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Amazing Rant from International Women's Day

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posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 08:51 PM
For the full rant:

“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” This quote by Brigham Young was in heavy use yesterday no matter where I went or what I read in honor of International Women’s Day. Let me start off by saying that this quote, and the intention with which it is used, is particularly disgusting. It is almost so irrational and demeaning to men and fathers that it is unworthy of even touching upon as a subject for this website. I have no problem with empowering women as long as men are not being castrated in the process. This quote, and how it is used, does not represent equality for women; but rather inequality for men. Perhaps I speak for only myself, but I have learned a great deal from both my mother and father in different but equally important ways, as have my siblings. Countless sons and daughters across the world feel the same way as I do in this regard. This quote and the ideology that has taken it and twisted those words to benefit its intention is extraordinarily dangerous to society because it represents just how badly we have been culturally engineered in the West. When I see men nodding their heads in agreement, liking the quote on facebook, or making positive comments about it on the internet; it becomes clear just how brainwashed society has become, and how content men have become with passing up responsibility and self-worth. If men were to grow a pair and actually speak out against the ultra-feminist extremism that has now saturated American culture and society, then maybe more women would actually start to respect more men again. However, because men are trained to think from a young age that what I am currently saying is wrong and against cultural norms, they stay hidden and simply nod their heads in agreement. We also live in a culture that has reduced the man to thinking that sitting on the sofa with his boys, chugging beer, and screaming like a wild ape while watching the football game or UFC match is cool. Then, women get to complain about how “All men are pigs,” and of course even though they’re complaining, they do not realize how the ultra-feminist, socio-cultural engineering that they very likely endorsed has played a role in precisely this outcome. Another question based on the original quote; should we focus on educating only women since they’ll educate a generation, or are we already beginning to feel the effects of a lack of educated men in this country?

For full rant:

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by KevinBally

I was about to flame you until I got a few lines into your text wall.
Very well articulated, but does focus on the outside force that is there to create the division and war of the sexes. We are all one species, all colors, creeds, and genders need to work together for a mutual goal, not be divided by politics, humor, disagreements, morality, or general beliefs. We are one species. We are one race, the human race.... to be cheesy and blatant.

I don't know why, but I feel like shaving my head and buying birkenstocks for some reason.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 09:31 PM

Men and women are equal in potential. there is no superior gender, but there are more comfortable roles.
A woman whom wears flowery dresses and enjoys painting her nails and spending her day learning cooking and flower arranging is just as valid a woman as a woman wearing pants, doing the corporate america thing, and ultimately the polar opposite drive as the first woman.

Men also, be it burly construction worker, or 120lb fashion designer...

The faster people respect the differences without deciding what gender is or isn't "superior", the better. This idiot ranting is equal to a better spoken rush limbaugh.

with that said...

may the -light hearted- war never end.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by KevinBally

Very well put.

There needs to be a happy median here that we haven't been to yet. One where all men and women see each others' strong and weak points as bringing them together. Not keeping them apart.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 11:10 PM
I think that quote is true for the most part just looking at the stats on single parents and deadbeat dads.

On the other hand, I don't really think that it's the fault of the feminists that men have been reduced to such roles and behavior. I think it's because we've had a sexual revolution for women, but not for men.

What I mean by that is that, culturally, men are still stuck in that machismo mindset, but the only thing really left since the feminist movement happened is that hyper-masculine immature douchebag role.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 11:11 PM
I am a female and I have to agree with this. Being on ATS has really opened my eyes to how feminism is actually backfiring on women by breeding bitterness and resentment. I see the way men are portrayed on movies and television, I see societies attitudes and expectations of men, and as the mother to two boys it worries me.
You can celebrate both sexes without belittling the other but people can't seem to figure that out. People are insistent on creating a sex war, and the way I see it is if one loses the other does too. It would be far better for both sexes if we focused on empowering both sexes equally. When both sexes are empowered, you not only receive the benefits of your own sex being empowered you receive the benefits of the other sex being empowered as well, not just in relationships but thy way they affect society as a whole.
We are seeing the effects of the dumbing down of men in the crime rate and the workforce as well as other places and I fear it is going to get worse.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 06:17 AM
So on International Womens day it's not OK to to say something nice about a woman's capability to birth and raise a nation?.....OK then.

Suppose I shouldn't get my hopes up too much this coming Mothering Sunday then.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by Suspiria

Did you read the whole rant on the actual website? This was just one paragraph of it. It promotes equality between men and women, and discusses their need to raise the nation together. It also gives a shout out for women who are struggling simply for their equal rights in the developing world. So while it may bash the "ultra feminism" that has taken over much of this country especially in large, urban areas, I think it balances that out quite well with advocating for women's equal rights in other parts of the world, where they are clearly non-existent. Read the whole rant if you haven't because it will give you the author's full view, whereas that paragraph only gives part of his view.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by Suspiria

Did you read the whole rant on the actual website? This was just one paragraph of it. It promotes equality between men and women, and discusses their need to raise the nation together. It also gives a shout out for women who are struggling simply for their equal rights in the developing world. So while it may bash the "ultra feminism" that has taken over much of this country especially in large, urban areas, I think it balances that out quite well with advocating for women's equal rights in other parts of the world, where they are clearly non-existent. Read the whole rant if you haven't because it will give you the author's full view, whereas that paragraph only gives part of his view.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

I think your comparison of the author to Rush Limbaugh is truly out of place. He discusses how there are tremendous male nurses working for female doctors. He says there's nothing wrong with that. He talks about how the individual is always more important than the gender, race, etc...of the person. He talks about how if a woman freely chooses to stay at home, raise her children well, be a loving wife, etc......that we should respect it and respect it just as much as a woman who decides to go into law, business, medicine, etc....He's talking about equal rights for both sexes and I agree with him. The other day I saw a diaper commercial where the diaper was being advertised to use when the incompetent Dads were at home and mom's were away. The diaper is supposed to last several days so that the father doesn't have to change the baby's diaper. I know good fathers who change their baby's diaper all the time. The ad was offensive and is just an add on to what the author was talking about. I don't think he's a well-spoken Rush limbaugh, but rather someone who is trying to empower both men and women and fight for truly equal rights.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

If you linked to the website and read the full rant, you would see how the author places an emphasis on the individual rather than collectivizing people into groups like male/female, black/white, straight/gay, etc. I don't think people read the full rant and perhaps I should have just posted the whole thing here, which I don't think is right as it would be a disservice to the author who actually wrote it on his blog.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by KevinBally

Explain this "ultra feminism" and exactly how it works and why it is wrong....

I would love to know.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
reply to post by KevinBally

Explain this "ultra feminism" and exactly how it works and why it is wrong....

I would love to know.

While traditional feminism focused on and emphasized equality between men and women (which is great and necessary), ultra feminism postulates that women are superior to men. That idea is just as irrational and extreme as the belief that men are superior to women. I'm not trying to go into a full on rant of my own. I think if you read the full rant on the author's website, he does quite a good job explaining what is wrong with ultra feminism and how it can play a substantial role in destroying society. Men are as important, even if in different ways, to the future of our society as women. At the end of the day, I agree with the author's premise that focusing on individuals is far more important than collectivizing people into groups. If certain people are superior to others its generally because they have worked harder or been born into it (or been born into terrible circumstances that are difficult to escape), not because they are male/female, black/white, gay/straight, etc.......To state it simply, ultra feminism has in many ways started to infect our culture in the United States especially over the last decade, and this along with other factors, is having a profoundly devastating effect on men and even on most women (because when one is effected very negatively, the other won't be free of the consequences). This ideology has entered quite substantially into our school system, into Hollywood, and into a societal/cultural attempt to provide "reparations" for women by overcompensating them (this is done both by suppressing boys and men, while lifting women up to heights beyond what any rational person could call equality between the two). You should not have to discourage, dis-empower, and "castrate" all men just to empower women. Ultra feminism has focused much of its attention on doing just that. I think if you want a better explanation, you should just read the author's actual and full blog post instead of just the paragraph I initially posted (unless you already did), and I think you'll find he makes several strong, fair, rational, and truthful points.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by KevinBally

Your reply is well said and thought out. I am not ignoring it.

But I generally find that people try to turn feminism into a bad word and use it as a weapon.

If you can't explain exactly how ultra feminism is a problem and why,then it is not the problem. If you can't define it, then you can't use it as an excuse.

I do agree that both genders have roles that need to be appreciated and celebrated. But they are not.

Are boys being socially castrated? No, As women are not even equal yet in this society.
Much less a third world country.
Yet any strides that women try to take, or anything they get credit for, is now immediately shut down under the poor excuse that "feminism" is ruining everything.

To say that people are only unsuccessful because they haven't tried hard enough is a tactic used by privelaged, whtie guys who have not been marginalized themselves, so they feel no one is.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
reply to post by KevinBally

Your reply is well said and thought out. I am not ignoring it.

But I generally find that people try to turn feminism into a bad word and use it as a weapon.

If you can't explain exactly how ultra feminism is a problem and why,then it is not the problem. If you can't define it, then you can't use it as an excuse.

I do agree that both genders have roles that need to be appreciated and celebrated. But they are not.

Are boys being socially castrated? No, As women are not even equal yet in this society.
Much less a third world country.
Yet any strides that women try to take, or anything they get credit for, is now immediately shut down under the poor excuse that "feminism" is ruining everything.

To say that people are only unsuccessful because they haven't tried hard enough is a tactic used by privelaged, whtie guys who have not been marginalized themselves, so they feel no one is.

Well I'm not a traditional white guy lol. But I mentioned that many people are in such horrible conditions that escaping those conditions are near impossible. Look, explaining ultra feminism and how it is employed in our society would require far too much of my time and effort. However, there is no doubt that our culture via Hollywood, TV, etc. has created this environment of a war between the sexes, and has attempted to make men more worthless. When a diaper commercial is made and targets fathers who don't want to change their baby's diaper for several days in a row if their wife is a way on business; that's ultra feminism and that ad was likely made by a woman. Believe it or not, women are pretty equal in the marketing/advertising/Hollywood sphere which plays a huge role in influencing our culture. When men are convinced that wearing skinny jeans and not having a piece on hair on their body is cool, well that goes against what straight men have been like for thousands of years. When a female can hit a man all she likes, "That bastard probably deserved it." If the man simply holds the woman's arms back from striking him, "It's domestic violence/abuse against women." Women are more liberated and educated then ever, and the children that are coming up in this country are more retarded, lazier, and less family oriented than ever (this is partially because many father's no longer responsible either.) The bottom line is this; the people in the cultural, economic, political elite want to create division in order to conquer. So they do so by creating Black vs. White, male vs. female, Christian vs. Muslim, gay vs. straight, etc. It's a tactic that has been used throughout history. And if you can't see how the ultra feminist mentality that is permeating society is negatively effecting men directly, women indirectly, and the future generations profoundly; then we'll just have to agree to disagree. Obviously, I'm a man so I'm somewhat biased in this argument and I'm guessing your a woman so you're somewhat biased. However, I also think you're wrong about women not being equal in the U.S. You have, as the author pointed out, more females graduating from college and in many masters program than men. You have more male nurses and more female doctors than ever before. You have more male secretaries and more female directors/managers then ever before. I agree with the author that the wrong doing against women historically will take some time yet to disappear. Segregation came to an end in the 60s, but it took 40 years to produce a Black President. There is still racism and division in society today. It will take time for their to be a substantial number of female CEOS in the Fortune 500 for example. However, there are so many startups and small business run by women today (many would have thought it impossible 30 years ago). I agree with the author that women's major fight for equality should now be focused in the third world, not here in the U.S. where it's beginning to go too far into female superiority rather than equality. Furthermore, look at our school systems. You still have many more female teachers who are likely to promote many ideas that go along with the ultra feminism the author describes. Therefore, it is more likely that both young girls and boys grow up believing it to be true. I live in Washington DC, and I can tell you that the number of professional female workers here that believe in this idea of ultrafeminism is staggering. No man, even one on their level and making a similar salary is good enough. Soon enough they hit age 30, 35, 40 and are not married and have no kids and start to realize they want them. I'm not going to continue this argument because I'll keep going on tangents. You believe what you want, but men know what they feel, and many women including one who posted on this thread also realize this reality.

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