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Disappearing People

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posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 10:41 AM
I try to link you this crazy stuff I read.. If even some of it is true its sick! GOVERNMENT, DISAPPEARINGS, DRUGS..

Its some heavy reading, but I hope you find it as interesting as I did

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
1)it is a fact that there is a black market for organs and body parts.
2)it is a fact that there are sex slavery rings.
3)ritual killings, serial murders, experimentation...all are fact.

I also personally believe that human experimentation is far more widespread than most people imagine...

I agree with this all of this. There are a lot of sick people in this world.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by -Blackout-
Where are these people going? What is happening to them? Who is kidnapping them? And why?

Does anyone have any theories?

Lots of them are hiding from their debts. It's a global crisis...

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by -Blackout-
This whole topic is a grisly one to discuss and delve into.

My theory is that there is a worldwide network of people who go on kidnapping sprees and kidnap people and take them to some remote area and butcher them for parts and they take the re-usable parts from the body and sell them to black markets and crooked Hospitals.

The most likely targets would be tourists. These networks probably have people stationed at random airports at all hours of the day.

What are some of your theories?

Does anyone here believe that the Military or even the Government could be involved in this?

This reminded me of the movie 'Hostel'. Well the tourist part anyhow

Interesting thread, I hope it is along the ET lines someone mentioned but OP wasn't after a discussion on that.

Perhaps it is just unsolved murders are much more frequent than the police/authorities like us to believe?

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 02:32 PM
There is a BIG underground market for organs, which is exploited by Mafia-type groups. However, I don't think these groups snatch random people off the street to get their organs (it's too big of a risk) - they have "links" (intimidation and bribes) to funeral parlours, morgues etc where they take organs from recently deceased bodies. I know for a fact that this happens in Russia and I'm sure it happens in lots of other countries too.

Most common factors for disappearing people IMO:

Drugs - people get in a bad situation with drugs and end up dying in some crackhouse somewhere where nobody knows who they are and where they came from.

Sex trade - girls get snatched, forced to take drugs so they're hooked and then sold into the sex trade. I doubt this is very common in countries like the US, but in the 3rd world it's definitely a big problem.

Suicides - people suffering depression/other mental issues etc jump off a bridge or walk into the sea and are never seen again.

Problems at home etc - sometimes people just want a fresh start, leave everything behind and never look back. It may seem totally out of character, the families left behind may seem distraught etc but you never truly know what goes on behind closed doors and what's going through people's heads.

Murders - either people get involved with the "wrong crowd" or they are just in the wrong place at the wrong time and their body is never found. I like to THINK that this is quite rare but who knows?

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
reply to post by -Blackout-

Disapointing link

"Sarah Lang and her father never existed at all."

"Picnic at Hanging Rock is a work of Fiction."

"it's still a mystery how a science fiction story became an unsolved mystery and how the title character suddenly became Oliver Lerch/Larch."

Pity that

My favorite one...
An individual that vanishes is one thing, but how about an entire village of 2,000 men, women and children? In November, 1930, a fur trapper named Joe Labelle made his way on snow shoes to an Eskimo village on the shores of Lake Anjikuni in northern Canada. Labelle was familiar with the village, which he knew as a thriving fishing community of about 2,000 residents. When he arrived, however, the village was deserted. All of the huts and storehouses were vacant. He found one smoldering fire on which there was a pot of blackened stew. Labelle notified the authorities and an investigation was begun, and which turned up some bizarre findings: no footprints of any of the residents were found, if they had vacated the village; all of the Eskimos’ sled dogs were found buried under a 12-foot-high snow drift – they had all starved to death; all of the Eskimos’ food and provisions were found undisturbed in their huts. And there was one last unnerving discovery: the Eskimos’ ancestral graves had been emptied.

more here

A more recent one...
edit on 23-12-2011 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:30 PM
People disappear all over the world. Activist lawyers in Thailand, for tactical reasons to scare the public like in Guatemala, and other cases.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:50 PM
In those Arab countries you can get a lot of money for a good looking Blonde or Redhead.
There was a story I read years ago about this fine Redhead was kidnapped and sold in Saudia Arabia. At first she was with a Prince and as they tired of her she was sold down the ladder to less inportant people. Fially she was sold to a farmer, whom she was able to run away from and got back to a country that she was free.
I saw a picture of her she was still pretty hot.

Another thing people don't know but some of the strip cubs, also keep sex slave in the basement. They busted one in the area i live in and I have read about a couple more. It's that white slave thing sex.
One real fox went missing in the next city over and the cops thought she was shipped off to one of those Arab countries, they never found her.

They do that in Japan also the pervess, they trick American and Korean women into coming there and thenwon't let them leave. Over there if you don't have pure Japanes Blood line you are not nothing.
edit on 23-12-2011 by googolplex because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:58 PM
Human trafficking is a HUGE business internationally. Bigger than the illegal arms trade, I believe. It's sick, but the "owners" of these children and others will do anything for a cheap buck.

edit on 23-12-2011 by wWizard because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by -Blackout-

I live in Washington state....and for around the last 6 months...there have been a lot of women and children that have gone missing from Washington. I just hope and pray that they are found.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 05:10 PM
In about 2 and a half years theres gonna be a whole lot. Some of them will be right in front of your very eyes. One second theyre there and the next your staring at no one and scratching your head wondering what the hell. This phenomena will happen worldwide to the point that it will make the news and it will scare alot of people and the nations of the world will entertain UFO abductions on worldwide news networks at a rate that is impossible.

Then a call will go out to create a one world order for planetary defense and the call will go out to people of every nation to defend the planet earth from invaders from space. Were already being conditioned for this event in movie theatres all across the world by hollywood and by television networks like NBC and TNT. Some of you know what i am talking about, if you do then you better prepare yourself and heed the warnings we're being given these first 3 and a half years because this is the only warning he is going to give you. Your last chance.
edit on 23-12-2011 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by CharonIncarnate

I had never heard of Dulce so I spent most of my afternoon researching it.
sounds real, sounds sick.
found a thread on here from 2004, pretty, well, wierd. thought provoking for sure.

I did not finish all the pages of it but I wonder how the mod got his info? almost sounded like he was acquiring it through remote viewing?

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by -Blackout-

try 'Fema camps, & yes, govt WOULD do that. If they can outlaw posse comitatus, & trounce on the Bill of rights, & the Constitution, introduce an indefinite detention bill for 'terrorists', ie those who have more than 7 days of food, leave it's people starving while it haggles to buy Lybia's missiles, spray us like bugs with chemtrails, put toxic waste-grade fluoride in our water, then they are no longer working for the good of the people, & clearly would have no qualms about making people 'disappear'. Find your nearest FEMA camp, sneak around, & You will probably find a few of them...

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by -Blackout-

I've wondered this since two friends from school went missing on December 26th 1996. Their brand new bicycles were left behind I think but no trace of them at all.

Even psychics have got in on the act and one saw a cross, a particular building in the neighbouring town and a known pedophile who is serving time currently for other crimes but nothing conclusive to finding out what happened to them.

They were only 11 and 13 at the time of their disappearance too.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
In about 2 and a half years theres gonna be a whole lot. Some of them will be right in front of your very eyes. One second theyre there and the next your staring at no one and scratching your head wondering what the hell. This phenomena will happen worldwide to the point that it will make the news and it will scare alot of people and the nations of the world will entertain UFO abductions on worldwide news networks at a rate that is impossible.

Then a call will go out to create a one world order for planetary defense and the call will go out to people of every nation to defend the planet earth from invaders from space. Were already being conditioned for this event in movie theatres all across the world by hollywood and by television networks like NBC and TNT. Some of you know what i am talking about, if you do then you better prepare yourself and heed the warnings we're being given these first 3 and a half years because this is the only warning he is going to give you. Your last chance.
edit on 23-12-2011 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

F.Y.I - Project blue beam.
You sure did nail that mate.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by WeekendWarrior

Wow, that is disturbing.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by freedomSlave
Maybe some got fed up with society and fled to the bushes. Some perhaps killed, abducted for experiment or satanic sacrifice. Some could of went in the middle of know where to kill themselves. Maybe some are in some downtown addicted crack and to ashamed to have any contact. Some might of changed their names and wanted to start a new life. Some maybe teleported somewhere else in the universe or time. Or spontaneous human combustion. Anything and everything can happen to missing people.

I need some stats on this. I want to see what percentage of the population (broken down by gender, age and race) of the U.S., U.K. Canada, Mexico, Spain, France, etc. goes missing each year. I think if we had those data points we could more easily eliminate some speculation.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by banishedfromthisarea

I think if we had the actual stats, we'd be shocked and appalled.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:08 PM
Didnt read thru the whole thread, but could be as you said some group going on kidnapping sprees maybe for parts (but, they could always find parts in war) or it could be for the penny factories and whore shops.

I've also heard them tied to the cult. The need of virgins for sacrifice, maybe some religous ties.

I should also add that it could be as South American Indians and North American Indians have said that people are just leaving everything behind in search of themselves. Learn from the ancient tribes etc.

I know I have given thought to just leaving everything behind once or twice..
edit on 23-12-2011 by ImmortalThought because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 09:13 PM
there was the pig farmer "pickton" in british columbia canada.
I think they found dna for 30 or more women.
some think there were others involved other than just him.
edit on 23-12-2011 by tired because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-12-2011 by tired because: (no reason given)

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