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Whats the best tactics to survive in a martial law USA?

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posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by works4dhs

I will bow down to no man or government during martial law. If I die it will be on my terms, no one elses. If you are willing to "offer you're services" go to you're nearest local hardware store and buy some kneepads for yourself. You're the kind of people I pity, no desire to fight for what you believe in, and I wish YOU all the best.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 04:45 PM
Prospects of a total martial law in the US would most likely lead to a civil war long before the law is enforced.

Personally i dont think the situation would be like any one here have spoken of. Even if the government seal of a smaller aria they have to be very careful of how they go about enforcing martial law. If the government use to fascistic methods against their citizens hell will probably break loose.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Im not putting my dogs down either, there part of my security system. cant stay awake all the time and their big enough to carry their own food (to a point) then they eat what we eat.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by works4dhs

Thats cool, so why are you on ATS if the governments got your Back? Seems like you have a solid plan to rely on Uncle Sugar.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by JasonBourne35
reply to post by works4dhs

I will bow down to no man or government during martial law. If I die it will be on my terms, no one elses. If you are willing to "offer you're services" go to you're nearest local hardware store and buy some kneepads for yourself. You're the kind of people I pity, no desire to fight for what you believe in, and I wish YOU all the best.

Martial Law by definition means the U.S. Gummint has suspended civil liberties for a time/place and is allowing military (or non-constitutional authority with dictatorial powers) rule. ask yourself, under what circumstances would this come about? almost certainly from natural disaster, or major military type attack (terrorist nuke), almost certainly to be restricted to the affected area. I don't see any other realistic scenario for ML in the near future (thus excluding false flag / pseudo Alien invasions, blue beams, etc). having sworn to uphold the Constitution I would be reluctant to go against designated authority. I have to think that (temporary) ML, implemented in response to some disaster, would be preferable to anarchy. the National Guard guys that went into Norlins after Katrina were good guys, not evil statist puppets.
the real problem would come about if after disaster the authority in one area decides to make ML permanent, maintaining existing authority (themselves) indefinitely. this would only happen if the central U.S. Gummint went down...which would only result from, and cause, a long-term catastrophe. how many of us have the cabins and water and MREs to last five or ten years, or more?
I see the sad scenario where all the survivalists crawl out of the woods after x number of months/years, report to Camp Fema...and are turned away (no room/supplies).

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by works4dhs

Right now, I'm glad what is going on in the u.s. is not happening least not right now. But the way our countries are going it won't be long I'm sure. I have been in the bush off and on for over 8 yrs. I do it by choice, not because I have to. I won't be begging for a detention camp to take me in, screw people like you. I can survive quite nicely without any government help.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 01:17 AM
first off i just like to say i know it's "martial Laws" not marshall law darn spell check changed my words...
but I'm really screwed if this martial law comes into effect can anybody give me a few tips because i live in the big city not some rural area where you guys live in no offense to anyone. and another things i would just like to say everyone of you guys talk about hiding well I'm not going to hide i will be the very first of many to come to fight (than i'm going into hiding) them with my rebel army i mean "Hood" never try to take on a Hood in NY you'll never win although i fear we will lose.

i say that i will fight because there's no way im leaving the city once martial law takes into effect

also this idea in my head came out of nowhere what if we Exclusively to ATS started our own emergency group so if a disaster ever happened such as martial law we will all join up in small groups closest to our area and work together think about it. we are all knowledgeable about whats to come so it would only make sense if the Enlighted stick together.[weird laughter]

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by spy66
Prospects of a total martial law in the US would most likely lead to a civil war long before the law is enforced.

not if it's a nuclear or biological event disguised
as a terrorist attack.

Why do you think the rhetoric is expanding
about Iran and glorified in the MSM ???

Can you say scape goat ???

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by Detour

Originally posted by spy66
Prospects of a total martial law in the US would most likely lead to a civil war long before the law is enforced.

not if it's a nuclear or biological event disguised
as a terrorist attack.

Why do you think the rhetoric is expanding
about Iran and glorified in the MSM ???

Can you say scape goat ???

If Americans cant see 911 for what it is. I hardly doubt they will ever see a false flag coming in the shape of a mushroom cloud.

If Americans can't see the art work the US government did prior to the riots in Egypt, Libya and now Syria. Even though Hillary Clinton testified on TV in front of millions of Americans. I hardly doubt the Americans are bright enough to know what is going on. The US government don't need to enforce a Martial law on its Citizens because, they don't know what the hell is going on any ways.
The citizens wont riot against its government but give support. That is how lost they are to what is happening.
And that is why the US government never have to enforce a martial law.

They will create false flags. But you couldn't figure that out until its way to late any ways. And you would meat resistance among your fellow citizens do to counterfeit information and a counter blame. Just like 911.

This is how a false flag is handled. It is handled in such a way that we argue and they just observe as we get no were in the blaming game.

Why would a government stage a false flag just to enforce martial law? That dosent make sense.
The government would profit a lot more by staging a false flag and manufacturing a counterfeit story which a majority of the population will believe in. That way the government have your consent without force, and can pretty much act in the way it chooses to. It has been working like a charm until now.
edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by JasonBourne35
reply to post by works4dhs

Right now, I'm glad what is going on in the u.s. is not happening least not right now. But the way our countries are going it won't be long I'm sure. I have been in the bush off and on for over 8 yrs. I do it by choice, not because I have to. I won't be begging for a detention camp to take me in, screw people like you. I can survive quite nicely without any government help.

well...more power to you. if I were in my 20s with resources I might do the same. as Clint Eastwood observed, a man's got to know his limitations, and I'm in no situation to play rambo. Twenty years ago I kept a go-pack by the back door and had a route planned. now...not going to happen.
if some false flag etc. happens, any bets it would be in November? the weather starts going bad, esp the Northeast. we noticed how most of the Occupy nuts packed it in when it got cold. people that might take a chance in the spring/summer would be more likely to give in in late fall/winter.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by works4dhs

I'm Canadian eh. Born and raised in southern Saskatchewan so I'm used to the -50 weather, now living in western Canada for the past 15 yrs. Surviving the winter months is all about having the right supplies, knowledge and a positive attitude. To be honest, I'm the type of person that really hates being dependant on other people to take care of me. I am more than capable to provide for myself.

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by JasonBourne35

I have had your theology for a while but I am loosing it to group community only for this reason. For what ever reason a lone wolf theology is venerable to being tracked by this scenario.

You have been separated from other people for 6 weeks.Your mind starves for news, You question is it safe to come out? To make contact? You are patrolling and you hear noises. As you move closer you smell cooking of food. Closer you hear the playing of children. Is is a trap? You have no security only you. Have you been leaving a smoke signal, the smells of cooking food?

The mind is the weakest link of the human and the strongest.
edit on 21-2-2012 by rebellender because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 02:54 PM
So what your saying is that your think the that the government has enough supplies on hand to maintain FEMA camps for 5-10 years? So with the working population in the camps the military will be running the farms, water treatment plants, power plants and maintaining the logistical supply lines for all these millions of interns?
I think, in a long term catastrophe it will be the other way around. The Gummit (think thats how you spelled it) will run out of supplies, not be able to maintain control or chain of command and have a mass of humanity starving and dying of disease. More like a Stalingrad senerio (eating rats) than a Utopia government controlled "happy place". I personally don't think the government could maintain a supply chain to a major city (NY) for any period of time, let alone the US population. The Sanitation issues alone would be beyond the their abilities to maintain.
On the other hand, if the system is only designed for small groups then it may Katrina.
You say you work for DHS, what branch? TSA? Cause youre serving a lot of Kool-aid

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by DarthMuerte

Originally posted by Teriq
this is another thought that pop up in my head what if America initiated Marshall law and started sending people to death-- i mean fema camps; what state do you think would they go after first and how would you survive? but in my opinion i really hope marshal law does not happen because i live in New York and thats going to be one of the place there going to goand hit hard.
Marshall law? No worries. Who cares what "Marshall" says? Why should I care? Who is he?
Martial law, now that worries me.

instead of being a jerk, and teasing about typos you could just give a strait answer to this thread
. personally I would head for the woods. It would be pretty easy for me to lose someone up here in Northern MN.

posted on Apr, 30 2013 @ 02:21 PM
Wouldn't Midwest to northwest be the best place to go. Nebraska, Iowa the Dakota's Wyoming there is nothing out that way for miles and miles. My only concern would be the nuclear power plant melting down. Does anybody know of a good map of where all the Nuclear plants are ?

posted on Apr, 30 2013 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Teriq
first off i just like to say i know it's "martial Laws" not marshall law darn spell check changed my words...
but I'm really screwed if this martial law comes into effect can anybody give me a few tips because i live in the big city not some rural area where you guys live in no offense to anyone. and another things i would just like to say everyone of you guys talk about hiding well I'm not going to hide i will be the very first of many to come to fight (than i'm going into hiding) them with my rebel army i mean "Hood" never try to take on a Hood in NY you'll never win although i fear we will lose.

i say that i will fight because there's no way im leaving the city once martial law takes into effect

also this idea in my head came out of nowhere what if we Exclusively to ATS started our own emergency group so if a disaster ever happened such as martial law we will all join up in small groups closest to our area and work together think about it. we are all knowledgeable about whats to come so it would only make sense if the Enlighted stick together.[weird laughter]

Thats a nice idea but it wouldn't work. This place is almost certainly monitered the last thing you would want to do is get a bunch of good knowledgeable, skilled and die hard people in one place. That would most likely end up bad for all involved. You'd all just be one easy target, better to scatter.

As far as living in the city goes that sucks but it's not necessarily the end for you. keep a low profile, learn to be quick and quiet on your feet. I'd advise NOT being in a group of "hood rebel thugs". Dont look anyone in the eye unless prompted to. Do not wear bulky clothing that would make it appear that you might be hiding something.

Somethings you can do now to improve your chances.

Stay awake longer and push yourself to go without sleep longer. you need to condition your body to going without sleep on occassion. I'm not a doctor and only you know what your body can handle so obviously use your best judgement and don't drive around on no sleep, okay.

Train your body to fast if you can and are otherwise healthy.

Get ln shape, physically and mentally. All that is to prepare your mind and body for what you might endure. The last thing you need is to fall asleep in the wrong place, or to be so preoccupied with your hunger pains you start making mistakes. Take your vitamins. If you smoke quit. Take a hand to hand combat class.

Read any survival guide that you can now. Read "The Art Of War" by Sun Tzu.

And most importantly if you can't escape then blend in. Worry about yourself not what is going on around you.Your survival depends on you and you only. Don't cause a ruckus, in fact be courteous if addressed. Remember no matter how hard it is to comprehend, they are doing a job that they are otherwise forced to do. But aside for a few cowboys with trigger fingers they are human too and most do not want to be pushed to kill, so don't push them.

If you notice something coming down take your chance and get out.

One last point. Spend at least one day a week away from ATS. Enjoy your life and hope that nothing like this ever happens here. It's great to be prepared but paranoia sucks the life right out of you.

edit on 30-4-2013 by brandiwine14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2013 @ 03:22 PM
I disagree with the isolation and seclusion ideas. There's too much technology out there that makes it really easy to find somebody in remote areas. Add that to you might be trespassing on somebody's property who was there to be isolated in the first place and now you're an intruder who threatens their stockpiles.

I think the only realistic idea is preventing it in the first place. Otherwise you're subject to whatever result the upper hand crowd decides will occur. As a preventative measure (starting now), face-to-face networking with people who see alarming details in the government's behavior now and would be willing to team up and resist from the word go. Martin Luther King, Jr. manage to make great strides with non-violent resistance. Imagine what organized violent resistance could do.

Certainly, it would be adviseable to stockpile a few valuable items, like weapons and ammo. Wouldn't hurt to have some canned goods to eat too, since bullets don't taste very good. Huge stockpiles, however, might not be worth it because in a situatin that's that bad, one might have to be mobile, so anything more than you can carry is wasted.

posted on Apr, 30 2013 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by spy66

Prospects of a total martial law in the US would most likely lead to a civil war long before the law is enforced.

And just how, exactly, are private citizens going to stand against tanks, drones, and the world's most advanced military? Hmm? Yeah, the possibility of civil war is completely extinct. Modern C&C will keep any units from going over, also.

If there is martial law, with the aim of marching folks off to FEMA death camps, not much we can realistically do about it. Those in major metro areas are screwed if they can't get out before the area is completely shut down. With New York City, just control the access points, and you're screwed.

Now, if it's down to going to a camp, sure, I'll die fighting rather than go quietly, but otherwise, I think I'd do what most would do...lay low and hope it doesn't change my life, as much as I can. Ideals are great, but I won't die for them, unless a different death is mostly a sure bet.

posted on Apr, 30 2013 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

He who is not willing to stand up against tyranny and for their human rights deserves to die IMO.

Please note:
There is a big difference between securing a disaster zone using the military and rounding up Americans and putting them in FEMA camps just for control.

edit on 30-4-2013 by knowledgedesired because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2013 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by lynxpilot

I think the only realistic idea is preventing it in the first place.

Exactly. That is the only realistic idea. If Boston is any indication though...that ship may have sailed. Almost ZERO public uproar over what was in effect, martial law in Boston. In fact, it was pretty much cheered...even though it was really the tip of a citizen that led to the arrest, not the lock down.

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