and kill a possibly innocent man? Its slim yes,but there are always chances. Personally I am going to wait for a verdict and the evidence to make up my mind now. Instead of resorting to eye for an eye tactics.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by yuppa

IS he going to be proven guilty or innocent in a court of law?

That's MY question.

Regardless of RACE, Zimmerman took another man's life for questionable reasons. That makes him a piece of crap in my book!

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by The Sword

If there is enough evidence to get a conviction and the Prosecutor thinks he can get a conviction yes there will be a trial,but if the grand jury says no then he will not stand trial. As far as shooting someone though. Is that your opinion on all shootings? Or just this one because all the facts have not came out yet. Yeah first reaction to me too was this guy is guilty,but after a bit of digging i think now he isnt,at least of murder.Facts always change as the story progresses so lets both wait to convict him after the facts come fully out.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by MrStyx

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask

Originally posted by yuppa

Originally posted by MrStyx
reply to post by yuppa

Might want to get your eyes checked or get a better video you can see clearly on the videos I have seen. Clean bald head, clean jacket. If it was raining and he was getting assaulted as said he should look a mess. No blood from his noise or shooting a victim point blank range who was on top of him. Its you who is seeing what he wants

Have you ever been beat up before? I have. The paramedics cleaned me up for fear of disease transmission. I bet you the police took his clothes for evidence at the scene. Its not like he was not near home so he could get some more clothes.Usually the Cops will let you get something else to wear if you have to because you had to give your clothes for examination. Another thing does anyone here have duplicate shirts and pants? I do. And not all bullet wounds shoot blood outward toward the shooter. Some close range shot the gun itself blocks the spatter if any. I am legally blind as well so thanks for the insult. It really makes me feel good for someone to remind me i can never see clearly without my glasses.

Not only that most of the "arm chair forensic" folks around here think you splatter blood from gunshot wounds....

having SEEN gunshot wounds myself in person, it doesnt really happen like that.........the body has a miraculous ability to contain intself during trauma.....

Especially a wound that could have been a sucking chest would , which im guessing is close to the area he was shot....

If they were indeed in an all likelyhood, if he shot him in the chest as the reports say, he would have very little blood , if any on his person........especially if it was a direct shot to the heart....

This is not a bludgeoning or a voracious stabbing...........

Please know what youre talking about before making statements like this
edit on 29-3-2012 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

Speaking of armchair forensics, thanks for adding your ignorance as well if you never been up close and personal to a gunshot you need not add to the topic. Blood will be present no bullet wounds don't suck in the blood. It was a bludgening because he was punching his face blooding his nose and cause blood to drip from the back of his head ,allegedly. You sound foolish trying to defend the indefensible

You apparently have a problem with reading comprehension or did not read the whole thing...

There is no ignorance here......i said SUCKING CHEST you know what that is?

Ive spent many a tour in the battlefield ........and have seen many gunshot wounds......I think i know what im talking about...

You sound foolish not being able to understand what I wrote.....

But then again, when people lead by emotion instead of logic this often happens............

Much like this case seems to be
edit on 29-3-2012 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by The Sword
IS he going to be proven guilty or innocent in a court of law? That's MY question.

Wouldnt' that be up to the FACTS to prove one way or the other? Not a bunch of people on a website jumping to conclusions based on spin and hype.

Regardless of RACE, Zimmerman took another man's life for questionable reasons. That makes him a piece of crap in my book!

So Zimmerman took someones life for, what you admit are, 'QUESTIONABLE' reasons ... and he's instantly a piece of crap to you ... regardless of if Zimmerman turns out to be innocent or not. QUESTIONABLE reasons .. meaning we don't know all the reasons/answers yet. You've already decided he's a piece of crap without even seeing the evidence in the case. Lovely. Grab the torches and pitchforks ... rule by mob mentality. :shk:

With people buying into the spin and hype and calling Zimmerman a 'piece of crap', even without having all the evidence in, I highly doubt that a fair trial could take place for anyone in this country. Pretty damn sad.

Originally posted by SM2
This whole thing is really getting stupid. Both sides are really showing their bigotry and stupidity.

Very, Very true.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Agreed, two jerks had a fight and one died. This has nothing to do with race and why people want to take one jerk's side is beyond me.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

thats exactly right........

Just how are they going to give this man a fair trial?

Are they even able to do so now that the president , amongst other organizations have already convicted this man?

I dont see how you can even try him now.........

Good job! Cause now even if he IS guilty , im not sure there will be a trial.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 01:54 PM
During ancient days, under 'benelovant' rulers, which are rare, a commoner had the right to see the Ruler to address justice when all else fails, and the ruler had the obligation to listen and address the issue.

Today, we are no longer living in ancient times. But that tradition of human right lives within humanity. And IF congressional elected members live by their vows of ' For the People, By the People', they MUST listen to the petition, or US democracy is nothing more than a sham.

The petitioners had all the rights to address the issue, more so inherent with this current justice or the lack of it, whereby a murderer walks freely, even if no one else bothered to do so in the past to such avenue, for that had been a choice of theirs, a murderer who is protected by no less than a father who WAS a member of the judiciary and yet can overlook facts and lied,

May Congress be wise.

The Florida State gov had failed Tray and family - american citizens, as well as EVERY unarmed innocent life slained by armed thugs misusing and posing as authority because of 'profiling' or insane excuses justified only by themselves, by not bringing the murderer to even a trial but allowed him to walk free with a murder of a precious unarmed human life. May Congress, the highest council of the land, NOT do the same
edit on 29-3-2012 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 02:38 PM
These parents make me freakin sick. They use these ploys to milk all they can out of the world gaining publicity and money. Just look at the expression on her face it reminds me of the southpark when they were cheesing HAHAH. If I seen them in person I would give them a big fat smack for blowing this out of proportion. The kid is dead. Dead is dead. He's gone and Obama cannot bring him back. Just give you lots and lots of money to keep your fake tears at bay. Something bad is eventually going to happen to those parents and im going to be the first one smiling. Im no racist I don't agree with parents that use their dead son for their own personal gain. No matter the purpose. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. But sigh its going to take another thousand or so years to catch on to that one.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by SonoraUndergroundLabs
These parents make me freakin sick. They use these ploys to milk all they can out of the world gaining publicity and money. Just look at the expression on her face it reminds me of the southpark when they were cheesing HAHAH. If I seen them in person I would give them a big fat smack for blowing this out of proportion. The kid is dead. Dead is dead. He's gone and Obama cannot bring him back. Just give you lots and lots of money to keep your fake tears at bay. Something bad is eventually going to happen to those parents and im going to be the first one smiling. Im no racist I don't agree with parents that use their dead son for their own personal gain. No matter the purpose. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. But sigh its going to take another thousand or so years to catch on to that one.

You got any idea how much it cost to bury somebody... ? And maybe the more attention this gets the better chance zimmerman will actually get charged for taking their kids life.... I would do the same thing if my son got killed, if i had a chance to get the presidents attention, i would. Who wouldnt?

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Nucleardiver

I think they are trying to spin this into a campaign topic to benefit Obama somehow, even though that is completely absurd. You watch, they will do exactly that.

They may have been scouring news stories for a long time, waiting for just the right one. Did I say may have? I think that's exactly what is occurring here. They are probably really angry that the shooter was Hispanic I'll bet.

Otherwise, why is Obama not on the air calling for calm and asking those in Congress, Sharpton and Jackson to tone it down? That's what almost any leader other than Obama would have done.

I'm still baffled as to why the New Black Panther leaders are not behind bars. How can you commit blatant felonies on camera multiple times and not be arrested? What they are offering the money for appears to be the capture and therefore kidnapping of the shooter. Who else could do that and not be immediately arrested?

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 02:56 PM
Another issue with this. Their own attorney in interviews said they were satisfied with how it's being handled now. Calling for calm in fact. Why would they have their attorney give that message and then do the opposite?

A covert call from a go between with the White House or Congress perhaps?

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by SonoraUndergroundLabs
These parents make me freakin sick. They use these ploys to milk all they can out of the world gaining publicity and money. Just look at the expression on her face it reminds me of the southpark when they were cheesing HAHAH. If I seen them in person I would give them a big fat smack for blowing this out of proportion. The kid is dead. Dead is dead. He's gone and Obama cannot bring him back. Just give you lots and lots of money to keep your fake tears at bay. Something bad is eventually going to happen to those parents and im going to be the first one smiling. Im no racist I don't agree with parents that use their dead son for their own personal gain. No matter the purpose. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. But sigh its going to take another thousand or so years to catch on to that one.

If you think as your post suggest, then you had not comprehended the whole issue or selective ignorance, denial of facts on your part.

This is MORE than money involved. IT is about redressing the judicial system that had allowed the murder of an unarmed person by an armed thug misusing his authority, not just for Tray, but for EVERYONE slained under such circumstances.

Enough is enough! Americans, if not mankind itself, must end this atrocity.

And do well to remember, if there is any money involved, it is all based upon free will, NEVER for profits. Donators have the option to reject, and interview seekers have that option too, a choice they can make, and would not be surprised if they take it up as they are the ones whom are milking the situation through hopes of higher circulation of whatever media they intend to use.

Even if the Tray family does not get a single cent, they WILL still proceed to Capitol Hill for redress, not just for the sake of their son, but for every american citizen including the apathetic and even heartless you, so that all may live in peace with justice.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Obama only cares about the black nation its clear. He supports death threats of black panthers and accuses everything on the people criticizing him for his mistakes. Wonderful president we got there. Biggest POS that I know of. And is colored like one too.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101

Originally posted by SonoraUndergroundLabs
These parents make me freakin sick. They use these ploys to milk all they can out of the world gaining publicity and money. Just look at the expression on her face it reminds me of the southpark when they were cheesing HAHAH. If I seen them in person I would give them a big fat smack for blowing this out of proportion. The kid is dead. Dead is dead. He's gone and Obama cannot bring him back. Just give you lots and lots of money to keep your fake tears at bay. Something bad is eventually going to happen to those parents and im going to be the first one smiling. Im no racist I don't agree with parents that use their dead son for their own personal gain. No matter the purpose. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. But sigh its going to take another thousand or so years to catch on to that one.

If you think as your post suggest, then you had not comprehended the whole issue or selective ignorance, denial of facts on your part.

This is MORE than money involved. IT is about redressing the judicial system that had allowed the murder of an unarmed person by an armed thug misusing his authority, not just for Tray, but for EVERYONE slained under such circumstances.

Enough is enough! Americans, if not mankind itself, must end this atrocity.

And do well to remember, if there is any money involved, it is all based upon free will, NEVER for profits. Donators have the option to reject, and interview seekers have that option too, a choice they can make, and would not be surprised if they take it up as they are the ones whom are milking the situation through hopes of higher circulation of whatever media they intend to use.

Even if the Tray family does not get a single cent, they WILL still proceed to Capitol Hill for redress, not just for the sake of their son, but for every american citizen including the apathetic and even heartless you, so that all may live in peace with justice.

I do have a heart I also believe in population control. Why do we HAVE to pay attention to something as low life as these parents that are using a dead son as propaganda to kill another person. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. Yes you can defend your son just don't beg the media to do your bidding also.

posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by The Sword

What are you basing your opinions on? Are you privy to some information that we aren't? I'd like to know


posted on Mar, 29 2012 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
During ancient days, under 'benelovant' rulers, which are rare, a commoner had the right to see the Ruler to address justice when all else fails, and the ruler had the obligation to listen and address the issue.

Today, we are no longer living in ancient times. But that tradition of human right lives within humanity. And IF congressional elected members live by their vows of ' For the People, By the People', they MUST listen to the petition, or US democracy is nothing more than a sham.

The petitioners had all the rights to address the issue, more so inherent with this current justice or the lack of it, whereby a murderer walks freely, even if no one else bothered to do so in the past to such avenue, for that had been a choice of theirs, a murderer who is protected by no less than a father who WAS a member of the judiciary and yet can overlook facts and lied,

May Congress be wise.

The Florida State gov had failed Tray and family - american citizens, as well as EVERY unarmed innocent life slained by armed thugs misusing and posing as authority because of 'profiling' or insane excuses justified only by themselves, by not bringing the murderer to even a trial but allowed him to walk free with a murder of a precious unarmed human life. May Congress, the highest council of the land, NOT do the same
edit on 29-3-2012 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

Ok, let me clear a few things up for you. First off, let me give you a definition.....


1.Law . the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law. In the U.S., special statutory definitions include murder committed with malice aforethought, characterized by deliberation or premeditation or occurring during the commission of another serious crime, as robbery or arson (first-degree murder), and murder by intent but without deliberation or premeditation (second-degree murder).
2.Slang . something extremely difficult or perilous: That final exam was murder!
3.a group or flock of crows.

verb (used with object)
4.Law . to kill by an act constituting murder. kill or slaughter inhumanly or barbarously. spoil or mar by bad performance, representation, pronunciation, etc.: The tenor murdered the aria.

So, as to the facts so far presented, it was not legally murder. If the facts presented by law enforcement and eye witnesses are true, then it was justifiable homicide ie self defense. If the presented facts are indeed false, then it would be manslaughter or negligent homicide depending on how the events actually transpired

As far as the Obama the beloved leader is concerned, there aint a thing he can do, the federal government is out of their jurisdiction in this case. The only way the feds can get involved is if the state government requests such. the only way the state can get involved is if the local authorities request it. The FBI can not legally just go into a local crime scene and take over the investigation. If you think otherwise, you have been watching too much TV. Now, they can request that the local or state government allow them to investigate and use a little pressure to get their way, but thats about it.

To close, I am not taking any side in this as the facts are not available to us at this time. As it currently appears by what little we do know, is this was a justifiable homicide and Zimmerman was within the law. That does not mean that facts coming out at a later date would not change that. We can argue all day on whether you think that this particular law is just or not, but it is the law and he by most accounts was within it. this does not mean that there was not some misconduct on the police departments side either. it is possible. There are too many variables at this point to declare him guilty or innocent, and remember this is America, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
Why not just delete the whole thread since the OP is clearly EXTREMELY racist.

Are you serious? I am assuming you are black by your avatar, yes?

The OP is actually explaining how the federal government is exploiting these people for the purpose of taking away EVERYONE'S constitutional rights. Nowhere in the post do I hear ANY inflammatory remarks about black people.

Seriously, man. You are being manipulated as well - by the press. It's working.

Are YOU racist?

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