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Lies! - Reactor 4 FULL Of Fuel - Pacific Ocean May Be Lost

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posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by randyvs

This is way out of hand and we're still generating power this way. I'm appaulled at being human. Sickened already
as if I swallowed the crap were dumping in the pacific.

edit on 2-2-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

we humans really doom ourselves, dont we? we had the power all along, wind and water, I dont know how all this will end.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 02:50 PM
Great Post OP, the only thing that came to mind as I read your information is the extremes of our sociological boxes are going to be more evident during the changes of this planet. I guess if I had to use an example, For every inspiring story, positive event, kind gesture that induces our faith in humanity. There will be 9x the negative regressive type that will fold when introduced with information that demands that true respect be adhered across all levels. Idk S&F

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by flexy123

Flexy123, you do realize that the link in your signature is a fraud, right?
The one with the sky sounds and the "demonic cloud" eating people's homes or whatever. The sound track repeats over and over and over... Scary clouds eating people or whatnot Link

Back on topic, however, the U.S. atomic agency has put in a number of safeguards since the Japan incident. A lot was learned from the tragedy.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by RoyalBlue

Im sure this has much more to do with hollywood/american culture and the fact that new zealand is an amazing place with none of the issues associated with the US and its government, rather than radiation...

but I could be wrong

I know where I would rather live

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 02:58 PM
Ahhhh! I had 3000 characters of input.... then next thing you know I click on reply after my connection dropped out and lost everything LOL!

O well...

The science is online for research.

The truth is not as scary as it seems.

This is coming from a 'Blogger', hell bent on fear mongering.

Ignorance is no longer bliss...

The sky is falling on all of the chickens with their heads cut off, and now they have someone to blame.

"TOKYO (Reuters) - More than 8 tonnes of radioactive water leaked from a reactor at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant but none reached outside the reactor building, Tokyo Electric Power Co said on Thursday as it strives to ensure damaged reactors are stable enough for work to start on dismantling them.

Experts said the incident, which follows smaller leaks last weekend, is not a big setback to getting the plant under control but the timing is awkward for the government as it strives to win public acceptance for the restart of reactors elsewhere to avoid a summer power crunch." Thu Feb 2, 2012 12:52am EST

If this is your cup of tea, go hang on every word of Arnie Gunderson, find a deep bunker, and dont' come out until the aliens say it's all clear. bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=d4aea2a5825eafc1&biw=1017&bih=406
Here's some Arnie Gunderson for yall to salivate over^^^^

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by SoulVisions

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
Now imagine somehow power going out globally with all the reactors on shut down and not being able to be cooled and YES this tech should be shelved ASAP...

How could this possibly ever happen? Meteors? Global earthquake? Killer flying squirrels?

If a worldwide event such as this were to occur, somehow breaking or shutting down every single reactor at the same time, then something FAR more deadly would have already occurred and we'd all be dead by that point anyway.

This is extremely short sighted isn't it?

First of all, we couldn't survive a minor cosmic event, one that could leave, say half the world and much of nature intact, if several Fukushima's occurred as a result. Never mind a large asteroid, which might wipe out alot of life, but still , life comes back.

But not in a 4.5 billion year nuclear winter.

So, that makes no sense at all.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by PageAlaCearl

Don't any of you find it odd that when they conducted the bomb tests in the Pacific, that the contamination dissipated quickly and did not spread very far, but some how hysterical people are making claims like this? When they talk about readings showing up in the Sea Life it's such tiny amounts as to be meaningless. If you had one X-Ray, you have far more to worry about.

I wonder how much the fear mongers are making off their peddled goods on this one? How many ran out and bought stuff they don't need or even worse bought measurement devices at highly inflated prices out of fear?

I prefer reality and truth and the denial of ignorance. Yes this is terrible, but exaggerating to the point of lying is utter nonsense. The Japanese Government told a lot of whoppers, but this is a local problem in Japan and very nearby.

Is it that needless fear and spreading panic is like a drug?

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by theshepherd2
Fukishima is the worst nuclear tragedy in history and we have not even begun to see the consequences of such copious amounts of nuclear pollution.

Expect cancer rates to spike.

There were a couple more-severe nuclear tragedies that happened in that very country oh about 70yrs ago.
And then in the old west of USA (that certain project), some uninhabited Pacific islands, etc..
Reactor melt-down is miniscule in comparison probably.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by SoulVisions

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
Now imagine somehow power going out globally with all the reactors on shut down and not being able to be cooled and YES this tech should be shelved ASAP...

How could this possibly ever happen? Meteors? Global earthquake? Killer flying squirrels?

If a worldwide event such as this were to occur, somehow breaking or shutting down every single reactor at the same time, then something FAR more deadly would have already occurred and we'd all be dead by that point anyway.

CME unregistered as far as its level of radiation output aimed at Earth???

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by YouAreLiedTo
It's actually worse than your worker friend is making it out to be.

300 tons of nuclear waste were dumped into the pacific the first week of the disaster. Just imagine how much has been introduced to the ocean by this point.

Here, a thread about the water currents and what it means for the planet.

Btw, seals in Alaska already have radioactive poisoning.

Just wait, you haven't heard anything yet...

I think it's much less of a problem than you (apparently) like to pretend here.

As was pointed out, you are using hyperbole concerning the seals, and to my knowledge you are overstating the risk of the waste dumped while simultaneously understating the amount:

Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) began the release of some 11,500 tons of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean Monday from a waste treatment facility at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, and said it would begin draining more radioactive water from reactor Nos 5 and 6 within hours.


Of particular concern to many is the plutonium that will enter the sea when water from reactor No 3 – which runs on mixed plutonium and uranium oxide, or MOX, fuel. But Bøhmer said that is less of a concern than other more transient radioactive elements.

“The plutonium will settle in the sediment at the sea bottom, much like it has in the Irish Sea,” near Britain’s embattled Sellafield nuclear site, which has dumped waste into the ocean, said Bøhmer. “What we don’t know is how much more transient radioactive isotopes will be dumped, and how much contamination will occur along the coast – it will be considerable.”

SourceSource (one of several hundred)


posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by PageAlaCearl

Don't any of you find it odd that when they conducted the bomb tests in the Pacific, that the contamination dissipated quickly and did not spread very far, but some how hysterical people are making claims like this? When they talk about readings showing up in the Sea Life it's such tiny amounts as to be meaningless. If you had one X-Ray, you have far more to worry about.

I wonder how much the fear mongers are making off their peddled goods on this one? How many ran out and bought stuff they don't need or even worse bought measurement devices at highly inflated prices out of fear?

I prefer reality and truth and the denial of ignorance. Yes this is terrible, but exaggerating to the point of lying is utter nonsense. The Japanese Government told a lot of whoppers, but this is a local problem in Japan and very nearby.

Is it that needless fear and spreading panic is like a drug?

A nuclear bomb uses about 20# of material in Japan we are speaking of tons of nuclear material.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:19 PM

Hey, all you can do is put the info out there. At least you make an effort to inform. I am an underdog so I don't have many privelages yet but Kudos, clapping hand and whatever other super secret benefits there are to bestow on posts you really like.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by MESSAGEFROMTHESTARS

"TOKYO (Reuters) - More than 8 tonnes of radioactive water leaked from a reactor at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant but none reached outside the reactor building, Tokyo Electric Power Co said on Thursday as it strives to ensure damaged reactors are stable enough for work to start on dismantling them.

Wasn't something like 20 times that amount dumped into Susquehana after Three Mile Island?

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:22 PM
This is my first time to reply to a post here on ATS. I've been following ATS for a while now (I learned about it through Coast To Coast AM). I felt I needed to clear the air a bit from what I've learned about Fukishima. I'm pretty anti-nuclear (I'm a water/wastewater guy with a bachelor's in environmental science). I've found that most of the reliable news from Fukishima can be found at I'm not sure I would say the Pacific is dead. The Pacific is pretty big. I'd rather be a little more optomistic. I do believe the water table in the northern half of Japan is probably toast. I can't imagine the Asian markets surviving this. I also can't imagine a whole lot of business staying in Japan. I believe we will feel the economic affects from this in the form of another collapse. I do believe the media is intentionally censoring news from Japan.


posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:25 PM
Fukushima is a big nuclear accident by anyone standards. I know tons of fellow ATS guys will go the "nothing to see here, keep moving" attitude while other will say the world as we knew it is over...

Typical ATS.

Well in my view the scope of the problem is still unknown because of the problem involved, and also the MSM is trying to brainwash us everyday with the stupid Kardasians... just have in mind that the next tuna you eat or salmon may kill you...

ah! and more info an identical copy of fukushima is in Mexico in Laguna verde (gulf of Mexico) and its on a fault zone, prone to earthquakes and big hurricanes each year.... just for your info so you can sleep really well tonight...

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:27 PM
The main "Lie" for me is Now, I know most of you enjoy getting your panties in a twist, but the chances are, this site is complete fabication. Registered to one Edward Boyce of Wales, Massachusetts.

Check the link for full domain WHOIS info :

The two main posters on the site Mochizuki (apparently: Iori Mochizuki): Google+ Profile
...and Nika (Hmmmm that wouldn't be Nika Boyce (Aka. Monica Palacios-Boyce), Edward's wife?) Google+ Profile

Nika Boyce Aka. Monica Palacios-Boyce

Monica Palacios-Boyce is a failed Democratic candidate for Massachusetts State Representative in 2004 by the way... check it out.

So Iori Mochizuki and Nika Boyce (real name: Monica Palacios-Boyce) are mates on Google+. Ok, fine, but where is Mr Boyce on Google+ ? Completely absent - strange. Perhaps Mochizuki is Edward? (shock, horror). Who else are they friends with... well looky here: an anti nuclear website.

Chances are, the only people that have been posting on are Mr and Mrs Boyce, a couple of anti nuclear activists that are trying to muddy the water and make donation money with "shocking updates from Fukushima". This site stinks of scam.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by SoulVisions
Back on topic, however, the U.S. atomic agency has put in a number of safeguards since the Japan incident. A lot was learned from the tragedy.

There is also a lot of safeguards on cruise ships and airplanes as well as space shuttles.

The point is it needs only ONE major incident, and the consequences would be disastrous. Furthermore i am also a strong believer that not all "incidents" if they happen will be made public.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:38 PM
I am not sure how many of you know this but Japan has had a stagnate economy for that last 20 years after they had their doomsday recession. The US is on the verge of the same fate if Europe crumbles. If the reactors pollute the Pacific Ocean in a big way, we are all sunk because the Pacific supplies a large supply of our food and the world could not survive if that supply was cut off. If the US west coast becomes radioactive, the economic repercussions would destroy the US economy and the US would cease to exist in its current form.

If Europe crumbles, the Pacific becomes polluted or there is War with Iran the world would drop into depression, but the polluting of the Pacific would be catastrophic to humanity and would be unrecoverable.

The Japanese are too proud to admit they need help before it is too late and are to weak due to their stagnate economy and bad financial luck and mother nature's blow over the past year makes them very weak and unable to cope with this global crisis without outside help.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 04:01 PM

There is a multitude of posts within this thread that are trying diligently to compare the cleanup required at a leaking reactor to that of a nuclear bomb.

Are you all serious? One is in a small, controlled (debatable) area versus the other that spreads a "film" of radioactivity for miles. There is no comparison.

In the past, when the material needed to be cleaned up, the contaminated ground was shoveled, packed into canisters, and then buried. Later on, the areas where these are buried, are then sealed. (Emphasis on the word "sealed")

While the leakage into the water and the habitat of the immediate area concerns me, radiation and it's material just does not work in the way that some here are claiming that it does. Fumes, air pollution even, while not necessarily good, will NOT affect the West coast of the USA in ANY harmful way. Also, unless you order all of your seafood from japan, or somehow an aquatic animal incredibly crosses the entire Pacific ocean to show up (and then likely die) here, the waters here do not suddenly become contaminated.

Again, I can't help but look right back at the thread's title claiming, "Pacific Ocean May Be Lost!"
There is no need for the fear being spread here. Not on the subject matter of contamination. Otherwise, the nations whom we all are purchasing land from in order to store our "used materials" would be on the news every night with the latest reports of terrible atrocities. There are established methods to handle these scenarios and material.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by SoulVisions

disgusting isn't it....

can't people just go back to worrying about Obama, the Anti-christ, and what Lindsay Lohan is caught with...

Seriously, go watch some Arnie Gunderson, build a bunker, and chill. If you live in the US, go tell your doctor about all these fears, and how everyone is lying and wants to kill a majority of the population... they have plenty of pills that will go down easier, opposed to shoving crap down your throats.

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