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Aliens Are Abducting Human Souls And Replacing Them With Remote Controlled Implants

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posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by OwenGP185
You made me laugh writing it is estimated that 2million people may have been abducted found in random internet polls
. Anyway dreams are natural, even animals have them. I can also self-induce lucid dreams where I am awake and conscious so that theory of aliens giving us dreams does not work from my personal experiences.

As for replacing souls with controlled implants, well I doubt that too, have you ever had an astral projection (hate that name)? Anyway the soul is not like the brain or something that can just be taken or removed, it is like the energy of an ocean though perhaps disassociation from the soul can have the same effect but Western culture is doing a fine job at that anyway. To replace the soul is like trying to take the water out of an ocean
edit on 14-3-2012 by OwenGP185 because: (no reason given)
First of all "lol" at knowing that what we "comfortably" think of and have "conveniently" named sleep paralysis,is not what we would like to believe it is...

Imo sleep paralysis is actually abductions by aliens and yes thats exactly what i think it is and "they" have been abducting people and their souls,for a very long time and the "old hag" seen and felt hundreds of years ago and even now during sleep paralysis,is one of many "implanted,diversionary false memories" that the aliens are projecting into our minds to mislead us and to mask what they're really doing to the people they decide to abduct,harvesting human souls...

And a class-3 alien civilization would be so many light years ahead of us in psychological evolution and technological development.They would be able to harvest suns and position them near the event horizons of black holes and channel the energy that interaction would produce,among many other incredible advancements...

So a class-3 alien civilization figuring out how to extract human souls and replace them with implants that send and receive signals which remotely controls the abductees thoughts and actions after they are returned,without them even realizing it,is something easily within the realm of feasible reality and we ourselves are not even a class-1 civilization yet...
edit on 14-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by blocula
It has been estimated through random polls that as many as two million people in the united states alone may have been abducted by aliens and keep in mind that most people who think or know they were abducted,will never tell anyone about it,for fear of ridicule and denial...

I have often wondered if some or even all of our dreams are actually false memories,diversionary thoughts that the aliens implant into our brains,deep within our minds,to obscure and mask their abductions...

So who and what we "think" we've seen in our dreams and in our bedrooms at night,may actually be more of those same "diversionary thoughts" that the aliens use to keep us away from what they're really doing to us...

Maybe its peoples souls that are being abducted while their minds are held in a trance and the memories they have of their bodies being abducted,are just intentionally misleading scenarios that never really happened,which the aliens subliminally induce us into thinking and believing...

Peoples souls may be taken away to animate the aliens biological robots we call the greys and replaced with miniature remote controlled implants,which direct and maneuver the thoughts and actions of the abductees who are returned,which could be the primary objective of the aliens abduction agenda...

Some souls may be harvested and taken to planets within other galaxies,to an alternate universe and to other dimensions,brought to those unearthly places and implanted into the soulless life forms that the aliens created upon once barren,now terra-formed worlds...

Unfortunately,millions of people could be walking around unknowingly fitted with alien implants placed deep within hard to reach places inside their bodies,like their brains.Some of these implants might be organic and undetectable,some of them might be made from unearthly and untraceable elements...

Those implants might be tracking devices and mind controlling devices.Which may explain the random and savage serial killers,the psychotic spree murderers and the demented child killers who relentlessly tear peoples lives apart,who rip families asunder again and again all the time all over this world...

This would most likely be true especially,if the aliens are evil in nature and i think they are and they have arrived here amongst us with very evil intentions,designed and directed at the half asleep, blinded by greed, comfortably numb vast majority of humanity...

edit on 14-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-3-2012 by Gemwolf because: Title change as requested

Dude, this is crazy. And even more, it's darn right!

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 09:37 PM
Another "implanted diversionary tactic" that the aliens are intentionally projecting into our minds and memories to mislead us,to mask what they're really doing and to hide "where they're really coming from" is keeping the vast majority of humanity thinking and looking in the wrong direction for the origin of the aliens,up into outer space,instead of where we should be looking for them,right here on earth...

Because the chances of intelligent and highly advanced beings evolving upon another planet,who were also able to attain interstellar space travel and who also just happened to have found planet earth amongst the trillions upon trillions of miles of outer space,must be almost incalculably small,perhaps a hundred billion to one...

And so the aliens must have originated from right here on earth,either long before we arrived upon the evolutionary scene,or they are time travelers from a very distant past or future earth,or they are from some kind of alternate reality that exists all around us beyond our visible spectrum...

Either way,they are the true dominant species of earths biosphere,we just think we are and we are led to believe we are,but we are not and over 95% of the total volume in area of earth is completely unknown to us and totally unexplored by us,deep below us underground and deep within the oceans...

edit on 14-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by abeverage
I am sure it has been said but how do put an implant in a soul?

You stated that the abduction was of the Soul not of the body and that an illusion of physical abduction was created. Tthen stated they put a mind controlling implant within them, that makes no sense...
The abductees human soul is abstracted and taken away and replaced with an implant that sends and receives signals which remotely controls the abductees thoughts and actions after they are returned,without them even realizing it...

During one abduction case that i read about,a woman awoke in bed to see a helicopter over her house,as if the intervening ceiling and roof had disappeared.She later described also seeing two unusual humanoid aliens at the foot of her bed.Two of her human friends were able to witness this scene and they saw a blue sphere of light around her,as she did,with brighter lights shooting through it,but they heard no helicopter and saw no aliens.The blue light apparently created a virtual reality scenario for her to experience a false scenario and to recall a false memory that the aliens implanted within her,while they took her soul?
edit on 14-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Nite_wing

Just be careful you don't end up in Level 7 at the Hall of Horrors.
Imo,our greatest crumbling asset is our freedom of speech...

And so if anyone or any group in the present day power regime we call the us government,who i think is willingly complicit in this alien abduction agenda,or anyone or anything else who might be out there who does'nt like me exposing this sinister reality,the horrible truth that they have blinded and imprisoned us with and who doesnt want me talking openly about what i believe to be the horrible truth,then they know who i am and they know where i am "so come and get me" i'm not afraid...

If i end up laughed at and shunned,or if i end up ridiculed and black listed,or if i end up in prison,or if i end up like phil schneider for trying to expose and speak about what i believe to be the horrible truth,oh well,nothing lasts forever and i have to die sometime,bring it on...

As long as i was able to tell as many open minded people as possible,it will have been well worth it...

Evil alien forces have hijacked planet earth and they are stealing the souls of humanity and the governments of this fallen world are well aware.The evil aliens have awarded them the rank of royal bloodline elite prison wardens,who willingly comply and assist in this horrible reality that we are faced with and they are answering and bowing down to their diabolic masters of our fallen world...
edit on 14-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by LightAssassin
reply to post by blocula

And they cannot take our souls, because our souls belong to 7th density unification with the One. What they want is negative emotions to feed off. Implants serve a whole range of purposes but NOT to monitor anything at the soul level.
edit on 14-3-2012 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

I agree with what LightAssassin says here. My soul belongs to God, or The Source, or The One, or whatever each person chooses to call it. And no one, or no thing can take it because He is stronger than anything out there, and He won't let them have what belongs to Him.

edit on 3/14/2012 by sled735 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by sled735

Originally posted by LightAssassin
reply to post by blocula

And they cannot take our souls, because our souls belong to 7th density unification with the One. What they want is negative emotions to feed off. Implants serve a whole range of purposes but NOT to monitor anything at the soul level.
edit on 14-3-2012 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

I agree with what LightAssassin says here. My soul belongs to God, or The Source, or The One, or whatever each person chooses to call it. And no one, or no thing can take it because He is stronger than anything out there, and He won't let them have what belongs to Him.

edit on 3/14/2012 by sled735 because: (no reason given)
Should i even bother mentioning who and what i think god actually is?

This is the Horrible Truth of our reality here on earth...

More or less just like we create zoos and miniature habitats for the animals we capture and collect, placing them inside metal cages and glass tanks that we partially fill with rocks,dirt,water and branches for them to live with and climb on,while they breed...

The surface of earth is a terrarium purposefully designed for us and we are bathed with the light and warmth of an artificial sun which sustains the aliens human livestock,as we continuously breed more souls for them to harvest...

All the while,the aliens inhabit their subterranean and subaquatic realms,the 95% of earth where humans have never gone and cannot go...

I could'nt possibly imagine anything more terrible,for us to realize thats how and why we are here...

And to know that god drives a flying saucer...Is to know another horrible truth...

The Horrible Truth?...Yes...The Horrible Truth...For humanity to discover that God our creator is actually a super intelligent,bi-pedal alien,i dare anyone anywhere to try and think of a more terrible realization for us than that...

And of the original group who were the first to discover the "Horrible Truth" several committed suicide,the most prominent of which was Defense Secretary James V. Forrestal,who jumped to his death from a 16th story hospital window.Forrestal’s records are sealed to this day.President Truman quickly put a lid on the secret and turned the screws so tight that the general public still thinks that flying saucers are a joke...

General James H. Doolittle inspected the flying saucer that crashed in Spitzbergen,Norway,in 1952 and made a discovery,then known to only a handful of men,"They were indeed ugly little creatures, shaped like praying mantises and who were more advanced than us by perhaps a billion years"
edit on 15-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by Getsmart
Getsmart you have a refreshing and intelligent way with words that i hope to someday attain and your every post opens up another dimension of ideas and another angle of approach,as we try to solve the mysteries of our reality and attempt to expose the hidden horrors that this thread is trying to reveal...

edit on 14-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Taupin Desciple

my threads could be made into a very large non-fiction book dealing with theoretical analysis of paranormal activity and unexplained reality

I'm sure they could.

You're a very interesting individual. Whether you're responding to a very down to earth topic or making a thread that, I'm sure you know, is "out there" to a lot of people (myself included) your wording is very direct and easy to digest. You don't make yourself out to be something you're not.

You add a very distinct flavor to this site and if I were a mod I'd applaude simply for that.

I realize that people dont have to say anything at all in my threads and i do appreciate any and all comments that people take the time to think of,type out and post,theres more than one piece to a puzzle and after reading what you have said in this thread about me,above,i really dont know what else to say except,thank you very much...
edit on 14-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 12:20 AM
Millions of people from all over the world continue to experience what has come to be known as sleep paralys,but,we dont "really" know what sleep paralysis is...

The fact that sleep paralysis might actually be false memories and diversionary thoughts implanted into our minds by aliens who want to keep us away from the fact that they are abducting us,stealing our souls and replacing them with remote controlled implants,represents a very real and very horrible possibility thats far too uncomfortable for most people to face and so ridicule and denial become the normal reactions,because they are easier to accept and much easier to live with...

This has been going on for a very long time,at least as far back as the middle ages.During a time when so many people dared to tell of encounters with and visitations by elfs,gnomes and faries, pixies,sprites and leprechauns. Enchanted beings who exposed those people to missing time and abducted them away to fairy lands and surely they and those places were also diversionary thoughts and false memories that the aliens implanted into those peoples minds,to keep them away from what was actually being done to them...

People during the middle ages were induced with thoughts and memories of beings who would be more acceptable to the age that those people were living in and easier to trick them with,the elfs,gnomes and faries, the pixies,sprites and leprechauns,who were actually false thought projections,unreal memories meant to mislead and disguise the real alien beings and their sinister agendas...

Just like people now in the modern era,who are still being exposed to missing time,who are still being abducted, who are still encountering and experiencing visitations by beings that the aliens project into our minds,who are more acceptable to us and who fit more comfortably into our modern day belief structures,little green men from mars and grey aliens from space...

Who are also diversionary thoughts of beings that dont really exist,doing things that never really happen,all intentionally designed to keep us thinking and looking in the wrong directions,up into outer space,while the real aliens,in disguise,who originate from right here,deep inside the earth and far below within the oceans,places we cannot go to,carry on with their nefarious and diabolical plans...

The aliens are not abducting our physical bodies,they are abducting and harvesting our souls and the aliens may in fact be evil and so the evil aliens and the demons of hell,unfortunately,are probably the same thing...

edit on 15-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 01:57 AM
Yeah, you're probably right on the money.


posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by blocula
Millions of people from all over the world continue to experience what has come to be known as sleep paralys,but,we dont "really" know what sleep paralysis is...

Uh, I'm pretty sure we know what sleep paralysis is. That's why they named it "sleep paralysis'. I've experienced it, lots of people on here probably have. It's kinda scary and cool at the same time, but then you wake up. I had a hallucination when I had it that there was a TV on in the bedroom I was in. There is no TV in there.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by cloudyday

I wonder if governments are silent about UFOs because they suspect they are hostile but they can't stop them? So they officially ridicule the idea while they secretly search for a defense. Meanwhile the ETs are slowly and secretly pursuing their opposing agenda through these abductions.

My information is that tptb/dark entities currently in control are worried about the Annunaki returning through the stargate in the Gulf of Aden/Persian Gulf area. That is why they have tons of ships over there. Maybe the whole ruckus with Iran is just a cover - an excuse for having military ships in that area.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 02:30 AM
It is widely believed among top military and government officials in the know of whats what about the E.T presence is that those real abductions are all about extracting a neuro transmitter from our bodies and brains.

E.T's are extremely interested in our natural ability to produce '___' and serotonin

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by Nomad451
It is widely believed among top military and government officials in the know of whats what about the E.T presence is that those real abductions are all about extracting a neuro transmitter from our bodies and brains.

E.T's are extremely interested in our natural ability to produce '___' and serotonin

Hi Nomad 451,

Is it a neuro "transmitter" or a more sophisticated AVATAR device? This is in fact what might be more important to know? Are many of us hard wired by them, and left dormant, awaiting to be activated upon demand much like Mr Smith in the movie The Matrix?

Also, what's the acute interest in '___' and Serotonin all about? Do they harvest our bodily chemicals for use as a drug?


posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by blocula

You're so close to the perspective I have it isn't funny. I even have the same opinion of 'God' as you. Lakota Indian tribe understand what the whole creation of the universe is, the One, The source....and it is no God that uses a flying saucer, nor is it in anyway interacting with us or influencing our lives and decisions. Yes, the ultimate goal is to advance spiritually and rejoin the source, eventually.

The reason why I believe souls cannot be harvested is due to the fact that in the Sumerian/Babylonian creation myths it tells of a God being slayed to provide Humans with spirit and even though humans die their spirit lives on. Spirit is a powerful thing, and it comes from the source, you cannot talk about 'souls' without acknowledging their creation, recycling and eventual return to from whence it came.

Therefore I believe people are abducted for several reasons. Implants to monitor. Implants to assist in manipulating brainwaves and thought patterns. Implants to assist in future abductions by providing the visual/aural scenes while the abduction is happening. It may be possible to somehow abduct the ethereal body while the physical still lays there, hence sleep paralysis. Something tells me though that souls cannot be harvested. Only redirected towards 'Service -to-self' rather than 'Service-to-others'.

Have a read of that link. You may just enjoy it, given our differences in opinion only vary slightly.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by someotherguy

Originally posted by cloudyday

I wonder if governments are silent about UFOs because they suspect they are hostile but they can't stop them? So they officially ridicule the idea while they secretly search for a defense. Meanwhile the ETs are slowly and secretly pursuing their opposing agenda through these abductions.

My information is that tptb/dark entities currently in control are worried about the Annunaki returning through the stargate in the Gulf of Aden/Persian Gulf area. That is why they have tons of ships over there. Maybe the whole ruckus with Iran is just a cover - an excuse for having military ships in that area.
Wow,what a fantastic image you have painted into our minds with the words "annunaki returning through the stargate in the persian gulf"...

Are the annunaki coming back to rescue humanity and break away our chains of evil alien enslavement?

Are the annunaki the nordic alien avengers of humanity?

Are the annunaki benevolent?

Are the annunaki the ones who genetically altered prehistoric people into their image,into the modern humans we bacame and still are now?

Did the annunaki long ago lose a war on earth between themselves and the victorious evil aliens who then hijacked planet earth,set up organized religions and started stealing our souls?

Are some of the remnants of that distant and all but forgotten war the evidences we have found of atomic warfare in ancient india?

The same battles and conflicts that are described in the mahabharata and elsewhere?
edit on 15-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by blocula
Millions of people from all over the world continue to experience what has come to be known as sleep paralys,but,we dont "really" know what sleep paralysis is...

Uh, I'm pretty sure we know what sleep paralysis is. That's why they named it "sleep paralysis'. I've experienced it, lots of people on here probably have. It's kinda scary and cool at the same time, but then you wake up. I had a hallucination when I had it that there was a TV on in the bedroom I was in. There is no TV in there.
The aliens may have implanted a false image,a diversionary memory into your mind that they knew you would be comfortable with,the tv on in your bedroom,to disguise what they were really doing...

What we "comfortably" think of and have "conveniently" named sleep paralysis,is not what we would like to believe it is...

And i am sure that those who tell us what sleep paralysis is,are telling us what they want us to think it is and they receive their pay and their money grants from tptb,the same ptb who are willingly complicit in this evil alien abduction agenda,hidden behind and within the veil of sleep paralysis experienced by thousands,perhaps millions of people every night...

And knowing that we live amongst a human population of 7,000,000,000 with around 360,000 births and 150,000 deaths every day,millions of people are probably experiencing various levels of sleep paralysis,meaning various levels and stages of alien abduction,every night...

edit on 15-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 09:07 AM
Wish the aliens would abduct the politicians
- robot chips would have more common sense.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Elentarri
Wish the aliens would abduct the politicians
- robot chips would have more common sense.
They probably already have been abducted,implanted,released and controlled,thats why the politicians are praised,worshiped and idolized and thats why the politicians are all of the same royal bloodline elite,They know whats being done to the vast majority of humanity and they could care less,as long as they are rewarded with wealth and power for themselves,their families and their beautiful people friends and accomplices...
edit on 15-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

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