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ATS RECAP 08: Namaste Chemtrail Pyramids

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posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:03 AM
ATS Recap streams your way loaded full of Chemtrails from Florida on the very first day of 2012!  We reveal a possible explanation as to why the magnificent pyramids were really built. One lesson you might want to learn quickly: Be-careful of what you do with rainwater, as it may lead to you being arrested in your own backyard.  Please enter at your own risk with "love & light"and witness another mind control layer now known as the "Namaste crowd".  And get ready to start researching Electrogravitics and you could discover the REAL reason it went into black ops, that is if you understand it.  Enjoy the show and comment by clicking below.

Thread Chemtrails over Florida 01-01-12

Response Member pshea38 Response

Thread Chemtrails or Contrails Over Florida

Thread Pyramids, a possible explanation as to why they were really built?

Response Member chr0naut Response

Response Member tpg65 Response

Thread Collecting rainwater now illegal in many states as Big Government claims ownership over our water

Thread The "Namaste" Crowd - Another Mind Control Layer?

Response Member chr0naut Response

Response Member Response

Response Member tpg65 Response

Response Member Itisnowagain Response

Thread Electrogravitics: the REAL reason it went into black ops

edit on 8-6-2015 by ATSmediaPRO because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by

Is it just me or are these getting better and funnier?
Thanks Brian! Uh..I mean Namaste!

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:48 AM


posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by

Another great one !

Another cool way to stack rocks...simple, to the point, blows all the other theories up in smoke!

Recaps are getting better and better.

Love & Light.

er...I mean...Namaste.


posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:39 AM


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edit on 1/5/2012 by 12m8keall2c because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:01 PM
these rock... keep it up

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by

Glad someone appreciates that sarcasm is a valid use of language.

Ups that it made someone smile

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:21 PM


posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:28 PM
Why does this have 22flags and only 7 post? I smell a ATS conspiracy, are they braking their own rules? Is it against the rules to get people to flag your post because you want them to see your content? Chemtrails are very real, as well as contrails. It amazes me how they can do this out in the open and still some people think that its normal. I did not see these when I was growing up and I lived right next to a air port.
edit on 5-1-2012 by 8ILlBILl8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by

Wow, I made the top of your list. Do I get a prize or something?

Thanks for bringing awareness to the issue of reduced solar performance due to airplanes. The plant performance is too hard to prove, but it does not mean it is not a serious concern.

My whole point for the video was to bring awareness to real problems caused by what I like to refer to as "Sky Turds". They are left by airplanes so they are not normal and do not belong in the sky. I really don't know what is in the exhaust, but if you assume it is 100% water vapor you have never smelled jet exhaust or lived under a runway flight path.

I sure do appreciate you making me out to be a psycho "Chemmie". Love the novelty of you herky jerky movie clips, kinda like those kid shows that usually last one episode. Maybe Whamo will make a bobble head of you for your work, we can only hope.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by onecraftydude

Your onecraftydude so I think a crafty cool looking bobblehead could work...

Thanks for creating the thread....I have not yet lived near an airport but I'd imagine it would be a loud neighborhood. The smells could be a number or things, like when the rubber meets the road on landings and take off

Sky thats a funny term!

Your thread was a fun way to spread the word about possible Chemtrails - if people didn't have their passions, this world wouldn't be as cool and unique as it is.

In this case, we've lasted 8 episodes and have more coming, Thx for watching - I'll keep an eye on your threads, one may make another episode ....and that my friend, is winning!

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:06 PM
I knew there was something off about these videos, I noticed it in episode 2 when he made fun of people that disagree with cops. Now after episode 8 it's clear to me what is going on, people love to be acknowledged, so by using other peoples threads the OP's will feel good that they have had their threads selected to be "showcased" by ATS, in turn they support these recaps, Brian then will gain a level of credibility, and use it to make fun of conspiracy theories, as he has done in episode 8. The credibility he will gain on the backs of other peoples work will allow him to sway peoples opinion as the face of ATS. I vote against these recaps! Every time I see a new one I will chose an ad and purposefully not purchase anything from that company.
edit on 5-1-2012 by The_Phantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:47 PM


edit on 5-1-2012 by Frater210 because: please.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by The_Phantom
I knew there was something off about these videos, I noticed it in episode 2 when he made fun of people that disagree with cops. Now after episode 8 it's clear to me what is going on, people love to be acknowledged, so by using other peoples threads the OP's will feel good that they have had their threads selected to be "showcased" by ATS, in turn they support these recaps, Brian then will gain a level of credibility, and use it to make fun of conspiracy theories, as he has done in episode 8. The credibility he will gain on the backs of other peoples work will allow him to sway peoples opinion as the face of ATS. I vote against these recaps! Every time I see a knew one I will chose an ad and purposefully not purchase anything from that company.

Motives aside, the fact is The_Phantom is right. Much like "MSM", it does sway the viewer with opinions for or against a particular topic. While individuals form their own opinions from reading and researching they are rarely ever given an exclusive stage to voice that opinion. It is clear (in my opinion) that Brian is attempting to generate discussion, which is good. However it would seem plausible that those entering those discussions would be biased by a reporting such as this. Even adding "the other viewpoint" may not be helpful as there are always more than two perspectives on any given topic. That said, it is in my personal opinion that these recaps do more harm than good and if allowed to continue in the manner that they are headed they will become the authority for many viewers and stifle true debate.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Cassey222

That said, it is in my personal opinion that these recaps do more harm than good and if allowed to continue in the manner that they are headed they will become the authority for many viewers and stifle true debate.

Naw, we are too much the viciously rugged individualist here at ATS to ever allow that to happen.

Aside from being fun the most the recaps make me want to do is shave and comb my hair.

Know what I mean?

P.S. As long as it is posed as a question it's good. Why? Because it stimulates philosophical inquiry, which in turn stimulates the Dialectic*. This is what makes ATS great and why it feels like a good fit for folks of a certain temperament; it's sort of like digital ancient Greece or Rome. Good times. Yeah, Good times.


edit on 5-1-2012 by Frater210 because:

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:54 PM
These recaps give no room for debate, brain has his own views on things. He may of wanted to take a Public Speaking class because to be a good speaker you must be able to understand the meaning behind both sides of the story. The "Namaste Crowd" is not about not eating meat either. Maybe before these videos are made some people should do the research. Id hate to see what happens to half of you people when the Date come around.

Also id like to see Recaps with other commentors beside this Brian person. He is to close minded and honestly one sided.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:26 PM
Excellent Recap. I quit criticizing format last episode, so let's move onto content.

Brian, I must admit your script writers are genius. You've done the delivery, and one thing I realized tonight is that most of the whiners are the people who have their feelings hurt the most. It's one thing to troll a thread, and another to have your beliefs attacked directly in a Recap episode.
Namaste is a Pagan greeting, rooted in ancient Hinduism, and it means "I bow to you." When a person utters "Namaste", it's a greeting, as well as a notation of submission.

The large portion of right-wing members of course would be offended.


Brian, please don't ever try to be politically correct. Keep offending. Not offending as in direct insult, but offending in the manner that you get people to think outside the little box they are in.

Kudos to you for saying what we cannot. Excellent script.

Keep em coming.


posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by Changetwothousandtwelve

The Namaste thread was me reading the thread and a member's response. The last thing I said was my own opinion and I was having fun with it....I think your reading way too much into this, I recap threads that other members post, give both sides of the thread in "some" of the recaps, give my own opinion b/c that's everyone's right to have, then it usually sparks debate about the topic that was talked about.

So Cheers to you chg2012! You def do not know me b/c me being close minded and one sided is far from the truth....I see you just started here on ATS, happy hunting thru the threads and I'm looking forward to what interesting threads you may be posting in the future.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:37 PM
His videos are awesome but since he is the host/mediator of the forum he should not favor or disfavor the member comments he chooses to showcase so bluntly! Asking question what do you think about what member xyz said is as far as he should go if he doesnt want to come across and "hung jury" to newbies especially"

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:44 PM
I enjoy the recaps but feel the host should perhaps keep his personal opinions to himself and report it in an unbiased way.
Im also not sure mocking members is the way forward.

That said keep em coming

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