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Britain’s Borders Could Be Temporarily Sealed: Daily Mail Story From 12/28/2011

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posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by Just Chris
Hope this is true...i'm sick of all the foreigners taking over our damm country. I'm not talking about Indian folk and folk of African heritage, because of course Britain claimed territory in a number of countries many year's ago.

I'm talking about the Polish, Ukrainian and Kurdish people who have their own dedicated streets across the nation, and in particular a major street in my home city of Hull. We give them homes to live in, they take all our jobs, all our money and then send it back home to their families and I think I speak for the majority of England when I say "WE WANT YOU OUT!"

Seal the borders permanently, round up the current foreigners and ship them back to their own home lands!

I 100% agree with this entire post. And to say so does not mean you are racist or part of the BNP. They stick to themselves. They'll smile at you, but you know they are slagging you off behind your back. They don't integrate at all. They are not interested. They just want the money, and send it back home. They will never call themselves British, except if they were entitled to more money in some way. Nowadays, I refuse to even speak to most of them. I work in William Hill, so I am surrounded by both British, Asians and Europeans. A small number of Europeans are okay, but the vast majority are rude and think if they say something loud enough, they'll get it because of some twisted view that they are entitled to it. Well, they won't. Not with me, or with any other British person working here in this company. I'll do anything for a British person or an Asian. But nothing whatsoever these days for someone from Europe. And you know what? I've read others in this thread saying that this view probably doesn't represent the masses - Guess what? It does. The english and Scottish customers I've had as customers, and worked with, ALL agree - We don't want these foreigners in our land. Whatever happens, happens. Close the borders to all, and hopefully this nation will become GREAT Britain again. Only let in those who will contribute to this society, not leech off it. And above all, stop all benefits to all foreigners coming in. They should not be entitled to them unless they've worked and paid tax for several years. Stop the politically correct nonsense over families with 10 kids coming in and getting £100,000 in benefits and a big house in central london - They shouldn't be allowed in in the first place. They aren't contributing nothing, and just want an easy life. It's all BS.

Originally posted by boymonkey74
I think you do not speak for the majority just yourself and others like the BNP.
Stop reading the Daily Fail....

You need to get out and ask the British public what they really think. You'll be very surprised.

Originally posted by Misterlondon
The real issue is not immigration, it is segregation.. with various people from around the globe be it polish, Romanian, Somali, Kurdish etc forming little groups of their own nationalities rather than integrating into British society.. many dont even bother to learn the language..

Exactly, which is why I refuse to even speak to one who doesn't know English. I think the French have it right in this aspect.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by DaveNorris
reply to post by boymonkey74

thatmight be true but they did come fourth in the elections, which means they must of had a lot of supporters. just because that one meeting was made up of racist weirdos doesnt mean the whole party was

Came fourth in the elections? What elections were those? If you mean the general election I think you'll find their lack of any seat in Westminster kind of shows that wasn't the case.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by JasonT

I don't mind anyone coming here as long as they work and at least try to speak English.
We are a multi cultural nation and have been for 2000 years.
the only ones who moan to me about immigration are the blokes who are ill educated and on the dole.(Not saying people on here are but thats my experience in the subject)
I agree with the segregation bit, but that happens all over the world. Like I said the ex pats in Spain do it, It is natural to surround yourself with people who are like yourself.
I think the Goverment was right to change the way we let people into our country and having done the UK test myself I think it is the right way to do it.
They also changed the law about people from other countrys coming over to work in restaurants, they now have to prove that they have studied making food (college etc) to stop familys bringing their relatives over to work as a chef when the person has no idea how to cook.

Oh and for anyone who thinks I dont know anything I live in an Asian area near Bradford and I get on with all my neighbours and have even been down the local mosque to have a chat with the Iman, just because I wanted to learn about their faith, He was a cool dude.

edit on 29-12-2011 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by something wicked

Yes but they did get council seats...still a position of power.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 07:49 AM
I know I'll most likely annoy the ultra PC people on here, you know the ones that call papers silly names like The Daily Fail, the ones who live well outside the area's affected and of course those whose snobbish lifestyle means they don't move in the same circles as ordinary folk unless you call bumping into the unclean on a tube ride to Harrods.

This country needs to close the borders now, it needs to put a limit to how much money can be West Unioned out of the country, it needs to put very strict requirements to be able to enter the UK, it needs to remove the financial immigrants without any nonsense from the EU..Basically it needs to put the UK first.

I often attend my local Western Union to top up my pay as you go debit card, what I see in front of me are people not born here sending thousands and thousands home to their countries, I have no clue what the total is of the money going out from places like these but I bet its in no way helpful to the UK economy, we are not talking about sending 25 quid home to your family in Pakistan, we are talking umpteen thousands going out of the country to be converted into homes etc at the loss to the British economy, its taking advantage of the strong pound and weakening us here.

It must be looked into and battened down...

For the most part the Eastern European workers actually do work bloody hard, ignore this vision of dodgy builders etc, many work long and hard doing the jobs that some brits refuse to, the problem I have with them is that they send the money out of the country.

The simple logic is that we are overcrowded, oh wait I hear screams of show me the figures from the PC folk, well how about the 25yr council waiting lists, how about the chronic lack of housing we have and have had for years.

Britain must close shop and endure the self collapse that is coming to us and the collapse from the outside, its going to be hell but I simply believe our time is quickly running out, the insane bank bonuses, the obvious corruption in our government ranks, the deals that we the public are not privy to because we would throw a fit if we knew just how disposable we people are.

And yes, we need to stamp out this radical Muslim surge, too long have we tried to debate with these people only to have it shoved back in our faces, these radicals who despise the British financial and political system need to be removed, they are not compatible with the vast majority of UK people of all races and creeds, these radicals have a set agenda that is to bring this country to a halt.

For once Britain needs to have a solid spine and do what's right for the British people, that means the people who also come here and happily conduct themselves under British ideals and culture but most of all we must start being totally selective about who can come and who can't, we must also stand up and remove those that would hurt our economy and social system.

I've said this before and I'll say it again, I don't give a dogs dinner where you are from, if you come here to rip off the economy, rape, commit crime, commit fraud, to preach hate and to kill then CLEAR OFF, we already have enough of that sort here who are British born, we don't need to import you...
edit on 29-12-2011 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-12-2011 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

While I disagree with you on certain points you do have a very good point that we are such a small land space with so many people living on it.
this should be the only reason we stop letting people in.
Disagree with the radical Muslims part, yes they exist but so do many other radical groups, let's get rid of them all, lets not just pick on the Muslim's because they are decent people.
edit on 29-12-2011 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by Mclaneinc

While I disagree with you on certain points you do have a very good point that we are such a small land space with so many people living on it.
this should be the only reason we stop letting people in.
Disagree with the radical Muslims part, yes they exist but so do many other radical groups, let's get rid of them all, lets not just pick on the Muslim's because they are decent people.
edit on 29-12-2011 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

Note, I quite clearly said radical, my in laws are Muslims and I've said many times they are ultra nice to me as has been the family, these people integrate perfectly here, thankfully the Muslim community is now growing some balls and taking a stand on the radicals , extremists or whatever you want to name them, in Luton the ordinary Muslims are now tackling the nasty side head on and its good to see.

I also pointed out the radical Muslims because they are the ones most prominent in British peoples faces at this moment, of course I want rid of any radical groups, I'm from Belfast at the time the IRA were in full flow, do you think I want their ilk running about...

Get rid of them all...

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

Yeah ok soz dude, but you get my drift.
We are saying the same thing get rid of anyone who wants to force us to change our society by fear.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by arollingstone

Actually is with the recent hacking scandal involving the news of the world. Guardian journalists vowed to go to jail rather than revealing their sources.

So yes it is true and the British Newspaper media have been known for keeping their sources secret. Also thesOfficers whom were paid by journalists. Were also kept secret by journalists, only one officer have been named.

So to say it is not true is misleading.

I find it funny though, alot in England want polish workers etc out, but Scotland is embracing them. One wonder what is up with that lol/
edit on 29-12-2011 by Laurauk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by Mclaneinc

Yeah ok soz dude, but you get my drift.
We are saying the same thing get rid of anyone who wants to force us to change our society by fear.

Yeah no probs, after reading your posts I would say we are exactly the same in our ideals, I've not got it in for anyone, I just want to keep our identity, allowing people to come here, not learn the language and then provide translators at UK cost for them is stupid beyond all, if I go to Egypt and expect them to do the same for me I'd be laughed out of the place, if you desire to setup your roots in a country then its just decent that you become a part of that country.

We being stupid allow it to not happen by being the ever so polite Brit, we really have to address that fault we have, its taken advantage of day in day out.

Its nice to see you spoke with one of the Imams, the common thought of them being screaming non english speaking beheaders isn't true, 99% of the good ones are normal folk born in the area and despise the radicals just as much if not more than us as they are piggy backing on their religion but doing nothing that's correct in the book and give them a hard time.

I'm of no religion myself, its the way that works for me, had enough of that in Belfast..

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

Labour tried that for years or they stuck their heads in the sand, hoping the problem would resolve itself. If anything I would say that the problem has increased in recent years.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

Ahh but nowadays if you speak out you are either classed as a racist or a bigot. So your dammed if you do and your dammed if you don't say anything.

We the public cannot win either way.

I will ask this question however, It might ruffle a few feathers.

Who is worse, the BNP or the Anti Fascist Coalition. who has some extremists within its group also.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by JasonT

Yes there should be some form of control from ALL countries, not just Europe. It should be based on a points system like they have in Aus and Canada etc. There is no denying that people are annoyed about it, but not everyone wants to throw people out of the country into their old way of life.

There are children and women at stake when you do that...i don't know about you but i couldn't refuse to help a child, i sure as hell wouldn't throw them back to the crappy country they came from.

What i would consider is immediately implementing a points system that allowed anyone from any country in the world to live in the UK (without benefit entitlement, except NHS cover) provided the reached the points threshold. This should be based on qualifications, criminal record, financial status, current UK family etc.

Yes the country is in a bit of a mess, but you have to remember that having "these foreigners" generates money for the UK, throwing them out isn't going to solve this economical issue we are in, its extremely naive and ignorant to think it will.

Sort out the corruption, the illegal wars, the evil bankers, the dodgy politicians first, then there will be improvement...

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:44 AM

I often attend my local Western Union to top up my pay as you go debit card, what I see in front of me are people not born here sending thousands and thousands home to their countries, I have no clue what the total is of the money going out from places like these but I bet its in no way helpful to the UK economy, we are not talking about sending 25 quid home to your family in Pakistan, we are talking umpteen thousands going out of the country to be converted into homes etc at the loss to the British economy, its taking advantage of the strong pound and weakening us here.

What are you talking about? Firstly, sending money out of the country actually generates money for the exporting country and secondly, all these "foreigners" spend money in this country that would otherwise not be seem to be forgetting that "they" are shaping this country as much as you are...

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:48 AM
I don't get the big downer on Polish workers, as said the only issue I have with them is that all the money bar basics is sent home to Poland which isn't good for the UK, we kind of hoped they would spend it with UK companies therefore continuing the economy.

Many people scream about them stealing jobs, while I promote the idea of British workers first I have to say it often comes down to their application, I used amongst many things did contract site work for a little while, the Polish and Eastern euro's were sometimes preferred because they gave you 110% work, no spending 2 hrs in the cafe for brekky, no 2 more hrs in the pub at lunchtime, they took the proper breaks and worked their backsides off.

You ask and employer which person they would prefer to do the work and its often a clear choice.

Sorry lads, its times like now you have to compete for the work, if you are willing to give it the same drive then you WILL get work.

The days of a job for life are long gone, you want the work then work harder than them.

It made me laugh once, one of my mates was dead keen on a Polish girl but this girl would only go out with other Poles, he asked here why, she said its because you don't work as hard as a Pole to bring in the cash.

I often think of this like online buying, many Brits buy online (going to the shops in Oxford Street is too dangerous) because getting it from the US or Australia is cheaper, the same applies to the Polish builders, they will work just as hard for less. What we need to do is make buying for us Brits comparable to what it costs from these other places, the times of paying the exact same figure in pounds as it was in dollars and knowing their quality and level of spending makes those items as cheap to them as they seem to us is annoying, so yes the UK's businesses do lose out but its not because we prefer abroad, its simply the cheapest way.

If the same value was here we would buy from here, its less hassle....

Same with the workers, do the same job as them, accept its tight out there and most employers would employ a brit.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by something wicked

Yes but they did get council seats...still a position of power.

Fair do's, but they lost almost all of the ones they had previously gained. I think that was a mixture of their original win being more of a protest vote coupled with their complete lack of any actual ideas to benefit the community when they were in council.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by something wicked

I do agree with you, it was a protest vote for many, lets not do that again

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by Laurauk

Actually is with the recent hacking scandal involving the news of the world. Guardian journalists vowed to go to jail rather than revealing their sources.

Once again, that depends on the situation. The Editors Code of Conduct has specific criteria for when a journalist should ethically reveal a source. One of the main points of the Leveson inquiry is that there isn't an effective regulatory body to watch over newspapers, apart from the limited powers of the PCC.

There is also whole public interest debate - when does the public interest over-ride that of the individual who wishes to remain anonymous?

However, the media would not function if every journalist kept every single source anonymous. It is only done in certain circumstances. This does not seem to be about protection of anonymity but perhaps a questionable source, or lazy journalism not bothering to identify where information was sourced from.

So yes it is true and the British Newspaper media have been known for keeping their sources secret.

Of course, it is done on occasion - but not always. We are discussing this specific instance. MPs are legally protected by Absolute Privilege anyway, so if a decision is made in parliament there obviously won't be legal repercussions for what is said and done - especially if it falls in line with the law.

I find it funny though, alot in England want polish workers etc out, but Scotland is embracing them. One wonder what is up with that lol

That is a social issue, many English are annoyed that they are unemployed when Polish workers are able to find work. This is often because they're willing to work harder for lower wages, but its still an issue of contention. I don't know about Scotland.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by Laurauk
reply to post by Mclaneinc

Ahh but nowadays if you speak out you are either classed as a racist or a bigot. So your dammed if you do and your dammed if you don't say anything.

We the public cannot win either way.

I will ask this question however, It might ruffle a few feathers.

Who is worse, the BNP or the Anti Fascist Coalition. who has some extremists within its group also.

I'm ashamed at this countries ability to blame the born and bred, asking them to bend their ways or be called names, its simply a disgusting notion sadly created by those in power. This idea that Brits must be ultra polite in the face of adversity is foul........

I personally challenge anyone who dares to call me racist or a bigot, I dare them to prove it, I'll let them hang themselves in a bid to label me because what I say is neither of those terms and it makes me sorry for those people who have been brainwashed into daring to accuse people like me of it.

If they are that stupid then they should shut their mouths, as my mother said, if you have nothing worth saying then say nothing.

As for the question, well both are non starters, any group must work on logic, intelligence, listening to the people and sanity.

The second there's an extremist involved there's a massive chance of a toppling tower effect, it all sounds great and then blam, some stupid policy, some crashingly daft statement that reduces the group to tatters.

The BNP itself has too many issues to address as does the EDL, both refuse to remove their Nazi lovers, both refuse to remove their hooligans, its no good sitting on a megaphone giving out a profound political spiel only for the ranks behind you to scream "Paki's out".

If the EDL cleaned up its act, got someone who's more intellectual than the present bloke then people might listen to them but to know a large part of the group is made up of football hooligans (where it started from) and charmers who like to stand around doing Nazi salutes etc. Their idea of holding meeting in pubs and then featuring on TV p*ssed up and out of their skulls simply disgusts many people.

If you want to appeal to the grass roots people then talk to them more intelligently, not everyone screams racist chants and lives in the pub.

Yes they have a few valid points but the way they come across for the most part simply is a waste of time.

If you can't deal with a person of another colour working next to you then you are as much the issue, if you don't like paying taxes into a scheme that allows people with no wish to work to come to this floundering country and just collect benefits then that's a different matter all round.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by arollingstone

With regards to the Guardian Journalist refusing to give up their Source. The Police tried to use the Official Secrets Act to obtain the information, this was dropped however, as it was an infringement on the freedom of the press. So they are obstacles in the way to stop the law from obtaining the source of a story.

With regards to the social issues in England it is not just polish workers though who are being targeted is mostly all those who come here illegally and are given citizenship and houses and benefits to live of the state while the rest of the population in the UK suffer. Refugees or illegals are given priority than the homeless individual who sleeps rough on the street that is where the problem stems from.

Social issues in Scotland, the Government up there are mostly concentrating their resources to rid the country of sectarianism, not the influx off European worker.s
edit on 29-12-2011 by Laurauk because: (no reason given)

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