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Blood Magic - Real or Sympathetic Neurology?

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posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 10:35 PM
What is magic, but formed intent made real through some a form of ritual and focus?

If the intent is all in people, in their mind and how it is working and thinking then the magic of Blood Magic is that it absolutely impacts on your mind. Literally effects your neurochemistry and neural wiring.

Multiply that effect hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands of times. Social engineering as magic.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by Aeons

Please give an example with explanations of such ritual?
I think that the ritual only follows the intent, hence it cannot be used as focusing the intent. Then again, if you focus with the aid of ritual then it can support the intent - but not be the intent if you get my drift. But I would really like an example of such ritual.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by Aeons
I'm curious about your opinions on the existence of Blood Magic. I've seen people refer to its use on ATS, and I'm curious about what it is that you think Blood Magic is exactly?

When some group or person is using Blood Magic, what do you suppose their goals are? How do you think this force works?

Is this some real force you believe in, or some form of psychological teasing where a person or group is using their own / other people's primal neural responses for new purposes?

In the past I was a fairly active pagan magick practitioner. I occasionally used blood if the spell required had to be powerful and was personal. It would not be used lightly or for things which involved others who were not family. It could be used for a bonding type spell (e.g. blood brothers) or to 'create' an entity such as a thoughtform.

I have a beautiful little spot in the woods close to my house where we used escape to for meditative purposes, to work magick, or even just to drink a few beers and smoke a little mj. It was, and still is, beautiful and quite sacred to me and has a stone circle and an alter with a little stream running through it etc. One day some local kids discovered it and would visit regularly and trash the joint. So I create a thoughtform in the form of a golden haired horned youth in order to protect the place. In the process I used a few drops of my own blood to symbolize life, as in a life separate from my own. It turned out to be most effective - the kids visited once more at night, were scared out of their wits by something and one even reported to a friend of mine they had seen the thought form and described it as almost exactly the same image as I had intended it to when it was created, and they never ever came back. The scrub surrounding this spot grew at an insane (unnatural) rate within the following 6 months to form an almost impenetrable barrier surrounding it (more than it had grown in the 5 years prior to that time despite almost no rain that year). It has now been a decade since that time and no damage has ever occurred to that spot. I visit there now occasionally and can still sense its presence around the spot.

Like all magickal practice, you are basically just using a bunch of symbols in order to raise your own personal energy and match the vibratory level of that energy with that of your intent. I have briefly covered the subject of how exactly that works in this thread.

Blood itself is imbued with life force; your's or the life force of whatever it's drawn form. Basically it's an easy way to supplement the energy raised which is necessary for a spell to work.

But I do not believe that is the main reason it is so effective. The energy used in spell making is basically your own. People invoke all sorts of demons or gods and goddesses or other entities, and I'm sure that quite possibly they do exist, and do have power, and maybe they can add that power to a spell idk. But really, why would they bother with you....? I doubt if such beings existed they would care whether or not you hooked up with some chick from college, or you wanted your coven to have a good 2012. And actually it's really not necessary. You have within you all the power necessary to accomplish anything you put your mind to, no deities required. What you do when you invoke a deity is basically channel your own personal energy through that deity's archetypal filter in order for it to get it to match the necessary vibration to obtain results for whatever spell you're casting e.g Aphrodite for love, Freya for fertility, Odin for wisdom etc etc.

Blood is one of the most powerful symbols within the world. Pain, sacrifice, life, death, murder, war....... The symbolism inherent in blood is something which stretches far beyond the time that the human species had even evolved and is deeply rooted within everyone's psyche. It is for this reason I believe it to be one of the most potent forces one can use in magick, and it is also for this reason one must be cautious when using it in spell casting. For when you invoke the divine forces using a symbol as powerful as blood, you better be prepared for it to be effective in ways you may have not even have planned.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 09:39 AM
The Blood of Christ compels you, indeed. Poke around that stigmata wound a little, and you find yourself looking at Mithras in sheep's clothing. To me, the fascinating thing is how cannibalism is ritualized. Perhaps that's the lasting hook: unification of the congregation by way of blood-drinking.

Yeah, I know it's wine; but it's all about the props and the slight of hand. And besides, put a colony of folks who practice a stylized form of blood magic on a desert island, and they'll be drinking the real thing in two generations (or less). I guarantee it.
edit on 2-1-2012 by mistermonculous because: took it down a notch.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by mistermonculous

I recently took a Tai Chi class for the first time. I found that my hands tingled like the dickens after an hour of practice. I mentioned this to my friend who is extremely knowledgeable in this area. He informed me that I'd been feeling my chi in my palms, and that "the chi follows the blood. It is married to it."

I've noticed that many of the respondents on this thread, and in linked material, used blood to imbue a talismanic item with their mystical cheese.
In that case, the use of blood is practical as it is the vehicle(?) for one's chi, and therefore an expedient way of impressing the stamp of oneself (or one's intentions, I guess) onto an object.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by JackTheTripper
reply to post by Aeons

Please give an example with explanations of such ritual?
I think that the ritual only follows the intent, hence it cannot be used as focusing the intent. Then again, if you focus with the aid of ritual then it can support the intent - but not be the intent if you get my drift. But I would really like an example of such ritual.

"The medium is the message."

The Nigerian witch doctor hacking up albinos might be just such an example.

Which brings us to using other people's mystical cheese for your party platter.

edit on 2012/1/2 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 02:19 PM
Found this interesting:

For the magic to work, the killing had to be done just right. If the goddess were to grant Khudu Karmakar the awesome powers he expected from a virgin's death, the victim had to be willing, had to know what was happening, watch the knife, and not stop it.

Back to intention and self-sacrifice. Fear and violation might taint the cheese. Hey, fair warning, that article is pretty rough. Proceed with caution.
edit on 2-1-2012 by mistermonculous because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 02:49 PM
Once again I sit here dumbfounded.

Arright, I have no idea; actually I have lots of ideas but I do not know. Ok, Maybe I know a little. Let's see if it's worth anything.

Seems to me that everyone out there trying to get more milk from their cows or start a world religion, or whatever, all seem to be hip to the blood. Stop and think about it for a while...every time blood is shed, even in the smallest way, it seems to elicit a fairly predictable response. The response from human beings when blood is spilled is, in my opinion, different from the response we have to just about anything else I can think of. I'm not trying to stretch here I am just saying; if you think about it, all of the times you have been present when blood is flowing, you may agree, it seems to inspire a very different level of attentiveness in people.

Is this some real force you believe in, or some form of psychological teasing where a person or group is using their own / other people's primal neural responses for new purposes?

Yeah, slick work. What you are describing is very close to the definition of Witchcraft that I have been working on. The whole point being to hack the human nervous system and exploit it; usually with a carefully compiled and malignant emotional introject. Considering what I was saying above imagine how involving someone's blood could slap a turbo charger on the whole thing.

So there is that...

But I also think that there could be no other finer choice for sympathetic 'magick', can you? Blood has to be better than fingernail shavings, right?

And then finally, and just so you can be sure this is me...

The Blood of Christ? The New Covenant spoken of by Jesus Christ is a biological reality...Love One Another. We have had the training wheels on for a long time trying to learn to use this new power. Because of the Blood He is in us now; we can do it on our own. Religious Christianity (organized death-camp-christianity) would have you believe otherwise.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 03:10 PM

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by Aeons

Hey, yeah. I ran into that as well. How awful. That vast majority of this stuff does appear to be happening in India and Africa.

Since digging into this topic, I've found an intersect with what I guess I'll call eXtreme Tantra. Now, traditional Tantric rituals are intended to shock the practioner into an altered state through the breaking of taboos. Like, say, eating meat and drinking, if you happen to be a member of a vegetarian/teetotaller culture.

But some dudes take it waaaaaayyy too far. Google Aghori and make sure you haven't eaten recently.

Anyways, yeah, leverage the shock value. There is something about shedding blood that induces this altered state that seems to have specifically religious applications. Another way to sustain disbelief: render your congregation into a flock of blood-spooked chickens.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by mistermonculous

Anyways, yeah, leverage the shock value. There is something about shedding blood that induces this altered state that seems to have specifically religious applications. Another way to sustain disbelief: render your congregation into a flock of blood-spooked chickens.

Yeah, in a nutshell' I think the blood magick must be some echo or corruption of some higher truth.

I used to be all, "What's with all this blood in Catholicism and Christianity?" I have been coming to my own conclusions and I don't think that the knowledge has been in very responsible hands; that's being nice, huh?

I don't know if you meant to say it but yeah; bloodshedding seems to induce some form of auto-trance or at least a higher form of attention brought to bear instantly by the presence of blood.

Holy #! Are we bad ass, or what? I know, rhetorical and sophomoric, but it should be said.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by mistermonculous

Uh, I meant "suspend disbelief".


posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by mistermonculous

But some dudes take it waaaaaayyy too far. Google Aghori and make sure you haven't eaten recently.

Fear not mistermonculous, we are currently toilet training a toddler and I am now quite used to dealing with disgusting things directly after meal time......

Also I do intend get back to your CC thread with something worthwhile but my brain is still in holiday mode and is probably not yet fully sober.


What you must keep in mind with this whole blood thing is that like anything else involved in ritual and spellcasting it is still just a symbol used to trigger your subconscious into raising energy with the necessary 'twist' or vibration required to get the intended results.

This is the reason I no longer run with the pagan crowd. Aside from working within a field of scientific research and being quite logically grounded, I also believe they over complexify something which is relatively quite simple. You can achieve anything you want to without any theatrics at all (although I will admit there are few things quite as exciting as stealing through the woods around midnight on the night of the full moon and coming across a clearing full of assorted wiccan types complete with hoods and cloaks chanting incantations around a cauldron burning with exotic ingredients).

Whether blood holds any power or not is irrelevant for it pales in comparison to the power you yourself possess as a divine incarnation of 'God'. And the actions required to get the blood (especially if it is not your own) will throw all kinds of subconscious weirdness into the mix which you may not be prepared for. There are much 'cleaner' ways of achieving what you want through meditative visualization, though I do admit to performing the odd little spell just 'for old times sake' whenever the mood strikes.
edit on 2/1/2012 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by Frater210
I used to be all, "What's with all this blood in Catholicism and Christianity?" I have been coming to my own conclusions and I don't think that the knowledge has been in very responsible hands; that's being nice, huh?

I think that was super sweet, considering that much of what they should be called isn't fit for the terms of service and ought to reference potential parentage that suggest hybrization between humans and sharks or pigs.

I think that I can make a case that most of the religions on the planet are using variations of blood magic to game people's brains and none of them are very responsible. I think I could also say that some other agencies could be accused of practicing blood magic under new names where their priestly castes have pretenses of academics to cover their humanity with.

I don't know if you meant to say it but yeah; bloodshedding seems to induce some form of auto-trance or at least a higher form of attention brought to bear instantly by the presence of blood.

Holy #! Are we bad ass, or what? I know, rhetorical and sophomoric, but it should be said.

We totally badazz! We breaking into the super secret taboo closet.

Individuals can game their own brain, some will game the brains of a small set of others, but the truly ambitious game the brains of entire nations.
edit on 2012/1/2 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by mistermonculous
Anyways, yeah, leverage the shock value. There is something about shedding blood that induces this altered state that seems to have specifically religious applications. Another way to sustain disbelief: render your congregation into a flock of blood-spooked chickens.

Alternately, bind them to you in visceral reciprocity. Their primal brain goes into tribal-primate mode, and primates align with the hardiest of the of the survivors of the violence/bloodletting encounter.

Freeze (trance), align, befriend.

Bypass the new wiring, but the Blood Magic practioner by definition is using their new wiring (prefrontal cortex) to set it all up before committing the act of manipulating their primal brain. Making them possibly the only fully functioning human in the act.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by Aeons

Oooooo, that's nasty.

"The whole town killed a drifter together. It's really brought us closer as a community; this terrible secret we share."

Any chance that's the catalyst for bonding? Mutually reinforced guilt?
edit on 3-1-2012 by mistermonculous because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by Aeons

Blood magic is as real as any other magic and works like any other magic, it is kind of like chaos magic, only not..But in all it is more akin to the process of advertisements and how they work, or that whole bail out scams of energy funneling, you know only of a different sort. That energy was called $$$ what is going on there is called something else. And no the whole Jesus on the cross thing is not blood magic, it was just passing trough and decided to meditate on the tree of thought as its prone to do every once in a while. But what they turned it into after the fact is, though its a binary process and cant actually be one thing only. It always has to be two sides to the coin the good and the evil

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 11:47 PM

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

Interesting take. I'll squeeze all the demon and dimension stuff out of it, and some of these ideas I've talked about before.

Control women-control society is a concept I've tried talking to people about before. People can't seem to get their head around it. It bounces off their programming.

I've already attract the bad attention galad - I have you.
Too late.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by mistermonculous

I dont get it, what do children, crushes, and 3 women sitting around talking have to do with anything.

But cool vid anyways.

I see you have the monkey king as your avatar.

Did you know that once the monkey king............

Well never mind you don't need to know that.

Here check out these monkey king pictures, pretty cool eh.

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